DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1331: Meeting by chance young moon/month

Xu Ran walks to have a look everywhere, if must give the gift, or does not deliver either all delivers. 徐然到处走走看看,如果要送礼物的话,要么不送要么全送。 Prepares one to everyone, Xu Ran is thinking the head was big. 给所有人都准备一份,徐然想着脑袋都大了。 Except for the traditional necklace, the bracelet, the card issuing and so on, naturally have the black silk qipao and so on various attractive clothes must arrange on. Especially the qipao, this is the most evident stature. 除了传统的项链,镯子,发卡之类的,自然还有黑丝旗袍之类的各种好看的衣服也要安排上。尤其是旗袍,这可是最凸显身材的。 Xu Ran looked for the clothing store high price personal to order many wrap/sets all kinds of Chinese dresses, the fishing net sock, the shark trousers, the joined bodies trousers, the yoga clothing/taking...... this gift gave to them, gave own. 徐然找了家服装店高价私人订制了许多套各式各样的旗袍,还有渔网袜,鲨鱼裤,连体裤,瑜伽服……这礼物既是送给她们的,也是送给自己的。 If makes Zhuqing they wear the qipao, tall Kaicha the skirt swayed, the thigh is partly visible, absolutely is a wonderful experience. 要是让竹清她们穿上旗袍,那高开衩的裙摆,大腿若隐若现,绝对是一种美妙体验。 After Xu Ran the clothing handles, goes to each place to buy the small accessory. Although is not precious, but the ritual light affection is heavy. By their present position, does not need him to give them the priceless thing. 徐然将服装搞定之后,又去各个地方买小饰品。虽然不贵重,但礼轻情意重嘛。以她们现在的地位,也不需要他送给她们多价值连城的东西。 This necklace I wanted, money did not need to look.” Xu Ran one big scatters the gold coin on the showcase, points at the sky-blue necklace to say together. “这块项链我要了,钱不用找了。”徐然将一大把金币撒在展柜上,指着一块蔚蓝色的项链说道。 Looks that gold coin that Xu Ran scatters, the person in in the shop was all scared. Has seen richly, but has not seen has not been serious money. 看着徐然撒下的那一把金币,铺子里的人全都傻眼了。见过有钱的,但没见过这么不把钱当回事的。 Xu Ran is truly rich, alchemist not poor, let alone Xu Ran? 徐然确实有钱,炼药师就没有穷的,更何况徐然 Boss exchanged greetings, while wrapped the necklace. Sees Xu Ran not to answer, no longer talked too much. This completed only, could go against him to make more than half a year the business. 老板一边寒暄,一边将项链包起来。见徐然没有回话,也不再多嘴。这一单做好了,顶得上他做大半年的生意了。 Boss, this necklace I bought.” The clear and weak sound passes on side Xu Ran's. A physique petite young girl points at that necklace to say. “老板,这项链我买了。”清脆而幼稚的声音在徐然的身边传过来。一位身姿娇小的少女指着那块项链说道。 This, amused Xu Ran. 这一幕,将徐然都逗乐了。 Completely disregards him, wants to snatch his thing. 完全无视他,就想要抢他的东西。 He has not come across this matter for a long time. 他好久没有遇到过这种事情了。 Young moon/month princess?” The boss is startled in Lairen the status. “夭月公主?”老板吃惊于来人的身份。 Snort. Also the step installs a bit faster to me.” little loli tender snort/hum. “哼。还步快点给我装好。”小萝莉娇哼一声。 Has the guest to buy this necklace.” The boss looked at Xu Ran one. The customer that Xu Ran this type is not short of money he does not want to lose. Rich, is extraordinary, this character he cannot offend. “可是已经有客人将这块项链买下来了。”老板看了徐然一眼。徐然这种不差钱的客户他也不想失去。有钱,气质出众,这种的人物他也得罪不起。 Who? I pay the double prices to buy.” The young moon/month is not naturally short of money, at this time she noticed Xu Ran, in the eye full is the shocking color. “谁啊?我出双倍价钱买下来。”夭月自然也是不差钱的,这时候她才注意到徐然,眼里满是惊艳之色。 After Xu Ran arrives at the Gama holy city, restrains own aura, seeming like only better than the average person. How however Xu Ran goes into hiding again, makings have that very shocking face value unable to cover. 