DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1319: Kills their, but you

This view?” “还有这种说法?” Xu Ran gawked, he has not considered this issue. 徐然都是愣了一下,他也没有考虑这个问题。 Douqi Continent does not know how many Dou Di powerhouses through the ages has presented that in them does not have one to want in Douqi Continent to work as the local despot? Should have the special situation to make them have to leave. 斗气大陆古往今来不知道出现过多少斗帝强者,难道他们中就没有一个想在斗气大陆当土皇帝的吗?应该有特殊的情况让他们不得不离开。 Moreover the higher potential surface should also some people manage this matter. 而且高等位面应该也有人在管理这种事情。 Therefore Xu Ran also gawked. 所以徐然也是愣了一下。 My present strength, although is not high, but uses my strongest method the words also to reach the emperor level reluctantly. If we make war now, will bring to the attention surely. When the time comes even if I want to arrive at this mainland somewhat to be troublesome.” Ancient Emperor Tuo She knits the brows. Xu Ran's these secrets, his god fire he wants. Xiao Yan this mortal body that makes him favor very he does not want to give up similarly. “我现在的实力虽然不高,但施展我的最强手段的话勉强也能达到帝级。如果我们现在开战的话,必定会引起注意。到时候我就算想降临这片大陆都会有些麻烦。”陀舍古帝皱了皱眉。徐然的那些秘密,还有他的神火他想要。萧炎这具让他十分看好的肉身他同样不想放弃。 Moreover he does not want to make Xu Ran go to Great Thousand Worlds. After going to Great Thousand Worlds, Xu Ran will discover that own strength can also promote many, when the time comes he looks for Xu Ran again, wanted to swallow Xu Ran to trouble. 而且他也不想让徐然大千世界。去了大千世界之后徐然就会发现自己的实力还能提升许多,到时候他再去找徐然,想要吞噬徐然就麻烦了。 Can yes, but my gift must give to him. Should this you not manage?” “可以是可以,不过我有一份礼物要送给他。这你应该不会管吧?” Cannot. I only guarantee his life, among other you gratitude and grudges I will not go to manage.” Ancient Emperor Tuo She shakes the head, at the same time also relaxes. “不会。我只保他的命,其他的你们之间的恩怨我不会去管。”陀舍古帝摇了摇头,与此同时也松了一口气。 He also really feared that fights with Xu Ran now, he feared actually not loses this to wipe the weak soul force quantity, he is worried that Xu Ran was made Great Thousand Worlds by the above person discovery. When the time comes oneself cannot guarantee own Xu Ran's opponent. 他还真怕和徐然现在交手,他倒不是怕损失这一抹微弱的灵魂力量,他是担心徐然被上面的人发现弄去了大千世界。到时候自己可不敢保证自己还是徐然的对手。 Each Dou Di, is Heaven's Chosen, went to Great Thousand Worlds to be equal to that under carp fish dive Dragon Gate, the strength rose suddenly to have nothing when the time comes self-confidently. 每一位斗帝,都是天骄,去了大千世界等于是鲤鱼跃龙门,到时候实力暴涨之下自己可就没什么自信了。 The voice falls, Ancient Emperor Tuo She receives own strength, the Xiao Yan's soul also occupied own body in this moment. 话音落下,陀舍古帝将自己的力量收回来,萧炎的灵魂在这一刻又重新占据了自己的身体。 At this time Nalan Yanran and Yun Yun two people also relax. Generally, even ran into very strong powerhouse, so long as treats side Xu Ran's will not come under these powerhouses' influences. But just, they also came under that dire aura influence. 这时候纳兰嫣然云韵两人也松了一口气。一般情况下,即使是遇到了很强的强者,只要待在徐然的身边就不会受到那些强者的影响。可是刚刚,她们也是受到了那股可怕的气息影响。 Xu Ran, just what's the matter?” 徐然,刚刚是怎么回事?” Both females worry looks at Xu Ran. 两女都担忧的看着徐然 Is a very strong enemy.” Xu Ran pursing the lips lip. “是一位很强的敌人。”徐然抿了抿嘴唇。 