DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1336: The young moon/month of putting in great inconvenience to

Young night has seen Sir Xu Ran.” The young night hurries to salute, lowering the head in reverential awe. The young night is not brave like the young moon/month, even if will a little offend Xu Ran's possibly her not to brave. “夭夜见过徐然大人。”夭夜赶紧行礼,诚惶诚恐的低下头。夭夜可不像夭月还那么胆大,哪怕是有一点儿会得罪徐然的可能她都不想冒。 In her opinion, offends Xu Ran and pushes not different toward the fiery pit in the family. 在她看来,得罪徐然和将家族往火坑里推没什么两样。 Their families also need to depend on others to help now be able to go on living, if Xu Ran wants, even if the subordinate she still to Xu Ran. 她们家族现在还需要靠着人家帮忙才能活下去,若是徐然愿意,就算是给徐然做下属她也是愿意的。 Elder sister, what you make? How is he possibly Sir Xu Ran?” The young moon/month has a scare, only thought that head futile task fainted. Difficult to be inadequate...... “姐姐,你这是做什么?他怎么可能是徐然大人?”夭月吓了一跳,只觉得脑袋一黑差点就晕了过去。难不成…… However at this time, she naturally was continues obstinate argumentative. 不过这时候,她自然是继续嘴硬。 She also somewhat anticipated that...... reached an agreement and Sir Xu Ran has happy meeting with? Now may be good, happy meeting with from against appearance, has not caused the foe to be good. 她心里还有几分期待……说好了和徐然大人有一个美好的邂逅呢?现在可好,美好的邂逅没有从防出现,不弄出仇敌就不错了。 Her some do not believe this fact. Do oneself run into a person on the street casually is Sir Xu Ran? Will the character of that rank possibly have happening together with? Before deliberately created trouble, can a palm of the hand pat at will her by his strength, is his temperament is very obviously good. 她心里还是有些不相信这个事实。自己在街道上随便遇到一個人就是徐然大人?那种级别的人物怎么可能会和自己有交集?之前自己那么胡闹,以他的实力随意就可以一巴掌把她拍死,可是他的脾气明明很好啊。 Young moon/month panic-stricken is thinking, the beautiful pupil actually cannot bear look toward Xu Ran's on. But at this time Xu Ran is also looking the young moon/month, looks in the eyes, young moon/month immediately afraid lowering the head. 夭月心慌意乱的想着,美眸却是忍不住朝着徐然的身上看去。而此时徐然也正在看夭月,四目相对,夭月立刻心虚的低下了头。 If all these real, her concern Sir Xu Ran also knew. 如果这一切都是真的,那她的心事岂不是徐然大人也都知晓了。 The young moon/month, feels shyly awkwardly, stands there very suddenly feels helpless. 夭月羞怯不已,更是感到十分尴尬,一时间站在那里不知所措起来。 Actually after Xu Ran easily broke she strongest style she somewhat doubted the Xu Ran's identity. What talent this Jia Ma Empire this place has is the princess can not know? The Jia Ma Empire most famous talent also on Nalan Yanran, except for Nalan Yanran is she, the talents of others insufficiently look radically. 其实在徐然轻易的破掉了她最强的招式之后她心里就有些怀疑徐然的身份了。加玛帝国这地方有什么天才她这个做公主的能不知道吗?加玛帝国最出名的天才也就纳兰嫣然了,除了纳兰嫣然便是她,其他人的天赋根本不够看。 After elder sister's reminder, she has believed about the same. 在姐姐的提醒之后,她已经信了七七八八 At this time, she really does not know how should handle. If Ok, she really wishes one could to flee from this place immediately. 只是这时候,她真的不知道该怎么办好了。如果可以,她真的恨不得立刻逃离这个地方。 In the palace and Alchemist's Guild, everyone knows that she admires Sir Xu Ran this mysterious powerhouse, she has not concealed this point. Especially in knowing the Xiao Family sisters, Ya Fei, after Nalan Yanran is the Xu Ran's female friend, she had many ideas, in the heart somewhat is indignant. 在宫里和炼药师工会,所有人都知道她仰慕徐然大人这位神秘强者,她也从来没有隐瞒过这一点。尤其是在得知萧家姐妹,雅妃,还有纳兰嫣然都是徐然的红颜知己之后她更是生出了很多想法,心中还有些愤愤不平。 