DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1343: Concubine

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ Loves pen building] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[爱笔楼]https://最快更新!无广告! The young moon/month runs from the Miteer mansion, continuously outside aimless is walking, is kicking the pebble in roadside, puts in great inconvenience to some regrets at heart. 夭月从米特尔府跑出来,就一直在外面漫无目的的走着,踢着路边上的石子,心里委屈又有些后悔。 Damn it Bastard, I kick you!” 该死混蛋,我踢死你!” The young moon/month is regarded as Xu Ran the pebble on road, kick around. 夭月将路上的石子当做是徐然,踢来踢去。 Ran she to regret from Miteer Family's. This matter she is unable to blame anybody. Does Xu Ran like itself, what relations has with the young night? Moreover the rise and fall family's are related with Xu Ran. For the rise and fall family's, the young night and Xu Ran even should also rejoice be right in her together. 米特尔家族跑出来她就已经后悔了。这件事她根本无法怪罪任何人。徐然喜不喜欢自己,跟夭夜有什么关系?而且家族的兴衰都和徐然有关。为了家族的兴衰,夭夜和徐然在一起她甚至还应该高兴才对。 Then she plays the small temper to run, definitely turned into the image of creating a scene in the Xu Ran's eye. 这下她耍小性子跑出来,在徐然的眼里肯定变成了无理取闹的形象。 Oh.” The young moon/month sighs. Oneself always cannot control oneself mood in front of Xu Ran, wants to display obviously well, but the time seems like discrediting itself intentionally. She wants to look for a tree to kill itself to result, how can she be so stupid? “唉。”夭月叹了一口气。自己在徐然面前总是控制不住自己的情绪,明明想要好好表现的,可是次次都像是在故意抹黑自己。她都想找个树撞死自己得了,她怎么能这么蠢? However she regretted also late, cannot run dirtily. 不过她后悔也晚了,总不能灰头土脸的跑回去吧。 Originally she also thinks after oneself run, Xu Ran will pursue, she also slows the tempo intentionally, result and this hateful fellow!!! 本来她还以为自己跑出来之后,徐然会追出来的,她还故意放慢了速度,结果和这个可恶的家伙!!! Hey. Also is angry?” “喂。还生气呢?” The ear broadcasts the familiar sound, the young moon/month, looks at that outstanding free and easy man joyfully hastily excessively, cannot bear at heart thump thump jumps madly. 耳边传来熟悉的声音,夭月欣喜不已,连忙偏过头看着身边那俊逸洒脱的男子,心里忍不住怦怦乱跳。 Snort, on the vitality/angry, wants you to manage.” The young moon/month is suppressing happy intent in heart, ships out appearance that must get angry, proud tender saying. “哼,就生气,要你管。”夭月憋着心中的喜意,装出一副要发怒的样子,傲娇的说道。 As for? Didn't I teach with you to my knowledge yesterday experiment one?” “至于吗?我不就是拿你昨天传授给我的知识去试验一番吗?” „Your you......” “你你你……” The young moon/month was silly, listening to Xu Ran to mention yesterday's matter she ashamed and resentfully. Oneself were really was insane insanely will handle that matter. This Bastard...... she said that can it be that Xu Ran turns into the immediate value these that she said on the sovereign elder sister. 夭月傻了,听徐然说起昨天的事儿她羞愤不已。自己真是得了失心疯才会做那种事情。这个混蛋……她只是说说而已,莫不是徐然将她说的那些变成现实作用在皇姐身上了。 Suddenly she always thought that somewhat did not endure to look straight ahead to the young night sovereign elder sister. 突然她总觉得有些对夭夜皇姐不忍直视起来了。 Can own that solemn dignified sovereign elder sister have such side? Wasn't that bullied dead by Xu Ran this fellow? 自己那端庄威严的皇姐也能有这么一面吗?那不是被徐然这家伙欺负死了? Your this Bastard! You are the color embryo, if makes me bully the young night elder sister, I have not ended with you.” The young moon/month shames and gets angry. “你这个混蛋!你就是个色胚,要是让我欺负夭夜姐姐,我跟你没完。”夭月又羞又怒。 „Don't you dislike her? Happen to I help you bully her, when the time comes you hide quietly were looking, looked how I tidy up her to revenge for you.” Xu Ran somewhat funny saying. “你不是讨厌她吗?正好我帮你欺负她一顿,到时候你就悄悄躲着看,看我怎么收拾她为你报仇。”徐然有些好笑的说道。 Is hiding peeping?” “躲着偷看?” You are really shameless, I misread you.” “你真是无耻,我看错你了。” The young moon/month by the face that on Xu Ran said a heat. Renewed her to listen secretly outside to think that correctly last night was very shy, if look, that that...... 夭月被徐然说的脸上一热。无错更新昨晚她只是在外面偷听到就觉得十分害羞了,要是看的话,那那那…… Bah! Owing she also thinks that Xu Ran is the human gentleman, traps a pure young girl to watch that salt za matter unexpectedly! 呸!亏她还以为徐然是个真人君子,竟然诱骗一个纯洁少女去看那腌臜事情! However...... why...... she felt that she did like him? 不过……为什么……她感觉自己更喜欢他了呢? Beforehand Xu Ran to her is a myth, worships many. But now after contacting, at heart the feelings of germination are actually the sentiment of pure men and women. She also thinks that before this powerhouse is very senseless cultivation crazy demon, after knowing Xu Ran discovered that Xu Ran is completely different to the mechanical impression of powerhouse with her. 之前的徐然对她来说是个神话,崇拜更多一点。而现在接触之后,心里萌生的情愫却是纯粹的男女之情。她之前还以为这种强者都是很无趣的修炼狂魔,直到认识徐然之后才发现徐然完全和她对强者的刻板印象不同。 About to the mechanical impressions of these powerful characters, that is she has seen all in certain aspects has the people of specialty is that senseless fellow. Her teacher, to study pill technique, will close up frequently the moon/month, even the food forgot eating. 关于对那些强大人物的刻板印象,那是她见过的所有在某些方面有所专长的人都是那种无趣的家伙。她的老师,为了研究丹术,常常会闭关个把月,连饭都忘了吃。 That does not know that the young moon/month young lady is willing to accept my apology? This garland considers me to give the gift that the young moon/month young lady apologized.” Xu Ran takes a circular garland of establishment, said. “那不知道夭月小姐愿不愿意接受我的道歉呢?这个花环就当是我送给夭月小姐赔礼的礼物吧。”徐然拿着一个编制的圆形花环,道。 Buys casually, the sincerity does not have.” The young moon/month looked at the garland in Xu Ran hand, looked at many garland products in nearby small stand, ill-humored saying. However she stops there, making Xu Ran wear the garland in her head. “随便买的,一点儿诚意都没有。”夭月看了看徐然手中的花环,又看了看边上小贩摊上的许多花环产品,没好气的说道。不过她还是停在那里,让徐然将花环戴在她的头上。 Attractive?” “好看吗?” The air/Qi in young moon/month heart has disappeared was similar. Although this is Xu Ran buys at will, but she is somewhat happy. This is the first time that Xu Ran gave her the gift, is she will not care about this gift precious. 夭月心中的气早就消的差不多了。虽然这是徐然随意买来的,但她心里还是有些高兴。这可是徐然第一次送她礼物,她又不会在乎这礼物是不是贵重。 Also is really very attractive, compared with attractiveness that I imagine.” “还真是很好看,比我想象的好看多了。” Xu Ran careful looked, the earnest review said. Brings the garland, the young moon/month has the type to be possible immediately pretty the person the innocent makings, lets the Xu Ran path at present a point. Xu Ran actually likes this type of natural accessory, was much better compared with what jewelry. 徐然仔细了看了看,认真的点评道。带着花环,夭月顿时有种娇俏可人又天真烂漫的气质,让徐然道路眼前一点。徐然其实更喜欢这种自然的饰品,比什么珠宝好多了。 „.( This chapter has not ended!) “。(本章未完!) Chapter 1343 concubine 第1343章小老婆 Are you sure? Compared with the young night elder sister? ” Young moon/month joyfully. 真的吗?和夭夜姐姐比起来呢?”夭月欣喜不已。 When night ratio that must look with. The aesthetic sense that the different people, show at a different time is different. For example last night time, on night only covered a light silk......” “那要看和什么时候的夜儿比了。