DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1341: Not is just your men likes?

„Aren't you fire attribute?” Young night dumbfounded looks at present all these. “你不是火属性吗?”夭夜目瞪口呆的看着眼前这一切。 She thought that she about Xu Ran's knew were too few. 她觉得自己对徐然的了解太少了。 As incompatible as fire and water, Xu Ran is alchemist naturally is fire attribute, but currently also has the water attribute. 水火不相容,徐然炼药师自然是火属性,可现在又有水属性。 Your man my anything can hundred million points.” Xu Ran pinched the cheek of young night, the hand also started to clean on the young night creamy body. “你男人我什么都会亿点点。”徐然捏了捏夭夜的脸蛋,手也开始在夭夜滑腻腻的身上擦拭起来。 „............” Young nighttime alert do not close one's eyes, the eyelash jumps. This where is takes care of her to bathe? This clearly is...... “你……别……”夭夜紧闭着眼睛,睫毛一跳一跳的。这哪里是服侍她沐浴?这分明是…… However the body could not mention strength her unable to prevent Xu Ran , the matter that even if in the common situation Xu Ran must handle she did not hinder completely. 不过身上提不起一点儿力气的她根本无法阻止徐然,哦,就算是寻常情况下徐然要做的事情她也完全阻碍不了。 The time becomes incomparably slow. 时间变得无比缓慢。 Young night slowly was about to fall asleep, Xu Ran takes handkerchief gentle cleaning her water drop, that gentle appearance almost made her forget other Xu Ran's attributes. 夭夜慢慢的都快睡着了,徐然拿着手帕温柔的擦拭着她身上的水珠,那温柔的样子几乎让她忘记了徐然的其他属性。 slow youth also is really a changeable odd person.” The young night does not know that which Xu Ran is true she. Legendary alchemist, the invincible powerhouse, the accent funny Yue'er breathless big bastard, is at present this mild such as the perfect husband of jade. “徐郎还真是一个多变的怪人呢。”夭夜也不知道到底哪个徐然才是真正的她。传奇炼药师,无敌强者,不着调的逗的月儿气急败坏的大坏蛋,还是眼前这個温润如玉的完美丈夫。 A legendary powerhouse is willing to lower the posture unexpectedly such gently helps her bathe, her heart had been captured by this action completely. 一位传奇强者竟然肯放下身段这么温柔的帮她沐浴,她的心早已被这一举动完全俘获了。 In her opinion, the base and low status can have a liking for by Xu Ran is rare, what virtue what can make Xu Ran so wait gently? 在她看来,自己卑微的身份能被徐然看上都已是难得了,何德何能可以让徐然如此温柔以待? Normal couples few husbands bathe putting on clothes for the wife, let alone oneself and between Xu Ran the aspect day left badly. 正常的夫妻都很少有丈夫为妻子沐浴穿衣的,更别说自己和徐然之间个方面天差地别了。 „Do you think so me to do? Thought husband I am very graceful?” Xu Ran shows a charming posture intentionally, actually causes the young night giggle to smile. “你这么看着我干什么?是不是觉得夫君我特别帅?”徐然故意摆出一个帅气的姿势,却引得夭夜咯咯直笑。 I feel somewhat embarrassed. How can you be good to me so?” The young night always felt that Xu Ran is not real to her good some. Imperial family family background, therefore in these political marriages to palace looks very thoroughly, the female position is been always lower by the male. “我只是觉得有些不好意思。你怎么可以对我这么好?”夭夜总感觉徐然对她好的有些不真实。皇室出身,所以对宫里的那些政治婚姻都看得很透彻,女性的地位总是被男性低一些的。 The position that what potential surface, the gender differences cause is not coordinated exists. 无论是什么位面,性别差异导致的地位不对等都是存在的。 Douluo Continent, is Douqi Continent, is so. 无论是斗罗大陆,还是斗气大陆,都是如此。 The family trains the powerhouse generally is first masculine cultivator, next is female cultivator. After all trains a powerhouse, finally got married that to others in the trained expert, is not completely cost-effective. 家族培养强者一般都是优先男性修炼者,其次才是女性修炼者。毕竟培养出一位强者,最后嫁人了那就是给别人在培养高手,完全不划算。 