DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1334: Indignant young moon/month

Yue'er, should you not like Sir Xu Ran?” 月儿,你该不会喜欢徐然大人吧?” Young moon/month that whole face flood spring appearance simply is obvious cannot be obvious. Even has not experienced coming out that the person of matter of love still has been able to look. 夭月那满脸泛春的样子简直是明显的不能再明显了。就算是没有经历过情爱之事的人也能看的出来啊。 Elder sister you looked. I do not believe the elder sister the idea not to Sir Xu Ran.” A young moon/month face is charming. “姐姐你看出来了啊。我不信姐姐对徐然大人一点儿想法都没有。”夭月一脸娇羞。 Heart movement how? Such has the normal woman to be excited. But we and Sir Xu Ran are the people in two world.” The young night sighed. “心动又怎么样?那样的存在正常女人都会心动的。可是我们和徐然大人是两个世界的人。”夭夜叹了口气。 Two world? Nalan Yanran also had Xiao Family that several people is also not and Sir Xu Ran in together, we will not compare them to be bad.” The young moon/month is not convinced. She has thought oneself luck is not good. Oneself continuously in the Gama holy city, but Xu Ran has not actually basically come to this place, therefore she sees the Xu Ran's opportunity not to have. “两个世界又怎么了?纳兰嫣然还有萧家那几個人还不是和徐然大人在一起了,我们又不会比她们差。”夭月十分不服气。她一直都觉得自己的运气太不好了。自己一直在加玛圣城,可是徐然却基本没怎么来过这个地方,所以她连见徐然的机会都没有。 Instead is the person who in Wutan City that small place Xiao Family is at can frequently and Xu Ran in the same place. 反而是萧家所在的乌坦城那个小地方的人可以经常和徐然在一起。 Thinks each time, oneself on nervous of air/Qi. 每次想起来,自己就气的慌。 And Xue Mei, their alchemist talent might as well she. It is said that they have followed now in learn/study hermetic art of Sir Xu Ran. If given time, they could exceed Pill King Gu He. 还有琳菲和雪魅,她们的炼药师天赋还不如她呢。据说,她们现在已经跟在徐然大人的身边学习炼丹术了。假以时日,她们或许能够超越丹王古河 Two talents were inferior that her person the achievement will imagine above her in the future air/Qi. 两个天赋不如她的人未来成就会远在她之上想象就来气。 Giggle. Never expected that Yue'er is really careful to the person who has usually not met. However this is also good. Originally our imperial family needs to find the way to obtain the help of Sir Xu Ran, if Yue'er and Sir Xu Ran , the crisis of our imperial family were easily solved Oh. young night to tease together. Although she also admires the existence in legend, particularly in the past few days saw Xu Ran to wave to beat these powerhouses, Jia Ma Empire on the crisis saves, she is more excited. “咯咯。没想到月儿还真的对一个素未谋面的人上心了啊。不过这样也好。本来我们皇室就需要想办法得到徐然大人的帮助,如果月儿徐然大人在一起了,我们皇室的危机就迎刃而解了哦。”夭夜打趣道。她虽然也十分仰慕传说中的这位存在,尤其是前些天看到徐然挥手间击败那些强者,将加玛帝国就危机中拯救出来的时候,她就更加心动了。 However the excited thoughts of returning home move. What that are more is the worship, she had self-knowledge very much. 不过心动归心动。那更多的是崇拜,她还是很有自知之明的。 She will not harbor the too deep fantasy like the young girl to these impractical things. Supported, being Sir Xu Ran the one-night stand person was hopeful, wants to obtain his love is not basically impossible. 她可不会像少女一样对那些不切实际的事情抱有太深的幻想。撑死了,做徐然大人一夜情人还有希望,想要获得他的宠爱基本不可能。 „The crisis of imperial family? What's the matter?” The young moon/month was shocked. “皇室的危机?怎么回事?”夭月愣住了。 Now the empire is crisis-ridden. Did not say cloud mist sect, in Jia Ma Empire, even if the Miteer Family's position has been able to treat as an equal to our imperial family now faintly. If our imperial family had not found the dependence, is very difficult to continue in the empire to base.” “现在帝国已经危机四伏了。