DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1320: This happy this/should desperate

Xu Ran your why strategic point I? Isn't your bullies the person?” The body of Xiao Yan air/Qi is shivering. He has not thought that Xu Ran can think of the so ignominious strategy. 徐然你为什么要害我?你这不就是欺负人吗?”萧炎气的身体都在颤抖。他没想到徐然能够想到如此可耻的计策。 He can by Xu Ran brutal killing, but puts in great inconvenience to him really unable to bear like this. 他可以被徐然残酷的杀死,但这样的委屈他实在是受不了。 Initially, if Xu Ran robbed Xun'er from his hand, robbed Nalan Yanran then to kill him directly, he was impossible to hate Xu Ran. 当初,如果徐然从他的手中抢走薰儿,抢走纳兰嫣然的话然后直接把他杀死的话,他也不可能这么恨徐然 Xu Ran seized his all, then also depends on these dirty matters on his body, making him an impudent and shameless disciple. 徐然将他的一切都夺走了,然后还将那些龌龊事都赖在他的身上,让他成为一个厚颜无耻之徒。 Oneself by oneself most own person misunderstanding, this are most pitiful. 自己被自己最亲的人误会,这才是最可悲的。 Now his evil reputation has even spread Jia Ma Empire. 现在他的恶名甚至都已经传出了加玛帝国 Does not have any why, but looks at you is not feeling well purely. Your this waste, can only become others' toys for a lifetime. Ancient Emperor Tuo She can have a liking for you to be because you cultivated the Flame Mantra reason. Even if he guaranteed you, later will still kill you.” The air/Qi of Xiao Yan's Overlord is not possible to escape the control of Dou Di again. Even if the God wants to help him not have the means. “没有什么为什么,只是单纯的看你不爽而已。你这个废物,一辈子都只能成为别人的玩物。陀舍古帝能看上你应该是因为你修炼了焚决的缘故吧。就算他保了你,以后也会杀了你。”萧炎的王霸之气再强也不可能再逃得过斗帝的掌控。即使是老天爷想帮他都没有办法了。 What's the big deal? Before then beat then me dead with no regrets you. Only pitifully, you kept on proclaiming love Xun'er, Xiao Yu and Xiao Mei they. Finally your practical action is so despicable, even their family members must slaughter. My Xiao Family these clansmen? Where did you make them?” Xiao Yan tight is pinching the fist. “那又如何?在此之前将你击败然后我就死而无憾了。只可惜,你口口声声说爱薰儿,萧玉萧媚她们。结果你的实际行动却如此卑鄙,连她们的亲人都要屠杀。我萧家的那些族人呢?你都把他们弄哪儿去了?”萧炎紧紧的捏着拳头。 He is somewhat no use. 他有些无助。 The first time is was not failed, but...... 已经不是第一次失败了,可…… He has lost too. 他已经失去太多了。 Friends from childhood, fiancee, two elder brothers. Dignity, reputation/honorary...... 青梅竹马,未婚妻,两位哥哥。尊严,名誉…… Every crawls to hate a Xu Ran point one time, is thinking Xun'er they snatched to be possible they thorough changed, with Xu Ran has fused together unable to return again. Own present can lose the final thing? 每一次爬起来就会更恨徐然一分,本想着去将薰儿她们抢回来可她们已经彻底的变了,已经和徐然融为一体再也回不了了。自己现在就要失去最后的东西了吗? My ring can store up the living creature, they were naturally installed to there by me.” “我的纳戒可以储存活物,他们自然是被我装到那里去了。” Xu Ran raises Xiao Zhan from ring, like raising a chicken. 徐然纳戒里将萧战提出来,像提着一只小鸡一样。 Xu Ran...... has not thought all these can come is so quick, you may really be the unfeeling. Xun'er they were really blind with you.” Xiao Zhan also clenching jaws is staring at Xu Ran, the look of that deathly stillness wishes one could to die Xu Ran one. 徐然……没想到这一切会来的这么快,你可真是绝情啊。薰儿她们跟了你真是瞎了眼。”萧战也是咬牙切齿的盯着徐然,那死寂的眼神恨不得将徐然一口要死。 