DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1321: Husband is Dou Di

Xu Ran, is you harms, I killed you!” Sees Xu Ran that facetious expression Xiao Yan to upwell on the anger, wishes one could to destroy Xu Ran that face. 徐然,都是你害的,我杀了你啊!”看见徐然那一副戏谑的表情萧炎就火气上涌,恨不得将徐然那张脸打碎。 Xu Ran asked wasn't Xun'er they? These people totally became his person, why can Xu Ran also feel embarrassed him? 徐然所求的不就是薰儿她们吗?那些人都完全成为他的人了,为什么徐然还要为难他? Doesn't he struggle is not good? 他不争了不行吗? A Xiao Yan fist wields, he understands that felt own fist to pierce the Xu Ran's body directly. Although does not understand why Xu Ran by a fist will be collapsed greatly, but he is wild with joy, but was quick his smile to solidify directly. 萧炎一拳挥出,他明白感受到自己的拳头直接捅破了徐然的身体。虽然不明白为什么徐然会被诶自己一拳大崩但他还是欣喜若狂,但很快他的笑容就直接凝固了。 Because his fist pierces is not the Xu Ran's body, but is father Xiao Zhan. 因为他的拳头捅破的不是徐然的身体,而是父亲萧战的。 Xu Ran moves Xiao Zhan at the last minute in own front, was killed by a Xiao Yan fist bang. 徐然在最后一刻将萧战移动在自己的面前,然后被萧炎一拳轰杀。 „Does Xiao Yan, personally how kill father's taste? Regardless how saying that he once expelled the main house gate you, now killed him is also revenges for oneself. Other Xiao Family people, I was not clear that they and you are what relativeness, that killed considering as finished together.” Xu Ran clutches from ring other Xiao Family people, wantonly slaughtering. 萧炎,亲手杀死自己父亲的滋味如何?不论怎么说他曾经都将你赶出家门,现在杀了他也算是为自己报仇了。萧家其他人,我也不清楚他们和你到底是什么亲戚关系,那都一起杀了算了。”徐然萧家其他人都从纳戒中揪出来,大肆屠杀着。 Suddenly, all sounds vanished. 瞬息间,所有的声音都消失了。 Xiao Yan helplessly looks that all these are helpless. 萧炎眼睁睁的看着这一切却无能为力。 Xu Ran, you die like a dog. I will kill you, one day I will be able to achieve.” Xiao Yan scared is holding in the bosom father's body, he did this matter once again. 徐然,你不得好死。我会杀了你的,总有一天我会做得到的。”萧炎失魂落魄的抱着怀中父亲的尸体,他又一次做了这种事。 Xu Ran this devil. 徐然这个魔鬼。 Sir Ancient Emperor Tuo She, so long as you helped me kill him, no matter how what my Xiao Yan you handled good.” 陀舍古帝大人,只要伱帮我杀了他,我萧炎任你怎么处置都行。” Ancient Emperor Tuo She looks at all these, was looks dull. 陀舍古帝看着外界的这一切,也是看呆了。 Xu Ran is really the murder executes the heart, this suffering really compares purely massacres a person more fearful. Became famous continually for a long time he feels the deep chill in the air. He does not fear death, but does not represent him is not afraid desperately. 徐然真是杀人诛心,这种折磨真的比单纯的杀掉一个人更可怕。连成名已久的他都是感受到了深深的寒意。他不怕死,但不代表他不害怕绝望。 The death and desperate was two matters. 死亡和绝望是两码事。 The people have refused stubbornly the bowl big scar. 人死不过碗大个疤。 He is Heavenly Fire, cannot understand that Xiao Yan loses family member's pain. But he can actually realize in the Xiao Yan mood that deep despair, that desperate vitality. 他是异火,不能理解萧炎失去亲人的痛苦。可他却是能够体会到萧炎情绪中那深深的绝望,还有那绝望中的生机。 Looking like the phoenix Nirvana is the same, Xiao Yan experiences every time one time this pain, he can welcome a transformation. This transformation is the transformation of state of mind. Any life will have many ideas and distracting thoughts at heart surely. But Xiao Yan is living only then read thinks that was the strengthen then kills Xu Ran. Xiao Yan has worked hard for this goal, are loyal, therefore under the conviction Xiao Yan in such rapidness that can grow. 就像是凤凰涅槃一样,萧炎每经历一次这种痛苦,他就能够迎来一次蜕变。这种蜕变是心境的蜕变。任何生灵的心里必定会有许多想法和杂念。