DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1330: Gama holy city

This space wormhole also is really mysterious.” Queen Medusa now is the Dou Ancestor powerhouse, has spied on the mystery of strength of space initially. “这空间虫洞还真是神奇。”美杜莎女王现在已经是斗宗强者了,已经初步窥探到了空间之力的奥妙。 Regarding the present space wormhole, she can sends out the sensation the strength of exquisite boundless space to there. 对于眼前的空间虫洞,她能够感知到那里散发出来的精妙磅礴的空间之力。 A Xu Ran person of so relaxed manufacture a space wormhole, but also innovated one drastically to reduce the energy consumption to the space wormhole. If made the outside world know, will start a vibration absolutely. However such stable energy consumption low space wormhole also only then Xu Ran can make. 徐然一人就如此轻松的制造出一处空间虫洞,还对空间虫洞革新了一番大幅的降低了能耗。要是让外界知道了,绝对又会掀起一阵震动。不过这么稳定能耗低的空间虫洞也只有徐然能够制造出来。 Xu Ran also had to promote this type of space wormhole, various mainland places connecting the idea, afterward thought deeply about to give up carefully. 原本徐然还有推广这种空间虫洞,将大陆各处都连接起来的想法,后来仔细思索一下就放弃了。 Xu Ran can actually establish this type of space wormhole in various mainland places, when the time comes the entire mainland looked like cultivates the innumerable place airports to be the same, conveniently which went. If this is an ordinary world this naturally is the good deed, may in the world that the powerhouse stands in great numbers, this convenience perhaps is the disaster. 徐然却是能够在大陆各处都建立这种空间虫洞,到时候整个大陆就像是修炼了无数处机场一样,去哪儿都方便。如果这是一个普通的世界这样自然是好事,可在强者林立的世界,这种方便恐怕是灾难。 Some powerhouses optional goes to some small places, after doing evil, can slide fast. 一些强者随意的来到一些小地方,作恶之后就能快速溜了。 Even if the space wormhole in mainland not the manned routine maintenance needs massive demon beast monster core. Such high expenditure instead makes some small places secluded from the world, cannot contact Central Plains for a long time and so on powerful place, regarding these small places is also the good deed. 大陆上的空间虫洞就算是不载人日常维护都需要大量的魔兽魔核。这样高的花费反而让一些小地方与世隔绝,长期接触不到中州之类的强大地方,对于那些小地方也算是好事。 Elder Brother Xu Ran good.” 徐然哥哥好棒。” Little Qing Lin also applauds in the one side. 小青鳞也在一旁鼓掌。 A she light green simple and elegant attire, body, although petite, but compared first meets the Xu Ran's time also to be mature a point. But her stature has with the semblance different maturity, this/should raised raised, this/should concave concavity, this/should plentiful plentiful, this/should slender slenderness. Perhaps is the powerful gene of snake person bloodlines is causing trouble. As if, Snake-People younger sister, but also without big, the stature is very enchanting. The good Snake-People younger sisters are the human form snake body, otherwise, but also really makes the normal person unable to dominate. Also nearby empire dark forces like catching the Snake-People younger sister to sell no wonder secretly. Although snake body, waist that but that full grasps, is to make the person change countenance. Moreover many also well that unusual animals hobby, normal. A real lizard can arouse the beast desire of person, other were nothing unusual. 她一身淡绿的清雅装束,身子虽然娇小但比起初次遇见徐然的时候又成熟了一点。而她的身材却是有着与外表不同的成熟,该凸的凸,该凹的凹,该丰满的丰满,该纤细的纤细。或许是蛇人血脉的强大基因在作祟吧。