不说云岚宗,在加玛帝国,就算是米特尔家族的地位现在都已经隐隐可以和我们皇室平起平坐了。如果我们皇室没有找到依靠的话,很难继续在帝国立足。” The imperial family, Miteer Family's, the influence of cloud mist sect is maintaining balanced. Although cloud mist sect is stronger, but the empire also has the army, therefore is not suppressed by cloud mist sect completely. But Miteer Family's and cloud mist sect has the Xu Ran's asylum, presented Ya Fei, Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran such variable. These people follow Xu Ran, in the future the strength will not know to be able high. When the time comes the imperial family was left behind by two big influences thoroughly. 原本皇室,米特尔家族,云岚宗的势力保持着平衡。云岚宗虽然强一些,但帝国也有军队,所以也不算被云岚宗完全压制。可米特尔家族和云岚宗有着徐然的庇护,更是出现了雅妃,云韵,纳兰嫣然这样的变数。这些人跟着徐然,未来实力不知道能有多高。到时候皇室就彻底被者两大势力甩在后面。 Originally is this. I have not thought of this point.” The young moon/month calls out in alarm makes noise. The situation change of empire was too quick, the normal person has not thought that the short time will have such big change. Empire most people have not responded, but in 1-2 years, imperial family's deterrent force to the empire will be inferior to the past greatly. “原来是这样。我还没想到这一点。”夭月惊呼出声。帝国的局势变化的太快了,正常人也没想到短短时间就会有这么大的变化。帝国大多数人还没反应过来,但再过1-2,皇室对帝国的威慑力将会大不如从前。 Therefore. If sees Sir Xu Ran, Yue'er must display well. I looked that perhaps Yue'er such type Sir Xu Ran will like very much also perhaps. Sir Xu Ran has not as if contacted Yue'er this stature, moreover Yue'er is three alchemist, even if no opportunity in the love, perhaps can also do obeisance a division.” The young night is to also start to size up the young moon/month to get up. To be honest, the young moon/month now is also too small, young, the stature is immature. Regarding certain people who have the special hobby will have strong attraction. Moreover can be regarded as fosters the department, slowly growth. “所以啊。如果见到徐然大人的话,月儿要好好表现。我看月儿这样的类型徐然大人也许会很喜欢也说不定。徐然大人似乎还没有接触过月儿这种身材的,而且月儿还是三品炼药师,就算在爱情上没有机会,说不定还能拜个师。”夭夜也是开始打量起夭月起来。说实话,夭月现在也太小了,年纪小,身材更是幼小。对于某些有特殊爱好的人会产生很强的诱惑力。而且还可以当做是养成系,慢慢成长。 Most mainly, is three alchemist. Even when used to work as the medicine child still yes. The beautiful and talented medicine child, Sir Xu Ran should be also interested. 最主要,还是一位三品炼药师。就算是用来当个药童也是可以的。又养眼又有天赋的药童,徐然大人应该也会感兴趣吧。 „Do you think so me to do?” “你这么看着我干什么?” The young moon/month looked by the young night very embarrassed. Is actually still envying the young night at heart. If she has small Ye stature, has had the courage to look for Xu Ran. 夭月被夭夜看的十分不好意思。心里却还在羡慕夭夜。如果她有幺夜的身材的话,早就鼓起勇气去找徐然了。 All right. My family Yue'er was really more and more attractive. Perhaps the future of our royalty grasps in your hand. If saw when the time comes Sir Xu Ran you clung to for dear life hit rottenly, so long as can keep side Sir Xu Ran to be the medicine children even yes.” The young night starts to offer advice. “没事。只是我家月儿真是越来越好看了。说不定我们皇族的未来就掌握在你的手上。如果到时候见到徐然大人了你就死缠烂打,只要能留在徐然大人身边就算做个药童都是可以的。”夭夜开始出主意。 