DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1337: loli and governing elder sister

Xu Ran at this moment, in their eyes, is simply same like own same age Elder Brother, making them only feel comfortable. 此刻的徐然,在她们看来,简直就如同自己的同龄哥哥一样,让她们只感到舒适。 Originally they worship to Xu Ran, after seeing is also better, immediately feels relieved that the Xu Ran's personality and moral behavior imagine the protection. 本来她们对徐然就崇拜不已,见徐然的性格和人品比自己想象的还要好之后顿时放下了心中的防备。 The Xu Ran's reputation was too resounding, is known to everybody to be known to everybody at least in Jia Ma Empire Xu Ran these two characters. Ya Fei, Yun Yun, Queen Medusa is Xu Ran one pushes up Dou Ancestor them. Xu Ran can subvert an influence at will, this was says casually. 徐然的名头太响亮了,至少在加玛帝国徐然这两个字已经是无人不知无人不晓了。雅妃,云韵,还有美杜莎女王都是徐然一手将她们推上斗宗的。徐然随意就能颠覆一个势力,这可是随便说说而已的。 Sir Xu Ran, you were also too bad!!! Bullies the person.” 徐然大人,你也太坏了!!!欺负人。” Young moon/month is acts like a spoiled brat and resembles in angrily, using an immature loli sound to say. 夭月似是撒娇又似是在气恼,用着一口稚嫩的萝莉音说道。 Before the young moon/month cannot forget, at that matter of in the shop....... Obviously the Xu Ran's strength is so obviously strong, if Xu Ran will expose own strength she not to make that stupid behavior casually? She thought that Xu Ran is intends to look at her to laugh. Before feared that Xu Ran was angry, therefore does not dare saying that now her the courage mostly naturally does not have so many scruples. 夭月还是忘不了之前在那铺子里发生的事情。明明……明明徐然的实力那么强,如果徐然随便暴露一下自己的实力她不就是不会做出那么愚蠢的行为了吗?她觉得徐然就是有意要看她笑话。之前怕徐然生气所以不敢说,现在她胆子大多了自然没有那么多顾忌了。 Where my was bad? Do not make false accusations, you came up to snatch my thing to add me to be bad, I thought that you were rotten to the core was right.” Xu Ran smiles. “我哪里坏了?你可不要血口喷人,你一上来就要抢我的东西还说我坏,我看你才是坏透了才对吧。”徐然一笑。 I...... do I have to snatch? I do not know that you are that person. If the average person, I pay the double prices not to know that will be happy.” On young moon/month face one red. How she said that is also the little princess, moreover talent alchemist, is pampered since childhood since childhood has not really snatched the thing the idea, because she wants what others to deliver generally immediately. But a necklace, is not compounded drug merit law anything, she naturally felt oneself spent on the line. “那我……我不是没抢吗?我又不知道你就是那個人。如果是一般人的话,我出双倍价钱不知道会多开心呢。”夭月脸上一红。她怎么说也是小公主,而且还是天才炼药师,从小娇生惯养还真没有抢东西的想法,因为一般她想要什么别人就会立刻送上来。而一条项链,又不是丹药功法什么的,她自然觉得自己多花钱就行了。 Who knows that will bump into Xu Ran this to be possible richly the fellows in enemy. 谁知道会碰上徐然这个富可敌国的家伙啊。 Her that family property insufficiently looked radically, the entire Jia Ma Empire wealth is not worth mentioning in the Xu Ran's eye. 她那点家底根本不够看,整个加玛帝国的财富在徐然的眼里都不值一提。 This but actually is also, it seems like you are not bad.” Xu Ran nods. Young moon/month girl has not truly seized, otherwise, his temperament is not good. “这倒也是,看来你也没有那么坏。”徐然点了点头。夭月这妮子确实没有强抢,不然的话,他的脾气也没有那么好的。 What is not bad, others may be clever, the words that does not believe you asked the young night elder sister.” The young moon/month is holding the hand of young night, nervous looks at the young night. “什么叫没那么坏,人家可乖了,不信的话你问夭夜姐姐。”