DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1335: Ended

According to talent, the little princess in this empire as if not under Nalan Yanran. 按照天赋,这位帝国的小公主似乎不下于纳兰嫣然啊。 As the imperial family, the master is the empire Alchemist's Guild association president, obtains many resources in addition to hold since childhood, the young moon/month can be the degree really also to have the possibility. 身为皇室,师父又是帝国炼药师工会的会长,从小就获得诸多资源加持,夭月能够达到如此程度确实也是有可能的。 Although Nalan Yanran is also the Yun Yun's disciple, but cloud mist sect is not her family/home, the obtained resources not possible and young moon/month compares favorably. Therefore earlier definitely almost. 纳兰嫣然虽然也是云韵的弟子,但云岚宗又不是她家的,得到的资源不可能和夭月媲美。所以前期肯定会差一点。 Yue'er, cannot be impolite.” The young night also stared Xu Ran one ill-humoredly. Although Xu Ran is very easy to let contact his life to have the favorable impression. Also, cannot talk nonsense. 月儿,不许无礼。”夭夜也是没好气的瞪了徐然一眼。虽然徐然很容易能够让接触他的人生出好感。可是,也不能胡说八道吧。 Yue'er is supercilious, the person who wants to marry only possibly is that he...... 月儿心高气傲,想嫁的人只可能是那位,他又…… The young night thump jumps at heart, suddenly somewhat afraid looks at Xu Ran. 夭夜心里咯噔一跳,突然有些心虚的看着徐然 Listened to Yue'er saying that before this person, said that was Xu Ran. If is really Sir Xu Ran, will enter some Miteer Family's definitely people not to stop. Therefore...... 月儿说,这人之前还自称是徐然。如果真的是徐然大人的话,进入米特尔家族肯定是不会有人阻拦的。所以…… The young night thoughts are obviously more, the experience is broader. The makings so outstanding person, should not have others except for that. Moreover they guessed was also Xu Ran came back the Gama holy city for these days, otherwise did they use energy to come to here to do? This they will deduce actually not, but was the day before yesterday one group of strength very powerful black-clothed person attacks the Gama holy city also to have Miteer Family's, the Dou King powerhouse linked one move unable to get away in these person of hands is cranked up the blood fog, iced the sovereign to fight with the fists the severe wound. 夭夜心思显然更多,见识更广。气质如此出众的人,除了那位应该也没有别人了。而且她们所猜测的也是徐然这几天回来加玛圣城,不然的话她们费劲来这里干嘛?这倒不是她们会推演,而是前天一群实力十分强大的黑衣人袭击加玛圣城还有米特尔家族,斗王强者在那些人手中连一招都走不了就被拍成血雾,冰皇更是被一拳打成重伤。 However in the danger, a black robe powerhouse presented these people all solves. After the following matter, they infer the mysterious black robe powerhouse to be the friends of Sir Xu Ran. Now that mysterious powerhouse is the ice sovereign therapy in Miteer Family's. 不过在危险的时候,一位黑袍强者出现将那些人全都解决了。经过后面的事,她们推断出神秘的黑袍强者应该是徐然大人的朋友。现在那位神秘强者就在米特尔家族为冰皇疗伤。 Ended ended, was then thorough.” “完了完了,这下彻底完了。” Originally wants to make Yue'er this girl display well, is intimate with the aid of own condition and Sir Xu Ran, result girl has been contradicting unexpectedly Sir Xu Ran. Then died, cannot do well the imperial family wanted thoroughly offends Sir Xu Ran.” The young night only feels the both legs one soft. If really offended Xu Ran, she did not think that the imperial family can also continue to base in Jia Ma Empire, can or leaves be an issue. “本来想让月儿这丫头好好表现,借助自身条件和徐然大人亲近一点的,结果这丫头竟然一直在顶撞徐然大人。这下死定了,搞不好皇室就要彻底的得罪徐然大人了。”夭夜只觉得双腿一软。如果真的得罪了徐然,她不觉得皇室还能在加玛帝国继续立足下去,能不能或者离开都是个问题。 Yue'er this girl was really deliberately creates trouble.” 