DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1340: Reward

Wants me to help naturally not have the issue. The reward......” Xu Ran, looked down also has below pink stomacher is wrapping the great chest to the nape of the neck of young night snow white sex appeal. “要我帮忙自然是没有问题。只是报酬……”徐然顿了顿,低头看向夭夜雪白性感的脖颈还有下方粉色抹胸包裹着的伟岸胸脯。 Although the stature of young night selects high, but missed a distance of head with Xu Ran. 夭夜的身材虽然高挑但与徐然还是差了一个头的距离。 I want you.” “我想要你。” Xu Ran lowers the head near the ear of gathering young night, could not bear rouse the throat, the heart was very fiery. 徐然低着头凑到夭夜的耳边,也是忍不住鼓了鼓喉咙,心头十分火热。 Lamb that delivers, is a precious graceful princess, to be honest truly has a big attraction regarding Xu Ran. 送上门来的羔羊,还是一位如此贵重优雅的公主,说实话对于徐然来说确实是有着不小的吸引力。 Mentioned the sister of the emperor, always makes the Xu Ran brain make up the well-known female who similar Princess Gao Yang these kept aloof. The antique clothing puts in the body of young night, lives on top her also has the makings of high-rank. 说起长公主,总是让徐然脑补起类似高阳公主那些高高在上的知名女性。古色古香的服装穿在夭夜的身上,身居高位的她身上也是有着上位者的气质。 Gama imperial family treats as the crown prince to train the young night. 加玛皇室是将夭夜当做储君培养的。 If Sir Xu Ran does not shut out, the young night wishes for earnestly.” “如果徐然大人不嫌弃,夭夜求之不得。” The young night is on the rise, by whole body that Xu Ran that scalding hot vision looks at one soft. How could has the young night seen such burning hot the look of appreciation? Seemed is the medicine swallowed whole her. 夭夜抬起头,被徐然那灼热的目光看的全身一软。夭夜何曾见过这样炙热的欣赏的眼神?就好似是药将她生吞活剥了似的。 Looked at one by Xu Ran, she somewhat can not help. 只是被徐然看一眼,她就有些情不自禁起来。 She naturally has the heart of admiration to Xu Ran, after seeing Xu Ran also intends her, that heart again tranquil does not get down, body also beyond control becomes must be red. 她对徐然自然是有仰慕之心的,见徐然也有意她之后,那颗心就再也平静不下来了,身体也无法控制的变得通红。 She did not think that this is devotes for the country, if the Xu Ran's woman, even if only one day is also her glory. 她并不觉得这是为国献身,若是做徐然的女人,哪怕只是一天也是她的荣耀。 Xu Ran's hand has embraced into her slender jade waist at this moment, the abundant figure has the sex appeal to be soft. Xu Ran pinches gently, the young night then does not have the strength pours into the Xu Ran's bosom directly, a pair of attractive pupil is becomes also unique, blurred looks at the Xu Ran's face. 徐然的手此刻已经揽入她那纤纤玉腰,丰盈的身段颇有肉感软软的。徐然轻轻一捏,夭夜便是没有力气的直接倒入徐然的怀里,一双好看的眸子也是变得颇具风情,迷离的看着徐然的脸庞。 slow youth.” “徐郎。” Young night talking during sleep visionally, is calling the Xu Ran's name. 夭夜梦幻般的呓语,喊着徐然的名字。 But the Xu Ran next quarter is effort kissed, effort held the young night, Xu Ran soul force is sweeping to find is emptying the room to walk. 徐然下一刻则是用力的吻了上去,用力的抱着夭夜,徐然灵魂力扫荡着找到一件空着的房间走了进去。 ...... …… Sir Xu Ran may really be the good good fortune. Hehe, although small Ye status and Sir Xu Ran were too many compared with the incoming messenger, but others after all is a country princess. Inflicts physical torture a day of that old man to regard as important to her very much, in the future will have very big probability to become the empresses in empire. It seems like this time they attempt big.” Hai Bodong is seeing Xu Ran to come, to prepare far away to greet, saw young night and young moon/month both princesses here very tactful has not gone out to disturb. 