She thinks that oneself talent may be much better compared with the Sister Xiao younger sister, even if compares is not inferior with Nalan Yanran, let alone before Ya Fei this, even cultivated the person who was a problem. But own appearance is not under anybody absolutely. Can others with Sir Xu Ran in the same place, she not be why good? 她认为自己的天赋可比萧姐妹子好多了,就算是和纳兰嫣然比起来也丝毫不逊色,更别说雅妃这个之前连修炼都成问题的人了。而自己的容貌也绝对不在任何人之下。其他人都能和徐然大人在一起,凭什么她又不行? Knowledge opportunity and fate that she lacks. The Xu Ran whereabouts flutters decides all, even/including the imperial family looked for often unobtainable to find the person, she did not have the opportunity. 她所缺的知识机会和缘分而已。徐然行踪飘无不定,连皇室去找经常都难以找到人,她就更没有机会了。 This time she is wanted to prepare one well, at least must ask Sir Xu Ran to know her name, keeps a good impression. But who once thinks...... 这次她本是想要好好筹划一番的,至少也要叫徐然大人知晓她的姓名,留个好印象。可谁曾想…… The young moon/month somewhat despairs suddenly, even is somewhat dejected. 夭月一时间有些绝望,甚至有些心灰意冷。 Oneself were also too stupid, others have told himself obviously he are Xu Ran, finally she actually thinks that others pretend the goods, moreover wants to snatch the thing with others. Only feared oneself in others eyes were the rampant domineering royal princess, the favorable impression has fallen to the bottom. 自己也太愚蠢了,明明人家已经告诉自己他就是徐然,结果她竟然以为人家是假冒货,而且还想和人家抢东西。只怕自己在人家的眼里就是个嚣张跋扈的皇族公主,好感已经降到最低点了。 She was cried by oneself quickly stupid. 她都快被自己给蠢哭了。 Yue'er, what are you still deliberately creating trouble? Hasn't paid a visit Sir Xu Ran quickly? Can status your I of Sir Xu Ran suspect can it be that?” The young night saw the silly younger sister at this time also the silly war there, as if is still intertwining the Xu Ran's status, immediately draws the young moon/month to kneel in own side. 月儿,你还在胡闹什么?还不赶快来拜见徐然大人?徐然大人的身份岂是你我能够怀疑的?”夭夜见自家傻妹妹这时候还傻战在那里,似乎还在纠结徐然的身份,立刻拉着夭月在自己身边跪了下来。 Sir Xu Ran, Yue'er she is young, is innocent, hopes that Sir Xu Ran do not blame her.” The young night is clenching teeth to ask favor to Xu Ran, Xu Ran was for fear that angry a palm of the hand killing the young moon/month. 徐然大人,月儿她年纪小,不懂事,希望徐然大人不要怪她。”夭夜咬着牙向徐然求情,生怕徐然生气起来一巴掌将夭月给打死了。 „? In the young night princess's eyes, Xu is unprincipled person who likes bullying the little miss?” Xu Ran curls the lip. Although oneself are amiable, but the strength came up, some where people do not fear. “哦?难道在夭夜公主的眼里,徐某就是个喜欢欺负小姑娘的坏人?”徐然撇了撇嘴。虽说自己性格随和,可实力上去了,哪有人不怕的。 Does not dare below.” The young night hit to tremble. “在下不敢。”夭夜打了个寒颤。 Xu Ran looks at carefully the young night carefully, although the young night in the heart the fear but is neither arrogant nor servile standing in front of Xu Ran's, the proud stature seems has under contrast of that palace clothing the qualification, that empire sister of the emperor's noble air made Xu Ran look at several points actually high. As if, near this new village, has the trend of excess of Yin and shortage of Yang. Queen Medusa did not say that the Snake-People all previous generations head of the clan are attractive Queen Medusa. Yun Yun expensive/noble is cloud mist sect sovereign, but this imperial family most outstanding sister of the emperor and little princess also female, a young generation as if loses face/shows off is a female. 徐然细细端详夭夜,夭夜虽然心中害怕但还是不卑不亢的站在徐然的面前,傲人的身材在那一身宫装的衬托下显得十分有本钱,那帝国长公主的贵气倒是让徐然都高看了几分。似乎,在这新手村附近,都有种阴盛阳衰的趋势。