DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1371: By elder sister and family selling

" Elder sister, were you insane? " 「姐姐,你疯了?」 How Han Xue does not have to think own elder sister can share the same husband with others unexpectedly. This is no different than a day of desolate to talk in the night to her. 韩雪怎么都没想到自己姐姐竟然会和其他人一起分享同一个丈夫。这对她来说无异于天荒夜谈。 The Han Yue talent is in the family has been best, wants outstanding many compared with her, but she also has taken the elder sister as proudly. 韩月的天赋一直都是家族里最好的,比她要优秀的多,而她也一直以姐姐为骄傲。 But this matter she is unable to understand. 但这件事她还是无法理解。 " This color embryo, is really not the good thing. " Han Xue is unbearably angry, fierce fluctuating of chest tone, shakes. Thinks Xu Ran just that only hateful big hand still walked randomly her to be annoyed on her body. 「这个色胚,果然不是什么好东西。」韩雪气不过,胸口气的剧烈起伏,一抖一抖的。一想到徐然刚刚那只可恶的大手还在她的身上游走她就懊恼不已。 At that time, she to the Xu Ran not too big repugnance, even some favorable impressions. Otherwise, does she possibly tacitly consent to Xu Ran in her movement? At that time, she even planned heart dark permits. 当时,她对徐然并没有太大的反感,甚至还有一些好感。不然的话,她又怎么可能默许徐然在她身上的动作?当时,她甚至都打算芳心暗许了。 But who can think, Xu Ran not only has the close relations with the elder sister, even also has a leg with others. 可谁能想到,徐然不仅仅和姐姐有着亲密的关系,甚至还和其他人有一腿。 The person of unfaithful/stamen, why will the elder sister also so choose and him in the same place? Because her strength is strong enough? 如此花心的一个人,姐姐为什么还会选择和他在一起?就因为她的实力够强? " Elder sister, your truth said. You because of opposite party strength, can help our families, therefore chooses to put in great inconvenience own? " Han Xue thinks subconsciously this possibility, immediately heart painful clutched. 「姐姐,你实话说。你是不是因为对方实力强,能够帮到我们家族,所以才选择委屈自己的?」韩雪下意识的想到了这种可能,顿时心都痛的揪起来了。 " Tittered. What does your girl think blindly? In this world wants with him in the together person not to know that has many people. I can in profit with him together very much. My where has you to think is so noble. " Han Yue tittered to smile, immediately the nervousness was also reduced and solved. 「噗嗤。你这丫头瞎想什么呢?这世界上想和他在一起的人不知道有多少人。我能和他在一起就已经很占便宜了。我哪有你想的那么高贵。」韩月噗嗤一下笑出来了,顿时紧张的情绪也被化解掉了。 If trades to be any others, even if there is huge skill, will not make Han Yue so easy absolutely to submit. Extremely strong, could obtain many beautiful women with the benefit, may think obtained their concerns is not not possible. 若是换做其他任何一个人,哪怕有着天大的本事,也绝对不会让韩月这么容易屈服。实力很强,或许能够用利益得到很多佳人,可想到得到她们的心事不可能的。 Han Yue is also very proud girl, otherwise not when will threaten facing Hong Chen also receded Jia Nan Academy. If marries with Hong Family, the Han Family strength wins a yet higher goal, but oneself can also obtain a husband of talent, looks from the benefit is very cost-effective. 韩月也是很骄傲的女孩,不然的话也不会在面对洪辰威胁的时候还远走迦南学院了。若是和洪家联姻,韩家实力更胜一层楼,而自己也能得到一个天才的夫婿,从利益上看是十分划算的。 But they opposed, even loathes, can see their cognitive absolutely not simple jade simple benefit to the love. 但她们都十分反对,甚至于厌恶,就可以看出她们对爱情的认知绝对不浅显玉简单的利益。 