Father.” Xiao Yan saw that the father despairs the class/flow that the dispirited situation tears cannot stop to come out. “爹。”萧炎看到父亲如此绝望颓丧的情况泪水止不住的流出来。 He did not have mother since childhood, is Xiao Zhan raises him. In the family everyone spurns he, the father same has not taken lightly him with others, believes as before he some day will rise. 他从小就没了母亲,是萧战将他养大的。在家族里所有人都唾弃他的时候,父亲也没有和其他人一样看轻他,依旧相信他有朝一日会崛起。 Little Yan, put in great inconvenience to you for several days.” Xiao Zhan is very guilty. He knows that Xiao Yan passed for several days very tired . Moreover the innermost feelings suffered many injuries and suffering. Especially that type by the family member does not trust the time, he can imagine has that time Little Yan desperate. 小炎子,这些天委屈你了。”萧战十分愧疚。他知道萧炎这些天过得很累,而且内心更是遭受了很多伤害和折磨。尤其是那种被亲人不信任的时候,他能够想象出那個时候的小炎子有多绝望。 Father, don't you blame me?” “父亲,您不怪我吗?” Xiao Yan looks at the Xiao Zhan gentle cheeks, trembled at heart. 萧炎看着萧战慈祥的脸颊,心里颤了一下。 Did not say, after the father was hoodwinked, has hated him? Why can...... 不是说,父亲被蒙蔽后一直恨他吗?为什么会…… Blames you? Will I blame you? I blame my Xiao Zhan not to have the skill, cannot protect you also to have cauldron and severe Er.” Thinks that Xiao Ding and Xiao Li, the Xiao Zhan complexion became pale several points. “怪你?我怎么会怪你?我只是怪我萧战没有本事,不能保护你还有鼎儿和厉儿。”想到萧鼎萧厉,萧战的脸色又变得惨白了几分。 Was who killed them, doesn't he possibly know? 是谁杀了他们,他又怎么可能不知道? „Hasn't father, you suspected me?” Xiao Yan is wild with joy, is the tears class/flow was quicker. He has been spurned, was disliked, even went to Hun Clan is still same. These human eyes of Hun Clan are higher than the top, he in Hun Clan might as well a dog. Although Void Devouring Flame can preserve his life, but actually cannot change these Hun Clan powerhouses to look at his look. That despising look makes him very suffer. “父亲,难道您没有怀疑过我吗?”萧炎欣喜若狂,可是泪水流的更快了。他一直被唾弃,被讨厌,即使是去了魂族也是一样。魂族的那些人眼高于顶,他在魂族过的还不如一条狗。虚无吞炎虽然能够保住他的命,可却不能改变那些魂族强者看他的眼神。那种蔑视的眼神让他很痛苦。 Xu Ran they bullied him even, he turned to Hun Clan to bully him the Hun Clan people. 徐然他们欺负他就算了,他投靠魂族魂族的人都欺负他。 Entire day under the institute of his Xiao Yan's taking shelter, everyone has not as if disliked him. 全天下似乎已经没有他萧炎的容身之所,所有人都讨厌他。 But now obtained the approval of Xiao Zhan, he was very happy. Finally, some people approved him. But he dies by heartbreak, as if all approves his person to be finally difficult to escape dies. 而现在得到了萧战的认可,他别提多开心了。终于,有人认可他了。可他又伤心欲绝,似乎所有认可他的人最后都难逃一死。 Now can die his father in Xu Ran's hand? 现在连他的父亲都要死在徐然的手里了吗? Person inherent dies. What dying to be good to fear? What I am worried is our Xiao Family life or death. Xiao Family must decline in my hands, I have the shame in the Xiao Family ancestor. If Xiao Family were never recurring, I was really the big criminal, therefore I hope that you can live, at least can inherit the bloodlines of Xiao Family.” “人固有一死。死有什么好怕的?我担心的是我们萧家的存亡。萧家要没落在我的手里了,我有愧于萧家先祖。