DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1315: Strange idea

Really?” “真的?” Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran are pleasantly surprised. 云韵纳兰嫣然都惊喜不已。 On Xu Ran's some are how many secrets hiding the truth from them? They know that Xu Ran is very strong, but Xu Ran was so powerful exceeded their imagination, behind Xu Ran as if also had other influence let alone? 徐然的身上到底有多少秘密瞒着她们?她们知道徐然很强,但徐然这么强大还是超出了她们的想象,更何况徐然背后似乎还有别的势力? Hehe, when the time comes to you introduced some pretty elder sister younger sisters knew.” Xu Ran makes an effort pinched on two female fine soft waists, stirring up both females is staring at Xu Ran that rebukes, these sisters but who said to Xu Ran somewhat are also curious. “嘿嘿,到时候给你们介绍一些漂亮的姐姐妹妹认识。”徐然用力的在两女纤软的腰肢上捏了一把,惹得两女都是嗔怪的盯着徐然,可是对徐然所说的那些姐妹又有些好奇。 Listens to the Xu Ran's tone, as if these sisters can resist these to exist powerful. 徐然的口气,似乎那些姐妹才是能够抵挡那些强大存在的。 Are they very strong? 那她们岂不是很强? Such aren't oneself able by far compared with them? 那样自己岂不是远远无法和她们相比? Two female excited hearts were also shrivelled, is somewhat uncomfortable. 两女激动的心又瘪了下来,有些难受。 Other person of powerful actually indifferent, is own love rival is outstanding. No matter, can regarding this the heartache. 其他人比自己强大倒是无所谓,可是自己的情敌比自己优秀。不管是谁,对此都是会很心伤的吧。 Especially Yun Yun this type before knowing Xu Ran is also the sect all trades lord of full side, after knowing Xu Ran has been attacked by Xu Ran, quick self-closing, but now knows that several not well-known sisters are so strong, can happy blame at heart. For serveral days she has been swayed by personal gains and losses, cultivated diligently, hopes that can promote rapidly Cultivation(Level). But in a short time, they enhanced the strength the speed to be quick enough, wants quickly is very more difficult again. Temporarily they do not want to catch up quickly. 尤其是云韵这种在认识徐然之前也是名满一方的宗门门主,在认识徐然之后就一直受到徐然打击,都快自闭了,而现在又知道几位不知名的姐妹都那么强,心里还能开心就怪了。这些天她一直患得患失,努力修炼,希望能够将修为快速提升上去。可短时间内,她们提升实力的速度已经足够快了,再想更快很难了。暂时她们是别想这么快赶上去了。 Nalan Yanran is also same. Xu Ran is more outstanding, she is prouder, but more is also afraid loses Xu Ran. 纳兰嫣然也是一样。徐然越优秀,她就越骄傲,但也越害怕失去徐然 Today Xu Ran made such big noise, entire Jia Ma Empire will regard Xu Ran is the idol. When the time comes, does not know that many people will fall in love with Xu Ran, when the time comes...... she thinks this matter worries. 今天徐然闹出了这么大的动静,整个加玛帝国都会视徐然为偶像。到时候,不知道多少人会爱上徐然,到时候……她想到这件事就愁的很。 Really has no alternative but to worry. 实在是不能不发愁啊。 They and Xu Ran's power gap was too big. 她们和徐然的实力差距太大了。 Two lovely wives are not bad, particularly in certain aspects, if can......” Xu Ran size up on the Yun Yun and Yun Yun liangs female body unceasingly. Before left, although Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran knew to the Xu Ran's intention, moreover certain things were also having a frank and sincere talk. However two females have scruples under the influence of common custom after all, therefore two people will appear when the Xu Ran's front simultaneously will restrain many surely. Moreover two females only will basically have one person to accompany at the same time side Xu Ran's, avoids awkwardly. “两位娇妻也不差的,尤其是在某些方面,要是能够……”徐然云韵女的身上不断打量着。之前离开的时候,虽然云韵纳兰嫣然都得知了相互间对徐然的心意,而且某些事情也都是开诚布公的了。但是两女毕竟在世俗的影响下有所顾忌,所以两人同时出现在徐然的面前时必定会收敛许多。而且两女基本上同一时间只会有一人陪在徐然的身边,避免尴尬。 