Han Yue has thought at first wins over Xu Ran, even has also thought tries to please Xu Ran with the body. But now, with Xu Ran after together, her actually true is enjoying and Xu Ran in the together day. Without experiencing what feeling the person is unable to imagine that by far is. 韩月起初是想过拉拢徐然,甚至也想过用身体取悦徐然。可是现在,和徐然在一起之后,她却是真正的享受着和徐然在一起的日子。没有经历过的人是远远无法想象那是一种什么样的感觉的。 " Ended ended, you thoroughly have changed. " 「完了完了,你已经彻底变了。」 Han Xue sees Han Yue to think little to the Xu Ran's unfaithful/stamen slightly, suddenly concentrates to choke speechless. Initially, this elder sister has been advocating the one-to-one love. 韩雪韩月徐然的花心丝毫不以为意,一时间无语凝噎。当初,这个姐姐可是一直崇尚着一对一的爱情的。 " Certainly is Xu Ran this hateful fellow, coaxed this appearance the elder sisters unexpectedly. What, a big sexual harasser also regards the treasure unexpectedly. The elder sister such outstanding woman does not know how many people rush to want, how possibly is she to seek friendships? " Xu Ran becomes worse in Han Xue impression at heart again. Now has turned into a sex fiend in Han Xue Xu Ran at heart. 「一定是徐然这个可恶的家伙,竟然把姐姐都哄成这个样子了。什么嘛,一个大色狼竟然还当成宝。姐姐这么优秀的女人不知道多少人抢着要呢,怎么可能是她高攀?」徐然韩雪心里的印象再度变差。现在在韩雪心里徐然已经变成一个色魔了。 Normal sex maniac, even if Hong Chen such may not have the ability to affect their thought that but Xu Ran actually, thus it can be seen Xu Ran fearful!!! 正常的色鬼,哪怕是洪辰这样的可没有能力影响她们的思想,而徐然却可以,由此可见徐然有多可怕!!! Han Xue was determined to leave Xu Ran, when is eaten otherwise wipes dry/does net does not know. 韩雪下定决心要离徐然远一点,不然的话什么时候被吃干抹净了都不知道。 Sees the elder sister now this appearance, basically belonged is incurable, later was sold by Xu Ran must for the Xu Ran number money. 看姐姐现在这模样,基本上属于是没救了,以后被徐然卖了还要替徐然数钱呢。 Knock! 敲! Han Yue extended the white hands to shoot gently on the head of Han Xue! 韩月伸出玉手在韩雪的脑袋上轻轻弹了一下! " Girl, do not misunderstand. I not because anybody loses mental. If others, even if the powerhouse of Dou Saint rank, I will not entrust the body. But Xu Ran is unique. Not is only the strength, in other aspects all, is perfect. " Han Yue is saying, gradually violated sex-madly, in the eye also revealed the true feelings. 「丫头,你可不要误会。我可不会因为任何人迷失心智。如果是其他人的话,纵使是斗圣级别的强者,我也不会委身。可徐然是独一无二的。不仅仅是实力,在其他方面的一切,都是完美的。」韩月说着,逐渐犯起了花痴,眼睛里也露出了真情。 The Xu Ran's talent may not only manifest in Xu Ran that strength, Xu Ran four arts every kind are skilled , can also call under Heaven in the music first, to be honest she will unable to discover anything is Xu Ran not, thing Xu Ran that so long as they can want to come out can be skilled. 徐然的才华可不仅仅体现在徐然那一身实力上,徐然琴棋书画样样精通,在音乐上也能称得上天下第一,说实话她根本找不出有什么是徐然不会的,只要她们能想出来的东西徐然能精通。 Sheng Ming of person is limited, can reach the peak to calculate that at a matter the outstanding person phoenix, how possibly some people could achieve perfectly at everything? 人的生命有限,能在一件事情上达到高峰就已经算人中龙凤了,怎么可能有人在事事上都做得到完美? slow However can achieve! 然就做得到! At first they did not believe that afterward actually has to believe. 起先她们也是不信的,后来却是不得不信了。 A man, the speech is also so of pleasant to hear, body time of stick, how won't some people like? 