DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1342: Indignant young moon/month

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ Loves pen building] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[爱笔楼]https://最快更新!无广告! My goodness. 好家伙。 Has you to become the elder sister? Also instigates me unexpectedly.” Xu Ran smiles, although he has this plan to be possible the young night initiative proposition to be makes him also excited several points. A sister of the emperor, a little princess, hehe...... was treated as the crown prince to regard, in the future will meet the model mother world surely, another is talent alchemist. This to combining Xu Ran also likes. “有你这么当姐姐的吗?竟然还怂恿我。”徐然嘿嘿一笑,虽然他早就有了这个打算可夭夜主动的提议却是让他心里又激动了几分。一个长公主,一个小公主,嘿嘿……一个是被当做储君看待,未来必定会母仪天下的,另一位则是天才炼药师。这对组合徐然也是十分喜欢。 What instigates you? If Yue'er that girl does not like you, I will not do that. Your this big bastard, I am not good you not to move to Yue'er.” The young night also feels somewhat embarrassed, pinched gently on the Xu Ran waist soft meat, the head lay down on the Xu Ran's chest listens to the Xu Ran's heartbeat. “什么叫怂恿你?若是月儿那丫头不喜欢你的话,我才不会这么做呢。你这大坏蛋,我可不行你对月儿一点儿都不动心。”夭夜也觉得有些不好意思,在徐然腰间软肉上轻轻掐了一下,脑袋躺在徐然的胸膛上听徐然的心跳声。 Naturally, besides considers for the young moon/month, she naturally also has some selfishness. 当然,除了为夭月着想之外,她自然也是有一些私心的。 One and Xu Ran in the same place, always has to plant to pace back and forth the feeling of unease facing that unknown future. If there are sisters in the side, has the matter also to discuss together. Therefore, this is win-win, no, good deed that three win. 自己一个人和徐然在一起,面对那未知的未来总是有种彷徨不安的感觉。如果有个姐妹在身边的话,有事也能在一起商量。所以,这是一件双赢,不,三赢的好事。 Buys one and gets one free, even if Xu Ran is not interested in the young moon/month, should be still insufficient to reject. 买一送一,就算徐然对夭月不感兴趣,应该也不至于拒绝吧。 „Is when the time comes, the sisters......” “那到时候,是不是姐妹……” Resulted in cheaply also showed off cleverness. How can you such rascal? Before that...... you, to Yue'er said that your anything does not understand. The mouth of man most will really deceive people.” The young night pouts. She has experienced, nature clear Xu Ran absolutely is not very pure, even also understands very abstruse thing. “得了便宜还卖乖。你怎么能这么无赖?那……你之前还跟月儿说你什么都不懂呢。男人的嘴果然最会骗人了。”夭夜努了努嘴。她经历过,自然清楚徐然绝对不是很纯洁,甚至还懂很多很深奥的东西。 Cannot escape from my palm in any case.” Xu Ran clears throat, „, since the young night princesses said that the civilian naturally results in the little darling to take orders.” “反正也逃不脱我的手掌心。”徐然清了清嗓子,“既然夭夜公主都这么说了,小民自然得乖乖听命。” Tittered.” Young night Yanran smiles, the smile that the young girl who beginning human affairs blooms suddenly is very attractive, do not dirty me. What is a princess in my small country? Where did I direct you?” “噗嗤。”夭夜嫣然一笑,初经人事的少女突然绽放出来的笑颜十分好看,“你就别埋汰我了。我一个小国的公主算什么?我哪里使唤得了你?” The young night is holding the Xu Ran's waist, might Xu Ran tight holds. 夭夜抱着徐然的腰肢,像是要将徐然紧紧的抓住。 Princess naturally is directs to be motionless I, but the wife can.” Very much person who Xu Ran favors the wife, the premise is the wife has clever is enough obedient enough. “公主自然是使唤不动我的,但是老婆可以啊。”徐然可是很宠老婆的人,前提是老婆有够乖够听话。 Princess had heard three to be obeyed and four feminine virtues that aims at the man?” Xu Ran remembers the previous generation suddenly a piece. “公主殿下听说过针对男人的三从四德吗?”徐然突然想起前世的一个段子。 