月儿这丫头真是太胡闹了。” Young night anxiously, what to do does not know to dare. 夭夜急得不行,又不知道敢怎么办。 The bonus was always cold proud she also blushed very at this time anxiously. A pair of long leg unceasing is stamping, is thinking deeply about the means of dealing. 饶是一向十分冷傲的她这时候也是急红了脸。一双长腿不断的跺着,思索着应对的办法。 Originally wants to cause perfect meeting by chance, oneself and Yue'er will be most perfect most attractive side demonstrating. But now, the first impression falls leeward. 本来想要弄出个完美的偶遇,将自己和月儿最完美最好看的一面给展示出来的。可现在,第一印象就落了下风。 Although young night intelligent, but has not had the sentimental experience. Otherwise, she so will not be anxious. 夭夜虽然聪慧但还是没有过感情经历。不然的话,她就不会这么焦虑了。 Well?” “咦?” Saw Xu Ran to evade own fireball, the young moon/month was somewhat surprised. 徐然躲过了自己的火球,夭月有些吃惊。 It seems like you are not weak. I underestimated you before.” Young moon/month knitting the brows head. Xu Ran aura is not truly strong, why is this? “看来你也没有那么弱嘛。我之前小看你了。”夭月皱了皱眉头。徐然身上的气息确实不强啊,这是为什么呢? Knows well. You are not my opponent.” Xu Ran said leisurely. “知道就好。你不是我的对手的。”徐然悠悠道。 That careless tone lets the young moon/month annoyingly. Does not have to think oneself prepare to this fellow lesson can admit defeat. 那漫不经心的语气让夭月懊恼不已。没想到自己准备给这家伙一個教训都能吃瘪。 This fellow should not be very strong! 这个家伙不应该很强啊! Then I did not prepare to show mercy. If you were not killed by me carefully cannot blame me.” “接下来我不准备手下留情了。要是你不小心被我打死了也不能怪我。” Black Class intermediate dou technique, Tian Huo inundates the dance!” 玄级中阶斗技,天火漫舞!” In the hand of young moon/month unceasing makes the golden flame, inundates the Tian Huo flame to burn toward Xu Ran. Although is not Heavenly Fire, but obviously is not the ordinary flame, should be a special spirit fire, is probably similar to the beast fire. 夭月的手上不断的打出金色的火焰,漫天火焰朝着徐然烧过去。虽然不是异火,但显然也不是普通的火焰,应该是一种特殊的灵火,大概和兽火差不多。 Waits to be fired the hard coke. Even if you ask me not to use now, dou technique released me unable to receive. You are good the attentive resistance, this can also save half life.” The young moon/month both hands fork waist, is very favorite. “等着被烧成焦炭吧。就算你现在求我也没有用了,斗技释放出来我也收不回去了。你就好用心一点抵御,这样还能捡回半条命。”夭月双手叉腰,十分得意。 She seems to have expected the Xu Ran's fate. 她似乎已经预料到徐然的下场了。 Although she Kindness but also is a princess, is not affable. 她虽然善良但也是一位公主,可不是好惹的。 Elder sister, am I fierce?” The young moon/month looks to the young night, tries to take undeserved credit. In the Jia Ma Empire imperial family, her talent can be said as alone first-grade, the young night cannot compare. Although her present achievement has huge resource unceasing pounding in her reason, but her talent is also not allow to neglect factor. Without the good talent, wastes to many resources. “姐姐,我厉害吧?”夭月看向夭夜,试图邀功。在加玛帝国皇室里,她的天赋可以说是独一等,连夭夜都不能比。虽说她现在的成就有大量资源不断的砸在她身上的缘故,可她的天赋也是不容忽视的因素。如果没有好的天赋,给再多的资源也是浪费。 „Very fierce.” On the young night face did not have the slight color, the corners of the mouth to pull out pulling out. Looks that still tries to show off the young moon/month that in the one side, she wishes one could to catch the hitting buttocks ruthlessly her. “是挺厉害的。”夭夜脸上没有丝毫颜色,嘴角抽了抽。看着还在一旁试图炫耀的夭月,她就恨不得把她抓回去狠狠的打屁股。 Offended a great person, is a very proud person? 得罪了一位大人物,难道是一件很值得骄傲的人吗? Fortunately only then she saw, if these old people in imperial palace, sees this, it is estimated that now has frightened to faint. 