DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1332: Sexually harasses the princess

Although does not know that you look for Miteer Family's to have anything. However I and Miteer Family's head of the clan have the remote antiquity elders is very ripe, should be able to help you.” Hai Bodong is the Miteer Family's remote antiquity elder, is the present Miteer Family's true words matter person. Miteer Family's head of the clan Miteer Teng mountain Xu Ran is also very ripe. “虽然不知道你去找米特尔家族有什么事。不过我和米特尔家族的族长还有太上长老都很熟,应该能够帮到你。”海波东米特尔家族的太上长老,也是现在米特尔家族真正的话事人。米特尔家族的族长米特尔滕山徐然也很熟。 So long as his a few words get down, Miteer Family's will basically comply. 只要他一句话下去,米特尔家族基本都会照做。 By him and Ya Fei, the relations between Hai Bodong, Miteer Family's can say that now obeys his command completely. 以他和雅妃,还有海波东之间的关系,米特尔家族可以说现在是完全听从他的号令的。 However the outside world only knows that relations between he and Ya Fei do not know the ice sovereign reappears Jia Ma Empire also stems from his help. 不过外界只知道他和雅妃之间的关系并不知道冰皇重现加玛帝国也是源于他的帮助。 Tittered. You will really boast. You think that who that two are? Also can have the relations on you with that two? First did not say that your strength, solely your age not possible and they have what friendship.” The young moon/month looks that front this said seriously Xu Ran of nonsense, on the small face wrote all over awkwardly. “噗嗤。你真会吹牛。你以为那两位是什么人啊?就你还能和那两位扯上关系?先不说你的实力,就单单你的年纪也不可能和他们有什么交情。”夭月看着面前这个一本正经说胡话的徐然,小脸上写满了尴尬。 If the average person, looks appearance that at present this person of that vows solemnly perhaps on letter/believes. But she is not stupid! Although seems like her to compare young to be pure, but she is very intelligent. 要是一般人,看着眼前这人那信誓旦旦的样子或许就信了。但她又不蠢!虽然看上去她比较年轻单纯,但她可是很聪明的。 Miteer Family's remote antiquity elder Ice Emperor Hai Bodong is the Jia Ma Empire peak powerhouse, the hearsay ice sovereign was previously missing has even left the world, but the ice sovereign presents again time compared with the former strength must stronger several points. 米特尔家族的太上长老冰皇海波东乃是加玛帝国最顶尖的强者,先前都传闻冰皇失踪甚至是已经离世,可冰皇再次出现的时候比之前实力还要更强了几分。 As for the Miteer Family's head of the clan status is also good, even if her Imperial Father saw that the Miteer Family's head of the clan still respects. Empire three big family each are not weak, Miteer Family's is good at doing business, the Miteer auction market is found in the entire empire, is powerful. 至于米特尔家族的族长身份也是不俗,即使是她的父皇见到米特尔家族的族长也十分敬重。帝国三大家族每一个都不弱,米特尔家族擅长经商,米特尔拍卖场遍布整個帝国,实力雄厚。 Although she is the empire little princess, how many does not have to happen together with the Miteer Family's high level, at present this person actually says oneself and that two and he are very ripe in the empire status very noble person, isn't this speaking the joke? 她虽然是帝国小公主,与米特尔家族的高层也没有多少交集,眼前这个人竟然说自己和那两位在帝国身份很高贵的人和他很熟,这不是在说笑话吗? The swindler who however in this world likes boasting were too many, even also usually some people on the street wore the outlandish clothes to add oneself were Xu Ran. 不过这个世界上爱吹牛的骗子太多了,甚至在街道上还经常有人穿着奇装异服还说自己就是徐然呢。 You should do not say that you were Sir Xu Ran in legend?” Monster moon/month ill-humored saying. “你该不会又要说你就是传说中的徐然大人了吧?”妖月没好气的说道。 