That important? He should not be your opponent.” Two females see Xu Ran that self-confident manner, relaxes. No matter, Xu Ran will never be worried intensely. “那要紧吗?他应该不是你的对手吧。”两女见徐然那自信的神态,也松了一口气。无论什么时候,徐然都从来不会紧张担心。 I am invincible.” Xu Ran light said three characters. “我无敌。”徐然淡淡的说出三個字。 Regardless of the flamboyant person, the not possible ratio to result in him of belt/bring system. 无论多牛逼的人,都不可能比得了带系统的他。 I first deliver you to get down, hehe, I old enemy a little matter must chat with this „.” Xu Ran licked the lip. “我先送你们下去,嘿嘿,我和这位“宿敌”有点事要聊一下。”徐然舔了舔嘴唇。 Un.” Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran nod gently, they also thought that waited unable to help Xu Ran in Xu Ran's side anything, instead easy to add to the chaos to Xu Ran. “嗯。”云韵纳兰嫣然轻轻点头,她们也觉得待在徐然的身边什么都帮不了徐然,反而容易给徐然添乱。 Xiao Yan, never expected that you flattered Ancient Emperor Tuo She unexpectedly, may celebrate encouraging. Worthily is the child of destiny.” After two females deliver to the ground, Xu Ran evilly with a smile looks at Xiao Yan. 萧炎,没想到你竟然巴结上了陀舍古帝,可喜可贺啊。不愧是天命之子。”将两女送到地面之后,徐然邪笑着看着萧炎 So long as passes through from Earth, which did not become the king in that world finally!!?? Xu Ran has understood through Xiao Yan, how regardless of he suppresses Xiao Yan, even if he does not let off Xiao Yan still always to present some people finally or is the special situation saves the scene. 只要是从地球上穿越的,哪个最后不是成了那个世界的王!!??徐然通过萧炎已经明白,无论他如何打压萧炎,就算他不放过萧炎最后也总能出现一些人或者是特殊的情况来救场。 The person or the situation that these save the scene, generally speaking dealt with all situations that the lead must face sufficiently. If were the life of this world birth is affected, the danger that therefore the lead encountered will only bring the opportunity to the lead, but will not kill him, knows that he drew the hip till to be given up by the world. 这些救场的人或是情况,一般来说足以应付主角要面对的所有情况了。如果是这片天地出生的生灵都会受到影响,所以主角遇到的危险只会给主角带来机遇而不会害死他,知道他拉胯到被世界放弃为止。 Naturally, similarly is he who passes through, will not be affected. 当然,同样是穿越过来的他,不会受到影响。 Because in any event, the leads dies. 因为无论如何,主角都是死的。 Mentioned, his crossing over was the system brings, therefore he did not have that type by the world approval, but opportunity unceasing situation. He plunders all that the lead should have each time. Originally arrived to the transcription of lead is snatched by him, by him is also wrested away to the younger sister who the lead in growth road prepared. 说来,他的穿越是系统带过来的,所以他没有那种被世界认可而机遇不断的情况。他都是每次掠夺主角所该拥有的一切。本来给主角的副本降临都被他抢了,给主角成长路上准备的妹子也都被他霸占了。 It seems like that he also is really a full unprincipled person. 看来,他还真是个十足的坏人啊。 Xu Ran, do you also want to do? What gift do you want to give me? I do not believe you is so good.” Xiao Yan knows after Xu Ran will not kill him, is somewhat joyful, but now is also happy does not get up. 徐然,你还想干什么?你想送我什么礼物?我可不信你有这么好。”萧炎知道徐然不会杀他之后有些欣喜,不过现在又开心不起来了。 This his such great writer in view of Xu Ran, Xu Ran will not let off him absolutely with ease. 这次他这么大手笔的针对徐然,徐然绝对不会这么轻松的放过他。 You designed to make so many powerhouses to catch my wife, can't I reply in kind?” Xu Ran smiles. This smile in the Xu Ran's eye full is the chill in the air. “你设计弄来了这么多强者想抓我老婆,难道我不能以其人之道还治其人之身吗?”