徐然来到加玛圣城之后就将自己的气息收敛起来,看上去只比普通人好一点。不过徐然再怎么隐匿,身上的气质还有那十分惊艳的颜值还是无法掩盖的。 The young moon/month saw that Xu Ran's was shocked at that moment. 夭月看到徐然的那一刻就被震惊到了。 The Xu Ran's face is very attractive, the eye is also very attractive. Especially more looks is more attractive, belongs is not only attractive also depends on that kind of person who looks. 徐然的脸很好看,眼睛也很好看。尤其是越看越好看,属于是不仅好看还赖看的那一类人。 Pitifully.” The young moon/month stared at Xu Ran to look some little time, recovered. The Xu Ran's aura is not strong, in her opinion Xu Ran's Cultivation(Level) is not high. Although has one charming face but her young moon/month is not because external of man likes on the person of opposite party all of a sudden. “可惜了。”夭月盯着徐然看了好一会儿,回过神来。徐然的气息不强,在她看来徐然的修为不高。虽然拥有一张帅气的脸庞但她夭月可不是因为男人的外在就一下子喜欢上对方的人。 Without strength, man or woman, without that intoxicated charm. 如果没有实力,不论是男人还是女人,都没有那令人心醉的魅力。 Without the strength, but the appearance extremely evildoer/monstrous talent, will only make one want the crime, wants, then imprisons. As for tender, the love, that is still far from. 没有实力,而长相太过妖孽,只会让人想要犯罪,想要得到,然后囚禁起来。至于怜惜,爱情,那还谈不上。 However the young moon/month also has to acknowledge, glimpses Xu Ran's that flash in first, her truly heart buds all of a sudden. However the reason made her drop that impractical idea instantaneously. 不过夭月也不得不承认,在第一眼瞥见徐然的那一刹那,她确实是一下子芳心萌动。不过理智让她瞬间打消了那种不切实际的想法。 What she likes is that fellow, except for him, other person of she is impossible to like. 她喜欢的是那个家伙,除了他,其他人她都不可能喜欢。 That necklace is you must buy? How much money do you pay to buy? I double to buy from your hand.” The young moon/month uses an unquestionable tone to say. “那项链是你要买的吗?你出多少钱买的?我加倍从你手上买下来。”夭月用着一种不容置疑的语气说道。 The young moon/month is not an average person, she is the Jia Ma Empire little princess, the natural talent is not worse than Nalan Yanran, young is the vice-chairmen of alchemist association, is Jia Ma Empire very famous talent alchemist. 夭月可不是普通人,她是加玛帝国的小公主,天资算起来不比纳兰嫣然差,年纪轻轻就已经是炼药师协会的副会长了,是加玛帝国十分有名的天才炼药师 Xue Mei, although also has the fame for talent, but cannot compare with the young moon/month. 雪魅和琳菲虽然也有才名,可是和夭月是不能比的。 Although in tone aggressive, but its smart-alecky cute semblance, just like the babyish calf, appears under contrast of short skirt is such being liked by everybody, lets the person cannot be angry. 虽然语气上咄咄逼人,可其俏皮可爱的外表,犹如婴儿般的小腿,在短裙的衬托下显得是那样的人见人爱,让人也是生不起气来。 Does not sell.” Xu Ran shakes the head. This is he prepares to give the wife. How can say that sells sells? Especially young moon/month attitude, was more impossible to sell. “不卖。”徐然摇了摇头。这可是他准备送给自己老婆的。怎么能说卖就卖?尤其是夭月这种态度,更不可能卖了。 You know that who I am?” The young moon/month has not thought that Xu Ran will reject itself unexpectedly, was startled. By her status, has wanted anything to have anything, but also no one disobedient she. Except for the status, her talent is she is also very proud. “你知道我是谁吗?”夭月没想到徐然竟然会拒绝自己,惊了一下。以她的身份,一直都是想要什么就有什么,还没有人忤逆过她。除了身份,她本身的天赋也是她十分骄傲的。 „Do I sell with your status have the relations? You must oppress + me with the status, buys and sells by using compulsion?” Xu Ran teased. Young moon/month powder carves the cheek that the jade carves, the immature body, that pair of baby same tender small short leg, absolutely is full loli. Moreover is not civilian loli of meeting misfortune, but is full riches and honor loli. “我卖不卖跟你的身份有关系吗?