可萧炎活着只有一個念想,那就是变强然后杀死徐然萧炎一直为了这个目标而努力奋斗,没有二心,所以在坚定的信念下萧炎才能成长的如此之快。 Hehehe. Xu Ran, will meet next time again is between both of us the fight. This person I first carried off, if I died when the time comes in your hands, this person can also be when the time comes your.” Ancient Emperor Tuo She takes over control of the Xiao Yan's body, then runs away instantaneously. “嘿嘿嘿。徐然,下次再见面就是我们两个人之间的战斗了。这个人我先带走了,如果到时候我死在你的手里了,这个人到时候也会是你的。”陀舍古帝接管萧炎的身体,然后瞬间遁去。 Xiao Yan can cultivation Flame Mantra, moreover can withstand to fuse the Heavenly Fire time that to be able the fierce pain. Made Ancient Emperor Tuo She regard as important on these two points sufficiently. 萧炎能够修炼焚决,而且能够承受融合异火时候的那种能够剧烈的痛苦。就这两点就足以让陀舍古帝看重了。 Has these two points, so many Heavenly Fire that in addition his Ancient Emperor Tuo She has, the spirit fire, all makes Xiao Yan swallow the strengthen when the time comes. Naturally, he by oneself emperor flame and Xiao Yan's soul fusion, waits to kill Xu Ran, Xiao Yan's obsession obliterates, he can control this perfect body directly. 具备这两点,再加上他陀舍古帝拥有的那么多异火,灵火,到时候全都让萧炎吞噬变强。当然,他会让自己的帝炎和萧炎的灵魂融合,等杀死徐然,萧炎的执念磨灭,他就能直接掌控这一具完美的身体。 System little sister, Ancient Emperor Tuo She main body strength strong?” Xu Ran knitting the brows head, but system little sister also appeared at this time. “系统小姐姐,陀舍古帝本体的实力有多强?”徐然皱了皱眉头,而系统小姐姐也在这个时候出现了。 Is impossible to have the host Elder Brother to be strong. Ancient Emperor Tuo She has very high attainments in the fire, but is actually not worth mentioning in other aspects. The host Elder Brother is grasping the entire Divine Realm source strength, even if Ancient Emperor Tuo She and host elder brother's battle efficiency is the same not possible to defeat the host Elder Brother, Oh. that because the host Elder Brother does not die now only if Divine Realm Hui Mie.” System little sister answered. “不可能有宿主哥哥强的。陀舍古帝只是在火上有很高的造诣,而在其他方面却不值一提。宿主哥哥可是握着整个神界的本源力量,就算是陀舍古帝和宿主哥哥的战斗力相同都不可能打败宿主哥哥,因为宿主哥哥现在是不死的哦。除非是神界毁灭。”系统小姐姐解释道。 Xu Ran now and Divine Realm is a body, Xu Ran's every action and every movement were relating Divine Realm. If Xu Ran is injured or the physical body has the accident/surprise so long as consumes the Divine Realm source to be able Sheng Ming to get back. 徐然现在和神界已经是一体的了,徐然的一举一动都关系着神界。如果徐然受伤或者肉体出现意外只要消耗神界的本源就能将生命恢复过来。 Naturally, this consumption is not also inexhaustible, the Divine Realm source is also after all limited, even if restores is not easy. 当然,这种消耗也并不是无穷无尽的,神界的本源终归也是有限的,就算恢复也不容易。 If Xu Ran were killed continuously 78 times, that estimate did not have. 要是徐然连续被杀个七八次,那估计也没了。 But will this possibility exist? 但这种可能性会存在吗? Let alone was Ancient Emperor Tuo She, in Great Thousand Worlds should unable to discover person who can kill 45 times Xu Ran continuously. 别说是陀舍古帝了,在大千世界应该也找不出可以将徐然连续杀死四五次的人。 Walks, was all right.” “走吧,没事了。” The Xu Ran figure flashes, returns to Yun Yun their side. 徐然身形一闪,回到云韵她们的身边。 Xu Ran, just what's the matter? Why Xiao Yan suddenly becomes that fearful, his should also turn into the old man.” Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran saw Xu Ran to come back safely, is holding the Xu Ran's arm one on the left and other on the right, Nalan Yanran was chirp said keeping. 徐然,刚刚到底是怎么回事?为什么萧炎会突然变得那么可怕,还有他的应该也变成了老头。”云韵纳兰嫣然徐然平安回来了,一左一右抱着徐然的胳膊,纳兰嫣然更是叽叽喳喳的说了不停。 