DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1372: The wind and thunder pavilion, is not anything

" Right elder sister. Hong Chen is the disciple in wind and thunder pavilion, but also was regarded as important by a wind and thunder pavilion powerful elder. Now Hong does Chen die in our hands, when the time comes what to do the wind and thunder pavilion lashes out at us? " 「对了姐姐。洪辰是风雷阁的弟子,还被风雷阁一位位高权重的长老看重了。现在洪辰死在我们手里,到时候风雷阁对我们发难怎么办?」 " Wind and thunder pavilion we did not fear, has Xu Ran , the wind and thunder pavilion came also only to bring about own destruction. I also feared that they do not come. " In Central Plains, even is Hall of Souls by half-dead of Lane Xu Ran, what a wind and thunder pavilion? She looks forward to the wind and thunder pavilion to ask them to trouble for Hong Chenlai, such happen to makes the world have a look at their Han Family is not good to bully now. 「风雷阁咱也不怕,有徐然在,风雷阁来了也只能是自寻死路。我还怕他们不来呢。」在中州,连魂殿都被徐然的半死不活,一个风雷阁算什么?她巴不得风雷阁为了洪辰来找她们麻烦呢,那样正好让世人看看她们韩家现在绝不是好欺负的。 " ? Doesn't Xu Ran same come from Jia Nan Academy with you? Moreover does he seem like from the northwest mainland? Did he deceive me? " Han Xue hear of Han Yue do not care the wind and thunder pavilion, is startled. 「啊?徐然不是和你一样来自迦南学院吗?而且他好像是从西北大陆来的?难道他又骗我了?」韩雪韩月将风雷阁都不放在心上了,大吃一惊。 That is the wind and thunder pavilion! 那可是风雷阁啊! The wind and thunder pavilion is not Hong Family can compare, that is a colossus! 风雷阁可不是洪家能比的,那是一个庞然大物! Can the wind and thunder pavilion also reduce and solve with ease? 风雷阁也能轻松化解? " He has not deceived you. However his strength is very strong, compared with wants powerful many that you imagine. " Han Yue smart-alecky blinking. Can Dou Di, not be strong? 「他没有骗你。不过他的实力很强,比你想象的还要强大的多。」韩月俏皮的眨了眨眼睛。斗帝,能不强吗? " Real false? Pavilion of Xu Ran compared with wind and thunder pavilion Lord also strong? " Han Xue was silly. Xu Ran is very strong, but her not clear Xu Ran strong. She knows that Xu Ran at least is Dou Ancestor, has not thought Xu Ran has been in that degree. 「真的假的?难道徐然比风雷阁的阁主还强?」韩雪傻了。徐然很强,可她也不清楚徐然到底有多强。她知道徐然至少是斗宗,可没想到徐然已经到那种程度了。 " Naturally. Otherwise does your older sister I dare to speak this boast? Your older sister is intelligent. " Han Yue is smiling, at heart is also Xu Ran's powerful very proud. His man is such invincible. 「当然了。不然你姐姐我敢说这种大话啊?你姐聪明着呢。」韩月笑盈盈的,心里也为徐然的强大十分骄傲。自己的男人就是这么无敌。 " Good , he could also be joined to you in this case. " Han Xue said low voice. Can not pay attention to Dou Venerate, the powerhouse, even is so loose a point is still acceptable. She even again naive, was still clear that the elder sister can be with a powerhouse of this rank matched good, even if opposite party lasciviously, but the merit of opposite party can also counter-balance his some shortcomings. However she did not feel own elder sister now intelligent, before naturally was smart, after may fall in love with a person, did not have the brain on the chest greatly. 「好吧,这样的话,他也配得上你了。」韩雪小声说道。连斗尊都可以不放在眼里,如此强者,就算风流一点也是可以接受的。她就算再天真,也清楚自己姐姐能和一位这种级别的强者在一起算得上是良配了,纵使对方好色一点,可对方的优点也能抵消掉他的一些缺点。不过她不觉得自己姐姐现在有多聪明,以前自然是聪明伶俐的,可爱上一个人之后就胸大无脑了。 