DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1313: Surrendering

A finger/refers of sword intent cancels, changes into one thin to the pinnacle white line, at once the white has delimited the horizon like lightning! 一指剑意抹去,化为一道细到极致的白线,旋即白色闪电般的划过天际! The sword light mistake, above the sky, presented a roughly ten several tens of thousands of zhang (3.33 m) heavy line, there space, was separated to go directly, but the black flame that at the same time, above that blocks the sky was also broken out in this moment. 剑光过处,天空之上,出现了一道约莫十数万丈长的黑线,那里的空间,直接是被割裂而去,而与此同时,那上方那遮天蔽日的黑炎也在这一刻被劈开。 Powerful sword intent the periphery black flame will twist broken, changes to the world the most primitive energy to fuse together with this stretch of the world, in the surroundings world, did the world energy rise suddenly in this moment far more than planned? 强大的剑意将周围的黑炎绞碎,重新化作天地间最原始的能量与这片天地融为一体,周围天地间,天地能量在这一刻暴涨了何止一筹? Central Plains becomes entire day under cultivates the agglomeration of powerhouse, in the final analysis lies in Central Plains city side world dou qi energy gathering place, the dou qi energy is very rich, the cultivator cultivation speed large scale speeding up, the high rank demon beast will also take root in this, the medicinal herb of high quality also grows in this. Therefore, gathers the world energy Central Plains naturally to become a core. 中州之所以成为全天下修炼强者的聚集地,归根结底在于中州市此方天地斗气能量汇聚处,斗气能量十分浓郁,修炼者修炼速度将会大幅度的加快,高阶魔兽也会在此扎根,高品质的药材也在此生长。因此,汇聚天下能量的中州自然成为了一处核心。 But here, Xu Ran twisted to break to pieces the Void Devouring Flame strength, this side world integrated such powerful energy, although compared with Central Plains, but will become the core of northwest mainland absolutely. 而这里,徐然绞碎了虚无吞炎的力量,这方天地融入了这么强大的能量,虽然比不过中州,但绝对会成为西北大陆的核心。 Moreover Xu Ran that sword many deep meanings also integrated this stretch of the world, in the future here will be born surely the strange thing. After all, Xu Ran that came from the Divine Realm strange energy is this mainland does not have. 而且徐然那一剑许多奥义也融入了这片天地,未来这里必定将会诞生许多奇异的东西。毕竟,徐然那来自神界的许多奇异的能量也是这片大陆所没有的。 A finger/refers of sword light then optional gathered the potential for a long time big move to break Void Devouring Flame, countless people looked dull. 一指剑光便随意的将虚无吞炎蓄势了许久的大招破去,无数人都看呆了。 The fight of this rank, except for Jia Ma Empire, the entire northwest mainland has the induction. 要知道,这种级别的战斗,除了加玛帝国,整个西北大陆都是有感应的。 Especially that wipes the sword light the grace and talent, is lets all witness the person were absent-minded. Even if the average people were look to be enthralled. Some people as if saw oneself birth and death, some people saw the myriad things live the scene that extinguishes, some people saw bright and dark continuously, some people suddenly seeing the light suddenly large breakthroughs. 尤其是那一抹剑光的风华,更是让所有目睹过的人都是恍惚了。即使是普通人都是看入神了。有人仿佛看到了自己的生老病死,有人看到了万物生灭的景象,有人看到了光明和黑暗的此起彼伏,更有人突然顿悟大幅突破。 Today, is doomed regarding the entire mainland is a unusual day. 今日,对于整座大陆来说注定是一个不寻常的日子。 " Dou Di, this is the Dou Di strength. " 斗帝,这是斗帝的力量。」 In the Void Devouring Flame double pupil is burning the black flame, with amazement looks at Xu Ran. 虚无吞炎双眸中燃烧着黑炎,骇然的看着徐然 This is the Dou Di strength, moreover is not Ancient Emperor Tuo She! 这是斗帝的力量,而且还不是陀舍古帝 What Ancient Emperor Tuo She excels is the fire, but what this excelling is a sword. 陀舍古帝擅长的是火,而这位擅长的是剑。 