How do you know? I truly am Xu Ran.” Xu Ran gawked. Rapidness of such own status exposition? However oneself are so high in the Jia Ma Empire popularity, goes to the situation that was known to everybody to be known to everybody, was recognized is very normal. The good Xu Ran's portrait had not been passed on, otherwise, walks to be recognized on the road. “你怎么知道?我确实是徐然。”徐然愣了一下。自己的身份暴露的这么快?不过自己在加玛帝国人气这么高,达到了无人不知无人不晓的地步,被认出来也很正常吧。还好徐然的画像没有被传出来,不然的话,走在路上都有可能被认出来。 Wait...... 等等…… This girl looked that his look is so strange? 这妮子看他的眼神怎么这么怪异啊? Couldn't oneself be? 难道自己还不能是自己了? On the Xu Ran face the muscle pulled out pulling out. However regarding most people, even if has really seen own portrait, saw own this average not strange the appearance will not approve. After all, shouldn't Xu Ran be the arrogant aloof powerful image? 徐然脸上肌肉抽了抽。不过对于大多数人来说,就算真的见过自己的画像,看到自己这幅“平平无奇”的样子也不会认可的吧。毕竟,徐然不应该是孤傲高冷强大的形象吗? Dies!” “去死!” I must see many people to say on the road oneself are Sir Xu Ran. You? Is you my servant not necessarily victorious can also be Sir Xu Ran?” Young moon/month both hands fork waist. “在路上我都要看见好多人说自己是徐然大人的了。就你?你连我身边的下人都不一定打得过还能是徐然大人?”夭月双手叉腰。 Actually, when acknowledged that own status, the change of that flash makings lets in the young moon/month instantaneous heart tremble, always felt that makings are very mystical are very familiar. 其实,在承认自己的身份的时候,那一瞬间气质的变化让夭月瞬间心中一颤,总感觉那种气质很神秘还很熟悉。 However waits for her from that strange feeling, careful observation Xu Ran also did not have the sensation to that type of aura. She then breathes a sigh of relief long. Precisely, how at present this fellow possibly is Sir Xu Ran in legend. 不过等她从那种奇异的感觉走出来的时候,仔细的观察徐然又没有感知到那种气息了。她这才长舒了一口气。就是嘛,眼前这个家伙怎么可能是传说中的徐然大人。 Sir Xu Ran is the unearthly aloof overbearing callous man. At present although this fellow has the style of Sir Xu Ran in the face value, but in makings radically different. 徐然大人可是不食人间烟火的高冷霸道冷酷的男人。眼前这个家伙虽然在颜值上有徐然大人的风范,可气质上根本不同嘛。 Although if walks on the road can run into Sir Xu Ran, that walked transported greatly. However this small probability event will not happen on her body, she does not think oneself have that luck. 要是虽然走在路上都能遇到徐然大人,那才是走了大运了。不过这种小概率事件不会发生在她的身上的,她不认为自己有那种运气。 Goes to Miteer Family's to try one's luck quickly, this is the most appropriate decision. 还是赶快去米特尔家族里碰运气,这才是最妥当的决定。 Snort. You boasted. This princess mood good today not to investigate that you contradicted my matter.” The young moon/month remembers the duty of trip, does not want again and Xu Ran continues to pester. “哼。你就吹牛吧。本公主心情好今天就不追究你顶撞我的事情了。”夭月想起自己此行的任务,不想再和徐然继续纠缠。 Contradicting princess? The princess do not talk nonsense.” Xu Ran was obviously crooked. The look in the young moon/month may in petite the body of person massive. This physique cannot undergo. “顶撞公主?公主殿下可不要胡说啊。”徐然显然是想歪了。眼神在夭月娇小可人的身躯上大量。这身板也经受不起啊。 Also is the top, is hits, he does not think that can withstand by the strength that the young moon/month performance presents. 又是顶,又是撞的,他不认为以夭月表现出现的实力能够承受的了。 „Are you thinking not the good thing?” The young moon/month has not understood the Xu Ran's meaning actually, but the surrounding male understood the Xu Ran's meaning, but does not dare this words to explain that listens to the young moon/month, can only look at Xu Ran with amazement, at heart even secret extended the thumb to Xu Ran. “你是不是在想不好的东西?”