如果萧家绝后了,那我真的是大罪人了,所以我希望你能活下来,至少能够将萧家的血脉传承下去。” Little Yan, you are a my child, what character are you I are not familiar? From the beginning I choose to believe you. I know that the Xu Ran's strength is too strong, if I annoyed his Xiao Family to end, therefore I will choose to pretend to believe Xu Ran. I expel Xiao Family you am also hope that you can escape by far, goes on living well. As for your two elder brothers, e has known is Xu Ran does.” Xiao Zhan is saying, the heart has the intimacy, he chooses to conceal is hopes Xiao Yan and Xiao Family can going on living well. 小炎子,你是我的孩子,你是什么性格我还不熟悉吗?从一开始我就选择相信你。只是,我知道徐然的实力太强,如果我惹到了他萧家就完了,所以我才会选择假装相信徐然。我将你赶出萧家也是希望你能逃得远远的,好好活下去。至于你的两位哥哥,莪一直都知道是徐然做的。”萧战说着,心有戚戚,他选择隐瞒一切就是希望萧炎萧家能够好好的活下去。 The Xu Ran's strength was too strong, Xiao Family has no ability of resistance, he is impossible to choose to offend Xu Ran. Especially knows after Xiao Ding and Xiao Li die, he is understands oneself cannot revolt against Xu Ran. Although he hates Xu Ran , can only bury these words at heart. The clansmen in his place first at heart forever, as the head of the clan, he needs to guarantee the safety of other clansmen. 徐然的实力太强了,萧家没有任何反抗的能力,他不可能选择去得罪徐然。尤其是知道萧鼎萧厉死后,他更是明白自己不能反抗徐然。他虽然憎恨徐然,也只能把那些话埋在心里。族人在他的心里永远是放在第一位的,作为族长,他需要保证其他族人的安危。 Father,...... you know...... you had not suspected me.” Xiao Yan does not know at this moment was this/should happy or this/should pain. Originally, this world person has also trusted him from the beginning unconditionally, the sentiment between bloodlines close relatives exceeds other all. The father has not suspected him. “父亲,原来……您都知道……您一直都没有怀疑过我。”萧炎此刻也不知道是该高兴还是该痛苦了。原来,这个世界还有一个人从一开始就一直无条件的信任他,血脉至亲之间的感情胜过其他的一切。父亲从来没有怀疑过他。 But he understands, the father said thoroughly all these at the confession things to do after death. Is this how pitiful story? 可是他明白,父亲将这一切都说透就是在交代后事。这是个何其可悲的故事? Own is Xiao Yan difficult to be inadequate is day of ghost Lone Star? Why all with a pitiful fate that his good person can fall finally? 自己萧炎难不成是天煞孤星?为什么所有跟他好的人最后都会落的个悲惨的下场? Right that perhaps Xu Ran said that oneself is a waste, now even again how? Oneself were inferior to these average people. 或许徐然说的对,自己就是一个废物,现在即使自己再强又如何?自己连那些普通人都不如。 The powerhouses, or the weak one, does not lie in own strength is not strong. If the average person, so long as can protect the person who oneself care about to take is also a powerhouse. If cannot protect own lover, own family member, even if there is high Cultivation(Level) possibly to be called powerful? But oneself are the person who that anything could not protect. 强者,或是弱者,不在于自己的实力强不强。如果是普通人,只要能保护住自己在乎的人拿也算是一名强者了。如果不能保护自己的爱人,自己的亲人,就算有再高的修为又怎么可能称得上强大呢?而自己就是那个什么都保护不了的人。 Obviously until now Damn it is he, why is actually his person departs? 明明一直以来该死的都是他,为什么却是他身边的人一个个离去? If the father has been misunderstanding him, his will also feel better at heart a little, but the father so has been good. Does not have the person of good end to his good person, perhaps his father has rather hated his such Xu Ran not to kill him. 如果父亲一直误会着他,他的心里还会好受一点儿,可偏偏父亲一直都这么好。对他好的人是没有好下场的人,他宁愿父亲一直恨着他或许这样徐然就不会杀他了吧。
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