Moreover he felt like, this strength faintly seems to be more powerful than Ancient Emperor Tuo She! 而且他隐隐觉得,这位的实力似乎隐隐比陀舍古帝还要强大! After Ancient Emperor Tuo She, some people broke through Dou Di unexpectedly! Moreover is such powerful Dou Di! 陀舍古帝之后,竟然又有人突破了斗帝!而且还是这么强大的斗帝 Even if Hun Tiandi bites spirit lives certainly, stimulates to movement the pinnacle, absolutely is not this rank the opponent of powerhouse. 即使是魂天帝的噬灵绝生阵,催动到极致,都绝对不是这种级别的强者的对手。 " The Dou Di strength very powerful, imagines me is stronger. " 斗帝的力量好强,比我想象的还要强。」 " Disparity between Dou Saint and Dou Di, is very big. " 斗圣斗帝之间的差距,真的很大。」 Void Devouring Flame muttered, at the same time, he felt one to make his exciting aura from Xu Ran's. Origin Qi, so long as is Dou Di, the body has Origin Qi, moreover is continuous, countless Origin Qi. 虚无吞炎喃喃道,与此同时,他从徐然的身上感受到一股令他兴奋的气息。源气,只要是斗帝,身上就有源气,而且还是连绵不绝,数之不尽的源气 Even if emperor product Chudan, moistened an emperor air/Qi has wiped Origin Qi. 哪怕是帝品雏丹,也只是沾了一丝帝气拥有了一抹源气 But the person who this type of compounded drug, can let the innumerable Dou Saint peaks racks the brain robs, but at present Dou Di powerhouse in own front, moreover that Origin Qi flavor was really wonderful. 而这种丹药,都能让无数斗圣巅峰的人挖空心思的去抢夺,而眼下斗帝强者就在自己的面前,而且那种源气的味道实在是太美妙了。 In that finger/refers of sword light, swallowed the instinct to make him smell that strength quickly. 那一指剑光里,吞噬本能让他很快嗅到了那种力量。 If oneself swallowed the Dou Di source, oneself can become Dou Di absolutely! Even if only Dou Di Origin Qi. 若是自己吞噬到了斗帝本源,自己绝对能够成为斗帝!哪怕只是一丝斗帝源气 On Void Devouring Flame gushes out innumerable BlackRock, desperate will compete for Xu Ran just to have the move also to scatter Origin Qi in air from now on, what making him like Xu Ran does not seem to block his surrounding space, he can swallowing recklessly. 虚无吞炎身上涌出无数黑岩,拼命的争夺着徐然刚刚出招过后还散落在空气中的源气,让他欢喜的是徐然似乎没有封锁他周围的空间了,他可以肆意的吞噬。 He can feel oneself strength to rise suddenly. 他能够感受到自己的实力在暴涨。 " Are you Dou Di? " Void Devouring Flame instinct is swallowing surrounding Origin Qi, while frightened looks at Xu Ran. 「你是斗帝?」虚无吞炎一边本能的吞噬着周围的源气,一边恐惧的看着徐然 Who can know that in the mainland really also has the Dou Di powerhouse to exist? Oneself are so how stupid, actually offends this ruthless person. 谁能知道大陆上竟然还有斗帝强者存在?自己怎么这么愚蠢,竟然去得罪这种狠人。 If on good terms with so powerful Dou Di from the beginning, oneself break through Dou Di is very difficult with his help. 如果一开始就和一位如此强大的斗帝交好的话,那自己在他的帮助下突破斗帝岂不是很困难。 " Only then such strength...... looked like me to look at you high. " Xu Ran looks to Void Devouring Flame, muttered. 「只有这样的实力吗……看来我高看你了。」徐然看向虚无吞炎,喃喃道。 Had understood Void Devouring Flame swallowing ability Xu Ran, he can feel some Origin Qi that oneself send out to be swallowed by Void Devouring Flame. 对于虚无吞炎的吞噬能力徐然已经有所了解,他能够感受到自己散发出去的一些源气虚无吞炎吞噬了。 Although has not digested temporarily, but is very fierce. 虽然暂时还没有消化,但已经很厉害了。 So long as there is enough Origin Qi, Void Devouring Flame wants to become Dou Di is not really difficult. 只要有足够的源气,虚无吞炎想要成为斗帝真的不难。 However although Void Devouring Flame has the powerful swallowing strength, may not have the Flame Mantra that mysterious fusion Heavenly Fire ability. Therefore, if swallows other Heavenly Fire, Void Devouring Flame is impossible to become second Ancient Emperor Tuo She. 不过虚无吞炎虽然有着强大的吞噬力量,可却没有焚决那种神奇的融合异火的能力。