夭月拉着夭夜的手,紧张兮兮的看着夭夜。 Yue'er in the palace truly is very clever, has been very obedient.” The young night also starts to break through for the young moon/month. 月儿在宫里确实是很乖巧,一直都很听话。”夭夜也开始替夭月解围。 Saw, I was very clever. You, know actually obviously I misunderstood, but also deceives me intentionally .” The young moon/month is very discontented, looks that the Xu Ran outstanding appearance eye cannot move. “看到了吧,我可是很乖的。倒是你,明明知道我误会了,还故意骗我,呜。”夭月十分不满,看着徐然俊逸的模样眼睛就移不开了。 I told you from the beginning my status, but your girl did not believe. You said that you did not believe even, but also taunted me...... is not good, I think that was mad, cannot let off you.” Xu Ran is thinking beforehand the matter, ships out the appearance that must ask her to do accounts intentionally, has a scare the young moon/month. “我可是一开始就告诉你我的身份了,可是你这丫头不信的。你说你不信就算了,还挖苦我……不行,我想想就来气,不能就这么放过你了。”徐然想着之前发生的事,故意装出一副要找她算账的样子,将夭月吓了一跳。 Sir Xu Ran, did I make a mistake was not good? Others are not intentionally. Originally imitates your person to be many in the Gama holy city. My this does not think that some people do need to do all kinds of evil things taking advantage of your reputation?” The young moon/month hid young night princess's behind hastily, is tilting the head suffering saying. That pitiful appearance is joined to her moe moe the appearance, to the men and women are one kill absolutely greatly. 徐然大人,我错了还不行吗?人家又不是故意的。本来在加玛圣城模仿你的人就多嘛。我这不是以为有人要借着你的名声为非作歹吗?”夭月连忙躲到了夭夜公主的后面,歪着头委屈的说道。那可怜巴巴的样子配上她那萌萌哒的模样,对无论是男女都绝对是一个大杀器。 Young moon/month small girl estimate and Qing Lin are almost big, was immaturer than Qing Lin is petiter, does not know how to be long. Normally, the female grows is quicker than the male. If according to the young moon/month present growth, it is estimated that later is one meter five several legal loli. 夭月这个小丫头估计和青鳞差不多大,却是比青鳞稚嫩娇小多了,也不知道是怎么长的。正常情况下,女性发育的比男性快。如果按照夭月现在的发育速度,估计以后就是一个只有一米五几的合法萝莉 Obviously is the sisters, the young moon/month and young night are completely two extremes. 明明是姐妹,夭月和夭夜完全是两个极端啊。 Of young night selected very much high, the stature is very good, both legs are also very long. If not quite high, the leg will not be probably attractive. The leg too short words, can arouse the hobbies of some special groups except for loli who these moe the department, has not resulted on other curves and big long legs compares. 夭夜的个头就很高挑了,身材很好,一双腿也很长。如果个头不太高的话,腿大概也是不会太好看的。腿太短的话,除了那些萌系的萝莉能够激起一些特殊人群的爱好,在其他的曲线美上和大长腿是没得比的。 The Xu Ran's vision continuously young night looks in the young the leg of moon/month and on, both females are somewhat shameful. 徐然的目光一直在夭月和夭夜的腿上看,两女都是有些无地自容。 As princess, but no one dares such unscrupulous with this man looked that the vision of woman takes a look at them. 作为公主,可没有人敢这么肆无忌惮的用这种男人看女人的目光打量她们。 If not know that the legendary status of front man, they only feared will classify it in the color embryo that cannot withstand vulgarly comes up. 如果不是知道面前男人的传奇身份,她们只怕就会将之归类于粗俗不堪的色胚上去了。 