DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1338: Smears loli

Your this girl, do not talk nonsense.” The young night by shameful that young moon/month that sour words saying, attention that actually incomparably cared about Xu Ran's line of sight, at heart not only shy and is hoping. “你这丫头,不要胡说。”夭夜被夭月那酸溜溜的话说的无地自容,却又无比在意的关注着徐然的视线,心里既害羞又盼望着。 I have not talked nonsense, the Elder Brother Xu Ran look has looked on you. Like me, does not have nothing to look.” Young moon/month nie said. Although she and young night is sisters, but they are half blood, therefore she is not possible like the young night. “我可没有胡说,徐然哥哥的眼神一直在你身上看呢。不像我,没什么可看的。”夭月嗫喏道。虽说她和夭夜是姐妹,但她们是同父异母,所以她是不可能像夭夜一样的。 Everyone loves to be pretty, what small Yue'er do you know?” Xu Ran ill-humored shot the forehead of young moon/month. “爱美之心人皆有之,小月儿你知道什么?”徐然没好气的弹了夭月的额头。 „Amn't I beautiful? Wū wū. Although my stature is not good, many that but I study, anything can.” Young moon/month is covering the forehead, while looks up Xu Ran. “那我就不美吗?呜呜。虽然我身材没有那么好,可是我学的多,什么都会。”夭月一边捂着额头,一边抬起头看徐然 In the palace, naturally some people teach them the knowledge in physiology, but she was diligent very studied. 在宫里,自然有人教她们生理上的知识,而她十分好学就多学了些。 She listened to the palace maids saying that if a little loli were bundled then wū wū, can many to like, can stimulate their morbid state the hobby. 她听宫女们说,一个小萝莉要是被捆起来然后呜呜呜,就能让很多人喜欢,能够激发他们病态的爱好。 „? What can you? How can't I understand?” “哦?你会什么?我怎么听不懂?” Young night by young moon/month that simply vulgar words thunder does not want, stands there, the eye dumbfounded, definitely is unable to imagine this words to say from own younger sister's mouth. The solemn princess, how can...... how be able...... 夭夜被夭月那简直粗鄙的话雷的不要不要的,站在那里,眼睛都呆住了,完全无法想象这种话是从自家小妹的嘴里说出来的。堂堂公主,怎么能……怎么能…… Xu Ran also stupidly gawked a while. Even he, recovers consciousness some little time. Did this small girl give to have a bad effect on? Before was he has a bad effect on others, met such abdomen black also knowledge rich youngest sister for the first time. 徐然也是傻愣了一会儿。即使是他,都是好一会儿才缓过来。这小丫头就这么给带坏了?以前都是他带坏别人,第一次遇见这么腹黑还知识丰富的小妹妹啊。 mother was odd. 尼玛离谱了。 He really let alone, he is really curious, the knowledge of this world original ecology is what appearance. 他不过还真别说,他还真好奇,这个世界原生态的知识是什么样子。 Because is powerful, may multiply many other solutions. 因为实力强大,或许会滋生出很多别的解法。 You, if could not understand must blame.” “你要是听不懂才怪了。” The young moon/month sees the appearance of Xu Ran that honorable gentleman, proud tender roused the mouth. Who does not know that Xu Ran is always loose, cloud mist sect sovereign gave to cheat, Miteer Family's, Snake-People...... can say the beautiful women who the character and style varied and Xu Ran had this and that relations. 夭月见徐然那一副正人君子的样子,傲娇的鼓了鼓嘴。谁不知道徐然向来风流,将云岚宗的宗主都给骗走了,还有米特尔家族,蛇人族……可以说风情各异的美女都和徐然有这样那样的关系。 Good Xu Ran is a good person, everyone looks forward to deliver to side Xu Ran's the daughter. 还好徐然是個好人,大家巴不得将自家女儿送到徐然的身边。 If the Xu Ran's image almost estimated that turned into the cruel sex fiend, then various respected families will warn that the beautiful girls in clan did not make them go out, so as to avoid had a liking for by Xu Ran? 如果徐然的形象差一点估计就变成残暴的色魔了,然后各大家族都会告诫族里的漂亮女孩不让她们出门,免得被徐然看上? I am very pure. Although I and Yun Yun between them the sentiment is very deep, but that is also only the sentiment. In other aspects, I do not know totally.” Xu Ran was deliberately considering must maintain own glorious image, otherwise a lie or story repeated often enough will begin to accepted as true own pureness may destroy. “我可是很纯洁的。