DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1374: Han Family

" Many thanks the uncle cultivates, after my Han to rush, certainly cultivates well, deciding will not disappoint the uncle. " Han to an uncle, excited is patting the Xu Ran's horse buttocks. 「多谢姑爷栽培,我韩冲以后一定好好修炼,定不会让姑爷失望的。」韩冲一口一个姑爷,激动的拍着徐然的马屁。 However is very obvious, his coarse man is flattering the ability in this aspect to miss like this. 不过很明显,他这样的糙汉子在拍马屁这方面的能力还是差了点。 In Xu Ran and Han during the talks, the city gate mouth of distant place, transmits a horse's hoof sound suddenly, at once is rapid to direction racing plunders who they are. 徐然与韩冲谈话间,远处的城门口,突然传来一阵马蹄声响,旋即迅速对着他们所在的方向奔掠而来。 Sees this sound, Han to rush and the others, quickly get hold in the hand the weapon, however after the moment, is some people are actually sharp-eyed suddenly, the pleasant surprise said: " Is our people. " 见到这动静,韩冲等人,急忙握紧手中武器,然而片刻后,却是突然有人眼尖,惊喜道:「是我们的人。」 The hoofbeat rapid lives before the motorcade, at once the form from leaps together immediately, this person of age seems like about 20 years old high and low, a vigor attire, looks actually full of energy, the face also has several points of handsome, the slender body, seems like has an imposing appearance, when Han to rush and the others after seeing him, the brow all wrinkled the wrinkle slightly. 马蹄声在车队之前迅速顿住,旋即一道身影从马上跃下,此人年龄看上去不过二十岁上下,一身劲装,看上去倒是精神抖擞,脸庞也是有着几分英俊,修长的身子,看上去颇为气宇轩昂,不过当韩冲等人在见到他之后,眉头皆是微微皱了皱。 When the hoofbeat resounds, Han Xue also leaves from the compartment expert, the beautiful pupil is first then clenching teeth on Xu Ran and Xinlan very discontentedly, but the latter, is just likes has not actually thought general, considers only with Han to chatting. For, is for Han Yue, she this type and the behaviors of other woman show love to Xu Ran is very discontented. Even she also felt own elder sister is wronged. 在马蹄声响起时,韩雪也是从车厢内行出,美眸首先便是顿在徐然欣蓝身上咬着牙十分不满,而后者,却是恍若未觉一般,只顾着与韩冲聊天。不论是为了自己,还是为了韩月,她都对徐然这种和其他女人秀恩爱的行为十分不满。甚至她还觉得自己姐姐受了委屈。 Sees that the nipping silver tooth that she also can only be unwilling, the leaning head looked that to that the man from gets down immediately, the willow eyebrows slightly pressed. 见状,她也只能不甘的咬了咬银牙,偏头看向那从马上下来的男子,柳眉微蹙。 " Snow younger sister, are you all right? " When that man sees Han Xue, in the eye emerges the pleasant surprise immediately, steps onto quickly, quite concerned say/way. 「雪妹,你没事吧?」当那名男子见到韩雪时,眼中顿时涌现惊喜,快步走上,颇为关切的道。 " I am all right. " Han Xue returned to one at will. 「我没事。」韩雪随意的回了一句。 " Young lady, did you also come back? " The men see Han Yue, on the face show the surprised expression. Obviously, Han Yue position at home wants to be higher than Han Xue, after all is the young lady, person who accidental/surprised must inherit the family. Moreover the Han Yue talent is also extremely high, even if no Xu Ran, the Han Yue talent will still make her break through Dou Ancestor sufficiently in the future. 「大小姐,您也回来了?」男子看到韩月,脸上露出惊讶的表情。显然,韩月在家里的地位比韩雪要高很多,毕竟是大小姐,不出意外是要继承家族的人。而且韩月的天赋也是极高,就算没有徐然,韩月的天赋也足以令她未来突破斗宗 Dou Ancestor, to Han Family, is one can help the Han Family suppression ganef a generation of powerhouse. 斗宗,对韩家来说,已经是一位能够帮助韩家镇压宵小之辈的强者了。 Therefore, Han Yue regarding other Han Family young people, is they respects. 