Two sisters have not then continued to discuss about the Xu Ran's topic actually, although Han Yue has a mind wish to make Han Xue know about Xu Ran are more, but Han Yue must open the mouth to be broken by Han Xue each time, Han Yue also can only give up. 两姐妹接下来倒是没有继续讨论关于徐然的话题了,韩月虽然有心想要让韩雪徐然了解更多,可每次韩月要开口都被韩雪打断,韩月也只能作罢。 Han Xue is also very complex to the Xu Ran's thoughts. Just lived to cut off by oneself to the Xu Ran's love. Even if tells itself at heart unceasingly that is own brother-in-law may in the mind actually unceasing appeared Xu Ran suddenly to appear rescued her scene. 韩雪徐然的心思也十分复杂。对徐然的爱情才刚刚生出来就被自己生生掐断。即使心里不断告诉自己那是自己的姐夫可脑海里却总是不断的浮现出徐然突然出现救了她的场景。 She is very contradictory. 她心里很矛盾。 Moreover she also understands, can be full of praise by own elder sister violates the starry eyed man even, is absolutely impossible is too bad. Xu Ran waved to kill three Dou Emperor, then killed Hong Chen at will, so talent even in Central Plains top. 而且她也明白,能够让自己姐姐赞不绝口甚至于犯花痴的男人,绝对不可能太差。徐然挥手间杀了三位斗皇,而后又随意杀死洪辰,如此天才就算是在中州都是顶级的。 She does not want to understand too many about the Xu Ran's matter , is afraid itself also to fall into, when the time comes will affect their sisters' sentiments. But cuts off while the sentiment that the present will just sprout, is the most sane approach. 她不想了解太多关于徐然的事情,也是害怕自己也陷入进去,到时候会影响到她们姐妹的感情。而趁着现在就将刚刚萌生出来的感情掐断,是自己最理智的做法。 Han Xue at this moment, but also thinks oneself like Xu Ran letting Han Yue and she quarrels, therefore absolutely does not have that aspect to think. 此刻的韩雪,还以为自己喜欢上徐然会让韩月和她反目,所以根本就没有那方面去想。 By the evening, Han to rush they cleaned up these spoils of war, but Xu Ran and Xinlan also rode a horse to come back at this time. 到了傍晚,韩冲他们才清理完那些战利品,而徐然欣蓝这时候也乘着一匹马回来了。 " Xu Ran, does my body have not the right place, do you help me have a look? " If on Xinlan for fear that has anything to flatter cleaning up to be clean, when the time comes will lose face. 徐然,我身上有没有不对劲的地方,你帮我看看?」欣蓝生怕自己身上如果有什么媚清理干净,到时候会丢大人。 Especially Han Yue, only feared when the time comes has taken these things to taunt her. 尤其是韩月,到时候只怕会一直拿那些事情嘲讽她。 Xinlan sound somewhat light hoarse at this moment, does not know that just made anything. 欣蓝此刻的声音有些淡淡的沙哑,也不知道刚刚做了什么。 " No, completely no, you asked many, I can make you lose face before the bystander? " Helpless Xu Ran said. Same issue Xinlan asked many. 「没有,完全没有,你都问了好多遍了,我能让你在外人面前出丑吗?」徐然无奈道。同样的问题欣蓝都问了好多遍了。 He is not these exhibitionism, likes the wife exposing anything, will also feel by this situation very excitedly. 他又不是那些暴露癖,就喜欢自己老婆暴露些什么,还会以这种情况感到十分激动。 " Yo. Gave up? " 「哟。舍得回来了?」 Han Xue stands by the carriage of fixing, is cold the face to say. 韩雪站在修好的马车旁,冷着脸说道。 Sees Xu Ran and Xinlan your Nong my Nong, while rides, the appearance of flirt, she is very unhappy. 看到徐然欣蓝你侬我侬,共乘一骑,打情骂俏的样子,她心里十分不开心。 Also does not know that defends against injustice for Han Yue, oneself were jealous. 也不知道是为韩月打抱不平,还是自己吃醋了。 " This big sexual harasser, 「这个大色狼, Really is not the good thing. They for a long time do not have the trace, only feared that was does the certain matters of drifting along. " In the Han Xue head the brain made up some children not suitable matters again, the mood became worse. 果然不是什么好东西。他们这么久都没有踪影,只怕是去做某些苟且之事了。」韩雪再脑袋里脑补出了一些少儿不宜之事,心情变得更差了。 