Young moon/month secret nod. Being the medicine children being the princess is more promising, can observe and emulate that refine the pill of immortality after all frequently, when the time comes own experience, the hermetic art can also promote. 夭月暗暗点头。做药童都比做公主有前途,毕竟可以经常观摩那位炼丹,到时候自己的见识上去了,炼丹术也能有所提升。 Yo. Isn't this young moon/month princess? Was our meets?” Xu Ran looks at front big young two beautiful women, walked. “哟。这不是夭月公主吗?我们这是又见面了?”徐然看着前方一大一小的两位美女,走了过去。 Is you? Before you played tricks on my matter I not to ask you to do accounts! Your Damn it!” Hears that very familiar-sounding sound, the young moon/month turns around to see Xu Ran, straight trembling of air/Qi. “又是你?之前你戏弄我的事情我还没有找你算账呢!你该死!”听到那十分耳熟的声音,夭月转身看到徐然,气的直哆嗦。 Does this fellow also dare to appear in her front unexpectedly? Knows that she was the princess was so rampant? Simply was too rampant!!! 这家伙竟然还敢出现在她的面前?知道她是公主了还这么嚣张?简直是太嚣张了!!! How however does this fellow come in? By the defense of Miteer Family's, is impossible to have the miscellaneous personnel to mix is. Isn't his status very ordinary? 不过这家伙是怎么进来的?以米特尔家族的防卫,不可能有闲杂人等混进来才是。难道他的身份很不一般? How do you come in?” The young moon/month depresses the heart the anger, both hands fork waist, is staring a big eye. The young moon/month wants to act crazy, may think that here is Miteer Family's, if fights here is the influence is not really good, will unable to do well will also affect Miteer Family's to her impression. “你是怎么进来的?”夭月压下心头的怒火,双手叉腰,瞪着一双大眼睛。夭月本来就想发飙了,可想到这里是米特尔家族,要是在这里打架实在是影响不好,而且搞不好还会影响到米特尔家族对她的印象。 Naturally is follows two princess to come in together. I said that I am two princesses' friends, put me to come.” Young moon/month that having a fit of bad temper kitten appearance made Xu Ran happy. “当然是跟着两位公主殿下一起进来的呗。我说我是两位公主的朋友,就放我进来了。”夭月那一副炸毛的小猫样子让徐然乐了。 The young moon/month, three alchemist, they were truly fiercer than Xue Mei. Even if has not obtained the too strong chance, future she should still be able to become with the Gu He same six refine the pill of immortality masters. 夭月,三品炼药师,确实是比雪魅她们厉害多了。就算没有得到太强的机缘,未来的她应该也能成为和古河一样的六品炼丹师。 What? Is your courage so unexpectedly big?” The young moon/month and young night were scared. However the young night always finds it strange, at present this person is extraordinary, the appearance is very outstanding, such person should not be the ordinary talent is right. As for the young moon/month ago description, was her total feeling the young moon/month is the air/Qi excessive said was too exaggerating. Moreover the Miteer Family's person should be insufficient not to inquire that releases people right. “什么?你胆子竟然这么大?”夭月和夭夜都是傻眼了。不过夭夜总是觉得怪怪的,眼前这个人气质不凡,样貌更是十分出众,这样的人应该不是普通人才对啊。至于夭月之前的描述,她总感觉是不是夭月是气过头了才说的太夸张了。而且米特尔家族的人应该不至于不询问一声就放人进来才对。 What's wrong? Actually haven't I lied?” “怎么?其实我也没说谎啊?” Moreover doesn't the princess want to marry me? I promised you, like this I was your fiance, therefore we truly were not the general relations.” “而且公主不是想要嫁给我吗?我答应你了,这样我就是你的未婚夫了,所以我们确实不是一般的关系啊。” Married your big end of ghost, when e has spoken these words?” The young moon/month, loses the reason indignantly directly. The young, young moon/month unexpectedly is Dou Spirit Cultivation(Level). “嫁你个大头鬼,莪什么时候说过这句话?”夭月气愤不已,直接丧失理智。年纪轻轻,夭月竟然已经是斗灵修为
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