DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1382: Hong Family

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ Loves pen building] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[爱笔楼]https://最快更新!无广告! " Are you agree with and me in the same place? " Xu Ran holds Han Xue in the bosom, both arms tight is surrounding her tender body. 「那你是同意和我在一起咯?」徐然一把将韩雪抱在怀里,双臂紧紧的环抱着她的娇躯。 Compared with the Xu Ran generous body, Han Xue gentle and charming looks like a small kitty. 徐然宽厚的身体相比,韩雪娇柔的就像是一只小猫咪。 " Elder sister what to do? " Han Xue blew Xu Ran one, without rejection, obviously default. 「那姐姐怎么办?」韩雪刮了徐然一眼,没有拒绝,显然是默认了。 Once, Hong Family also wants to let her and Han Yue with marrying Hong Chen. However now, made Xu Ran take such big advantage. 曾经,洪家也是想让她和韩月同嫁给洪辰。不过现在,却让徐然占了这么大的便宜。 " Naturally is also in the same place. Do you also want to make me abandon your older sister? " 「当然是也在一起啊。难道你还想让我把你姐姐抛弃啊?」 " You, if dares to abandon the elder sister, I paid no attention to you again. " Han Xue felt relieved. If Xu Ran really makes that matter to come, she will be will not approve Xu Ran's absolutely again. If Xu Ran abandons others, that will also abandon her one day. 「你要是敢抛弃姐姐,我就再不理你了。」韩雪放下心来。如果徐然真的做出那种事情来,她是绝对不会再认可徐然的。如果徐然抛弃别人,那总有一天也会抛弃她。 However Han Xue felt somewhat unbearably angry. With Xu Ran in the together words, must with these elder sisters live together. In the Han Xue mind fantasized again see the person to call elder sister's scene, immediately stirs up on rise goose fleshes to come out. 不过韩雪还是感觉有些气不过。和徐然在一起的话,就必须要和那些姐姐们生活在一起。韩雪再脑海里幻想了一下自己见人就叫姐姐的场景,顿时激起身上一片鸡皮疙瘩出来。 " Your this big bastard, I bites you. " 「你这个大坏蛋,我咬你。」 white/shell tooth deep falls into the Xu Ran's skin, Han Xue has not been forgiving. 贝齿深深的陷入徐然的皮肤,韩雪没有留情。 " Bites, even if you bite to death me, I will not drop. " A stance of Xu Ran dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. 「咬吧,就算你咬死我,我也不会放手。」徐然一副死猪不怕开水烫的姿态。 " Your this bastard, do you have to like me? I always suspected you truly do not have liked me. " Han Xue deep looks at the Xu Ran's eye, is somewhat terrified. 「你这个坏蛋,你到底有没有喜欢过我?我总怀疑你没有真正的喜欢过我。」韩雪深深的看着徐然的眼睛,有些惶恐。 Time that oneself and Xu Ran are acquainted also shortly, but during this, had such many matters, even if complies with Xu Ran to be now her heart is chaotic. 自己和徐然相识的时间也不久,而这期间还发生了这么多事,即使现在答应了徐然可是她的心还是乱的。 " Naturally liked. My darling Xue'er. " 「当然喜欢了。我的宝贝雪儿。」 Xu Ran is kissing on the Han Xue tender and delicate face, has a being unable to put down feeling. 徐然韩雪娇嫩的脸上亲吻着,有种爱不释手的感觉。 " Are you loving so many people simultaneously? " Han Xue angrily. 「那你同时爱着这么多人吗?」韩雪气鼓鼓的。 " I do not like some day being able to regret. I am afraid the regrettable time will have the void feeling. " 「我只是不喜欢有朝一日会遗憾。我害怕遗憾的时候会产生空虚的感觉。」 His strength unmatched in the world, in this world has no thing to threaten his existence. Dou Di came is not good. 他的实力已经天下无敌了,这个世界上已经没有什么东西能够威胁到他的存在了。斗帝来了都不行。 Can let the thing that Xu Ran is afraid, 能够让徐然害怕的东西, Only possibly is psychologically. 只可能是心理上的。 Therefore, once likes facing oneself, he will not give up. 所以,一旦遇到自己喜欢的,他都不会放弃。 