DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1323: Brain making up makes you perfect

Teacher, you remain. Otherwise Elder Brother Xu Ran does not meet happily. Moreover you are not thinking such?” Nalan Yanran is blushing to whisper. She follows Yun Yun to cultivate so many years in cloud mist sect, where not clear Yun Yun's idea. “老师,您就留下来吧。不然徐然哥哥会不开心的。而且您不是也想着那样的吗?”纳兰嫣然红着脸嘀咕着。她跟着云韵在云岚宗修炼这么多年,哪里不清楚云韵的想法。 For serveral days, Yun Yun a person sits frequently is in a daze and reveals that type of gentle as water the smile, the normal people can understand Yun Yun was in a daze is thinking anything. 这些天,云韵经常一个人坐着发呆而且还露出那种温柔似水的笑容,正常人都能明白云韵发呆的时候在想什么吧。 Even if Yun Yun is her teacher, but she has not experienced that matter similarly. Yun Yun in the cultivation is her teacher, in other aspects is not. Perhaps her experience must more. 就算云韵是她的老师,可她同样也从来没有经历过那种事。在修炼上云韵是她的老师,在其他方面可不是。说不定她的经验还要更多一点呢。 Moreover she also knows that Yun Yun is the face hides thinly, therefore intentionally the appearance that will pretend to walk. Otherwise, running away that Yun Yun has shamed. 而且她也知道云韵就是脸皮子薄所以才会故意装作要走的样子。不然的话,云韵早就羞的跑走了。 Naturally, if Yun Yun must walk Xu Ran does not hold her to her under a stair, that may really walk. 当然,如果云韵要走的时候徐然不把她抓住给她一个台阶下,那可就是真的走了。 This is the repertoire. 这都是套路。 What did your girl talk nonsense? Dares to so to disrespect for the master unexpectedly?” Yun Yun was said by Nalan Yanran somewhat shameful. Originally she was somewhat shy, now feels embarrassed. “你这丫头胡说什么呢?竟然敢对为师如此不敬?”云韵纳兰嫣然说的有些无地自容。本来她就有些害羞了,现在更觉得不好意思了。 If in the normal condition Xu Ran proposed that some incredible requests she is absolutely impossible to comply. But so many year and Xu Ran has not met just has a reunion now, moreover experienced just the situation of that a narrow escape, her heart and soul are blurry, is impossible is so sane. 如果是正常情况下徐然提出一些荒诞的要求她是绝对不可能答应的。可是这么多年和徐然没有见面现在刚刚重逢,而且还经历了刚刚那种九死一生的情况,她的心和灵魂早就迷糊了,不可能那么理智。 Hee hee. You from Elder Brother Xu Ran. Also, in the normal time I am your disciple, sometimes we are sisters Oh. Nalan Yanran somewhat are smart-alecky young, full is smiling. “嘻嘻。您就从了徐然哥哥吧。还有,在正常时候我是您的弟子,在某些时候我们可是姐妹哦。纳兰嫣然有些小俏皮,盈盈笑着。 She saw that for the first time Yun Yun is shy the annoying appearance, that charmingly angry stance she stayed a while. 她还是第一次见到云韵如此害羞懊恼的样子,那娇嗔的姿态就连她都是呆了一会儿。 The makings will have such side like the blue lotus noble chilly fairy maiden master! 气质如青莲般高贵清冷的仙子师父原来也会有这样的一面啊! Words you who must quarrel can quarrel a while all the way. However then......” Xu Ran one on the left and other on the right, effort hugs two females in the bosom. Originally wants to go to Yun Yun or the Nalan Yanran boudoir, but thinks carefully, there cannot contain so many people. Then Xu Ran without hesitation toward the sect gate main hall. “要吵架的话等会儿你们可以吵個够。不过接下来嘛……”徐然一左一右,用力的将两女抱在怀里。本来是想去云韵或者纳兰嫣然的闺房的,但仔细想想,那里根本容纳不下这么多人。然后徐然不假思索的朝着宗门大殿去了。 This has a scare Nalan Yanran. 这可是把纳兰嫣然都吓了一跳。 However now they are how impossible to escape the Xu Ran's hand heart. 不过现在她们怎么都不可能逃得过徐然的手心了。 For a long time, stops. 好久,才停下来。 