But looks like the present, was hugged by Xu Ran simultaneously in the bosom, looks charmingly, basically is the situation that is impossible to have. 而像现在,被徐然同时抱在怀里,面露娇羞,基本上是不可能存在的情况。 Then, he must thank Xiao Yan to give him this opportunity, otherwise wants to realize some desire to fear that also needed a long time. 说起来,他都要感谢萧炎给他这个机会了,不然想要实现某一個愿望怕是还需要很长一段时间了。 Only by the sentiment, Xu Ran and Yun Yun, the sentiment between Nalan Yanran is very deep. However Yun Yun and between the Nalan Yanran masters and disciples actually cannot let loose. Even if two female ordinary girls were hugged by Xu Ran simultaneously will be very being embarrassed, let alone they were the masters and disciples. 单论感情,徐然云韵,纳兰嫣然之间的感情都很深。不过云韵纳兰嫣然师徒之间却是放不开。就算是两女普通的女孩子同时被徐然抱着都会很不好意思,更别说她们是师徒了。 Generally, this relations want ice-breaking, needs a special turning point. 一般,这种关系想要破冰,都需要一个特殊的契机。 But this time exactly is an opportunity. 而这次恰好是一个机会。 Hehe, then isn't he hugging them simultaneously? Moreover in situation that in cloud mist sect so many people witness. After everyone saw, Yun Yun even again shy still knows to no help, at that time to abandon something as beyond redemption? 嘿嘿,这下他不就同时抱着她们了吗?而且还是在云岚宗这么多人亲眼目睹的情况下。被所有人看到了之后,云韵就算是再害羞也知道于事无补了,那时候岂不是就破罐子破摔了? Although, the secular Confucianism will really have some effects. But what's the big deal? By the Xu Ran's strength, this will only be passed on a position charming story. These all kinds of fetters can only fetter the person who they can fetter. 虽说,世俗礼教确实是会有一些影响。可那又如何?以徐然的实力,这只会被传位一段佳话罢了。那些各种各样的束缚只能束缚他们能够束缚的人。 Your this bad embryo. Lived a gentleman appearance obviously, is so bad.” Nalan Yanran was affected deeply by Xu Ran, Xu Ran that crooked thoughts lived Nalan Yanran to be quickly understanding, understands what idea that Xu Ran had. Immediately bashfully Nalan Yanran blushes stared Xu Ran one. “你这个坏胚。明明生了一副君子模样,却偏偏还这么坏。”纳兰嫣然徐然影响最深,徐然那歪心思生出来纳兰嫣然很快就会意了,明白徐然打的什么主意。顿时纳兰嫣然羞赧的瞪了徐然一眼。 Just because they extremely felt alarmed and anxious, therefore was being hugged by Xu Ran also no, now discovers oneself unexpectedly simultaneously with master by Xu Ran so intimate embracing in bosom. Xu Ran hugs is very tight, own body sticks to Xu Ran's, particularly chest front very curls upwards, now feels bashful nervous. Moreover she was to also feel Xu Ran at this time hugged in her big hand is running amuck, good Xu Ran held the position that they are at to be very high, although below person can notice that they actually could not see clearly the Xu Ran's movement, will otherwise sob absolutely a piece. 刚刚因为她们太过担惊受怕,所以被徐然抱着也没什么,现在才发现自己竟然同时和师父被徐然如此亲密的搂抱在怀里。徐然搂的很紧,自己的身体紧贴在徐然的身上,尤其是胸前的挺翘,现在才感到臊的慌。而且她这时候也是感受到了徐然搂在她身上的大手在胡作非为,还好徐然抱着她们所在的位置很高,下方的人虽然能够看到她们却是看不清徐然的动作,不然的话绝对会唏嘘一片。 Your Bastard!!!” Yun Yun closes up the cultivation after all, moreover never has the person to dare to sexually harass her as a lord. Therefore does not seem like Nalan Yanran the same as comprehend the Xu Ran's meaning all of a sudden. However she is Xu Ran is also together that long person, blushed from Nalan Yanran that bashfully the look as well as Xu Ran that has in the look capturing/raiding also understood the Xu Ran's intention. “你混蛋!!!”云韵毕竟闭关修炼,而且作为一宗之主还从来没有人敢调戏她。所以不像是纳兰嫣然一样一下子就领会徐然的意思。不过她好歹也是和徐然相处那么久的人,从纳兰嫣然那羞赧的眼神以及徐然那颇有攻略性的眼神中也是明白了徐然的意图。 Drops quickly.” Yun Yun is bashful and angry, has entered the hand made in her skirt to live Xu Ran that hastily, shames at heart very angry. “快放手。”