Moreover in the fight, the female compares the male also after all is not convenient. 而且在战斗的时候,女性相比男性也总归是不方便的。 All sorts of reasons, take the strength as to revere fantasy potential surface, the female is always masculinely weak in first-grade. 种种原因,以实力为尊的玄幻位面,女性总是弱于男性一等。 Xu Ran not so many prejudices, although Xu Ran also very androcentrism more is gives the female to give many respect and loving care rather than mean they. 徐然没有那么多偏见,虽说徐然也很大男子主义不过更多的都是给与女性给多的尊重和爱护而不是轻贱她们。 The previous generation Earth often has was spoiled the woman is enjoying the woman first, advantage that the woman gives favored treatment, while requests the equality of the sexes, is completely unreasonable, but also caused opposition of both sides. Actually the man is very simple, naturally can have many giving favored treatment regarding the female who lacks the strength to truss up a chicken gracefully. But if was bidding goodbye of vixen gives favored treatment, wished one could two palms of the hand to pull out opposite that bad breath. 前世地球经常有被宠坏了的女人一边享受着女士优先,女士优待的好处,一边又要求男女平等,完全是不讲道理,还导致了双方的对立。其实男人很简单,对于优雅手无缚鸡之力的女性自然会有很多优待。可如果是泼妇的话别说是优待,恨不得两巴掌抽死对面那嘴臭的。 If not struggle, actually should will even also give. But is the struggle, will more be defeated, finally causes all giving favored treatment to be taken back even by the striking back original form. 若是不争的话,其实该给的都会给甚至还会给更多。但越是争,就越是会失败,最后导致所有的优待被收回甚至被打回原形。 This looks like the harem to be the same, these always request the emperor to make this to make that finally will only be loathed is then infiltrated the harem. The intelligent woman will stand in the back of man supports silently. 这就像是后宫一样,那些老是要求皇上做这做那的,最后只会被厌恶然后被打入后宫。聪明的女人都会站在男人的背后默默支持。 Fortunately, is very good in them who this different world bumps into, good lets Xu Ran is guilty. It is not able to give them to satisfy in the sentiment, the intention guilty under is only thinking makes up for them in other aspects. 所幸,在这异世界碰到的她们都很好,好的让徐然自己都是愧疚不已。在感情上都无法给与她们满足,心怀愧疚之下只想着在其他方面弥补他们。 Later we were the couples. Although we have not married, but in my eyes you are my woman. You are inescapable my palm, I will not abandon you absolutely. I am not that dregs male who you imagine.” Xu Ran is saying, cannot control kissed. This is Xu Ran gives the guarantee of young night. The wife is used to hurt, these words are only applicable to that type being able to let the wife who the person loves dearly. Obviously the young night they are this kind. “以后我们就是夫妻了。虽说我们还没有结婚,但在我眼里你已经是我一世的女人。你无法逃脱我的手掌心,我也绝对不会抛弃你。我不是你想象的那种渣男。”徐然说着,又控制不住的吻了上去。这算是徐然给夭夜的保证。老婆是用来疼的,这句话只适用于那种能让人心疼的老婆。显然夭夜她们都属于此类。 In the bath barrel, the young night full long hair flutters on the water surface, the mist of transpiration makes the young night fine facial features seem tender and beautiful. 在浴桶里,夭夜满头长发都飘在水面上,蒸腾的水雾让夭夜精致的面容更显得娇艳。 Sir Xu Ran......” 徐然大人……” The Xu Ran's talk between lovers makes the young night fall to the enemy completely, originally the exhausted complexion face glowing with health gets up instantaneously. 徐然的情话让夭夜完全沦陷,本来疲惫的脸色瞬间又容光焕发起来。 No matter how, to have Xu Ran these words in the future, she had no regret. 不管未来如何,有徐然这句话,她就无悔了。 