DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1333: Jia Ma Empire present situation

Your highness, this......” “殿下,这个……” Several guards are trembling, how that words they dare to say. 身后几位侍卫都是哆嗦着,那话他们怎么敢说啊。 I redeem you to be innocent. Said.” The young moon/month clenches teeth to say. In her heart that not good premonition is getting more and more intense, wishes one could and pursues to look for that hateful fellow. “我赎你们无罪。说吧。”夭月咬牙道。她心中那不好的预感越来越强烈,恨不得又追回去找那个可恶的家伙。 Actually......” has a brave guard to arrive the young moon/month the side, is explaining low voice. Just explained that was kicked by the young moon/month. “其实……”有一位胆大的侍卫走到夭月的身边,小声的解释着。刚刚解释完就被夭月一脚踢飞了。 The pitiful guard was treated as the undeserved target of anger completely. Reached an agreement obviously innocently, where can give a thought to so many in the fit of temper young moon/month? 可怜的侍卫完全被当做了出气筒。明明说好了无罪的,不过在气头上的夭月哪里顾得了那么多? Hoodlum, dares to play tricks on me unexpectedly, looked that I do not open you!” Young moon/month angry going back looks for Xu Ran, at that time but Xu Ran had walked did not have the shadow, she can only a person pent up anger. “臭流氓,竟然敢那么戏弄我,看我不拆了你!”夭月恼怒的回去找徐然,不过徐然那时候早就走的没影了,她只能一個人生闷气。 Hateful! 可恶! No wonder he smiles is so happy, originally is that meaning. 难怪他笑的那么开心,原来是那种意思。 Bah bah bah...... is very normal words and expressions is actually thought obviously that type of thing, simply is the sex fiend. 呸呸呸……明明是很正常的词语竟然被想成了那种东西,简直是色魔。 Yue'er, were you? Who bullied you?” The front surface is one wears the extravagant Huajin robe, the female who the stature selects high, this female cheeks and little princess has several points to be an excellent likeness, but has to plant with Xue Mei differs many elegantly beautiful, this elegantly beautiful, unexpectedly also has several points by the dignified makings that the imperial family gradually influences. 月儿,你这是怎么了?谁欺负你了?”迎面是一位身着奢华锦袍,身材高挑的女子,这名女子脸颊与小公主有着几分神似,不过却是有种与雪魅相差不多的冷艳,并且,这份冷艳之下,居然还有着几分被皇室熏陶出来的威严气质。 Compared with the body petite cute little princess, this female, actually passes an elegantly beautiful mature character and style from top to bottom, the beautiful eye is looking about, seduced as if made by Heaven. 与身躯娇小可爱的小公主比较起来,这位女子,浑身上下却是透着一股冷艳的成熟风情,美目顾盼间,诱惑天成。 The young night is the Jia Ma Empire imperial family sister of the emperor, inflicting physical torture day adds old the granddaughter, the elder sister of young moon/month. 夭夜是加玛帝国皇室长公主,加刑天“加老”的孙女,夭月的姐姐。 The young night will become the Jia Ma Empire empress in the future, although with but is of young the noble air night that imperial family to be thicker for the princess, among the manners has the extremely graceful makings. 夭夜未来更是会成为加玛帝国的女皇,虽然同为公主但夭夜身上那皇室的贵气更浓,举止间有着极为优雅的气质。 Elder sister, I just met a very hateful fellow, I was bullied.” The young moon/month saw the young night, in heart indignant finally found the source that can divulge, matter in full detail that will immediately have a moment ago said that listened to the young night. “姐姐,我刚刚遇见了一个很可恨的家伙,我被欺负了。”夭月看到夭夜了,心中的气愤终于找到了可以宣泄出来的出处,顿时将刚才发生的事情一五一十的说给夭夜听。 The young night listened is also speechless. 夭夜听了也是一阵无语。 This also is really...... 这还真是…… However how she felt that person who young moon/month description is a bit like Sir Xu Ran? 