Three to be obeyed and four feminine virtues? That does not aim at the girl?” The young night also complied with various Confucianism in the palace by the request. “三从四德?那不是针对女孩子的吗?”夭夜在宫里也是被要求遵从各种礼教。 Three from referring to the wife go out must with, since, “三从指的是老婆出门要跟从, The wife order must obey, and wife spoke the erroneous remark time to follow blindly. But four virtue refers to the wife putting on make-up to need, the wife spends to give up, the wife vitality/angry must bear, and wife birthday must remember. ” 老婆命令要服从,以及老婆讲错话时候要盲从。而四德指老婆化妆需等得,老婆花钱需舍得,老婆生气需忍得,以及老婆生日需记得。” Tittered.” The young night was teased giggle by the Xu Ran's words smiles, almost must smile the branch to go pantingly. Meanwhile, the young night is also infatuated to Xu Ran. In her opinion, can say these words, showed that sufficiently Xu Ran is other men the different people. At least these people could not say this words absolutely. Coming out that even if said still many to ask for girl favor, the sincerity does not think absolutely. “噗嗤。”夭夜被徐然的话逗得咯咯直笑,几乎要笑岔过气去。与此同时,夭夜也是对徐然痴迷起来。在她看来,能说出这句话,就足以证明徐然是个和其他的男人所不同的人。至少那些人是绝对说不出来这种话的。就算说的出来也多是为了讨女孩子欢心,绝对不会真心这么想。 ...... …… Xu Ran and young night walk hand in hand hand in hand from the room, two person being in love periods, young night tight sticking wishes one could is not frequently separated on Xu Ran's. 徐然和夭夜手拉手联袂从房间走出来,两个人正是热恋期,夭夜紧紧的黏在徐然的身上恨不得时时刻刻都不分开。 However, they have not gone out of the courtyard to meet a young moon/month of face clenching jaws appearance. 不过,他们还没走出院子就遇到了一脸咬牙切齿模样的夭月。 The young moon/month wears a light purple long skirt, fine immature small face angrily. 夭月穿着一身淡紫色的长裙,精致稚嫩的小脸气鼓鼓的。 Yesterday shamed runs off the later young moon/month not to see the young night, had a premonition that possibly had the young moon/month that the matter takes to have naturally to seek for the young night everywhere, afterward she listened to a night of corner outside the room. 昨天羞得跑开之后夭月一直没有见到夭夜,预感到可能有事情要发生的夭月自然到处去寻找夭夜,后来她就在房间外面听了一夜的墙角。 Is stimulated to her who that matter has a smattering of knowledge immediately greatly. 对那种事情还是一知半解的她顿时大受刺激。 Own sovereign elder sister unexpectedly and Xu Ran, this made her envy together, is low-spirited injured divinity. 自己的皇姐竟然和徐然在一起了,这让她嫉妒不已,更是黯然神伤 In her opinion, is sovereign elder sister is certainly more attractive, will obtain Xu Ran's to like. Meanwhile, she even to young night many several points of resentment. Before she has thought the young night is not interested in Xu Ran has said these in the face of the young night about the Xu Ran's matter. Finally, was the elder sister who this trusted unexpectedly first step with Xu Ran in the same place. 在她看来,一定是皇姐比自己更有魅力,才会得到徐然的喜欢。与此同时,她甚至对夭夜多了几分怨气。之前她一直以为夭夜对徐然不感兴趣才会一直在夭夜面前说那些关于徐然的事。结果,就是这个自己信任的姐姐竟然先一步和徐然在一起了。 „Have you been looking at my joke? I misread you really!” Young moon/month enraged was saying to the young night. She is very angry, last night she prepared to clash, finally bore. “你一直都在看我的笑话吧?我真是看错你了!”夭月气冲冲的对着夭夜说道。她十分愤怒,昨晚她就准备冲进去的,最后还是忍住了。 Defended for night outside, since she sorrow, feeling that also one types were betrayed by the nearby person, she gets more mad, more air/Qi more thinks, sees.( This chapter has not ended!) 在外面守了一夜,她心里既然悲苦,又有一种被身边人背叛的感觉,以至于她越想越气,越气越想,看到。(本章未完!) Chapter 1342 indignant young moon/month 第1342章气愤的夭月 Xu Ran and young night walked that young boys and girls appearance the anger to soar to the heavens hand in hand. 