徐然一笑。这笑容在徐然的眼里满是寒意。 Xiao Family! 萧家 Xiao Family had an accident!! 萧家出事了!! Xu Ran, what did you make to Xiao Family? If you dare to begin to Xiao Family, how Xun'er will see you? Xiao Family similarly is also the Xun'er's childhood, are you a devil?” The Xiao Yan eye was red. He has to think this issue, but the Hun Clan powerhouse is not his, making them deal with the Xu Ran's woman also to have the possibility, making the Hun Clan person help him protect Xiao Family is not possible. 徐然,你对萧家做什么了?你要是敢对萧家动手,薰儿会怎么看你?萧家同样也是薰儿的童年,你是魔鬼吗?”萧炎眼睛红了。他不是没想过这个问题,可是魂族的强者又不是他的,让他们去对付徐然的女人还有可能,让魂族的人帮他保护萧家是不可能的。 If to not cope with Xu Ran, in addition the approval of Void Devouring Flame, he is impossible to obtain the approval of Hun Clan. 如果不是为了对付徐然,加上虚无吞炎的认可,他都不可能得到魂族的认同。 Xun'er is not the Xiao Clan person. As for the childhood, do you want? Does Xun'er have so many identities to Xiao Family where? Even if will lose some time, but there are me to accompany, will not let her pain.” Xu Ran curls the lip. Xun'er comes Xiao Family to take away Xiao Clan Ancient Emperor Tuo She dies honorably the piece. If were like the original works with Xiao Yan in together, may have the identity to Xiao Family. Now this situation, Xun'er does not care about Xiao Family. 薰儿又不是萧族的人。至于童年嘛,你是不是想多了?薰儿萧家哪有那么多认同感?就算会失落一段时间,但有我陪着,也不会让她痛苦的。”徐然撇了撇嘴。薰儿萧家就是为了拿走萧族陀舍古帝玉碎片。如果和原著一样与萧炎在一起了,或许会对萧家有认同感。现在这种情况,薰儿根本不在乎萧家嘛。 That Xiao Mei and Xiao Yu? Their parental family members also in Xiao Family. Do you also want to begin to them? Doesn't Xun'er care about Xiao Family person them to be able not to care?” Xiao Yan is clenching teeth tightly. Is Xu Ran the devil? “那萧媚萧玉呢?她们的父母亲人也都在萧家。难道你也要对他们动手?薰儿不在乎萧家的人难道她们会不在乎吗?”萧炎紧咬着牙。徐然是恶魔吗? The Xiao Family person all that worships Xu Ran, is regarded as their patrons Xu Ran, finally Xu Ran actually must kill them, this is what kind of satire. 萧家的人全都那么崇拜徐然,将徐然当做是他们的保护神,结果徐然却要杀了他们,这是何等的讽刺。 Yu'er and Mei'er, I will love and compensate well their.” Xu Ran gawked, „, moreover they do not know that is hand that I move, Xiao Family these people are not the crazed person kill?” 玉儿媚儿啊,我会好好疼爱和补偿她们的。”徐然愣了一下,“而且她们又不会知道是我动的手,萧家的那些人不是丧心病狂的人杀的吗?” Your this time returns to Xiao Family, was reviled by the Xiao Family person, wanting to revenges for Xiao Ding and Xiao Li. But powerful you become angry out of shame, unexpectedly is living actually killed them. When I rush, Xiao Family had changed to stretch of ruins, everyone died.” Xu Ran wove one to think very good plot. “你这次回到萧家,被萧家的人唾骂,欲要为萧鼎萧厉报仇。而实力强大的你恼羞成怒,竟是活生生的将他们却都杀死了。而当我赶到的时候,萧家已经化作了一片废墟,所有人都死了。”徐然编织了一个自认为很不错的剧情。 So long as according to his plot walks, will not have any problem absolutely. 只要按照他的剧情走,绝对不会出现任何问题。 The words of language description insufficient image, he also prepares the director to have the picture of Xiao Yan dissolute slaughter to come out to supply Yu'er they to watch. 语言描述不够形象的话,他还准备导演出萧炎放肆屠杀的画面出来供玉儿她们观赏。 He may not hate to make Yu'er they to him sad. They may be his darling. 他可舍不得让玉儿她们对他伤心。她们可都是他的宝贝啊。
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