The situation that Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran are afraid has not appeared. 云韵纳兰嫣然所害怕的情况没有出现。 Old sovereign Yun Shan died, without Yun Yun's summons others not to go to this place suddenly. 老宗主云山死了,没有云韵的召唤其他人是不会突然来到这个地方的。 Elder Brother Xu Ran you were really the necrosis. Others also help you convince the master fortunately.” Nalan Yanran honk the small mouth, in the light and lively makings were also many several points of cute. 徐然哥哥你真是坏死了。亏得人家还帮你说服师父呢。”纳兰嫣然嘟着小嘴,轻灵的气质中又多了几分可爱。 Blames me. These places that you prepare only suit 12 to rest personally. I cannot think of other right place.” Xu Ran smiled, had a yawn, is tilting the head looks that two females dressed up themselves. “怪我咯。你们所准备的那些地方都只适合一两个人睡。我也想不到别的合适的地方啊。”徐然一笑,打了个哈欠,歪着头看着两女打扮自己。 Quibbled! I do not believe your such choice.” Yun Yun has also turned head to blow Xu Ran to be the same ruthlessly. Her complexion obviously has the feeling of face glowing with health, only feared that is who she goes out no longer holds office to guess obtains her to experience anything. “狡辩!我就不相信你就这么一种选择。”云韵也是回过头狠狠的刮了徐然一样。她的脸色明显有种容光焕发的感觉,只怕是她走出去任何人都能猜得出她经历过什么。 Nalan Yanran has not changed is actually so big, after all she usually is the casual temper. But Yun Yun's makings before compares different, is chilly arrogantly were more, now is gently are more, is completely a virtuous wife appearance. 纳兰嫣然倒是没有变化那么大,毕竟她平时就是大大咧咧的性子。而云韵的气质更是与之前比起来大不一样,原本是清冷高傲多一些,现在则是温柔多一些,完全就是一个贤惠的妻子模样。 Before Yun Yun looked that the Xu Ran's look no doubt has the affection, but that acme of beauty and deportment, gentle as water virtuous is beforehand Yun Yun has not had. 以前云韵徐然的眼神固然带着情意,但那种千娇百媚,温柔似水的贤惠却是之前的云韵所不曾具备的。 Some things, need to experience will have from now on. 有些东西,是需要经历过后才会拥有的。 In any case entire sect gate are my Yun Yun wife, in other words is my, where do I want where, who to manage?” “反正整个宗门都是我云韵老婆的,换句话说都是我的,我想在哪儿就在哪儿,谁管得着?” Yun Yun is clenching teeth lightly, does not know that should say anything again. 云韵轻咬着牙,也不知道再该说些什么了。 This main hall may be commonly sect gate the elders and some important deacons here congress decided that the place of gate business, is very sacred place. 这大殿寻常可都是宗门的长老和一些重要的执事在此处大会决定宗门事务的地方,可是一个十分神圣之地。 . 罢了罢了。 Who made her fall in love with such a free and easy uninhibited, completely person who did not care about the secular vision? 谁让她爱上了这样一个洒脱不羁,完全不在乎世俗眼光的人呢? cultivator cannot be fettered by anything, even if the Confucianism is also the same. Perhaps, was really Xu Ran this unscrupulous character will make Xu Ran and other person of differences, the achievement such a strength. Oneself do not need to change Xu Ran, cannot change Xu Ran. 修炼者不能被任何东西束缚住,哪怕是礼教也一样。或许,真是徐然这种无所顾忌的性格才会让徐然变得和其他人不一样,成就了这样的一番实力。自己不需要改变徐然,也不能改变徐然 Yun Yun deep( this chapter has not ended!) 云韵深(本章未完!) Chapter 1323 第1323章 Brain making up makes you perfect 脑补使你完美 Deep looks at Xu Ran, suddenly had some clear(ly) to become aware. 深的看着徐然,突然有了些明悟。 If Xu Ran knows oneself these ignominious behaviors in Yun Yun heart can be washed absolutely will be very in vain gratified. All he can grow stronger external that shameless depending on system little sister gives, Xu Ran is person who eats the external growth. What Xu Ran believes, can depend on obviously with ease external invincible, why can also try hard? 