Are these two people, so unbearably anxious? 这两个人,就这么急不可耐吗? In outside, but also acts in a self-serving manner! 就在外面,还这么为所欲为! Originally the impression of Han Xue to Xinlan is good, now is to fill to be hostile. Naturally, she has also thought elder sister Han Yue and Xu Ran in the same place are also...... she believe the elder sister will not make that matter to come out. 本来韩雪欣蓝的观感还蛮好的,现在则是充满敌视。当然,她也想过姐姐韩月徐然在一起的时候是不是也是这么……她相信姐姐绝不会做出那种事情出来。 " I am also your savior, treats the benefactor? " Xu Ran coughs lightly. 「我好歹也是你的救命恩人,就是这么对待恩人的吗?」徐然轻咳一声。 " Snort. " On Han Xue face one red, light snort/hum, returned to the carriage to come up immediately. In any event Xu Ran saved her real, if Xu Ran has not caught up, she falls to Hong Chen's hand when the time comes absolutely does not have the fruit to eat. Hong Chen has been coveting her body, was invaded by Hong Chen, obviously is the most painful matter. 「哼。」韩雪脸上一红,轻哼一声,就马上回到马车上去了。无论如何徐然救了她是真的,如果徐然没有赶过来的话,她到时候落到洪辰的手里绝对没好果子吃。洪辰可是一直觊觎着她的身体,被洪辰侵占,显然是最痛苦的事。 However regarding Xu Ran this big sexual harasser, she is also very discontented. 不过对于徐然这个大色狼,她也十分不满。 Had the elder sister, actually sexually harassed itself obviously is not a good thing. 都有自己姐姐了,却调戏自己明显就不是个好东西。 She even suspected that Xu Ran wants pair of anything. 她甚至怀疑徐然是想要双什么的。 " Sir Xu Ran, we finished, can start off. " Han to cracks into a smile to Xu Ran. Regarding this new Han Family uncle, he does not dare to neglect. Especially they also worship to Xu Ran, gratitude. 徐然大人,我们忙完了,可以上路了。」韩冲冲着徐然咧嘴一笑。对于这位新来的韩家姑爷,他可不敢怠慢。尤其是他们对徐然还十分崇拜,感激。 " Walks. " Xu Ran nods. He does not know own how long has not ridden a horse. However some beautiful women in the bosom, the opportunity of so good profiting he naturally cannot miss. Really, Xinlan and Xu Ran in was so together long, now can also ride a horse with him. " Han Yue lies by carriage that window curtains looks that Xu Ran is embracing the slender waist of Xinlan the appearance that from behind progresses to gallop, cannot help but envied. 「走吧。」徐然点了点头。他也不知道自己多久没骑过马了。不过有佳人在怀,如此好的占便宜的机会他自然不会错过。真是的,欣蓝都和徐然在一起那么久了,现在还能和他一起骑马。」韩月趴在马车那窗帘旁看着徐然从后面揽着欣蓝的纤细腰肢策马奔腾的样子,不由得嫉妒了。 The so rich in poetic and artistic flavor picture was she once fantasized matter. 如此诗情画意的画面是她曾经都幻想不已的事情。 Xinlan soft by the Xu Ran's chest, the appearance that the whole body lies softly, was makes Han Yue be jealous. Obviously, Xinlan now is very joyful. 欣蓝软软的靠在徐然的胸膛上,浑身软趴趴的样子,更是让韩月吃醋了。很显而易见,欣蓝现在很快乐。 " . " 「咳咳。」 Han Xue hears Han Yue that boldly, but the hidden bitterness words, almost make a false step from the carriage fall. 韩雪听到韩月那大胆而幽怨的话语,差点一脚踩空从马车上掉下来。 This really the words that said from her elder sister mouth? My God? What did Jia Nan Academy teach her elder sister? Why will her elder sister turn into now this fearful appearance? 这真的是从她姐姐口中说出来的话吗?我的天?迦南学院到底教了她姐姐什么啊?为什么她姐姐会变成现在这种可怕的样子? That envy, is jealous, the resentment soars to the heavens also very starry eyed appearance, was makes the Han Xue goosebumps get up simply. 那嫉妒,吃醋,怨气冲天还十分花痴的样子,简直是让韩雪鸡皮疙瘩都起来了。 After this is falls into the love, girl's real situation? Quite fearful! 这就是陷入爱情之后女孩子的真实状况吗?好可怕!
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