不同的人,在不同的时候展现出来的美感是不同的。比如昨晚的时候,夜儿身上只盖了一件薄薄的丝被……” You quite smear!” On young moon/month face one red. Is thinking how has a look at itself and sovereign elder sister compares, never expected that Xu Ran to give such answer unexpectedly. That nature, girl *** light time is definitely bigger to the attraction of man. “你好污!”夭月脸上一红。本想着看看自己和皇姐比起来如何,没想到徐然竟然会给出这样的答案来。那自然,女孩子***光的时候肯定对男人的吸引力更大嘛。 „Doesn't the outside world spread me is the loose generation? However I did not think that has anything is not good, so long as do not write about my book is good.” Xu Ran sudden expression solidification. At his present heat degree, if came out in various previous generation types of books, but he is the big villain in book. numb numb, thinks uncomfortable, this world should no one have this mind fortunately, otherwise he must explode with rage. First round renewal “外界不都流传我是风流之辈吗?不过我倒不觉得有什么不好的,只要别写关于我的本子就好了。”徐然突然表情凝固。以他现在的热度,要是在前世各种本子就出来了,而他就是本子里的大反派。麻麻的,想想就不爽,还好这个世界应该没人有这个头脑,不然的话他得气炸。首发更新 You felt pride when one should feel shame.” The young moon/month provoked laughter by Xu Ran. Others wish one could themselves on are the halo cannot allow others to oneself quite a while slander, Xu Ran this fellow actually has not felt disgraced. “你不以为耻,反以为荣了还。”夭月被徐然逗笑了。别人恨不得自己身上都是光环容不得别人对自己有半天污蔑,徐然这家伙竟然还不觉得丢人。 This shame what? The wife more explained that I am fiercer. These incorrect man wives cannot withstand. But my dozens can be busy. Did this indicate the explanation? You should be very clear.” The strengths of Xu Ran to oneself certain aspects is quite self-confident. His time he can definitely grasp. “这耻辱什么?老婆越多说明我越厉害。那些不行的男人一个老婆都顶不住。而我几十个都忙得过来。这说明说明?你应该很清楚吧。”徐然对自己某些方面的实力可是相当自信的。他的时间他完全能够掌握。 Quibble.” The young moon/month was only the eye transfers to understand that Xu Ran is saying anything, cannot help but spat lightly. Even if her instinct is lively, does not seem like the females in these inner chambers to be the same, but Xu Ran always her told that these she cannot bear somewhat shy. “歪理。”夭月只是眼睛转了转就明白徐然在说什么,不由得轻啐道。即使她天性活泼,不像是那些闺阁里的女子一样,但徐然老是跟她说这些她也是忍不住有些害羞。 You later well to sovereign elder sister. She was regarded as the Jia Ma Empire future empress to train. Our imperial family generation of adult male strengths are not strong, the sovereign elder sister is very good person. If you to her, our imperial family will not let off well your.” The young moon/month is somewhat moved. The words just said that thinks the Xu Ran's strength thought own threat does not have the least bit deterrent force. Xu Ran did not look for the trouble of their imperial family to thank heaven and earth, was their where capable of looking for Xu Ran's to be troublesome? “你以后好好对皇姐。她本来可是被当做是加玛帝国未来的女皇培养的。我们皇室这一代的男丁实力都不强,皇姐可是很好的人。如果你不好好对她,我们皇室都不会放过你的。”夭月有些伤感。话刚说完想到徐然的实力就觉得自己的威胁没有半点威慑力。徐然不找她们皇室的麻烦都谢天谢地了,她们哪有能力去找徐然的麻烦? Your young night elder sister is you looks. If you do not feel relieved, can be the concubine to me, in this case, your day-by-day blind worrying of province.” “你的夭夜姐姐还是你去照顾吧。要是你不放心的话,可以给我做小老婆,这样的话,省的你一天天的瞎操心。” What? Your meaning is.” On young moon/month face one red, criticizes itself characterless, a concubine makes her so happy.. “什么?你的意思是。”夭月脸上一红,暗骂自己没骨气,一个小老婆而已就让她这么高兴。。 Chapter 1343 concubine 第1343章小老婆
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