徐然大人可真是好福气啊。嘿嘿,虽说幺夜的身份和徐然大人比起来差了太多,可人家毕竟是一国公主。加刑天那老头子可是对她很是看重,未来有很大几率成为帝国的女皇的。看来这次他们所图不小啊。”海波东老远着就看到徐然来了,正准备来打招呼,看到夭夜和夭月两位公主殿下都在这里就很识趣的没有出去打搅。 Disturbs a merry man to pick up the little girl, that is one does not have the polite matter very much. 打扰一个风流的男人泡妞,那是一件很没有礼貌的事情。 Although he had restored the strength with the Xu Ran's help, even compared with before also powerful many. But this strength also insufficient families stops up gap between teeth. A others palm of the hand can clap flies he. 他虽说已经在徐然的帮助下恢复了实力,甚至比之前还强大了不少。可这点实力还不够人家塞牙缝的。人家一巴掌就能拍飞他。 Remote antiquity elder. Did Sir Xu Ran and imperial family have the relations to us is not the good deed? Later Sir Xu Ran is also helping the imperial family, our families did not have the means to go a step further in Jia Ma Empire.” Teng Shan always feels some anxiety, as the Miteer Family's head of the clan, he naturally is hopes that the family goes a step further, will become the Jia Ma Empire strongest influence in the future. But the imperial family hinders a family more further influence. “太上长老。徐然大人和皇室扯上关系了对我们应该不是什么好事吧?以后徐然大人也帮着皇室,那我们家族就没办法在加玛帝国更进一步了。”藤山总感觉有些肉疼,作为米特尔家族的族长,他自然是希望家族更进一步,甚至在未来成为加玛帝国最强的势力。而皇室则是阻碍家族更进一步的势力。 Originally the imperial family is in the decline period, he prepares to draw the imperial family dismount, his Miteer Family's can become the new Jia Ma Empire master. 本来皇室正处于没落时期,他就准备拉皇室下马,他米特尔家族就能成为新的加玛帝国的主人。 You also are really one -track mind, missed with Ya Fei that girl far.” Iced the sovereign somewhat to hate the iron non- steel just. Good Ya Fei had not borne a grudge the family initially, otherwise, Miteer Family's let alone rises now even survived is the issue. “你还真是個死脑筋,和雅妃那妮子差远了。”冰皇有些恨铁不钢刚。还好雅妃当初没有记恨家族,不然的话,现在米特尔家族别说崛起了连生存都是问题。 I said that your visions are so narrow? What small is Jia Ma Empire? Ya Fei has followed Xu Ran to enter Black Horn Territory now, heard that now in the Black Horn Territory Ya Fei's reputation was most resounding that several, these big auction markets that in the hand grasped almost monopolized the Black Horn Territory auction business.” “我说你们这些人的眼光怎么就这么狭隘?一个小小的加玛帝国算什么?雅妃现在已经跟着徐然进入了黑角域,听说现在在黑角域雅妃的名头都是最响亮的那几个,手中掌握的那些大拍卖场几乎垄断了黑角域的拍卖生意。” Miteer Family's and Ya Fei now are grasshopper on a rope. Can Miteer Family's rise in the future all looked that Ya Fei can be in good graces in the future, can gain more benefits from the Xu Ran hand. Therefore Miteer Family's has cared to Ya Fei. Ya Fei naturally does not hide the truth from the ice sovereign at these things that Black Horn Territory handles they. 米特尔家族雅妃现在是一条绳上的蚂蚱。米特尔家族未来能不能崛起全看雅妃未来能不能得宠,能不能从徐然手中得到更多的利益。所以米特尔家族雅妃一直都十分关心。雅妃黑角域做的那些事情自然瞒不过冰皇他们。 Ya Fei truly soared.” The Miteer Teng Shan complexion is complex, mutters. Now needs to look at the Ya Fei's complexion him, even also needs to implore Ya Fei to give them some Miteer Family's resources to develop. Because these high compounded drugs on Ya Fei, the merit law, dou technique puts out casually puts their Miteer auction market auction to be able the big promotion Miteer Family's influence. 雅妃确实是一飞冲天了。”米特尔藤山脸色复杂,喃喃道。