美杜莎女王就不说了,蛇人族历代族长都是漂亮的美杜莎女王云韵贵为云岚宗宗主,而这皇室最出色的长公主和小公主也是女的,年轻一辈似乎出彩的都是女性。 This is really a good place. 这真的是个好地方啊。 Xiao Yan passed through really to choose a good new village! In new village Wutan City has Xun'er also to have that several Xiao Family younger sisters, has Ya Fei such stature makings to have the ripe female of seduction. Toward big looked, Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) of Qingyun Town, Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran of cloud mist sect, the sister of the emperor and little princess of imperial family, Qing Lin and Queen Medusa in desert. 萧炎穿越过来真是选了一个好的新手村啊!新手村乌坦城里就有薰儿还有那几个萧家妹子,更有雅妃这样身材气质都极具诱惑的熟女。往大了看,青云镇的小医仙,云岚宗的云韵纳兰嫣然,皇室的长公主和小公主,还有沙漠里的青鳞美杜莎女王 This truly was a very classical new village. 这确实是一个十分经典的新手村了。 So many outwardly refined and inwardly intelligent, the female of talent and good looks outstanding in both fields was all let off by Xiao Yan this boy unexpectedly, was really exasperating. 这么多秀外慧中,才貌双绝的女子竟是全被萧炎这厮放过了,真是气人啊。 He will not look like Xiao Yan is so polite. Arrived the meat of mouth, he will not let off absolutely. 他可不会像萧炎那么客气。到嘴的肉,他绝对不会放过。 Your this girl gets up. Kneels to do? I have not blamed you.” Xu Ran draws the young moon/month. “你这妮子起来吧。跪下来干什么?我又没怪你。”徐然将夭月拉起来。 Sir Xu Ran, don't you blame me?” The young moon/month opens moe moe who that water vapor disseminates the big eye. However wants to come the opposite party is so fierce possibly does not want to haggle over with this unimportant person, does not know at heart was happy is sad. 徐然大人,您不怪我?”夭月睁大那水汽弥散的萌萌哒大眼睛。不过想来对方这么厉害可能是不想和自己这个小人物计较,心里又不知道是喜是悲了。 Wū wū, made the bad impression, even the opposite party did not blame himself, oneself not to live. 呜呜,留下了坏印象,就算是对方不怪自己,自己也不想活了。 Reaching an agreement was graceful!!! 说好了要优雅的!!! Does not blame you. Also, did I seem like an unprincipled person of that word not at earliest convenience murder? You two do not need to fear me.” Xu Ran somewhat depressed saying. “不怪你。再说了,我像是那种一言不合就杀人的坏人吗?你们两个不必这么怕我。”徐然有些郁闷的说道。 Hee hee, I know that Sir Xu Ran was best.” The young moon/month sees Xu Ran seems like really does not care about the beforehand action, she of ancient spirit demon also the vitality was instantaneously full. “嘻嘻,我就知道徐然大人最好了。”夭月见徐然好像是真的不在乎自己之前的举动,古灵精怪的她瞬间又元气满满了。 Yue'er, cannot be impolite.” The young night also relaxes, seeing the Xu Ran's temperament is so good is also joyful. In the mainland almost all powerhouses are some temperament, even if were insufficient to begin to kill people to provoke the opposite party casually not to have the fruits to eat. 月儿,不许无礼。”夭夜也是松了一口气,见徐然的脾气这么好也是欣喜不已。大陆上几乎所有强者都是有些脾气的,就算不至于随便动手杀人可是惹恼了对方却也是没好果子吃。 It seems like by villain's heart gentleman's abdomen. Sir Xu Ran is really a handsome gentleman.” The secretly thought/passage of young night in the heart, looked that becomes to the Xu Ran's vision very fiery. Also no wonder, a big handsome fellow, the strength first under heaven, the character is so mild-mannered and cultivated, simply was the friend of perfect woman. “看来是自己以小人之心度君子之腹了。徐然大人果然是一位翩翩君子。”夭夜在心中暗道,看向徐然的目光变得十分火热。也难怪,一位大帅哥,实力天下第一,性格还这么温文尔雅,简直是完美的妇女之友了。 Under the Xu Ran's adjustment, two people already and forget the psychological oppression that the Xu Ran strength brought frightened. 徐然的调节下,两人早已将徐然实力所带来的心理压迫和恐惧忘记了。
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