还好只有她看到了,如果是皇宫里的那些老人,看到这一幕,估计现在早就吓晕过去了。 Does not doubt, if Xu Ran must make a move, that imperial palace estimated that quickly turned into stretch of ruins. However this is also good, death estimated that could not feel what pain, quick does not have. 毫不怀疑,徐然如果要出手,那皇宫估计都很快变成一片废墟了。不过这样也好,死的时候估计也感受不到什么痛感,很快就没了。 What expression are you?” Why the young moon/month is not clear the complexion of young night suddenly becomes such ugly/difficult to look at, probably oneself made what unpardonably wicked matter. Was that fellow has spoken the nonsense obviously, but also provoked her, snort/hum, this offends her young moon/month princess's fate. “你这是什么表情?”夭月不明白为什么夭夜的脸色突然就变得这么难看,好像自己做了什么十恶不赦的事似的。明明是那个家伙一直说胡话,还挑衅她,哼,这就是得罪她夭月公主的下场。 You wait to take a beating, I will not help you in any case, I could not help you.” “你就等着挨揍吧,反正我不会帮你,我也帮不了你。” Young night inspires. 夭夜深吸了一口气。 She felt now most critical should be the young moon/month rather than the family. 她觉得现在最危急的应该是夭月而不是家族。 After all, this brave girl, but solid acted to Sir Xu Ran, although will not definitely create what injury and that's the end. 毕竟,这个胆大的妮子可是实实在在的对徐然大人出手了的,虽说肯定是不会造成什么伤势就是了。 Punches me? Who has courage? Should you not say him? Is impossible, he not possible compared with me.” The young moon/month sees sovereign elder sister beautiful eye continuously anxious staring on that person, cared curling the lip. “揍我?谁有这个胆子?你该不会说他吧?不可能,他又不可能比我强。”夭月见皇姐美目一直焦虑的盯在那个人身上,不在意的撇了撇嘴。 However next quarter, she staring ruthlessly in a big way eye. 不过下一刻,她就是狠狠的瞪大了眼睛。 As the golden flame diverges, Xu Ran safe and sound standing there, but in his hand presents one group of golden flame. 随着金色的火焰散去,徐然安然无恙的站在那里,而他的手上则是出现一团金色的火焰。 This...... was this? 这……这是怎么了? That is Black Class intermediate dou technique, is front fellow unexpectedly Dou King? 那可是玄级中阶斗技,难道面前这个家伙竟然是斗王 What kind of? I said that you aren't my opponent?” Xu Ran is saying, both hands rub, that golden flame vanished in his hand. “怎么样?我就说你不是我的对手吧?”徐然说着,双手一搓,那金色的火焰就在他的手上消失了。 „Your you...... should not be rampant, I have a stronger style!” The young moon/month rises to blush. She is alchemist, the fight experience is not many, this truly was strongest dou technique that grasp presently. “你你你……你别嚣张,我还有更强的招式!”夭月涨红着脸。她是炼药师,战斗经验不多,这确实是自己现掌握的最强的斗技了。 Yue'er, quick do not deliberately create trouble.” 月儿,快别胡闹了。” The young night does not think the young moon/month continues to create a scene again, angrily rebuked hastily this girl, the made small young moon/month puts in great inconvenience. 夭夜可不想夭月再继续无理取闹下去,连忙怒斥了这小妮子一声,弄的这小夭月委屈不已。 However the young night may be unable to attend to these, arrives in front of Xu Ran's hastily, using the palace etiquette to salute to the Xu Ran heart, the stance is very graceful, movement very pleasant. 不过夭夜可顾不得这些了,连忙走到徐然的面前,用着宫廷礼仪对徐然心行礼,姿态十分优雅,动作十分的赏心悦目。 The young night truly compares the young moon/month more like the princess who in the palace comes out, body that aristocrat makings are young moon/month that girl cannot compare. But the young night the Jia Ma Empire sister of the emperor, will also become the empress in the future. 夭夜确实比夭月更像是宫廷里出来的公主,身上那种贵族气质是夭月那妮子不能比的。夭夜可是加玛帝国的长公主,未来还成为了女皇。
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