Yue'er there when the time comes what to do?” Was gentle well some time, the young night starts to worry. She simply has not thought Xu Ran can want her, moreover she must inherit the Jia Ma Empire future throne therefore not to consider that matter. But now, since had that her also to accept with pleasure. 月儿那里到时候怎么办?”温存了好一段时间,夭夜开始担忧起来。原本她根本没想到徐然会要她,而且她也要继承加玛帝国未来的皇位所以也没考虑过那种事情。可现在,既然发生了那她也会欣然接受。 As the future empress, oneself and Xu Ran's bloodlines should be most outstanding. However by the Xu Ran's vision, it is estimated that cannot have a liking for Jia Ma Empire this small place, when the time comes not necessarily makes their children come to this small place. However this was something to be talked about later, what now is most important was that side the young moon/month. 作为未来的女皇,自己和徐然的血脉应该是最优秀的。不过以徐然的眼界,估计看不上加玛帝国这小地方,到时候也不一定让他们的孩子来这个小地方。不过这都是后话了,现在最要紧的还是夭月那边。 The young moon/month has multi- liking to Xu Ran, she is very clear. 夭月对徐然有多喜欢,她可是很清楚的。 In the imperial palace, the young moon/month came to say these with her frequently. Moreover yesterday young moon/month still in giving free reign to the imagination and Xu Ran after together the picture......, if the young moon/month knows oneself and Xu Ran in do not know together can be anything feels. 在皇宫的时候,夭月就经常过来跟她说这些。而且昨天夭月还在畅想着自己和徐然在一起后的画面……若是夭月知道自己和徐然在一起了不知道会是什么感受。 What to do did you say?” Xu Ran is playing with the young night floating smooth hair, suddenly after also young moon/month the brain of matter throwing . So can a great beauty in own side, his where think others? Let alone, is not the important matter. “你说怎么办?”徐然玩弄着夭夜飘顺的头发,一时间也是将夭月的事情抛之脑后。如此一个大美人在自己身边,他哪里会想别人?更何况,又不是什么大事。 When the time comes what to do if Yue'er does commit suicide? You do not know, Yue'er may like you. When outside spread you before is talent alchemist she leaves the palace to look for you, but at that time you already not in Wutan City. At that time she was also eager to try, wants to compete with pill technique with you, added that must reveal the act that you mooched.” “要是月儿到时候寻短见怎么办?你不知道,月儿可喜欢你了。在之前外面流传你是天才炼药师的时候她就出宫来找过你,不过那时候你已经不在乌坦城了。那时候她还跃跃欲试,想要和你比试丹技,还说要揭穿你招摇撞骗的行径。” Afterward, your hearsay were getting more and more. As Ya Fei breaks through the Dou Emperor peak, Sect Master Yun Yun and Queen Medusa break through Dou Ancestor one after another, these questioned that your rumor also vanished. At that time Yue'er liked on you.” “不过后来,你的传闻越来越多。随着雅妃突破斗皇巅峰,云韵宗主美杜莎女王相继突破斗宗,那些质疑你的传言也消失了。那时候月儿就喜欢上你了。” Most starts, the young moon/month does not believe that Jia Ma Empire has the alchemist talent that she is fiercer, therefore naturally cannot be convinced. However afterward, even if were not convinced does not have the means that because the Xu Ran's hermetic art has far exceeded the level that the young moon/month institute was. 最开始的时候,夭月不相信加玛帝国有比她厉害的炼药师天才,所以自然不会服气。不过后来,就算不服气也没有办法了,因为徐然的炼丹术已经远远超出了夭月所在的层次。 What to do did you say?” Xu Ran has not thought actually the young moon/month has looked for itself. However oneself each place runs frequently everywhere, the young moon/month cannot run into is in itself really normal. “那你说怎么办?”徐然倒是没想到夭月来找过自己。不过自己经常各个地方到处跑,夭月遇不到自己实属正常。 You also take Yue'er. Are in any case many is not many. Yue'er that stature physique is not just your men likes?” Young night bold speech. “你把月儿也拿下呗。反正多一个又不多。月儿那种身材体格不正是你们男人喜欢的吗?”夭夜大胆的发言。
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