所以,如果只是吞噬其他异火的话,虚无吞炎也不可能成为第二個陀舍古帝 He almost forgot, Ancient Emperor Tuo She is also cultivation Flame Mantra, swallowed to fuse so many Heavenly Fire through Flame Mantra. Moreover Ancient Emperor Tuo She is Heavenly Fire, is very familiar with other Heavenly Fire, fuses very easily. 他都差点忘记了,陀舍古帝也是修炼的焚决,通过焚决才吞噬融合了那么多异火。而且陀舍古帝本身就是异火,对其他异火十分熟悉,融合起来十分容易。 Void Devouring Flame swallows the deep meaning to be fierce, stays on swallowing, wants the Heavenly Fire fusion, 3-4, the situation of that different attribute Heavenly Fire energy opposition can do the collapse Void Devouring Flame at most. The only answer, is Flame Mantra. 虚无吞炎吞噬奥义再厉害,也只是停留在吞上面,想要将异火融合,顶多三四株,那种不同属性异火能量对立的情况就能将虚无吞炎搞崩溃。唯一的答案,就是焚决 Heavenly Fire, Flame Mantra, Heavy Xuan Ruler, this as if is also the chance that Ancient Emperor Tuo She leaves behind. 异火,焚决,玄重尺,这似乎也是陀舍古帝留下的机缘。 Ancient Emperor Tuo She departs air-splitting left behind two vestiges, one is Yao Lao obtains Flame Mantra and Heavy Xuan Ruler place, one is Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion. 陀舍古帝破空离去的时候留下了两处遗迹,一处是药老得到焚决玄重尺的地方,一处就是古帝洞府 " Origin Qi flavor how? " 源气的味道怎么样?」 Origin Qi essentially is also the energy, but compared with a dou qi even higher energy, regarding Void Devouring Flame without doubt is the absolute good food. 源气本质上也是能量,只不过是比斗气更加高等的能量,对于虚无吞炎来说无疑是绝对的美食。 " Since you like eating eat. " 「既然你喜欢吃的话就多吃点。」 On Xu Ran's massive Origin Qi well up, but at this time the Dou Di aura also sent out unavoidably. 徐然的身上大量的源气涌出来,而这时候斗帝的气息也不免的散发了出来。 The Xu Ran outstanding natural form becomes in this moment great, dominates above all living things. 徐然本来俊逸潇洒的身影在这一刻变得伟岸起来,凌驾于众生之上。 This special feeling said marvelously, but all people who see the Xu Ran physique, have to be subdued by the Xu Ran's form, in the look erupts the endless worship and fiery. 这种特殊的感觉说起来奇妙,可所有看到徐然身姿的人,都不得不被徐然的身影所折服,眼神里爆发出无尽的崇拜和火热。 It can be said that after today, Xu Ran will become the idol of entire northwest mainland. 可以说,今日之后,徐然将会成为整个西北大陆的偶像。 However, the person in entire northwest mainland, where knows the aura that on Xu Ran lends what is representing? If Hun Tiandi and Gu Yuan came, makes an expression absolutely. 不过,整个西北大陆的人,哪里知道徐然身上散发的气息代表着什么?若是魂天帝古元来了,绝对又是令一番表情。 The Void Devouring Flame strength broke through the Dou Saint peak suddenly, but Xu Ran was one grasps Void Devouring Flame directly in the hand . 虚无吞炎的实力瞬息间就突破到了斗圣巅峰,而徐然则是直接将虚无吞炎一把抓在了手里。. In Void Devouring Flame, one generation of peerless ominous thing, were pinched by Xu Ran unexpectedly directly succeeds in obtaining changed to one group black have the strange person surface flame. 虚无吞炎,一代绝世凶物,竟然直接被徐然捏到了手里化作了一团黑色的有着诡异人面的火焰。 " Was left over, goes to my body to eat slowly. " Xu Ran is feeling Void Devouring Flame that huge energy, even if Xu Ran somewhat is excited. 「剩下了,去我的身体里慢慢吃吧。」徐然感受着虚无吞炎那股庞大的能量,哪怕是徐然都有些兴奋。 Even if Xu Ran, wants to swallow Void Devouring Flame, still requires some time. 即使是徐然,想要吞噬虚无吞炎,也需要一些时间。 However he does not worry, remaining...... 不过他不着急,剩下的…… The Xu Ran's vision looks to below Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan vision is dull, sees powerful Void Devouring Flame to be surrendered by Xu Ran like this, has looked stupidly. 徐然的目光看向下方的萧炎萧炎目光呆滞,见强大的虚无吞炎就这样被徐然降服,早已看傻了。 Provides for you «from Fighting Luo start who big god mu admires Captures the Goddess» quickest renewal, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神鞪慕的《从斗罗开始俘获女神》最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签!
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