Otherwise waits till years later, in his mind flashes through certain fragments suddenly, is moved by the scenery to recollect old feelings and emotions, what to do regretted? If not take them, oneself will always regret. 不然等到若干年后,他的脑海里突然闪过某些片段,触景生情,后悔了怎么办?如果不把她们都弄到手中,自己总是会后悔的。 Therefore he rather, he do not want to understand the feeling of that regret selfishly. 所以他宁愿自己自私一点,他都不想体会那种后悔的感觉。 " Good. I forgave you. " 「好吧。那我原谅你了。」 Han Xue somewhat loves dearly. 韩雪有些心疼起来。 She has not understood Xu Ran is what meaning, but felt lonely from Xu Ran's. Although Xu Ran is hugging her here, may make her feel that oneself leaves Xu Ran is quite far. 她还是没有明白徐然是什么意思,只是从徐然的身上感受到了一种孤独。虽然徐然就在这里抱着她,可却让她感觉自己离徐然好远。 As if, the next quarter must lose Xu Ran. 似乎,自己下一刻就要失去徐然了。 Han Xue does not want to continue in this topic, terminated this topic hastily. 韩雪不想在这个话题上继续下去,连忙终止了这个话题。 What to do do the men make mistakes? Naturally is the choice forgives him. 男人犯了错怎么办?当然是选择原谅他。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The pressure of Dou Ancestor rank wells up like surging tides. 斗宗级别的威压如潮水般涌过来。 That pressure, comes toward Han Family obviously. 那威压,显然是朝着韩家而来的。 In this day north city, has this Dou Ancestor powerhouse, only had Hong Family. But the news that Hong Chen these people encountered difficulty, the Hong Family estimate has known. After all is a side big influence, the basic news is very quick. 在这天北城,有这种斗宗强者的,只有洪家了。而洪辰这些人遇难的消息,洪家估计已经知晓了。毕竟是一方大势力,基本的消息还是十分灵通的。 The entire day north city vibrated at this time. 整个天北城这时候都震动了。 Matter that Hong Family and Han Family do not gather, almost day north city as we all know. Moreover the Hong Family influence also compared with Han Family even better, Hong Chen covet Han Family two beautiful sisters this is the well-known matter. 洪家韩家不合的事情,几乎天北城所有人都知道。而且洪家的势力还要比韩家更胜一筹,洪辰觊觎韩家的姐妹花这已经是人尽皆知的事情。 But Hong Family, although wants to rout Han Family is not matter easily. 洪家虽强想要击溃韩家也不是轻易的事情。 Only if there is overwhelming strength, otherwise two phase difference not big influence basically not possible large-scale fighting. Otherwise is kills the enemy 1000 to damage 800. 除非是拥有压倒性的实力,不然两个相差不大的势力基本不可能大规模的打斗。否则就是杀敌一千自损八百。 Although Hong Family is strong, so many years do not dare to compel Han Family anxiously. 洪家虽强,这么多年也不敢将韩家逼急了。 But now...... 但现在…… The Han Family powerhouse almost turns out in full strength. The Dou King rank above expert aura, is almost instantaneous 韩家强者几乎倾巢出动。斗王级别以上的高手气息,几乎是瞬间 Appeared in various day of north city places. But this type of aura, at least has 70-80. 出现在了天北城各处。而这种气息,至少有着70-80处。 The expert of Dou King rank, regarding any family is mainstay existence. 斗王级别的高手,对于任何家族都是中流砥柱般的存在。 But their also sensation to Dou Emperor and Dou Ancestor aura. 而他们还感知到了斗皇斗宗的气息。 The powerful constriction made the residents in city not dare to leave the atmosphere. 强大的压迫感令得城中的居民连大气都不敢出。 Everyone realized that perhaps these two respected families in day of north city must hit. Otherwise, will not suddenly have this situation absolutely. 所有人都意识到天北城的这两大家族恐怕要打起来了。不然的话,绝对不会突然出现这种情况。 But Han Family, the summons family's powerhouses had summoned in the Han pond and other expert of under. 韩家,早就在韩池等高手的号召下将家族的强者纷纷召唤了回来。 " Hong stand, what do you mean? " 「洪立,你这是什么意思?」 