DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1314: You lost

Is impossible, Sir Void Devouring Flame is so powerful, why Xu Ran can you also easily beat him? Can't this world deal with your person? " Where the Xiao Yan scared stand, despairs at heart. 不可能的,虚无吞炎大人已经那么强大了,为什么徐然你还能那么轻易的击败他?这个世界难道就没有能够对付你的人了吗?」萧炎失魂落魄的站在哪里,心里十分绝望。 He found the hope to be then quick each time fell into desperately. 每次他找到了希望然后很快就又陷入了绝望。 Is Heaven playing tricks on him intentionally? 上天是在故意戏弄他吗? Originally he took risk Hall of Souls is a narrow escape, then the accident/surprise entered Hun Clan is also accidental/surprised by Void Devouring Flame is regarded as important. Experienced the innumerable transitions, do oneself rise with the help of Void Devouring Flame slowly? Do oneself strive for success how difficultly these step? But have exhausted full power but Xu Ran has actually accomplished a task with ease. 本来他冒险去魂殿就已经是九死一生了,然后意外进入了魂族又意外被虚无吞炎看重。经历了无数个转折,自己才慢慢在虚无吞炎的帮助下崛起?自己拼搏到这一步何其艰难?可自己已经用尽全力了而徐然却一直游刃有余。 The most important thing is, this time he also called many peerless powerhouses. These people, have stood the powerhouse in mainland peak. 最重要的是,这次他还叫上了很多绝世强者。那些人,已经是站在大陆顶端的强者了。 Hall of Souls palace lord Hun Mie lives, command Hun Mie lives Void Devouring Flame that needs to act servilely. 魂殿殿主魂灭生,还有令魂灭生都需要卑躬屈膝的虚无吞炎 Even did these people fold in Xu Ran's hand? 连这些人都折在徐然的手里了吗? Xiao Yan unobtainable accepts this message. 萧炎难以接受这個消息。 " Xiao Yan, you lost. " Xu Ran occupies a commanding position looks at Xiao Yan. These days Xiao Yan's progressed truly big, what a pity the progress not possible ratio to result in him again quickly. 萧炎,你又输了。」徐然居高临下的看着萧炎。这段时间萧炎的进步确实不小,可惜进展再快也不可能比得了他。 " No, I have not lost. If I guess well, you just came from Snake-People, then the palace lord should...... " Xiao Yan clench teeth to look at Xu Ran. Even Void Devouring Flame so collapses at the first blow in front of Xu Ran's, surely that Hun Mie lives has died cannot die again. 「不,我没有输。如果我猜得不错的话,你刚刚是从蛇人族过来的吧,如此一来殿主应该已经……」萧炎咬着牙看着徐然。连虚无吞炎徐然的面前都如此不堪一击,那魂灭生必定已经死的不能再死了。 " I by your pit that many times, this time had prepared for complete before. I know that you are very strong, therefore besides us, we also have several the Hun Clan Dou Saint powerhouse to go Jia Nan Academy. These Dou Saint powerhouses sufficiently the entire Black Horn Territory destruction, therefore Jia Nan Academy now surely is rivers of blood. " 「我之前被你坑了那么多次,这次早就做好了完全的准备。我知道你很强,所以除了我们之外,我们还有数位魂族斗圣强者前去迦南学院。那些斗圣强者足以将整个黑角域都覆灭,所以迦南学院现在必定已经是血流成河了。」 Saying that Xiao Yan teased. 萧炎戏谑的说道。 He compared with Xu Ran, must make Xu Ran painful even. 他即使比不过徐然,也要让徐然痛苦。 Xu Ran after all is only a person, some side also so many worrying, even if unable to kill Xu Ran, can still make a move in view of Xu Ran person. Jia Ma Empire, Snake-People, the great distance is too near, may have the accident/surprise. Black Horn Territory that however Jia Nan Academy is at has very far distance to Jia Ma Empire. Even the Dou Saint powerhouse, goes to Jia Nan Academy from Jia Ma Empire, at least still requires day, how Xu Ran can catch up? 徐然毕竟只是一个人,身边还有那么多牵挂,即使无法杀死徐然,也可以针对徐然身边的人出手。加玛帝国,蛇人族,相隔太近,可能会出现意外。但是迦南学院所在的黑角域加玛帝国可是有很远的距离。就算是斗圣强者,从加玛帝国出发去迦南学院,至少也都需要一天的时间,徐然如何能够赶得回去? Xiao Yu, Xiao Mei, these people unexpectedly and Xiao Family enemy Xu Ran boy mix up, simply is Damn it. 