DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1339: Huge celebration

Xu Ran just did not hear very with great interest? 徐然刚刚不是听得很津津有味的吗? Why...... 为什么…… Did oneself misunderstand? 难道自己误会了? The face of young moon/month is red, the vitality upwells. 夭月的脸通红通红的,气血上涌。 I also think the knowledge that small Yue'er said was to speak the talk between lovers gives the gift and so on. Has not thought that actually......” Xu Ran pretends grieved saying, he is really hates bitterly. The imperial palace is really a big dye vat! Stayed there for a long time, a normal person can also become not normal. “我还以为小月儿说的知识是说情话送礼物之类的呢。没想到竟然……”徐然假装心痛的说道,他实在是痛心疾首啊。皇宫真的是个大染缸啊!在那里待久了,一个正常人也能变得不正常。 How can a loli well know so many? 一個好好的萝莉怎么能知道这么多吗? Moreover said that listens boldly to him? 而且还这么大胆的说给他听? She did not fear oneself affects her body these that she did say?...... Such a thinks, but also is really somewhat makes one one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 难道她就不怕自己将她说的那些作用到她的身上吗?咳咳……这么一想,还真是有些让人热血沸腾。 What? My my I......” young moon/month am deeply disappointed. Really was misunderstands? Then oneself still said these in his front, now to collapse in Xu Ran's eye own image can't collapse again? “什么?我我我……”夭月深受打击。难道真的是自己误会了?然后自己还在他的面前说了那些,现在在徐然的眼里自己的形象岂不是崩坏的不能再崩坏了? Ended. 完了完了。 The young moon/month only felt own present is incurable. 夭月只觉得自己现在已经无可救药了。 She is actually a virtuous young woman, wū wū, these are the hearsay, initially heard is also very big to the attack that she delivers, therefore her impression so will be profound then says to the Xu Ran hear. 她其实是很淑女的,呜呜呜,那些都是道听途说的,当初听到的时候给她带来的打击也很大,所以她的印象才会那么深刻然后才说给徐然听。 ...... 啊啊啊…… The young moon/month wishes one could to ask a pillar to kill oneself. 夭月恨不得找个柱子把自己撞死。 The people supposed crashed anything were also too bad a point! 人设崩塌什么的也太糟糕了一点吧! Wū wū, I first walked.” The young moon/month is blushing to run away. She is really embarrassed treats again. “呜呜,我先走了。”夭月红着脸跑走了。她实在是不好意思再待下去。 Sir Xu Ran, is really embarrassed, we taught are actually lax tolerate to become this temper.” A young night face apology. Just listened to these that the young moon/month said that her face last present is the flushed has not disappeared. 徐然大人,实在是不好意思,倒是我们管教不严才纵容成了她这个性子。”夭夜一脸歉意。刚刚听了夭月说的那些,她的脸上现在都是红潮未消。 Princess was polite, I just was also thinking this girl. I thought actually her character listens to my temperament.” Xu Ran smiles. Naturally, to his appetite these small skills that young moon/month girl said. “公主殿下客气了,我刚刚也是想着逗逗这丫头。我倒是觉得她的性格听对我脾气的。”徐然一笑。当然,最对他胃口的还是夭月这妮子说的那些小技巧。 This girl can say, should not be will be obstinate and argumentative the King? 这妮子这么能说,该不会又是一个嘴强王者吧? If the correct use on her, it is estimated that has not started to keep saying. 要是正用在她身上,估计还没开始就喊个不停了。 „Should your times look specially my?” “你们这次应该是专程来找我的吧?” „Did Sir Xu Ran, you look?” The young night princess is thinking how to open the mouth, listening to Xu Ran to open the mouth then to hurry to follow the Xu Ran's words on own initiative to say downward. 徐然大人,您看出来了?”夭夜公主正在想着怎么开口,听着徐然主动开口了便赶紧顺着徐然的话往下说。 Un.” Xu Ran nods. Is walking with the young night princess shoulder to shoulder, smells the fragrance of not well-known spice on beautiful person is sending out, fragrance of the clear virgin. “嗯。”徐然点了点头。和夭夜公主并肩走着,嗅着身边玉人身上散发出来的不知名的香料的香味,还有股清纯的处子之香。 Young night asked Sir Xu Ran to intend to rescue imperial family one time.” The young night is clenching teeth lightly, on the fine cheek reveals several points of hesitation, finally is determined to say. If this time does not talk clearly, but next time will not have the opportunity. “夭夜求徐然大人出手救皇室一次。”