The Han pond looks that outside so many expert eyelids could not bear jump jumping. The Hong Family these years strengths stronger compared with them, this they know. But they have not thought that Hong Family had saved so many experts. 韩池看着外面如此多的高手眼皮忍不住跳了跳。洪家这些年的实力比他们要强,这他们都知道。可他们没想到洪家已经积攒了这么多的高手。 If not the Han Family strength is not bad, only feared that Hong Family has wanted to destroy completely Han Family. 如果不是韩家的实力不差,只怕洪家早就想将韩家灭掉了。 If Hong Family boy Hong Chenzhen entered the wind and thunder pavilion core disciple, that is very obvious, Hong Family the linkage wind and thunder pavilion will act to Han Family. Without Xu Ran acts, their Han Family can only look helplessly the Hong Family strengthen is helpless. 如果洪家小子洪辰真的进入了风雷阁核心弟子,那很显然,洪家将会联动风雷阁对韩家出手。如果没有徐然出手的话,他们韩家只能眼睁睁的看着洪家变强而无能为力。 However now...... 不过现在…… Hong Family lost two Dou Emperor powerhouses, already massive hemorrhage. 洪家损失了两位斗皇强者,已经大出血了。 But most importantly, Hong Family these peerless talent Hong Chen died. This wanted the Hong Family short remaining life simply. 而最重要的,洪家的那些绝世天才洪辰死了。这简直是要了洪家的老命。 A peerless talent, the random family the carrying/sustaining regarding the hope that the family rose. Their these not too big nor too small families, will train the price that a talent pays to be big in the future. 一位绝世天才,对于任意家族来说都承载了家族崛起的希望。他们这些不大不小的家族,未来培养一位天才付出的代价可不小。 " What meaning am I? These words should be I ask you. " 「我是什么意思?这句话该是我问你们吧。」 " Han pond Han pond, never expected that I actually underestimated you. " Z.brgt ; 「韩池啊韩池,没想到我竟然小看了你们。」Z.brgt; Hong stand complexion is very ugly, is somewhat pale, the eye is blood red, absorbs the fearful vicious imposing manner. 洪立的脸色很难看,有些惨白,眼睛更是血红,摄出可怕凶狠的气势来。 " It seems like did you obtain the news? " The Han pond had not been that surprised with the Hong Family news net, such important matter they must know. 「看来你们得到消息了?」韩池并没有感到意外以洪家的消息网,这么重要的事情他们不可能不知道。 " Hehe. " 「呵呵。」 " My son, both elders died in your hands, how this account should we calculate? " Hong stand closely is pinching the fist. He must know that who the chief criminal is, he must tear to shreds it, making him always not probably be reincarnated. 「我的儿子,还有两位长老都死在了你们的手里,这笔账我们该怎么算?」洪立紧紧的捏着拳头。他必须要知道罪魁祸首是谁,他要将其碎尸万段,让他永世不得超生。 " If not you wants to act to Xue'er, can't be that bad? From behaving badly, cannot live. " Han Yue arrives at side the father, saying that coldly. Hong Chen this despicable villain, has not died she also to feel in her hands somewhat regrettably. 「如果不是你们想要对雪儿出手,何至于此?自作孽,不可活。」韩月走到自己父亲身边,冷冷的说道。洪辰这种卑鄙小人,没死在她的手里她还觉得有些遗憾。 However today, she can participate and in the fight of Hong Family, was not regrettable. 不过今日,她可以参与到与洪家的战斗中,也不算遗憾了。 This is doomed is the rotten wood Larke's fight, because them has Xu Ran. 这注定是朽木拉克的战斗,因为她们这边有徐然 " Han Yue? Never expected that did you come back unexpectedly? It seems like the death of Chen cannot be inseparable from you. Initially Chen liked you, since Chen got down, you also followed to give Chen to be buried along with the dead together. " Hong stand sees on the Han Yue face to show the cruel smile, in the gloomy and cold sound, is flooding killing intent. 韩月?没想到你竟然回来了?看来辰儿的死跟你脱不了干系吧。当初辰儿那么喜欢你,既然辰儿下去了,你也跟着一起去给辰儿陪葬吧。」洪立看到韩月脸上露出残忍的笑容,阴冷的声音中,充斥着杀意
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