似乎,蛇人族的妹子,还没多大,身材就已经十分妖娆了。还好蛇人族的妹子都是人形蛇身,不然的话,还真的让正常人把持不住。也难怪附近的帝国黑暗势力都喜欢偷偷来抓蛇人族的妹子去卖。虽说是蛇身,但那盈盈一握的腰肢,却是让人动容。而且很多人还就好好那一口,异兽癖嘛,正常。一只真蜥蜴都能激起人的兽欲,其他就不足为奇了。 However Qing Lin the character compares now actually is too many well before, no longer was that timid appearance. In Snake-People, everyone knows that Qing Lin and Xu Ran's relations no one will therefore bully her, instead regards the guest to supply her. Medusa is also very good to her. 不过青鳞现在性格倒是比起之前好了太多,不再是那一副怯生生的样子了。在蛇人族,所有人都知道青鳞徐然的关系所以没人会欺负她,反而将她当成座上宾供起来。美杜莎对她也很不错。 Qing Lin is as always and Xu Ran is intimate, Xu Ran just arrived at Snake-People, Little Qing Lin throws toward Xu Ran. 青鳞还是一如既往的和徐然亲密,徐然刚到蛇人族,小青鳞就朝着徐然扑过来了。 What is your fellow looking at?” Xu Ran has stared at the willow waist of Qing Lin to look, Queen Medusa they somewhat ate the taste. “你这家伙又在看什么?”徐然一直盯着青鳞的柳腰看,美杜莎女王她们都有些吃味了。 Own woman, is not does not look.” Xu Ran smiles embarrasedly. “自己的女人,又不是看不得。”徐然讪讪一笑。 Now here matter also completes, I must prepare Jia Nan Academy. When I built in the past well that side space wormhole to connect with here wormhole, when the time comes I meet you through the wormhole again.” “现在这里的事儿也完成了,我也要准备回迦南学院了。等我过去将那边的空间虫洞搭建好就可以和这里的虫洞连通了,到时候我再通过虫洞来接你们。” Such quickly?” “这么快?” Several females have not thought that Xu Ran must walk quickly, is some does not abandon. However thinks that after Xu Ran goes to Jia Nan Academy is arranges the space wormhole , can only depress the innermost feelings and Xu Ran intimate idea. 几女没想到徐然这么快就要走,都是有些不舍。不过想到徐然迦南学院是去布置空间虫洞之后只能压下内心和徐然亲热的想法。 Does not pass Jia Nan Academy to need with more people to share Xu Ran together, thought of this point sadly they. 不过去了迦南学院又需要和更多人一同分享徐然了,想到这一点她们就忧愁的很。 You have returned early. If within has not come back to meet us for half a month, you...... yourself look at the office.” Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) helpless saying, she is not attentive with Xu Ran enough. In was also too quick with Xu Ran a point that the together time passed. Usually in only felt time many bored quickly, may with Xu Ran that looks forward to the time to pass in always think together the time is not enough. “那你早就早回。要是半個月之内没有回来接我们的话,你就……你自己看着办吧。”小医仙无奈的说道,她还没有和徐然温存够。和徐然在一起的时间过的也太快了一点。平日里只觉得时间多的让人无聊巴不得时间过的快一点,可和徐然在一起就总是觉得时间不够。 Does not use half a month, less than one week I will handle all.” “不用半个月,不到一个星期我就会搞定一切。” Arrived there, we also had in the together time, I will accompany your, I pledged.” Xu Ran daily time abundant, but the person were too many he to be unbearably busy. “到了那里,我们在一起的时间还有很多,我会多陪你们的,我发誓。”徐然每天的时间充裕的很,只是人太多了他忙不过来罢了。 The wife were many, really cannot accompany. 老婆多了,真的陪不过来啊。 Every so often he feels unworthy for them. If he is a younger sister, absolutely not with oneself this man. 很多时候他都替她们感到不值。如果他是个妹子的话,绝对不会跟自己这种男人。 What means but also has? He eventually only then, can only give them some gifts to let them occasionally accompanies without oneself a little reposed. 可是又有什么办法呢?他终究只有一个啊,只能偶尔送她们一些礼物让她们在没有自己陪伴的时候有点寄托了。 Although oneself are very selfish, looks that their hopes the looks are also very guilty, but if will make him choose him to do the same matter. Saw that was married to be others woman by own excited younger sister finally, this matter he may be unable to do. 