Sir Xu Ran, you thought my leg is short, is unattractive. I also think that Sir Xu Ran and outside man are different, has not thought that is also that the vulgar person who sought after the beauty.” The young moon/month looked own elder sister's big long leg, looked at own small short leg, immediately has a dismal meaning. 徐然大人,你是不是觉得我腿短,不好看。我还以为徐然大人和外面的男人不一样,没想到也是那等贪图美色的庸俗之人。”夭月看了看自家姐姐的大长腿,又看了看自己的小短腿,顿时心生一种悲凉之意。 The men, definitely like the skin white/in vain pretty big long leg. 男人嘛,肯定是喜欢肤白貌美的大长腿的。 Although the young night wears the palace clothing, has not displayed a pair of proud long leg, but lets the person to observe and emulate that outline also to fantasize. But oneself......, even if wears the short skirt, is still has no alternative. 虽然夭夜穿着宫装,并没有将一双傲人的长腿表现出来,可是任人观摩那轮廓也能幻想出来。而自己……就算穿着短裙,也是无可奈何啊。 Moreover it is estimated that before , not possible to become their type of people like the young night. 而且估计自己以前也不可能像夭夜一样成为她们那种类型的人。 Does not like the attractive physical body, likes the interesting soul?” Xu Ran was happy. The men to the woman, do not like the attractive cheek and exaggerating stature, but also really has person who likes the soul? “不喜欢好看的肉体,难道还喜欢有趣的灵魂啊?”徐然乐了。男人对女人,不喜欢好看的脸蛋和夸张的身材,还真有喜欢灵魂的人? Perhaps has this type of person. Likes the interesting soul, mostly is that eccentric character, the side has no friend, therefore the side can present the friend who can chat comes, therefore likes this type of girl also being but actually normal. That eccentric person, when has. If likes the thing of young numerous, for example women's wear? And so on, girl but who can also meet an approval, that even is ugly a point should still to accept. 或许有这种类型的人吧。喜欢有趣的灵魂,大多都是那种孤僻的性格,身边没有什么朋友,所以身边能出现一个能够聊得来的朋友,所以喜欢这种类型的女孩子倒也是正常的。那种孤僻的人,什么时候都有。如果喜欢小众的东西,比如女装?之类的,还能遇到一个认同的女孩子,那就算丑一点应该也是能够接受的吧。 However Xu Ran is a very vulgar person, the Xu Ran's hobby also and most people's hobby is the same. Has the attractive cheek and perfect physical body, what is that also fastidious about? Can't the interesting soul 300 jin (0.5 kg) understand? 不过徐然是个十分庸俗的人,徐然的爱好也和大多数人的爱好相同。有好看的脸蛋和完美的肉体,那还讲究什么?有趣的灵魂三百斤懂不懂? „?” “啊?” The young night and young moon/month were blushed by Xu Ran that bold words noisily. The men are lascivious they are know that but the normal men ship out a talent to be outstanding outside, to girl's praise also in makings and cheek, on talent. Who so will be undisguised...... 夭夜和夭月都被徐然那大胆的话闹红了脸。男人好色她们都是知道的,可正常男人都是在外面装出一副才情出众,对女孩子的夸奖也是在气质和脸蛋,才华上面。谁会如此露骨…… Even usually the psychological quality powerful young night were somewhat shameful, only felt own whole body as if exposes in Xu Ran's has no secret at present. If Xu Ran this powerhouse wants to look, even if bind definitely cannot cover up again thick. 即使是素来心理素质强大的夭夜都是有些无地自容,只觉得自己全身都仿佛暴露在徐然的眼前没有任何秘密。如果徐然这种强者想看的话,那就算自己裹的再厚也肯定是遮掩不住的。 Good. Sir Xu Ran, wū wū, I know that...... you really like the young night elder sister such mature girl.” Young moon/month suffering is not good, honk the mouth, in the big eye has the class/flow that the tears cannot hold. She thought that she has had no chance, attraction that own body has no completely. “好啊。徐然大人,呜呜,我就知道……你果然还是喜欢夭夜姐姐这样成熟的女孩子。”夭月委屈的不行,嘟着嘴,大眼睛里已经有眼泪憋不住的流出来了。她觉得自己已经没有什么希望了,自己的身体完全没有任何的吸引力。
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