DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1322: Breaks through Dou Di, is not difficult

Dou Di also has nothing greatly, you later can also turn into Dou Di.” Xu Ran obtains emperor product Danyao these inheritance of refinement method now, waited for Xu Ran to study thoroughly to start to attempt to refine the emperor compounded drug. 斗帝也没什么了不起的,你们以后也都能变成斗帝的。”徐然现在已经得到了帝品丹药的炼制手段的那些传承,等徐然研究透了就可以开始尝试炼制帝品丹药了。 When the time comes Xu Ran emperor product Danyao these essences will study thoroughly to use oneself method to refine the emperor compounded drug. Although refines these compounded drugs the medicinal herbs to be very precious, but could not find in the mainland completely. 到时候徐然将帝品丹药的那些精髓研究透了就可以用自己的方法炼制帝品丹药。虽说炼制那些丹药的药材十分珍贵,但在大陆上也不是完全找不到。 Elder Brother Xu Ran you also look we. I and Teacher Yun Yun in this increasing price empire, although said that was also good, but how possibly to touch to that boundary. Originally before without meeting you, my goal became Dou Emperor to be OK.” Regarding Dou Di this boundary, Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran never have such thoughts. 徐然哥哥你也太看的起我们了。我和云韵老师在这加码帝国虽然说还算是不错了,但怎么可能触及的到那种境界啊。本来没有遇见你之前我的目标可是成为斗皇就可以了呢。”对于斗帝这个境界,云韵纳兰嫣然连想都不敢想。 Nalan Yanran said right, one year ago, Nalan Yanran to the goal that oneself set is the Yun Yun's degree. Even Dou Ancestor she has not pondered, because Jia Ma Empire very long has not presented Dou Ancestor. The half body of Yun Shan this old codger has one foot in the grave reluctant achievement Dou Ancestor under facilitation of entire cloud mist sect resources. 纳兰嫣然说的没错,在一年前,纳兰嫣然给自己定下的目标就是达到云韵的程度。连斗宗她都没有思考过,因为加玛帝国已经很久没有出现过斗宗了。云山这老不死的半截身子快入土了在整个云岚宗资源的促成下才勉强成就斗宗 Also yes, by the Xiao Yan initial talent, the outside world was also regarded as Jia Ma Empire Xiao Yan dozens years later new Dou Emperor. 也是,以萧炎当初的天赋,外界也只是将萧炎当做是加玛帝国几十年后的一位新斗皇 We should very difficult......” Yun Yun also be silent some little time, in the tone has the apology. Although she once was a lord of keeping aloof, but did not have the big self-confidence to pursue a higher boundary. “我们应该很难……”云韵也是沉默了好一会儿,语气中带着歉意。虽说她曾经是高高在上的一宗之主,可也是没有多大的自信能够追逐更高的境界。 Own present was Dou Ancestor distant had surpassed Jia Ma Empire powerful for these years. As for Cultivation(Level) also Queen Medusa above Yun Yun, she is Snake-People, does not belong to Jia Ma Empire. 自己现在是斗宗已经是远远了超出了加玛帝国这么多年来最强大的了。至于修为还在云韵之上的美杜莎女王,她是蛇人族的,并不属于加玛帝国 Therefore , present Yun Yun has far exceeded all powerhouses who increasing price empire for several hundred years have emerged. 所以说,现在的云韵已经远远超出了加码帝国几百年来涌现出来的所有强者。 Nalan Yanran can be called is Jia Ma Empire for these years the youngest Dou Emperor powerhouse. 纳兰嫣然更称得上是加玛帝国这么多年来最年轻斗皇强者。 Therefore under the halo of this honor, they do not know actually oneself can also walk is far. 所以在这种荣誉的光环下,她们也不知道自己究竟还能走多远了。 Before Jia Ma Empire these powerhouses can only be Dou Emperor at most, they similarly are also the Jia Ma Empire family backgrounds, compared with these person so many? Even if there is a Xu Ran's help, is impossible all of a sudden compared with these senior so many. 以前加玛帝国的那些强者顶多都只能是個斗皇,她们同样也是加玛帝国出身,难道就会比那些人强那么多吗?即使是有徐然的帮忙,也不可能一下子比那些前辈强那么多吧。 