虽说自己很自私,看着她们那希冀的眼神也很愧疚,但如果让他选择他还是会做同样的事。看到让自己心动的妹子最后嫁作他人妇,这种事他可做不出来。 If the previous generation, that actually also good, no feeling. May have the strong strength, can marry the result obviously because of the sand sculpture, that always felt that has an aggrieved feeling, looking like green was been same. 如果是前世的话,那其实也还好,没什么感觉。可有了强大的实力,明明能自己娶走结果因为自己沙雕,那总感觉有种憋屈的感觉,就像是被绿了一样。 Jia Nan Academy, I will find the person to help you cultivation, you grow certainly the unthinkable rapidness.” Xu Ran eye one bright, then said. Meng Yiran in Divine Realm is Snake Goddess, can help make them of ophidia bloodlines grow rapidly. The Dugu Yan poison regarding Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) is also the good tonic. “等去了迦南学院,我会找人帮助你们修炼,你们成长一定会匪夷所思的快。”徐然眼睛一亮,然后说道。孟依然神界蛇神,能帮让有蛇类血脉的她们快速成长。独孤雁的毒对于小医仙来说也是上好的补品。 I, I first walked. Next time will come back to give you to bring the gift.” Xu Ran just thought this point. Now the wife were many, cannot accompany in their side also not in other aspect multipurpose desserts words, he himself will feel oneself will evolve toward the dregs male road on. “等我,我先走了。下次回来给你们带礼物。”徐然刚刚才想起来这一点。现在老婆多了,不能陪在她们身边还不在其他方面多用点心的话,那他自己都会觉得自己会往渣男的路上进化。 Really, hears the gift, the numerous female complexion is becomes attractively, the complexion also becomes gentle. 果然,听到礼物,众女的脸色都是变得好看许多,脸色也变得柔和起来。 Little Qing Lin remembers that listens to several elder sisters' words.” 小青鳞记得听几位姐姐的话啊。” Elder Brother Xu Ran, my meeting, Qing Lin was most obedient.” Little Qing Lin longing nod. 徐然哥哥,我会的,青鳞最听话了。”小青鳞依依不舍的点头。 Xu Ran confessed one also no longer stops over, but he does not have to return to Jia Nan Academy directly, but went to the Jia Ma Empire capital Gama holy city. 徐然交代了一番也不再逗留,不过他没有直接回迦南学院,而是去了加玛帝国的首都加玛圣城。 First, to have a look at the Jia Ma Empire casualty situation ; second, gives Xun'er them to buy a gift to send back. 一是看看加玛帝国的伤亡情况,二是去给薰儿她们都买点礼物送回去。 The Gama holy city as the Jia Ma Empire national capital is this region liveliest place, couple days ago when Jia Nan Academy experienced terrifying the person on attack later street to compare was prosperous before was short actually. However even so also as before was the sea of people. 加玛圣城作为加玛帝国的国都乃是这一片区域最繁华的地方,前几天迦南学院经历了恐怖的袭击之后街道上的人比起之前繁盛时倒是少了许多。不过即使如此也依旧是人山人海了。 But in all directions obviously and Xiao Yan's name were discussed. Xiao Yan almost became the Jia Ma Empire people public enemy. After all, leading that group of powerhouses to cope with Jia Ma Empire, this is not Xiao Yan is a scapegoat. 而四处都可见自己和萧炎的名字被讨论。萧炎几乎成为加玛帝国人民公敌了。毕竟,带着那一批强者来对付加玛帝国,这也不算萧炎背锅。 But Xu Ran was blown Heaven. Xu Ran listened somewhat to be embarrassed, had an inexplicable sense of shame. Listens to one group of people to drink to boast, oneself that flattered actor, being true is somewhat strange. What is more fearful, own love story also by such people vigorous discussion of Eight Trigrams (gossip), simply. 徐然则是被吹上天了。徐然自己听着都有些不好意思了,有种莫名的羞耻感。听着一群人喝酒吹牛,自己还是那被吹捧的男主角,属实是有些怪异。更可怕的是,自己的艳史也被这么八卦的群众激烈的讨论,简直了。
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