DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1373: Day north city

After Xu Ran reveals the strength, the people in motorcade, were faint within were also many to him one point of awe and worship. However they do not dare to speak with Xu Ran at will, to/clashes in these person of eyes in Han, Xu Ran this grade of powerhouse was really extremely unattainable. 徐然显露出实力之后,车队中的众人,对他也是隐隐间多了一分敬畏和崇拜。不过他们一直都不敢和徐然随意说话,在韩冲这些人眼中,徐然这等强者实在是太过高不可攀了. Xu Ran hugs the speed of Xinlan following motorcade to go forward all the way, in close to evening, a huge city outline, was the partly visible appearance in Xu Ran and the others in the fields of vision. 徐然搂着欣蓝一路上跟着车队的速度前进着,在接近傍晚的时分,一座庞大城市轮廓,便是若隐若现的出现在了徐然等人的视野之中。 Is looking at that already the city that can see, Han to rush and the others felt relieved relaxing, this was day north city that Han Family was. However what makes Xu Ran not know whether to laugh or cry, Xinlan also showed the smile of feeling relieved unexpectedly. 望着那已经可以望见的城市,韩冲等人如释重负般的松了一口气,这便是韩家所在的天北城了。不过让徐然哭笑不得的是,欣蓝竟然也露出了如释重负的笑容。 Han before them faced the life and death crisis, security going home naturally can have a being survivor of disaster feeling. Why is Xinlan this girl this? To flee him? 韩冲他们之前面临了生死危机,安全回家自然会有种劫后余生的感觉。欣蓝这妮子这是为何?就这么想逃离他? " What looks at to look? Also is not because you were too the way dissolute, my my I......, which girl can bear you is so impolite. " Xinlan sees in the Xu Ran look to reveal to tease her happy expression, immediately is discontented, has turned around to make an effort to thrash the Xu Ran's chest. 「看什么看?还不是因为你一路上太放肆了,我我我……哼,哪个女孩子受得了你这么无礼啊。」欣蓝看见徐然眼神里流露出打趣她的笑意,顿时不满起来,转过身用力捶打着徐然的胸口。 If really could not find other transportation vehicles on the road, she will definitely not choose and Xu Ran peer! 如果不是在路上实在找不到其他的交通工具了,她肯定不会选择和徐然同行的! Xu Ran this Bastard, was extremely is simply energetic. 徐然混蛋,简直是太过于精力充沛了。 Just started her not to feel to have anything, now she only feels oneself as if compared by they are riding the horse is been tired. 刚开始她还不觉得有什么,现在她只感觉自己似乎比被她们骑着的马还要累。 " . " 「噗。」 " Good all various professions. My mistake, my mistake. " 「行行行。我的错,我的错。」 Xu Ran enclasps Xinlan, a face collects toward her small face, tight rubs together. 徐然抱紧欣蓝,一张脸朝着她的小脸凑过去,紧紧的摩擦在一起。 " Rascal. Now must enter a city, you solid. " Xinlan shoves open Xu Ran hastily. With Xu Ran after together she truly opened, but is afraid to be watched her and Xu Ran by others is intimate. 「无赖。现在就要进城了,你老实点儿。」欣蓝连忙将徐然推开。和徐然在一起之后她确实是开放了许多,但还是害怕被别人观看到她和徐然亲热。 Xu Ran this child openness from different world, truly is the younger sister in this world helpless. 徐然这个来自异世界的孩子开放程度,确实是这个世界的妹子所无奈的。 But Xu Ran actually compares other most people in that world, absolutely is very conservative. He is really not opening, embraces on the street, this is not too at all open. 徐然其实相比那个世界的其他大多数人来说,绝对算是十分保守的了。他真的算不上开放,在街上搂搂抱抱,这根本不算太开放嘛。 However some probably philosophers have said that the skirt of women is shorter, explained that the social position of women is higher. 不过好像是有哲学家说过,女性群体的裙子越短,就说明女性群体的社会地位越高。 Tang seemed in vogue the low chest attire, but the later generation was a miniskirt *** anything came out. When most females wear the cool clothes not to worry that casually the mainstream world condemned was not the position greatly promotes. 