现在连他都需要看雅妃的脸色,甚至还需要祈求雅妃给他们米特尔家族一些资源来发展。因为雅妃手上的那些高品丹药,功法,斗技随便拿出一些放到他们米特尔拍卖场拍卖都能大大的提升米特尔家族的影响力。 Who can want to obtain, the character who initially was only treated as in Miteer Family's will marry in the future with the cultivation waste material becomes so keeps aloof now unexpectedly? The people are no longer the same! 谁会想得到,当初在米特尔家族只被当做未来联姻用的修炼废材如今竟然成为如此高高在上的人物?物是人非啊! Ices the sovereign to see Teng Shan to show so the facial expression, is sobs. 冰皇见藤山露出如此神情,也是唏嘘不已。 After he, because was injured by Queen Medusa the missing these years, Miteer Family's even faces by the danger that other influences rally together to attack. But now Miteer Family's has been universally recognized as the Jia Ma Empire first family. 在他因为被美杜莎女王所伤之后失踪的这些年,米特尔家族甚至面临被其他势力群起而攻之的危险。而现在米特尔家族早已被公认为加玛帝国第一家族了。 All that we have now are Xu Ran bring. Therefore do not think so many, later be not thinking Room Dou Emperor. Like Ya Fei, our Miteer Family's will not occupy in this empire in the future. At least has the Ya Fei's help, in the future our Miteer Family's auction market can spread over a wide area the entire northwest mainland.” “我们现在所拥有的一切都是徐然带来的。所以也别想那么多了,以后也别想着斗皇。就像雅妃一样,未来我们米特尔家族也不会屈居于这个帝国。至少有雅妃的帮助,未来我们米特尔家族的拍卖场可以开遍整个西北大陆。” Listened to reason.” Teng Shan was also suddenly enlighted at this time. Beforehand he has not walked from the beforehand pattern, even if Miteer Family's had such big advantage to consider the issue as before. Suppresses the imperial family, becoming the empire's first this is his beforehand dream. However later, could have a higher pursue. “受教了。”藤山这时候也恍然大悟。之前的他还是没有从以前的格局中走出来,即使米特尔家族有了这么大的优势还是像以前一样考虑问题。压制皇室,成为帝国第一这是他以前的梦想。不过以后,已经可以有更高的追求了。 ...... …… Young night weary lying down on the bed, the body sweats profusely, rubbed the sesame oil to be equally wet simply probably. 夭夜疲倦的躺在床上,身上香汗淋漓,简直像是抹了香油一样湿漉漉的。 Quite tired.” The young night that clear sound becomes somewhat hoarse. She knows, originally that is such tired such painful matter. However that full happy feeling is to let her corners of the mouth hangs is wiping to smile. “好累。”夭夜那原本清脆的声音都变得有些沙哑。她才知道,原来那是这么累这么痛的事情。不过那满满的幸福感却是让她的嘴角挂着一抹笑。 Originally...... 原来…… The things in these dreams, she can also become the lead. 那些梦里的东西,她也能够成为主角啊。 I hug you to take a bath, your body soaked, the quilt is also.” The women are really the water do. “我抱着你去洗个澡吧,你的身上都湿透了,被子也是。”女人果然是水做的。 „It is not good. I was too tired, the body is also very sour, without strength.” The young night only wants to lie down anything not to want now to do. Has been staring at her body by the Xu Ran's eye, although is shy, but because tired has not been thinking slightly must cover up. “不行。我太累了,身上也很酸,没有力气。”夭夜现在只想躺着什么事都不想做。被徐然的眼睛一直盯着她的身体,虽是羞涩,可因为累也是丝毫没有想着要遮掩。 Listened to the person in palace saying that also without was so tired. Is Xu Ran that in the palace the person said highest level? 听宫里的人说,也没有这么累啊。难道徐然就是宫里人说的那种最顶级的? I help you wash. You should also some people serve in the palace.” Xu Ran holds the young night, the rich water element condensed big basin water directly, Xu Ran holds the young night to step directly. “我帮你洗。你在宫里应该也是有人伺候着的吧。”徐然一把将夭夜抱起,浓郁的水元素直接凝聚成一大盆水,徐然抱着夭夜直接跨了进去。
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