虽说我和云韵她们之间感情很深,但那也只是感情而已。在其他的方面,我一概不知。”徐然寻思着还是要维持着自己的光辉形象,不然三人成虎自己的清白可就毁了。 Real false?” “真的假的?” The young moon/month stared in a big way the eye, the doubt looks at Xu Ran, seemed like in thinking deeply about the Xu Ran words somewhat the credibility. The young night is to scold the young moon/month no longer to discuss these dirty topics, but anybody has a heart of Eight Trigrams (gossip), even if the young night is no exception. 夭月瞪大了眼睛,狐疑的看着徐然,似乎是在思索着徐然话里有几分可信度。夭夜本来是想要呵斥夭月不再讨论这些龌龊的话题,可是任何人都有着一颗八卦的心,哪怕是夭夜也不例外。 Regarding Xu Ran's these legends, fabricates about Xu Ran's these matters. At least now they to the Xu Ran's cognition, completely, particularly the character in unlike outside spreading. Although the Xu Ran's strength is very strong, may actually never have one type with the Xu Ran conversation with the feeling of high-rank exchange, instead probably with an outstanding same age masculine exchange. 对于徐然的那些传说,关于徐然的那些事很多都是杜撰出来的。至少现在她们对徐然的认知,跟外面流传的完全不一样,尤其是性格上。虽然徐然的实力很强,可和徐然交谈却从来没有一种和上位者交流的感觉,反而像是和一位优秀的同龄男性交流。 Naturally real. In I am daily am practicing, where has the time to understand other thing. Especially in this regard, my pure seems like a white paper, no one teaches me, I naturally understand are not many.” Xu Ran thought one set of fair excuse. He...... also is really pure. “当然是真的。我日常里都在修炼,哪里有时间去了解别的东西。尤其是在这方面,我纯洁的像是一张白纸,又没有人教我,我自然懂的不多。”徐然想了一套合情合理的说辞。他……还真是单纯啊。 Is this?” Not only the young moon/month, even/including Yaoye somewhat suspect Xu Ran. even/including Yaoye know, is Xu Ran so pure? Also a pure resembles white paper, what were they? “是这样吗?”不只是夭月,连夭夜都是有些怀疑徐然。连夭夜都知道一些,徐然有那么单纯吗?还单纯的像一张白纸,那她们算什么了? However is careful thinks, Xu Ran said seems reasonable. These powerhouses are truly pure, such as empire the president of alchemist association, the life consumes in the refine the pill of immortality. He is skilled on the compounded drug very much, but was even inferior to an average person in other aspects. 不过仔细一想,徐然说的似乎有道理。那些强者确实都挺单纯的,如帝国的炼药师协会的会长,一生都耗费在炼丹上。在丹药上他很是精通,可是在其他方面甚至连一个普通人都不如。 The energy of person is limited, is powerful the energy completely centralized at 1 : 00. The Xu Ran's strength is shocking, Xu Ran should already uses all time and energy in the cultivation, it is estimated that even lives on matter to need the girl to serve, let alone these dirty matters. 人的精力都是有限的,越是强大就越是将精力全部集中在一点。徐然的实力已经骇人听闻,徐然应该已经将所有的时间和精力都用在修炼上了,估计连生活上的事情都需要丫头侍奉,更别说那些龌龊之事了。 The young night is empire sister of the emperor thoughts complex many, must consider a lot in the imperial palace, she very clear this whole life is impossible to become a powerhouse. Own energy had been consumed, therefore her cultivation growth even might as well young moon/month. 夭夜是帝国长公主心思复杂的多,在皇宫里要考虑很多事情,她很清楚自己这辈子都不可能成为一位强者。自己的精力已经被消耗,所以她的修炼成长速度甚至还不如夭月。 Two females somewhat are suddenly ashamed. It seems like Xu Ran is really an honorable gentleman, but these girls estimated that is also because the Xu Ran's talent therefore falls. 两女一时间有些惭愧。看来徐然真的是正人君子,而那些女孩估计也是因为徐然的才华所以才陷进去的吧。 Good, I letter/believed you. In that aspect, I am an expert. Some people in the palace teach me.” The young moon/month thinks, if some people do not teach her her not to know these for a lifetime. Although the Xu Ran strength is strong, but the strength limited him, therefore cannot obtain these information channels. “好吧,我信你了。