难道你还要用身份来压迫+我,强买强卖?”徐然戏谑道。夭月这粉雕玉琢的脸蛋,幼小的身躯,那一双婴儿一样一眼嫩的小短腿,绝对是個十足的萝莉。而且还不是落难的平民萝莉,而是十足的富贵萝莉。 You!” On the young moon/month face becomes flushed, by dumbfounded that Xu Ran said. “你!”夭月脸上涨红,被徐然说的哑口无言。 If Xu Ran really does not sell, she does not have the means. Might as well seizes a necklace by her status. She is only has not thought that the opposite party is so unexpectedly rampant, in the situation that wants the high price to buy is not willing to give her. 如果徐然真的不卖,那她也没办法。以她的身份还不如强抢一条项链。她只是没想到对方竟然这么嚣张,而且在她愿意高价买的情况下也不愿意给她。 You do not know rampantly how safe is so exactly big.” The young moon/month is whispering indignantly. Xu Ran long is so attractive, let alone is a woman, even if the man has many of still that strange hobby. The Xu Ran's strength is not strong, should be seized secretly then...... “你这么嚣张也不知道怎么平安的活这么大的。”夭月气愤的嘀咕着。徐然长的这么好看,别说是女人,就算是男人有那种奇怪爱好的也不少。徐然的实力又不强,应该早就被偷偷捉住然后…… What's wrong? Difficult to be inadequate you not to want this necklace, but wanted me? If you liked me speaking frankly, perhaps my mood good to put in great inconvenience to itself to satisfy your one.” Xu Ran smiles. “怎么?难不成你不想要这项链了,而是想要我了?要是你喜欢我了就直说,说不定我心情好就委屈自己满足你一下了。”徐然一笑。 The young moon/month is drawn back several steps that the Xu Ran evil look looked fiercely, but the Xu Ran's words were make her become angry out of shame. 夭月被徐然邪恶的眼神看的猛地退了几步,而徐然的话更是让她恼羞成怒。 I did not want this necklace the general headquarters.” “我不要这项链了总行了吧。” I may have no interest in people like you.” “我对你这样的人可没兴趣。” „If not I must go to Miteer Family's now anxiously, I catch the imperial palace you today, then punches your.” The young moon/month is blushing said bitterly. She only thought that this person is very at present hateful, even long is more attractive not to compare that person in his heart by far. Also yes, how can this average person compare with that character? “如果不是我现在急着要去米特尔家族的话,我今天就把你抓到皇宫去,然后的揍你一顿。”夭月红着脸恨恨道。她只觉得眼前这个人十分可恨,就算是长的好看些也远远比不上他心中的那个人。也是,这个普通人怎么能和那种人物比? Miteer Family's, that happen to the way. However what does the princess palace get down there to make?” Xu Ran looks that outside several young months accompany bring several great treasure boxes. 米特尔家族,那正好顺路啊。不过公主殿下去那里做什么?”徐然看着外面几位夭月随从带着的几个大宝箱。 Naturally is......” monster moon/month happen to says is then quiet immediately, what matter closes your? Should you unable to go in the Miteer Family's front door therefore to make me lead you to go in?” “当然是……”妖月正好说出口便立刻住嘴,“关你什么事?该不会你进不去米特尔家族的大门所以想让我带你进去吧?” The young moon/month is sizing up Xu Ran. 夭月打量着徐然 She went to Miteer Family's at this time naturally has a look at the opportunity to run into that person. 她这时候去米特尔家族自然是去看看有没有机会遇到那个人的。 That person around Jia Ma Empire only with cloud mist sect, Snake-People, Miteer Family's and Xiao Family relates closely. Xiao Family, she naturally has no longer wanted to go to Miteer Family's visiting ahead of time, has a look at opportunity meeting by chance that person. 那个人在加玛帝国周围只和云岚宗,蛇人族,还有米特尔家族萧家关系密切。萧家已经不再了,她自然想提前去米特尔家族拜访,看看有没有机会“偶遇”那个人。
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