若是徐然知道自己在云韵心中的那些可耻的行为都能被洗白绝对会十分欣慰。他能变强全都是无耻的靠着系统小姐姐给的外挂,徐然是个吃外挂成长的人。徐然信奉的是,明明能够轻松的靠着外挂无敌,为什么还要努力? In brief, others' brain making up makes Xu Ran perfect. 总而言之,别人的脑补使徐然变得完美。 Xu Ran's Cultivation(Level) as powerful as this type of share, natural every action and every movement will attract the attention of nearby person. The Xu Ran's character, the individuality, some strange actions by the excessive explanation, will then be obtained some them to think the reasonable explanation. 徐然的修为强大到了这种份上,自然一举一动就会吸引身边人的注意。徐然的性格,个性,还有一些奇怪的举动都会被过分的解读,然后得出一些她们自认为合理的解释。 This is very good to understand. These celebrity famous sayings on previous generation Earth, some words can be done the reading comprehension topic to come out. These kings, side countless people are also estimating the intention. 这很好理解。前世地球上的那些名人名言,一些话都能被搞出些阅读理解题出来。那些帝王,身边无数人也都在揣度圣意。 Yun Yun they naturally intentionally do not estimate the Xu Ran's thoughts, but explains in Xu Ran's many behaviors their hearts excessively the perfect image. Even if Xu Ran did very impolite matter, will still misinterpret the good aspect that they understand in them fast. 云韵她们自然不是故意要揣度徐然的心思,而是将徐然的许多行为过分解读成她们心中完美的形象。所以就算徐然做了很无礼的事,在她们心里也会快速曲解成她们理解的好的方面。 Can achieve this point, besides authority who the Xu Ran strength brings, naturally because of Yun Yun they to the Xu Ran unretentive love. Is perfect in their Xu Ran at heart, even some stains still turned into good side. 能够达到这一点,除了徐然实力带来的权威以外,自然是因为云韵她们对徐然毫无保留的爱。在她们的心里徐然就是完美的,即使是一些污点也都变成了好的一面。 The homicidal maniac demon is the derogatory meaning, murdering decisively was the commendatory meaning. Anything has the dual character, looked your person is willing to classify in good you that bad. 杀人狂魔是贬义,杀伐果断就是褒义了。任何事情都是有两面性的,就看你身边的人愿意将你归类于好的那面还是坏的了。 Right, Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) they? How I have not seen them.” “对了,小医仙她们呢?我怎么没看见她们。” They should cultivation in that mystical place that you founds. That place also is really fierce. Yesterday Xiao Yan they came as if not to discover that mystical place. For the words of sect gate, we cannot hide in that mystical place yesterday. However if we, Xiao Yan they do not seek carefully, will discover existence of mystical place.” Yun Yun mentioned on that mystical place face to have the self-satisfied smile. Xu Ran made overall quality of sect hanger-on one generation of disciples promote for that mystical place of cloud mist sect foundation to plan incessantly. “她们应该在你之前创建的那个秘境里修炼。那个地方还真是厉害。昨天萧炎他们来了似乎也没有发现那个秘境。不是为了宗门的话,昨天我们也可以躲到那个秘境里去的。不过如果我们不在的话,萧炎他们仔细寻找的话,也会发现秘境的存在的。”云韵说起那个秘境脸上带着得意的笑容。徐然为云岚宗创建的那个秘境可是让宗门下一代弟子的整体素质提升了不止一筹。 Xu Ran amounts to cloud mist sect has not treated enough for a month, but effect of Xu Ran on cloud mist sect actually to the aspects of cloud mist sect. Even if this sovereign, the contribution to the sect gate cannot compare Xu Ran by far. 徐然在云岚宗总计也没有待够一个月的时间,可徐然对云岚宗的影响却是到了云岚宗的方方面面。哪怕她这个宗主,对宗门的贡献都远远比不上徐然
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