盛唐似乎盛行低胸装,而后世更是超短裙***等什么什么的都出来了。当大多数女性随便穿清凉衣服也不担心社会主流谴责的时候可不是地位大大提升了吗。 " Really is the wave hoof, how I had not discovered before! " 「真是个浪蹄子,我之前怎么就没有发现呢!」 Han Yue is indignant, she has been paying attention to Xinlan and Xu Ran scatters the dog grain, envied simply quickly. 韩月愤愤不平,她一直关注着欣蓝徐然撒狗粮,简直都快羡慕死了。 If not Han Xue here, she only feared that will unable to control to overrun Xu Ran to snatch. Being jealous is the instinct of woman, although could not have gone to the situation of battle, may see that another woman and one's beloved flirt with one another Han Yue at heart to be much itchier in the front. 如果不是韩雪在这里的话,她只怕会控制不住冲过去将徐然抢回来了。吃醋是女人的天性,虽然还达不到争斗的地步,可看到另外一个女人和心上人在面前打情骂俏韩月心里就痒得慌。 But Han Xue at this time is desperate. 韩雪此时更是绝望。 She was witnessing all the way appearance that the Han Yue god god talked on endlessly, soon was simply insane. 她一路上目睹着韩月神神叨叨的样子,简直都快要疯了。 She knows that Han Yue has perished in the Xu Ran's love trap went, but has not thought unexpectedly already crazily to this situation. Appearance that is jealous, she can only hide in the corner to tremble, for fear that the Han Yue anger erupted then to injure the person on one's own side. 她知道韩月已经沉沦在徐然的爱情陷阱里去了,但也没有想到竟然已经疯狂到了这种地步。那吃醋的样子,她只能躲到角落里瑟瑟发抖,生怕韩月怒气爆发然后伤到了自己人。 She wants to spread out with Xu Ran, will not think Xu Ran again, but Han Yue has talked over Xu Ran in her ear, in the made her head all was the Xu Ran's appearance. 她本来是想和徐然拉开距离,更不会再想徐然,可韩月一直在她的耳边念叨徐然,弄的她脑袋里都全是徐然的样子了。 " I must have a look at you to have what charm but actually, can make the elder sister turn into this appearance. " Han Yue looked to lift Han Yue that the curtain screen looked out, sighed. She decided that she must clarify all these. 「我倒要看看你到底有什么魔力,能让姐姐变成这个样子。」韩月又看了看掀开帘子往外看的韩月,叹了口气。她决定自己一定要弄清楚这一切。 Although Xu Ran is long a little gracefully, the strength is also very strong, but...... 徐然虽然长得有点帅,实力也很强,但…… Good, she acknowledged that made the innumerable females infatuated on these two points sufficiently. 好吧,她承认就这两点就足以让无数女子痴迷了。 However...... she will not be absolutely superficial, because these external things like on Xu Ran. 不过……她绝对不会那么肤浅,因为这些外在的东西就喜欢上徐然 " Sir Xu Ran, we must achieve the family immediately. The Sir's to our life-saving effortses, Our group will remember for the rest of one's life. " Han to riding a horse to rush to front of Xu Ran's, respectful holding the fist in the other hand. 徐然大人,我们马上就要达到家族了。大人对我们的救命之恩,我们一行人没齿难忘。」韩冲骑着马赶到徐然的面前,恭敬的抱拳。 Although envies Xu Ran to have so lucky in love, but they 虽说羡慕徐然能够拥有如此艳福,可他们 Actually does not envy. Although these people the strength is not strong, is the personality thick crazy men, but is actually the people of being full of gratitude. 却丝毫不嫉妒。这些人虽然实力不强,都是性格粗狂的汉子,但却都是知恩图报之人。 " Does not need to be overly courteous, later we were the people on one's own side. You called my uncle to be good. " Xu Ran saying with a laugh. 「不必多礼,以后我们就是自己人了。你叫我姑爷就好了。」徐然笑呵呵的说道。 Xu Ran is so hugging other younger sister, actually also the appearance that the Han Family uncle's given name poses as also is really somewhat shameless. 徐然这般抱着别的妹子,却还以韩家姑爷的名号自居的样子还真是有些无耻。 " . " 「噗。」 