Also not strange Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran not self-confident, was Jia Ma Empire this place limits them. In original works after they grown stronger fast also entered Central Plains, appeared. 也不怪云韵纳兰嫣然没有自信,是加玛帝国这个地方限制住了她们。原著里她们快速变强也是进入了中州之后才出现的。 After all, is the overlord in a small place, did not have and was equal the powerhouse who and competes cultivates still unobtainable even diligently truly achieves the good effect. Therefore Xu Ran decided that this time they also brought the past Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran. 毕竟,在一个小地方做霸王,没有了和自己等同的强者与自己竞争就算努力修炼也难以真正的达到好的效果。所以徐然决定这次将云韵纳兰嫣然她们也带过去。 Has Gu Yuena they, although will make Yun Yun they feel very tremendous pressure in a short time, but in the long run, Yun Yun their Cultivation(Level) will catch up sooner or later their. 有着古月娜她们这些人在,虽说短时间内会让云韵她们感受到很大的压力,可长期来看,云韵她们的修为迟早会赶上她们的。 Yun Yun they are also in this world receive the character who the world cares , will otherwise not make so many disputes with the lead. Their talents are also very splendid, Xu Ran has too many means to raise their Cultivation(Level). 云韵她们同样是这个世界上受到天地眷顾的人物,不然也不会和主角闹出那么多纠葛了。她们的天赋也十分出色,徐然有太多的办法将她们的修为提起来。 The simplest way is the emperor compounded drug. However wants to swallow that and other compounded drugs of rank at least also to need high rank Dou Saint Cultivation(Level) to be good. 最简单的办法就是帝品丹药。不过想要吞服那等级别的丹药至少也需要有高阶斗圣修为才行吧。 When the Ancient Emperor Tuo She main body arrives at the mainland time, it is estimated that his wife turned into Dou Di. At least Gu Yuena, Goddess of Life they can break through Dou Di fast. Regardless of how, is to Ancient Emperor Tuo She suddenly/violently hammer. 等到陀舍古帝本体降临大陆的时候,估计他老婆一个个都变成斗帝了。至少古月娜,生命女神她们都是能够快速突破斗帝的。无论怎么,都是对陀舍古帝的一顿暴锤。 You too underestimated your potential. Even without me, you can break through Dou Venerate even Dou Saint.” Xu Ran remembers, in the original works Yun Yun was breaks through Dou Venerate, moreover spent sovereign of sect. “你们都太低估自己的潜力了。就算没有我,你们都是可以突破斗尊甚至斗圣的。”徐然记得,原著里云韵是突破斗尊了的,而且还是花宗的宗主。 Said again, has me, will find the way to reduce the difficulty that you will break through to the most mild degree. Even cannot break through Dou Di, at least can still become a god, to become Shenke Dou Di was merrier.” The Xu Ran's sound getting smaller, has not made Yun Yun they hear. He does not want to make Ancient Emperor Tuo She have the possibility of knowing the Divine Realm secret. Divine Realm is an independent side world, if classifies can be divided into one kind with entire Great Thousand Worlds. “再说了,有我在,会将你们突破的难度想办法降低到最小程度的。就算突破不了斗帝,至少也能成个神,成神可比斗帝快活多了。”徐然的声音越来越小,并没有让云韵她们听见。他可不想让陀舍古帝有得知神界秘密的可能。神界是独立的一方世界,如果分类的话可以和整个大千世界分为一类。 The Divine Realm system just does not have the Great Thousand Worlds system is so huge. Great Thousand Worlds so many potential surfaces, how many potential surfaces did Divine Realm run? It looks like the difference between child and youth is the same. However Great Thousand Worlds may no one unify, Divine Realm is actually the place that he rules as a dictatorship. 神界体系只不过没有大千世界体系那么庞大。大千世界那么多位面,神界才掌管了多少位面?就像是小孩和青年之间的区别一样。不过大千世界可没有谁统一过,神界却是他独裁的地方。 