夭夜轻咬着牙,精致的脸蛋上流露出几分犹豫,最后下定决心说道。要是这次不说清楚的话,下次可就没机会了。 Next time, has not known that one side the possibility sees with Sir Xu Ran. 下次,还不知道有没有可能与徐然大人见一面。 This time was Jia Ma Empire comes across the crisis, Sir Xu Ran will act one time. Otherwise, Sir Xu Ran will not come back. By the strength of Sir Xu Ran, has been able not to place this small place at heart. 这次是加玛帝国遇到危机了,徐然大人才会出手一次。不然的话,徐然大人也不会回来。以徐然大人的实力,早已能够不将这个小地方放在心里。 Rescues?” “救?” Said the crisis or the Sir of our Gama imperial family you cause.” Young night hidden bitterness looked at Xu Ran one. “说起来我们加玛皇室的危机还是大人您引起的呢。”夭夜幽怨的看了徐然一眼。 What relations has with me?” “跟我有什么关系?” Sir Xu Ran your strength was too strong, puts out something to cause the Jia Ma Empire turbulence casually. Originally the strength of our imperial family can shock the empire, other such as Miteer Family's, although powerful, but was far compared with the incoming messenger with the background of imperial family. Although cloud mist sect is very strong, but after all is sect gate, the strength of our imperial family is not weak in Zongmen.” 徐然大人您的实力太强了,随便拿出一些东西就能引起加玛帝国的动荡。本来我们皇室的实力是可以震慑住帝国的,其他的诸如米特尔家族虽然强大但和皇室的底蕴比起来差远了。云岚宗虽然很强,但毕竟是宗门,我们皇室的力量也是不弱于宗门的。” But after Sir Xu Ran came, Miteer Family's and strength of cloud mist sect rose sharply, the Snake-People strength rose suddenly. Therefore our imperial family naturally appeared the virtue non- coordinate. Is good the prestige under so many year of accumulations makes the imperial family not have problems in the two years, is later affirmation......” young night spooky say/way. However although hidden bitterness, but she does not have strange Xu Ran. Extinguished Jia Ma Empire to be relaxed by the Xu Ran's strength, the law of the jungle, who needs to follow this principle, if were extinguished by the powerhouse also can only accept fate. “可是徐然大人来了之后,米特尔家族和云岚宗的实力都大涨了,就连蛇人族的实力都暴涨了许多。所以我们皇室自然显得德不配位了。好在这么多年积累下的声望让皇室这两年没出什么问题,可是以后就肯定……”夭夜幽幽道。不过虽然幽怨的很,可她也没有怪徐然。以徐然的实力灭了加玛帝国都轻轻松松,弱肉强食,谁都需要遵循这个法则,若是被强者灭了也只能认命。 This truly is my reason.” Xu Ran nods. “这确实是我的原因。”徐然点点头。 Because Xu Ran's appears, was equivalent undermined the balance of Jia Ma Empire all parties influence directly. 因为徐然的出现,相当于直接打破了加玛帝国各方势力的平衡。 After upsetting the balance, must pass through the new round benefit to shuffle surely. The influences of these rises will not satisfy the beforehand influence assignment surely. The imperial family definitely by all influences are staring at that big fat. 打破平衡之后就必定要经过新一轮的利益洗牌。那些崛起的势力必定不会满足于以前的势力分配。皇室肯定是被所有势力都盯着的那口大肥肉。 Because cloud mist sect and Miteer Family's rise, but must move toward desolate influence so many, why do I want solely to help you? Do I want to help these influences?” Xu Ran teased. “不过因为云岚宗和米特尔家族崛起而要走向落寞的势力那么多,凭什么我又要单单帮你们呢?或者我要将那些势力都帮一下?”徐然调侃道。 Why does the elephant care about the rise and fall of ants? 大象何必在意蝼蚁的兴衰? However looked that the young months and young night these two girls somewhat are truly pitiful, to him, helping the imperial family stable position be too easy. Only needs to emit the sound to tell the world person imperial family to have the relations with his Xu Ran, some that not possible people to dare to have the idea of imperial family. Moreover cloud mist sect and Miteer Family's trend he can speak, making these two influences consider the young night they is very relaxed. 不过看夭月和夭夜这两丫头确实有些可怜,对于他来说,帮助皇室稳定地位太容易了。只需要放出声去告诉天下人皇室跟他徐然有关系,那就不可能有人敢打皇室的主意。而且云岚宗和米特尔家族的动向他都能说得上话,让这两个势力照顾着夭夜她们也很轻松。 Regarding the young night truly is the critical life or death important matter, but Xu Ran can actually wave to solve. 