不过她怎么感觉夭月描述的那个人有点像是徐然大人呢? Although she has not seen that legendary character, but some premonitions, he may appear in the Gama holy city for these days. Therefore, she will appear in public in this street. 虽然她也从来没有见过那个传奇人物,可自己有预感,他这几天可能会出现在加玛圣城。所以,她才会在这街头抛头露面。 Although the young moon/month that person of censuring having no merit to speak, may ponder Sir Xu Ran loose becomes famous. Although in the imagination the strength of Sir Xu Ran is invincible, likely is that very indifferent person, but since old times the merry people possibly were not that character. 虽然夭月将那人贬的一无是处,可细想一下徐然大人的风流可是出了名的。虽说想象中徐然大人的实力无敌,很可能是那种很冷漠的人,但自古风流的人都不可能是那种性格吧。 Is listening narration of young moon/month, the young moon/month drops quickly that idea in mind. 听着夭月的讲述,夭月将脑海中的那个想法又很快打消掉。 How the young moon/month is possibly in luck, can run into Sir Xu Ran. This is basically unlikely. 夭月怎么可能这么走运,能够遇到徐然大人嘛。这基本不太可能。 Since old times after Sir Xu Ran became the Jia Ma Empire well-known powerhouse, the person who pretended to be Sir Xu Ran were too many. Some people thought imitates Sir Xu Ran to be very cool, some people take this to seek money as. However although few people know Sir Xu Ran the long what appearance, but the powerhouse makings of could not imitate. 自古徐然大人成为加玛帝国妇孺皆知的强者之后,冒充徐然大人的人太多了。有些人只是觉得模仿徐然大人很酷,有些人则是以此为自己牟利。不过虽然很少有人知道徐然大人长什么样子,但强者身上的气质是模仿不了的。 Since the young moon/month said that person is very ordinary, that should not be Sir Xu Ran. 既然夭月都说那人很普通,那应该不是徐然大人。 At the young night their boundary, naturally does not know that the true powerhouse has achieved giving up affectation, oneself already and surrounding environment fused together, achieved the boundary of harmony of nature and man in the true sense, usual time naturally did not show one's self. 以夭夜她们的境界,自然不知道真正的强者早已达到了返璞归真,自身已经和周围的环境融为一体,达到了真正意义上的天人合一的境界,平时的时候自然是不显山不露水。 But if the true powerhouse, will see some clue faintly. Because among the Xu Ran's manners the agreeing without consultation main road, can bring many clear(ly) to become aware to these super powerhouses, observes and emulates even to soar earnestly. 但如果是真正的强者,就会隐隐看出一些端倪。因为徐然的举止间都暗合大道,能够给那些超级强者带来许多明悟,认真观摩甚至有可能一飞冲天。 However these, naturally cannot completely understand by the visions of Jia Ma Empire these powerhouses by far. 不过这些,以加玛帝国这些强者的眼界自然是远远看不透的。 We are visit Uncle Teng Shan.” “我们是来拜访藤山叔叔的。” Two princesses invited.” “两位公主这边请。” The young nights and young moon/month two princesses entered Miteer Family's quickly. 夭夜和夭月两位公主很快就进入了米特尔家族 Elder sister, you said that we can see Sir Xu Ran..” The young moon/month is holding the hand of young night, very worries. Xu Ran this name becomes famous as tier seven alchemist at first, at that time the young moon/month has wanted to see Xu Ran. The time that what a pity Xu Ran presents each time is not fixed, oneself cannot be always easy to present the place that to stay at a selected place in Xu Ran to defend. Even she wants, but the imperial family actually cannot lose that person. “姐姐,你说我们有没有可能见到徐然大人啊。呜。”夭月拉着夭夜的手,十分发愁。徐然这个名字最初是作为七品炼药师而出名的,那时候夭月就一直想见徐然了。可惜徐然每次出现的时间都不固定,自己总不能老是在徐然容易出现的地方蹲点守着吧。就算她愿意,可皇室却丢不起那人。 Moreover cloud mist sect these influences will not be glad. Can monopolize and Xu Ran this powerhouse's close relation, who the meeting is willing to let? 而且云岚宗那些势力也不会乐意。能够独享和徐然这位强者的密切关系,谁又会愿意让出来呢? cloud mist sect becomes the northwest mainland most wealthy and powerful family gate faintly, the speed of that rise makes the Jia Ma Empire innumerable influences be jealous. Their Gama imperial families are so. 