The bonus is Xinlan, at this time could not bear smile to make noise. 饶是欣蓝,这时候也忍不住笑出了声。 Xu Ran spoke this saying time, if holding the hand of Han Yue, perhaps also officially. 徐然说这话的时候,如果是牵着韩月的手,或许还正式一点。 He really has not concealed oneself unfaithful/stamen, did not fear that the Han Family person makes him when the time comes. 他还真是一点儿都不掩饰自己的花心啊,也不怕韩家的人到时候闹他。 " Smiles my cruel punishment to serve again. " Xu Ran ill-humored warning. 「再笑我就大刑伺候。」徐然没好气的警告。 " Yes. Uncle. When the time comes the head of the clan will be certainly happy for your arrival. Uncle's strength is so strong, is handsome and intelligent, is happen to a match with two young ladies. " Han to excited saying, hurried to seize the chance to pat rainbow fart. Matches with two young ladies, in the good Han Xue carriage cannot hear Han to rush words again, otherwise Han Chongke on danger. 「是。姑爷。到时候族长一定会为您的到来而高兴的。姑爷的实力这么强,又是一表人才,和两位小姐正好般配。」韩冲激动的说道,又赶紧趁机拍了一顿彩虹屁。和两位小姐相配,还好韩雪再马车里听不到韩冲的话,不然韩冲可就危险了。 " Un, I felt you said very reasonable. " Xu Ran enjoys greatly. No matter , the person will enjoy the behavior of flattering, even if Xu Ran is no exception. 「嗯,我觉得你说的很有道理。」徐然大为受用。无论什么时候,人都会对拍马屁的行为十分受用,哪怕是徐然也不例外。 The Xu Ran counting on the fingers light shell, compounded drug falling with no trace to/clashes in the hand in Han, in a low voice optional say/way: " Receives the compounded drug, your strength was too weak, how is this strength also the Han Family potency? This compounded drug can help you break through Dou Emperor, this strength also the strengthen was temporarily sufficient. " 徐然屈指轻弹,一枚丹药不着痕迹的落在韩冲手中,低声随意的道:「将丹药收好,你的实力太弱了,这点实力还怎么为韩家效力?这颗丹药能够帮你突破斗皇,这点实力暂时也变强够用了。」 hears word, Han to rush body fierce trembles, in the eye appears wipes the exciting color, he stays in Dou Spirit already many years, however has not actually broken through, he knows that some high rank compounded drugs have the effect that the helping other breaks through, but that type of compounded drug is the price incomparably soaring thing, by his financial resource, how possibly to afford. 闻言,韩冲身体猛的一颤,眼中浮现一抹激动之色,他停留在斗灵已经多年,然而却迟迟未曾突破,他知道一些高阶丹药有着助人突破的奇效,但那种丹药皆是价格无比高昂之物,以他的财力,怎么可能买得起。 " Paternal aunt...... the uncle, this ritual, was too heavy. " Because excited, Han to rush eyes somewhat become flushed, trembling sound said. 「姑……姑爷,这份礼,太重了.」因为激动,韩冲眼睛有些涨红,颤声道。 Dou Emperor? mother he now Dou Emperor is not, can covet this position immediately? This is the strength that in the family these elders can have. 斗皇?尼玛他现在连斗皇都不是,就马上可以觊觎这个位置了?这可是家族里那些长老们才会拥有的实力啊。 However he thought that the uncle big probability is blowing flamboyant, even if can help him break through a small rank, he felt the day to thank. The talents of their these floor people not, break through to be very awkward now. 不过他觉得姑爷大概率是在吹牛逼,不过即使能够帮他突破一个小等级,他就感天谢地了。他们这些底层人的天赋都不算好,现在突破起来很为难。 " You thought that precious words, later cultivates well, many were Han Family gives loyalty to the line. Let me see your loyalty, after will let you, loyally obtains. " Xu Ran said lightly. The Han Family sisters' family, Xu Ran naturally also wants the stronger the better. 「你觉得珍贵的话,以后就好好修炼,多为韩家效忠就行了。让我看到你的忠心,忠诚会让你以后得到更多。」徐然淡淡说道。韩家姐妹的家族,徐然自然也希望越强越好。
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