对于夭夜来说确实是危急存亡的大事,可徐然却能够挥挥手解决掉。 But, why does he want to help? 可,他又为什么要帮忙呢? This......” “这……” The young night complexion crazily changes. She knows this matter radically no wonder anybody. Initially oneself family rose, is not treading the corpses of many influence? 夭夜脸色狂变。她知道这种事情根本怪不得任何人。当初自己家族崛起,不还是踏着很多势力的尸体上来的吗? If Sir Xu Ran can help us, our imperial family engraves certainly on one's memory, the eternal life works for the Sir, has no complain and regret.” The young night does not know that the family can put out anything to flatter Xu Ran's. Their these darling Xu Ran will unable to have a liking for probably. “如果徐然大人能够帮助我们,我们皇室一定铭记于心,永生为大人效劳,无怨无悔。”夭夜也不知道家族能拿出什么东西可以讨好徐然的。她们的那些宝贝大概徐然会看不上。 As for is Xu Ran gives loyalty to? 至于为徐然效忠? In the world wanted the influence that was Xu Ran gives loyalty to be many. 天底下想要为徐然效忠的势力多了去了。 Xu Ran strong, people who so long as the brain does not have the issue can look. With this big shot mixes dangerous anything will not basically have, but can certainly follow to eat the meat. What significance therefore does this giving loyalty to have? Why doesn't Xu Ran accept a stronger influence on give loyalty to? 徐然有多强,只要脑子没有问题的人都看得出来。跟着这种大佬混危险什么的基本不会有,但一定能够跟着吃肉。所以这种效忠又有什么意义呢?徐然为什么不接受更强大的势力效忠? Giving loyalty to of imperial family? Actually interesting, never expected that did you prepare to achieve this?” Xu Ran speechless. The royalty has keen eyesight in withstand/top, making them put down the self-respect to submit to others is difficult such as to ascend to heaven simply. It seems like young night they truly compelled did not have the means. “皇室的效忠吗?倒是有趣,没想到你们都准备做到这一步了?”徐然哑然。皇族一个个都是眼高于顶的,让他们放下自尊臣服于别人简直是难如登天。看来夭夜她们确实是被逼的没办法了。 The virtue non- coordinate, when the time comes is everybody hits you when you are down. 德不配位,到时候就是墙倒众人推。 „Will you also give loyalty to me?” “你也会效忠于我吗?” Xu Ran looks to be serious, facial features beautiful sister of the emperor young night. The giving loyalty to him only a little attraction of this small influence was the young nights and young moon/month sisters. As for the Jia Ma Empire battle efficiency, he may be unable to have a liking. 徐然看着一脸严肃,面容绝美的长公主夭夜。这种小势力的效忠对他来说唯一有点吸引力的就是夭夜和夭月姐妹了。至于加玛帝国的战斗力,他可看不上。 Solely one universe ancient dragon hung the dozen of mainland 99% influences for him sufficiently. 单单一个太虚古龙就足以替他吊打大陆90%九的势力了。 If the Sir does not shut out, the young night from now on will be the person of Sir, even if will do the cow to make the horse for the Sir not to refuse under any circumstances.” The young night kneels on the ground, respectful saying. If really can become the Xu Ran affiliated influence, to the imperial family absolutely is not a suffering matter, but is the huge celebration. “如果大人不嫌弃,夭夜今后就是大人的人了,就算是为大人做牛做马也在所不辞。”夭夜跪在地上,恭敬的说道。如果真的能够成为徐然旗下的势力,对皇室来说绝对不是一件委屈的事,而是天大的喜事。 Because various issue addresses change to invite everyone collect the new address to avoid becoming lost 由于各种问题地址更改为请大家收藏新地址避免迷路 The homepage version chapter content is slow, please download to like reading app to read the newest content 网页版章节内容慢,请下载爱阅app阅读最新内容 Please withdraw transfers the code page, please download to like reading app to read the latest chapter. 请退出转码页面,请下载爱阅app阅读最新章节。 Newly for you provide quickly from fighting Luo start captures the goddess to renew, the Chapter 1339 huge celebration read free. 新为你提供最快的从斗罗开始俘获女神更新,第1339章天大的喜事免费阅读。 High-speed writing hits the blue tune book stacks from fighting Luo start captures the goddess chapter to list https:// 高速文字手打碧曲书库从斗罗开始俘获女神章节列表https://
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