在那方面,我可是行家。在宫里有人教我的。”夭月想了想,如果不是有人教她她一辈子都不知道那些。徐然实力虽然强,可正是实力限制了他,所以根本得不到这些信息的渠道。 She patted the averagely not wonderful chest proudly, she finally found a point to exceed the Xu Ran's matter. 她骄傲的拍了拍自己平平无奇的胸部,她终于找到了一点可以超越徐然的事情了。 However...... is this really one is worth the happy matter? 不过……这真的是一件值得高兴的事情吗? Okay moe the younger sister should not to turn smears loli. 好好的一个萌妹子该不会变成污萝莉吧。 You approach, I told you some, you know that I was fierce.” The young moon/month hesitant one beckoning will then make Xu Ran approach. She felt, if Xu Ran really does not know these, if said that to him listens, to could turn defeat into victory to obtain Xu Ran's to like by oneself. “你靠近来,我告诉你一些,你就知道我多厉害了。”夭月犹豫了一会然后招手让徐然靠近一点。她觉得如果徐然真的不知道那些的话,要是说给他听,说不定能够让自己反败为胜得到徐然的喜欢。 What? Whips?” “什么?鞭打?” Xu Ran was scared. 徐然傻眼了。 „, Low voice, do not make the elder sister hear.” Sees Xu Ran that startled for the first time appearance, the young moon/month is also ashamed and resentful. Oneself were also listens to the palace the person saying that she does not know. “嘘,小声点,不要让姐姐听到了。”见徐然那一惊一乍的样子,夭月也是羞愤不已。自己也是听宫里人说起来的,她又不知道。 „Also has?” “还有呢还有呢?” Hangs ............ young moon/month to recall that near rise the palace maid to these fantastic story different matters that she told. “吊着…………”夭月回想起身边宫女给她讲述的那些奇闻异事。 The strength of young night is not weak, one startled one reveals these keywords that also to be able the brain to make up something from Xu Ran for the first time. 夭夜的实力不弱,从徐然一惊一乍吐露的那些关键词也能脑补出一些东西。 She has not gone to pay attention actually excessively. But is not the imperial concubine goes off track in the imperial palace today, which sovereign uncle sovereign younger brother tomorrow will be seizes the daughter......, but she must handle this matter as the sister of the emperor frequently, therefore she will contact not will be few. Even is odd compared with young moon/month knowing these. After all, where the palace maid dares these extremely evil thing saying that listens to the young moon/month? 她倒是没有去过分关注过。可是在皇宫今天不是妃子出轨,明天就是哪个皇叔皇弟强抢民女……而她作为长公主经常也要处理这种事,所以她接触到的也不算少。甚至比起夭月晓得的那些还要离谱。毕竟,宫女哪敢将那些太过邪恶的东西说给夭月听呢? Stops. The young moon/month princess, I felt somewhat crooked. These that you said and I think possibly is somewhat different.” Xu Ran listened to a while also to broaden the outlook. The girl in this palace knows also is really many. So many emperors always have several big bastards...... normal normal...... “打住打住。夭月公主,我感觉有些歪了。你说的那些和我以为的可能有些不一样。”咳咳,徐然听了一会儿也是大开眼界。这宫里的丫头知道的还真是多啊。那么多皇帝总有几个大坏蛋……正常正常…… „?” The young moon/month stupidly stands there, was ignorant. “啊?”夭月傻站在那里,懵了。 Because various issue addresses change to invite everyone collect the new address to avoid becoming lost 由于各种问题地址更改为请大家收藏新地址避免迷路 The homepage version chapter content is slow, please download to like reading app to read the newest content 网页版章节内容慢,请下载爱阅app阅读最新内容 Please withdraw transfers the code page, please download to like reading app to read the latest chapter. 请退出转码页面,请下载爱阅app阅读最新章节。 Newly for you provide quickly from fighting Luo start captures the goddess to renew, Chapter 1338 smears loli to read free. 新为你提供最快的从斗罗开始俘获女神更新,第1338章污萝莉免费阅读。 High-speed writing hits the blue tune book stacks from fighting Luo start captures the goddess chapter to list https:// 高速文字手打碧曲书库从斗罗开始俘获女神章节列表https://
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