The Divine Realm god discussed the battle efficiency and Great Thousand Worlds is far compared with the incoming messenger. But god, so long as does not do, was not eliminated the godship by him, that is the eternal life does not die. 神界的神论战斗力和大千世界比起来差远了。可神只要不作死,不被他剥夺神格,那就是永生不死的。 That asked Elder Brother Xu Ran.” Nalan Yanran thinks otherwise. Until some day she really broke through Dou Di in legend to understand that with the Xu Ran's help Xu Ran can live up to one's words absolutely. Different with the man who these can only draw the pie, Xu Ran once described these happy in the future finally will become the reality. “那就拜托徐然哥哥了。”纳兰嫣然不以为然。直到有一天她真的在徐然的帮助下突破了传说中的斗帝才明白徐然绝对能够说到做到。和那些只会画大饼的男人不一样,徐然曾经描绘出的那些美好的未来最终都会变成现实。 You arranged over the two days, I want to lead you. You now are not suitable to keep Jia Ma Empire. Only then with the similarly outstanding person diligently, you can enhance itself together fast.” “你们这两天安排一下,我想将你们带过去。你们现在已经不适合留在加玛帝国了。只有和同样优秀的人一起努力,你们才能快速的提高自己。” Even if you did not say that I still planned to leave sect gate. After today's matter, later some people do not dare to offend cloud mist sect again. If some people after knowing cloud mist sect have your powerful fellow also to make a move I even if treats in this place cannot preserve sect gate. Moreover I and Yanran continue to stay here, what to do next time will some people catch us to coerce you?” “就算你不说我也打算离开宗门了。经过今天的事,以后不会再有人敢冒犯云岚宗了。如果有人在知道云岚宗背后有你这个强悍的家伙之后还要出手的话我就算待在这个地方也保不住宗门。而且我和嫣然继续留在这里,下次又有人来抓我们要挟你怎么办?” After this matter Yun Yun thorough wants to be clear. Xu Ran had surpassed sect gate in her primacy ratio by far, continue keep a gate she unable to help a gate be more, instead was follows Xu Ran Cultivation(Level) to make the sect gate stronger powerful. Before Xu Ran person was is similar, but Xu Ran went to a fiercer place naturally to realize a more outstanding female. Yun Yun was also worried oneself will be far in excess by others, even if Xu Ran did not shut out her her own to shut out itself at that time. 经过这件事云韵彻底的想清楚了。徐然在她心里的首位度已经远远的超出了宗门,继续留在宗门她也无法帮助宗门更多了,反而是自己跟着徐然修为强大了才能让宗门更强。以前徐然身边的人都是和自己差不多的,可是徐然去了更厉害的地方自然认识到更优秀的女子。云韵也担心自己会被别人远远超越,就算那时候徐然不嫌弃她她自己都嫌弃自己。 Good good. Originally I planned that Jia Nan Academy asks you to play. Now can walk with you, later did not need to separate again.” Nalan Yanran is very obviously excited, is surrounding the Xu Ran's neck, a pair of autumn waters pupil has been moved obviously. “好啊好啊。本来我就打算去迦南学院找你玩的。现在可以和你一起走了,以后就不用再分开了。”纳兰嫣然显然很激动,环抱着徐然的脖子,一双秋水般的眸子显然是已经动情了。 From is starting her and Xu Ran with Xu Ran separates two places frequently. Now can follow side Xu Ran's, the nature is excited. Even Yun Yun was instantaneously was also gentler, with Xu Ran permanent in together was also her dream. The sovereign Sir of solemn aloof is very difficult to be moved, but once will not compare anybody to be bad with emotions. But...... 从和徐然在一起开始她和徐然就经常分隔两地。现在可以跟在徐然的身边了,自然激动不已。连云韵也是瞬间温柔了许多,和徐然地久天长的在一起也是她的梦想。端庄高冷的宗主大人很难动情,可一旦动情就不会比任何人差。可是…… Sees Yun Yun some to hide, a Xu Ran hand holds the buttocks of Nalan Yanran, another hand Yun Yun's tight holding on. 云韵又有些想躲,徐然一只手托着纳兰嫣然的臀部,另一只手将云韵的手紧紧的拉住。
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