如此一男子,说话又好听,身体也倍棒,怎么会有人不喜欢? Therefore, so long as a woman starts to be close to Xu Ran, starts to understand Xu Ran, that will make her move toward surely degenerates. This did not say things just to frighten people, but this point was also Han Yue their everyone approves. 所以,只要一个女人开始接近徐然,开始了解徐然,那必定会使她走向堕落。这并非危言耸听,而这一点也是韩月她们所有人都十分认可的。 " . Is the elder sister, you teasing me? It seems like you were really lost the soul by this fellow. You like him, natural everything helps him speak. In the sweetheart eyes that person definitely is most perfect. " Han Xue eats to snort contemptuously. In sweetheart eyes beauty. Xu Ran in the eye of Han Yue naturally can be best. If she will like a person in the future, will definitely also say that who will say outward the own one's beloved shortcoming of? 「噗。姐,你是在逗我吗?看来你是真的被这个家伙弄丢了魂。你喜欢他,自然事事都帮着他说话。情人眼里那个人肯定是最完美的。」韩雪都吃嗤之以鼻。情人眼里出西施。在韩月的眼里徐然自然会是最好的。如果她未来喜欢上一个人,肯定也会这么说的,谁会往外说自家心上人身上的缺点呢? Han Xue also wants to sexually harass her matter to tell Han Yue Xu Ran this future brother-in-law. But sees Han Yue that starry eyed facial features, in that look to the Xu Ran deep affection, she did not endure to say. 韩雪本来还想将徐然这个未来姐夫调戏她的事情告诉韩月的。可是一看到韩月那花痴的面容,那眼神中对徐然深深的情意,她就不忍说出口了。 Grows up together the sisters, on Han Xue and Han Yue have the lots to be common. She looked from Han Yue many details, Han Yue really liked about Xu Ran absolutely. Even Han Yue in saying these when Han Xue looks like very exaggerating spoken language affection, like saying to be the facts. 从小在一起长大的姐妹,韩雪韩月身上有很多东西都是共通的。从韩月身上的很多细节上她就看出来了,韩月徐然绝对是真的喜欢。甚至韩月在说出那些在韩雪看来十分夸张的言语的时候都十分的深情,就像说的都是事实一样。 " Ok, I do not ask. I do not want to know among you these fearful emotional disputes. " Han Xue clears throat. She feared that continued to listen to this to be said by the elder sister who the Xu Ran fan must unable to find the way, own outlook on life will be affected. 「算了,我不问了。我才不想知道你们之间的那些可怕的感情纠葛。」韩雪清了清嗓子。她怕继续听这这个已经被徐然迷得找不着北的姐姐说下去,自己的人生观都会受到影响。 She the person who resolves to ask to love walks the life. 她可是立志要找一个自己爱的人走完一生的。 Since the family crisis also solves now, oneself can handle the matter that oneself want to handle happily. 既然现在家族危机也解决了,那自己就能开心的做自己想做的事情了。 Although feels sorrowful about the choice of elder sister, may hang in the family and head crisis relieved, her mood is very good. 虽然对姐姐的选择感到悲哀,可悬在家族和自己头上的危机解除了,她的心情还是很不错的。 " But...... " 「可……」 Han Yue wants and Xu Ran's agreement tells Han Xue oneself directly. But she words that is worried about to speak will directly cause the repugnance of Han Xue. 韩月本想将自己和徐然的协议直接告诉韩雪。可她担心直接说的话会引起韩雪的反感。 " Snort, I do not manage in any case. Looked how Xu Ran this color embryo solves when the time comes. " Han Yue in wants to say at heart. She believes Han Xue also meets and her finally equally deep falls, because this man has this charm. 「哼,反正我不管了。看徐然这色胚到时候怎么解决。」韩月在心里想道。她坚信韩雪最后也会和她一样深深的陷进去,因为这个男人有这种魔力。 This moment Han Xue never has to think oneself already already by own elder sister, even was the family selling. She is even also fantasizing the later happy life. 此刻韩雪万万没想到自己已经早就被自己姐姐,甚至是家族给卖了。她甚至还在幻想着以后的美好的生活。
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