徐然和夭夜手拉手走出来那种金童玉女般的样子早已怒火冲天。 This is just like unrequited loves a person, but also to oneself the best friend has said good of that person, is preparing and that person vindicated actually discovered own best friend already and that person in the same place. This will make her feel that oneself seems like a clown. om 这就好比是自己暗恋一个人,还一直给自己闺蜜说那个人的好,正准备和那个人表白的时候却发现自己的闺蜜已经和那个人在一起了。这会让她感觉自己像是一个小丑。om Yue'er, you listen to me to explain, is not such that you think.” 月儿,你听我解释,不是你想的那样的。” The young night was frightened by the young moon/month response. The individuality of very clear young moon/month, the young night wants to have anything quickly clearly, immediately felt the head was big. 夭夜被夭月的反应吓到了。很清楚夭月的个性,夭夜很快想清楚发生了什么,顿时感到脑袋都大了。 If this matter solves not well, perhaps their sisters' direct sentiments will have the fissure. 要是这件事解决不好的话,她们姐妹直接的感情恐怕会生出裂痕。 She really had the favorable impression to Xu Ran before. So long as is the normal woman will have the mood of worship to Xu Ran this hero character. But beforehand she is also only the worship and curious, she simply does not have extravagant demands so many as for more things. Even the present, she will not feel oneself can with Xu Ran continuously in the same place. 她之前确实对徐然有好感。只要是正常的女人都会对徐然这种英雄人物有崇拜的情怀的。而之前的她也只是崇拜和好奇而已,至于更多的东西她根本没有奢求那么多。甚至于现在,她都不会觉得自己能够和徐然一直在一起。 She compares young moon/month girl mature many, naturally does not have so many young girl moods, even does not think oneself have the opportunity and Xu Ran this legendary character has any thorough exchange. But once has the opportunity and Xu Ran in the same place? She will fall to the enemy quickly. 她比夭月这小妮子成熟的多,自然没有那么多少女情怀,甚至不会认为自己有机会和徐然这种传奇人物有什么深入的交流。可一旦有机会和徐然在一起呢?那她就会很快沦陷。 The young night wants to wait the young moon/month and Xu Ran after explains together slowly. 夭夜本来是想等夭月和徐然在一起之后再慢慢解释的。 But...... she always feels now oneself robbed younger sister's one's beloved to be the same probably. Cannot do well itself in Yue'er at heart was that despicable villain. 可现在……她总感觉自己像是抢走了妹妹的心上人一样。搞不好自己在月儿的心里都是那种卑鄙的小人了。 Explanation? What explained? If I know early you are such person, I with you will not say that so many...... I hate you.” The young moon/month seems like a defeat dog, was saying was saying the tears could not bear racing wells up come out. “解释?解释什么?如果我早知道你是这样的人,我就不会和你说那么多……我恨你们。”夭月像是一条败犬,说着说着眼泪就忍不住奔涌出来了。 Looks that the hand of Xu Ran and young moon/month pulls in the same place, her heart broke to pieces quickly. 看着徐然和夭月的手牵在一起,她的心都快碎掉了。 Aren't oneself really the type that Xu Ran likes? 自己果然不是徐然喜欢的类型吗? Oh.” “唉。” The young night is silent, looks that the young moon/month runs gradually far, does not feel better at heart. 夭夜沉默着,看着夭月渐渐跑远,心里十分不好受。 Xu Ran, you comfort Yue'er. I feared that she has an accident outside.” Young night hope looks at Xu Ran, if at this time she looked the young moon/month only to light the anger of this girl. Young moon/month whose words getting angry will not listen, naturally Xu Ran is an exception. 徐然,你去安慰一下月儿吧。我怕她一个人在外面出什么事。”夭夜希冀的看着徐然,这时候要是她去找夭月只会点燃这妮子的怒火。发怒的夭月谁的话都不会听的,当然徐然除外。 Don't worry, wraps on me.” Xu Ran pinched on the slender waist of young night, pursued.. “不用担心,包在我身上。”徐然在夭夜的纤腰上捏了一把,追了上去。。 Chapter 1342 indignant young moon/month 第1342章气愤的夭月
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