Today they scare, the body sweats profusely, a frivolous clothing pastes on the body, screens the outline of inside flesh and stature. Two arms they hugged deeply pressed in run-off ditches between two mountain peaks. 今天她们可是吓坏了,身上香汗淋漓,一声轻薄的衣衫贴在身上,映出里面肌肤和身材的轮廓。两条胳膊更是被她们抱得深深的压进了两座山峰之间的沟谷里。 It seems like Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran think through now. Otherwise normally, wants to be surrounded by beautiful women to them is not an easy matter. 看来云韵纳兰嫣然现在是想通了。不然正常情况下,想要对她们左拥右抱可不是一件容易的事。 That person is Dou Di, millennium ago Dou Di. Dou Di wipes the soul energy to check in the Xiao Yan's body. As for Ancient Emperor Tuo She, he should cultivation in some Great Thousand Worlds superior mainland now.” Xu Ran hesitant a while, decides to tell them the truth. “那个人是斗帝,千年前的斗帝斗帝的一抹灵魂能量寄存在萧炎的身体里。至于陀舍古帝,他现在应该在大千世界某个上等大陆里修炼。”徐然犹豫了一会儿,决定将实情告诉她们。 After this matter, he decided also to found was similar to Gu Clan ancient boundary/world, that space of Hun Clan soul. 经过这件事,他决定也创建了类似于古族古界,魂族魂界的那种空间。 That space Xu Ran is coming out of foundation, but needs to spend very long time. 那种空间徐然是创建的出来的,只是需要花费很长的时间。 Originally if only Hun Tiandi, he did not plan spends the time to found this space. May have Ancient Emperor Tuo She this enemy, oneself need for oneself person consideration escape route. 本来如果只是魂天帝的话,他是不打算花费时间创建这种空间的。可有了陀舍古帝这个敌人,自己就需要为自己身边的人考虑后路了。 Hun Clan, Gu Clan these far Gu Family clans are the life in the special space, is not lives in Central Plains directly. 魂族,古族这些远古家族都是生活在特殊的空间,并不是直接在中州生活。 But after he builds this space, has cloud mist sect has the influence of relations to drag into this space. When the time comes does not need to be worried about their safety. 而他搭建这种空间之后,将云岚宗还有一些有关系的势力都可以拉入这空间之中。到时候就不需要担心她们的安危了。 Dou Di! Should that Xu Ran your strength also be Dou Di? I remember before , you have said that but I have not believed you.” Yun Yun is somewhat embarrassed. Xu Ran had said to her more than once are the fact of Dou Di powerhouse, but she actually thinks that Xu Ran is cracking a joke. 斗帝!那徐然你的实力应该也是斗帝吧?我记得以前你说过,不过我没有信你。”云韵有些不好意思。徐然不止一次对她说过自己是斗帝强者的事实,不过她却以为徐然是在开玩笑。 Xu Ran is real Dou Di, they had heard this news from the Void Devouring Flame mouth. 徐然是货真价实的斗帝,她们从虚无吞炎的口中已经听到了这个消息。 Benefitted is stimulated frequently by Xu Ran from before, therefore Xu Ran was Dou Di this fact they can also accept confidently. 得益于以前经常被徐然刺激到,所以徐然斗帝这个事实她们也能坦然接受了。 Hee hee. My husband unexpectedly is Dou Di. This was also too fierce.” The Nalan Yanran eyeground full is the small star, completely by Xu Ran conquering. Now even if Xu Ran proposed that any impolite request, will still readily agree with the Nalan Yanran present mentality absolutely. “嘻嘻。我的夫君竟然是斗帝。这也太厉害了。”纳兰嫣然眼底满是小星星,完全被徐然给征服了。现在就算徐然提出任何无礼的要求,以纳兰嫣然现在的心态也绝对会一口答应。 Because various issue addresses change to invite everyone collect the new address to avoid becoming lost 由于各种问题地址更改为请大家收藏新地址避免迷路 The homepage version chapter content is slow, please download to like reading app to read the newest content 网页版章节内容慢,请下载爱阅app阅读最新内容 Please withdraw transfers the code page, please download to like reading app 请退出转码页面,请下载爱阅app Reading latest chapter. 阅读最新章节。 Newly for you provide quickly from fighting Luo start captures the goddess to renew, Chapter 1321 新为你提供最快的从斗罗开始俘获女神更新,第1321章 Husband is Dou Di free reading. 夫君是斗帝免费阅读。
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