萧玉,萧媚,这些人竟然和萧家的敌人徐然厮混在一起,简直是该死 However, now calculates the time, entire Jia Nan Academy should change into stretch of ruins, everyone life will die in that several Dou Saint subordinate. 不过,现在算算时间,整个迦南学院应该已经化为了一片废墟,所有人生灵都将死在那几位斗圣的手下。 Xu Ran again is not a god, he is only a person, double fist difficult enemy four, to open Xu Ran, recklessly the slaughter, is extremely then simple regarding Hun Clan. 徐然再强也不是神,他只是一个人而已,双拳难敌四手,支开了徐然,然后肆意屠杀,对于魂族来说太过简单。 If Xu Ran is only a person of heart no worrying is good, but some Xu Ran actually also so many one's beloveds. But they are the Xu Ran's flaws. 若是徐然只是一个心无牵挂的人还好,可徐然却还有那么多心上人。而她们就是徐然的破绽。 Xiao Yan is fixing the eyes on Xu Ran, hopes that sees the painful and desperate expression from the Xu Ran's face, finally is disappoints him somewhat. Can Xu Ran by his Jiangle army, why also such treating safely there? 萧炎紧盯着徐然,希望从徐然的脸上看出痛苦和绝望的表情,结果却是令他有些失望。徐然被他将乐一军,为什么还能这么安然的待在那里? Obviously...... 明明…… " Haha. Xu Ran, it seems like you are also a person of fickle widowed righteousness, Xiao Yu, Xiao Mei they with the most wrong decision that people like you are their makes simply her entire life. As far as I know, Jia Nan Academy also has your several other female friends, finally the fragrant disappearing jade have perished you actually not to worry now, it seems like you also are really a brutal person. If Xun'er knows that you such shameless side does not know can regret to betray my decision? " 「哈哈。徐然,看来你也是一个薄情寡义的人,萧玉,萧媚她们跟了你这样的人简直是她们这一生做出的最错误的决定。据我所知,迦南学院还有你其他的好几位红颜知己,结果她们现在已经香消玉殒你却一点儿都不担心,看来你还真是个无情的人。薰儿要是知道你这么无耻的一面不知道会不会后悔背叛我的决定?」 " Xu Ran, you were so many years hypocrites, now exposed own conscience? You also had a liking for their bodies, rather than really likes them. " Xiao Yan is ridiculing, he looks forward to notice that the Xu Ran person supposes the avalanche. 徐然,你做了那么多年的伪君子,现在暴露了自己的本心了吧?你也只是看上了她们的身体,而不是真的喜欢她们。」萧炎讥讽着,他巴不得看到徐然人设崩塌。 Own present strength is so strong, he returns to Jia Ma Empire, originally returns home with riches and honors, because Xu Ran's reason in Jia Ma Empire, only then the infamy does not have the reputation. Everyone is scolding him actually to never have the person to know that his Xiao Yan was actually unjust. 自己如今实力这么强,他回加玛帝国,本来是衣锦还乡,可是因为徐然的缘故自己在加玛帝国只有骂名没有美名。所有人都在骂他却从来没有人知道他萧炎其实是被冤枉的。 Now Xu Ran so brutal side, will see by Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran should disappointed. 现在徐然如此无情的一面,被云韵纳兰嫣然看到了应该会寒心的吧。 " Xiao Yan, you are really shameless! " 萧炎,你真是无耻!」 " You think that Elder Brother Xu Ran and you are equally brutal? Elder Brother Xu Ran is not such person. " 「你以为徐然哥哥和你一样无情吗?徐然哥哥不是那样的人。」 Sees Xiao Yan to make impertinent remarks, Nalan Yanran got angry, immediately abuses each other with Xiao Yan. 萧炎一直出言不逊,纳兰嫣然怒了,当即和萧炎对骂起来。 Yun Yun is also looks irritated very angrily, what because own sovereign status has therefore not said with Xiao Yan directly much, but worries looks at Xu Ran, " don't several younger sisters have the issue? " 云韵也是面有愠色十分恼怒,不过因为自己的宗主身份所以并没有直接和萧炎多说什么,而是担忧的看着徐然,「几位妹妹没问题吗?」 Without seeing Xiao Mei, Xiao Yu, Xun'er they, Yun Yun still has approved their existence. Therefore also worries about their safety. The strengths of these people they had just asked for advice. Can say , if no Xu Ran's words, let alone cloud mist sect, even if entire Jia Ma Empire will fall into an unprecedented huge catastrophe. 