云韵又羞又恼,连忙将徐然那已经伸入她裙子里的手制住,心里十分羞恼。 Especially, the eyes of under that cloudy mist sect disciple all straight looks toward them. Although separates them unable to see these petty actions, is the Yun Yun's heart is perturbed, could not have borne. 尤其是,下方那么多云岚宗弟子的眼睛全都直直的朝着他们这边看。虽说隔这么远他们看不见这些小动作,可是云韵的心却是七上八下的,早就已经受不了了。 Before Xu Ran, walks from cloud mist sect, to the Yun Yun quite gentleman, knows the matter that Yun Yun facial skin thin some need to operate is lets Nalan Yanran. However now was the easy shy sovereign beautiful woman actually cannot bear give birth to several points of teasing heart regarding this clear cooling. 徐然之前从云岚宗走的时候,对云韵还是颇为君子的,知道云韵脸皮儿薄有些需要操作的事情都是让纳兰嫣然来。不过现在对于这个清冷却是容易害羞的宗主美人却是忍不住生出了几分调侃之心。 Does not put. Everyone saw in any case, what do you fear?” Xu Ran smiles. “不放。反正所有人看到了,你怕什么?”徐然嘿嘿一笑。 Usually Yun Yun in sect Menli is a very cold proud appearance, having disciple, when is very proper. But now reveals this shy appearance, has a contrast beautiful. 要知道,平时云韵在宗门里可是一副很冷傲的样子,有弟子在的时候可是十分正经的。而现在露出这幅羞怯的样子,有着一种反差美。 „Can that be the same?” “那能一样吗?” Yun Yun silvers tooth bites lightly, white Xu Ran, sees Xu Ran is not willing also only to be able independently, whatever Xu Ran is hugging. 云韵牙轻咬,白了徐然一眼,见徐然不愿放手也只能任由徐然抱着了。 Beforehand time, cloud mist ancestor knew Yun Yun and Xu Ran's relations. Let alone cloud mist sect, entire Jia Ma Empire knows Yun Yun, relations between Nalan Yanran and Xu Ran, envying Xu Ran's are lucky in love. 之前的时候,云岚宗人就知道云韵徐然的关系了。别说云岚宗,整个加玛帝国都知道云韵,纳兰嫣然徐然之间的关系,羡慕徐然的艳福。 However knows to turn over to know, they basically do not have simultaneously and Xu Ran in together softhearted. Like this was being hugged by Xu Ran with Nalan Yanran together, she somewhat is embarrassed, does not dare to look at the face of Nalan Yanran. 不过知道归知道,她们却基本没有同时和徐然在一起温情过。这样和纳兰嫣然一起被徐然抱着,她还是有些不好意思,更是不敢看纳兰嫣然的脸。 Is Nalan Yanran this? Yun Yun is the master who she respects the worship, if really...... she listened to Xu Ran to propose that idea, only does not feel realistically, but she always feels that now that situation was also about to arrive. 纳兰嫣然何尝不是这样?云韵可是她敬重崇拜的师父,如果真的……她曾经就听徐然提出过那种想法,只觉得不现实,不过现在她总感觉那种情况也快到来了。 Are in any case most can only like this, your evil idea best or eliminates.” Yun Yun makes an effort twisted on the Xu Ran's waist, probably revenges. “反正最多只能这样,你那个邪恶的想法最好还是打消掉。”云韵用力的在徐然的腰上拧了一把,像是报仇似的。 In any case, that terrible idea coming out that also only then Xu Ran such unprincipled person thinks. She will not accompany Xu Ran to deliberately create trouble. 反正,那种可怕的想法也只有徐然这样的坏人想的出来。她可不会陪着徐然这么胡闹。 This may be beyond control you. Your appeal is invalid, I refuse to listen to your opinion.” “这可由不得你。你的上诉无效,我拒绝听从你的意见。” Because various issue addresses change to invite everyone collect the new address to avoid becoming lost 由于各种问题地址更改为请大家收藏新地址避免迷路 The homepage version chapter content is slow, please download to like reading app to read the newest content 网页版章节内容慢,请下载爱阅app阅读最新内容 Please withdraw transfers the code page, please download to like reading app 请退出转码页面,请下载爱阅app Reading latest chapter. 阅读最新章节。 Newly for you provide quickly from fighting Luo start captures the goddess to renew, Chapter 1315 新为你提供最快的从斗罗开始俘获女神更新,第1315章 The strange idea read free. 奇怪的想法免费阅读。
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