云岚宗隐隐成为西北大陆最强宗门,那崛起的速度让加玛帝国无数势力都眼红。她们加玛皇室更是如此。 Gama Royalty now is very hurried. Now Yun Yun is Dou Ancestor, Snake-People Queen Medusa is also the Dou Ancestor powerhouse. Moreover these two will break through Dou Venerate in the future is also everyone is expected the matter. Although Jia Ma Empire is also maintaining own position after now but ? Even if cloud mist sect does not act to the imperial family, may after present situation Jia Ma Empire perhaps will emerge a large numbers of Dou Ancestor powerhouse, when the time comes Jia Ma Empire what to do? 加玛皇族现在很慌。现在云韵已经是斗宗了,蛇人族美杜莎女王也是斗宗强者。而且这两位未来突破斗尊也是所有人预料之中的事情。虽说现在加玛帝国还保持着自己的地位但以后呢?就算云岚宗不对皇室出手,可随着现在局势的发展加玛帝国以后恐怕会涌现出一大批的斗宗强者,到时候加玛帝国怎么办? The Miteer Family's strength was far less than Gama imperial family. After all, inflicting physical torture day, but Dou Emperor peak character. At that time the inflicting physical torture day said that is the Jia Ma Empire ten big powerhouses most is not overrated. Gama imperial family can control Jia Ma Empire, naturally also by strength. 米特尔家族原本实力远不如加玛皇室。毕竟,加刑天可是斗皇巅峰的人物。那时候加刑天说是加玛帝国十大强者之最都不为过。加玛皇室能够掌控加玛帝国,自然也是靠实力。 Now because Xu Ran's appears, the strength of Gama imperial family was far less than that cloud mist sect and Miteer Family's, can the imperial family not be unhurried? 现在因为徐然的出现,加玛皇室的力量远不如云岚宗和米特尔家族了,皇室能不慌吗? Even now the situation also stabilizes, but, the imperial family still can only abdicate to give up one's post to a more qualified person this way. The strength cannot be joined to the position, the consequence is very fearful. 就算现在局势还稳定,可这样下去,皇室也只能退位让贤了。实力配不上地位,后果是很可怕的。 Therefore, the imperial family is also seeking for Xu Ran now. The imperial family had arrived at the critical life or death obviously time. 所以,皇室现在也都在寻找徐然。皇室显然已经到了危急存亡的时候了。 This point, the young night is very clear. However the management of young moon/month to the empire is not always careful, on Pill Dao, does not know these things with single-hearted devotion. 这一点,夭夜是很清楚的。不过夭月对帝国的管理从来都不上心,专心在丹道上,并不知道这些事情。 Should come. If obtains the help of Sir Xu Ran. The empire only feared that......” young night is nipping the silver tooth lightly. Either, the imperial family give away the present position, either will be conquered by killing, the young night has thought of this result. “应该会来吧。如果得到徐然大人的帮助。帝国只怕……”夭夜轻咬着银牙。要么,皇室让出现在的位置,要么就会被血洗,夭夜已经想到了这个结局了。 At most five years, Jia Ma Empire will welcome a great change. When the time comes perhaps, in the Jia Ma Empire ten big powerhouses top Dou Emperor can only occupy the lowliest place. 顶多五年,加玛帝国将会迎来一场巨变。到时候说不定,加玛帝国十大强者中顶尖的斗皇都只能屈居末位了。 If Sir Xu Ran came, I......” young moon/month was crazy suddenly, face flood flushed. Own this body, should receive some people to like very much. Heard that many people are good this, but most people like elder sister that type the high stature curve the good girl. Also does not know that Sir Xu Ran likes that type, completely what to do if Sir Xu Ran isn't interested in oneself such type? The girls have been ready, in fact she often makes that all kinds dream that in the evening takes somebody as the lead. “要是徐然大人来了,我就……”夭月一时间痴了,脸泛红潮。自己这幅身躯,应该会很受部分人喜欢的吧。听说很多人就好这一口,但大多数人还是喜欢姐姐那种又高身材曲线又好的女孩子。也不知道徐然大人到底喜欢那种,要是徐然大人完全对自己这样的类型不感兴趣怎么办?小妮子早就做好了准备,实际上她经常在晚上做那种以某人为主角的色色的梦。
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