所以,韩月对于韩家其他的年轻人来说,都是他们十分敬重的。 " Un. " 「嗯。」 Han Yue nods gently. 韩月只是轻轻点了点头。 Her these year of most time cultivation in Jia Nan Academy, in many people to family did not understand. Obviously, person who this wants to try to get close, she is not the face is ripe. 她这些年大多数时间都在迦南学院修炼,对家族里的很多人都不了解。显然,这个想要套近乎的人,她也并不是很脸熟。 But at this time, Xu Ran and Xinlan also dismounted. 而这时候,徐然欣蓝也下马了。 Arrived the Han Family supreme headquarters, Xu Ran does not dare quickly again and Xinlan show love. Otherwise, causing the popular anger is not good. After all, is visits relatives, is not becomes enemies. 快到韩家的大本营了,徐然可不敢再和欣蓝秀恩爱了。不然的话,引起众怒就不好了。毕竟,是来走亲戚的,又不是来结仇的。 Xinlan is also having this intent, she tossed about unbearable, from jumped down immediately almost throws down on the ground. Comes to a stop reluctantly, the body seems very gentle and charming. Perhaps if the person of not clear situation, thinks that Xinlan is a sickness beautiful woman. 欣蓝也正有此意,她可是被折腾的够呛,从马上跳下来的时候差点就摔倒在了地上。勉强站稳,身体显得十分娇柔。若是不清楚情况的人,恐怕还会以为欣蓝是一位病美人呢。 " Yue'er. " 月儿。」 Xu Ran collecting with a laugh in the past. 徐然笑呵呵的凑过去。 " You still remember me. " Han Yue seemed like overturned the vinegar jar all of a sudden, was detonated by the Xu Ran's sound directly. However was quick her mood to restore normally. She does not want to make Xu Ran fall the face before the bystander, instead arrives at the Xu Ran's side, whatever Xu Ran hugs her in the bosom. 「你还记得我啊。」韩月像是一下子打翻了醋坛子,被徐然的声音直接引爆了。不过很快她的心情就恢复正常了。她可不想在外人面前让徐然落了面子,反而走到徐然的身边任由徐然将她抱在怀里。 " Elder sister was also too characterless. Such later will suffer a loss. " Even if Han Xue has not been in love understands. Others are working as her surface and others were intimate, finally the elder sister was also angry did not arrive not second to surrender immediately. Now regressed, later only feared that will also come across this matter. Won't such soft character, later be bullied? 「姐姐也太没骨气了。这样以后会吃亏的。」韩雪即使是没有谈过恋爱都明白。人家都当着她的面和其他人亲热了,结果姐姐还只是生气了不到不秒就立刻投降了。现在退步了,以后只怕还会遇到更多这种事情。这样软绵绵的性格,以后可不就是会被欺负吗? " Miss Han Yue, is this? " Nearby that handsome man, in seeing usually Han Yue of indifferent place person, so the daughter condition before that youth, in the heart naturally is gushes out unexpectedly wipes the envy, immediately resembles is optional smiles to ask, during that words, actually full is the envy. 韩月大小姐,这是?」一旁的那位俊朗男子,在见到平日正是冷漠处人的韩月,居然在那位青年面前如此女儿态,心中自然是涌出一抹嫉妒,当下似是随意的笑问道,那话语间,却满是嫉妒。 But Han Yue the Han Family first talent, is the beautiful woman who and Han Xue shares the honor. 韩月可是韩家第一天才,更是和韩雪齐名的美女。 Everyone was clear, Han Yue will become the Han Family head of household in the future. If married Han Yue, after that can move toward the life peak instantaneously. 谁都清楚,韩月未来将会成为韩家家主。如果娶了韩月的话,那以后就能瞬间走向人生巅峰。 In Han Family, many people think. After all, becomes Han Family authority highest person that to do by own talent simply 韩家,有不少人都是这么想的。毕竟,靠自己的天赋成为韩家权柄最高的人那简直是做 Dream. May marry the Han Yue words, seems not the day desolate talks in the night. 梦。可娶韩月的话,似乎并不是天荒夜谈。 " Han Lin, the attitude that pays attention to you to speak. This is elder sister's boyfriend, is our Han Family honored guest. " Although Han Xue is very discontented with Xu Ran, but actually does not want to look that others lash out at Xu Ran. Xu Ran is hateful, is among them the matter. Moreover Xu Ran is the Han Family benefactor, in the future they need to take advantage of Xu Ran. 「韩临,注意你说话的态度。这是姐姐的男朋友,也是我们韩家尊贵的客人。」韩雪虽然对徐然十分不满,可却不想看其他人对徐然发难。徐然再可恶,也是她们之间的事情。而且徐然韩家的恩人,未来她们都需要依仗徐然呢。 " What? Young lady you? " 「什么?大小姐你?」 Han near was silly. 韩临傻了。 Did Han Yue lead a man to come back from outside suddenly? 韩月突然从外面带了一个男人回来? " What's wrong? Do you have the opinion? " Han Yue looks at Han Lin desolately, uncomfortable say/way. 「怎么?你有意见?」韩月冷淡的看着韩临,不爽道。 " But, I just saw...... the volume probably, right, is she and his two people hugs in the same place. " Han before pointing at Xinlan. At this time he saw clearly the face of Xinlan earnestly, cannot help but envied. 「可是,我刚刚好像看到……额,对,就是她和他两个人抱在一起。」韩临指着欣蓝。这时候他才认真的看清了欣蓝的脸,不由得更加嫉妒了。 Xinlan is alchemist, makings they are even nobler and purer than Han Yue, but the appearance also is not inferior than Han Yue and Han Xue. Even if Han Yue and Han Xue sisters stand, will not prevent Xinlan to bloom her beauty. 欣蓝炼药师,身上的气质甚至比韩月她们还要高洁,而容貌也是丝毫不比韩月韩雪逊色。即使是韩月韩雪姐妹站在一起,也丝毫不会阻挡欣蓝绽放出她的美丽。 A blue long skirt, graceful moving, has the arrogant makings. Can look from the makings, the Xinlan status is not absolutely simple. 一身蓝色长裙,优雅动人,又带着凌人的气质。从气质上都能看出来,欣蓝的身份绝对不简单。 " What's the big deal? " Han Yue was more uncomfortable. She does not have the opinion to Xinlan, even their relations are very good, was the best friend of iron. After all they come Jia Nan Academy, is the Canaan Department in the Xu Ran's harem, relates the nature intimate. May eat so many dog grains all the way, her is not very naturally happy. 「那又如何?」韩月更加不爽了。她对欣蓝是没意见的,甚至她们的关系还十分不错,算是十分铁的闺蜜了。毕竟她们都是出身迦南学院,在徐然的后宫中算是同属迦南系,关系自然亲近的很。可一路上吃了这么多狗粮,她心情自然很不好。 " ? " Han near made was ignorant. Doesn't Miss Han Yue care about some person and oneself boyfriend unexpectedly is affectionate? Such natural? Should not! Difficult to be inadequate this outsider, really can be surrounded by beautiful women, enjoying happiness of having two wives? 「啊?」韩临被弄的懵了。韩月大小姐竟然不在意有人和自己的男朋友卿卿我我?这么大方的吗?不应该啊!难不成这个外来人,真的可以左拥右抱,尽享齐人之福? " Young lady, you should be clear about your status. You will become the Han Family head of household in the future. Your wedding should not decide by oneself. Moreover, even if the young lady must get married still should first to find our Han Family internal person. " The academicians rise to blush. He does not dare to speak to Han Yue, he at this moment too envied. Then doesn't the beautiful woman of Han Yue this rank, who want to marry the matter that her makes some is not possible to be described? 「大小姐,你应该清楚自己的身份吧。你未来是会成为韩家家主的。你的婚事不应该由自己一个人决定。而且,即使大小姐要嫁人也应该优先找我们韩家内部的人。」翰林涨红着脸。原本他是不敢这么对韩月说话的,不过此时此刻的他太嫉妒了。韩月这种级别的美女,谁不想和她结婚然后做一些不可描述的事情? Moreover Han Lin said also some truth. Generally somebody who the family, the women's responsible family's words, must marry the same clan is good. Otherwise married other families, later their child is not considered as Han Family, family's base industry didn't surrender something submissively? 而且韩临说的也有一些道理。一般家族,女子主管家族的话,就必须要嫁给同族的某个人才行。不然等嫁到其他家族了,以后她们的孩子就不算是韩家的了,那家族的基业不就是拱手让人了?
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