夭月倒是没有听懂徐然的意思,只是周围的男性都是明白了徐然的意思,但又不敢将这种话解释给夭月听,只能骇然的看着徐然,心里甚至暗暗的给徐然伸了根大拇指。 Greatly flamboyant. 大牛逼了。 In front of princess to sexually harass the princess unexpectedly, in as if also such a that Jia Ma Empire dares to do that. 竟然当着公主的面调戏公主,在加玛帝国敢这么做的似乎也就这么一个吧。 Really is an iron! The young moon/month princess is fortunately chaste, cannot listen to this saying meaning, otherwise have't can act crazy immediately? 真是头铁啊!还好夭月公主纯洁,听不出这话的意思,不然的话还不得立即发飙? The people are also unceasing is peeping the young moon/month princess while this opportunity, although because may see that person therefore was young the moon/month appearance to be obviously attentive. That petite body, the young tender thigh, good to be stepped on by the princess...... 众人也是不断的趁着这个机会偷看着夭月公主,因为虽然有可能见到那个人所以夭月的打扮明显是用心了的。那娇小的身躯,还有幼嫩的腿部,好想被公主殿下踩啊…… What can I also think not good thing? The princess wants.” “我还能想什么不好的东西?公主殿下想多了。” Right?” “是吗?” Young moon/month doubt looks at Xu Ran. 夭月狐疑的看着徐然 With her temperament, in the normal condition must begin. But why does not know, looks that the face of front man she seems not angry....... This fellow is sexually harassing himself obviously obviously. Although oneself cannot hear, in the dreadful expression that but are repressing laughter from other person of that can also guess correctly, that absolutely is not the word of praise. 以她的脾气,正常情况下早就要动手了。可是不知道为什么,看着面前男子的脸她就仿佛一点儿都不生气。明明……明明这家伙就是在调戏自己啊。自己虽然听不到,可自己从其他人那强忍着笑的猥琐表情上也能猜出一些,那绝对不是什么好话。 Snort.” “哼。” The young moon/month stamps the feet, then turned around directly. 夭月跺了跺脚,然后直接转身走了。 Little brother, your luck was also too good, the little princess has not begun to you unexpectedly, is really unusual.” Shop boss also some the people of seeing a play were dumbfounded, person who casual a few words although the little princess was not unprincipled person but this authorization has the potential can determine the destinies of their these average people. This fellow such resentment little princess, unexpectedly is at present safe and sound. Possibly was little princess too Kindness. “小兄弟,你的运气也太好了,小公主竟然没有对你动手,真是稀奇啊。”店老板还有一些看戏的人都是傻眼了,小公主虽然不是什么坏人但这种有权有势的人随随便便一句话就能决定他们这些普通人的命运。眼前这个家伙这么怼小公主,竟然安然无恙。可能是小公主殿下太善良了吧。 Un.” “嗯。” Xu Ran smiled, not to say anything. The pack good necklace will take away, Xu Ran bought other gifts, calculates that the gift quantity and population, determined no one leaves out the later Xu Ran then satisfaction walks toward Miteer Family's. 徐然抿嘴一笑,倒没有说什么。将打包好的项链拿走,徐然又买了一些其他的礼物,算了算礼物数量和人数,确定没有人漏下之后徐然这才满意的朝着米特尔家族走去。 Hey. You said, what just that fellow said is what meaning? How do I more want to be stranger?” The young moon/month walks on the avenue, more thinks that the moon/month is not right, is angry at heart. “喂喂喂。你们说,刚刚那个家伙说的是什么意思?我怎么越想越奇怪?”夭月走在大街上,越想月不对劲,心里十分生气。 That hateful fellow has contradicted obviously she, hadn't she just made people grasp unexpectedly him? At least also wants beginning to make him know own fierce is right. Oneself was just that? 明明那个可恶的家伙一直顶撞她,她刚刚竟然没有让人将他抓起来?至少也要自己动手让他知道自己的厉害才对啊。自己刚刚那是怎么了?
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