即使是没有见过萧媚,萧玉,薰儿她们,云韵也早就认可了她们的存在。所以也是十分担忧她们的安危。这些人的实力她们刚刚已经领教过。可以说如果没有徐然的话,别说云岚宗,就算是整个加玛帝国都将陷入一场史无前例的巨大灾难。 Made in the black flame of person palpitation in former that even she was inescapable, let alone other person of average people. When the time comes, Jia Ma Empire will turn into place of deathly stillness. 在之前那令人心悸的黑炎中,连她都无法逃脱,更别说其他人普通人了。到时候,加玛帝国将会变成一片死寂之地。 Xu Ran helped them, was doomed is not not possible to go to Jia Nan Academy again. 徐然来帮她们了,就注定不可能再去般迦南学院了。 If really such as Xiao Yan said that present these talented powerhouses have gone to Jia Nan Academy. 如果真如萧炎所说,那现在那些实力不俗的强者已经去迦南学院了。 Nalan Yanran is also in the heart jumps. Although these people are her love rival, in the future can struggle for favor with her surely, but she actually does not hope that they have the accident/surprise. If they died, that Elder Brother Xu Ran will also be very sad, she does not want to see his sad appearance. 纳兰嫣然也是心中一跳。虽说那些人算是她的情敌,未来必定会和她争宠,但她却并不希望她们出现意外。如果她们死了,那徐然哥哥也会很伤心,她不希望看到他伤心的样子。 They always have the inexplicable confidence to the Xu Ran's strength, is at present this situation, what to do they really do not know Xu Ran to be able. After all, enemy not in view of him, but in view to he very far place, Xu Ran cannot help busily. 她们对徐然的实力一向都是有着莫名的信心的,可是眼下这种情况,她们实在是不知道徐然能怎么办。毕竟,敌人不是针对他,而是针对离他很远的地方,徐然也帮不到忙。 " Haha. " 「哈哈。」 " Xu Ran, said, originally this time they only prepare faction 1-2 ordinary Dou Saint to cope with you, who can think that your strength is so strong? Has me to supply ideas fortunately. " 徐然,说起来,本来这次他们只准备派1-2普通的斗圣来对付你,谁能想到你实力这么强?还好有我在出谋划策。」 " Right? " The Xu Ran brow selects. 「是吗?」徐然眉头微挑。 " Relax, they are all right. That side Jia Nan Academy also has the powerhouse to assume personal command, Hun Clan Dou Saint went only to be the dead end. " Also Gu Yuena their one group of people may near Jia Nan Academy, before Xu Ran walks, remind them especially. The Hall of Souls powerhouse went is not not possible to cause anything to threaten. 「放心吧,他们没事。迦南学院那边也有强者坐镇,魂族斗圣去了只能是死路一条。」古月娜她们一群人可都在迦南学院附近,徐然走之前还特地提醒了她们。魂殿的强者去了也不可能造成什么威胁。 Gu Yuena is Dragon God, Goddess of Life, Bibi Dong they, these people, although seems like Cultivation(Level) is not specially high, but everyone can jump over several levels of fights absolutely. Especially Goddess of Life, even here is not Divine Realm, so long as has the Sheng Ming survival place, she can have the strength of growing continually, wants to kill her basically is not possible. Although their Cultivation(Level) could not have achieved this world temporarily strongest, may be Divine Realm comes after all, from the Sheng Ming level is not considered as ordinary " person " , but is the powerful life of being reborn. 古月娜龙神,还有生命女神,比比东她们,这些人虽然看上去修为不是特别高,但是每个人都绝对能够越好几级战斗。特别是生命女神,即使这里不是神界,可只要有生命存活的地方,她就能拥有生生不息的力量,想要杀死她基本上是不可能的。虽然她们修为暂时还达不到这个世界的最强,可毕竟是神界过来的,从生命层次上已经不算是普通的「人」了,而是脱胎换骨的强大生灵。 Provides for you «from Fighting Luo start who big god mu admires Captures the Goddess» quickest renewal, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神鞪慕的《从斗罗开始俘获女神》最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签!
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