DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1380: Deep of too falling

Calligraphy, I want to take a look at your calligraphy, to you should be not awkward?” Han Xue restored the confidence quickly. “书法,我想看看你的书法,对你来说应该不算为难吧?”韩雪很快就重振了信心。 She decided no longer and Xu Ran competition. 她决定不再和徐然比试了。 Like the Chinese chess and so on, the victory and defeat can very direct-viewing expression. Xu Ran won far exceeded on behalf of the Xu Ran's Chinese chess level in her. 像围棋之类的,胜负能够很直观的表达出来。徐然赢了就代表徐然的围棋水平远超于她了。 But other aspects are uncertain. 可其他的方面就不一定了。 Only if Xu Ran really has the shocking talent, otherwise she subjective criticism Xu Ran. 除非徐然真的有惊世的才华,不然她就主观的批评徐然 That is, 也就是, In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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