DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1312: 1 sword

Xu Ran stands there, the body is similar does not have any aura , compared with the imposing manner that Void Devouring Flame that blocks the sky, the disparity on vision is enormous. 徐然站在那里,身上仿佛没有任何气息,和虚无吞炎那遮天蔽日的气势比起来,视觉上的差距极大。 Naturally, only then Void Devouring Flame knows that on Xu Ran that aura has makes his palpitation much. 当然,只有虚无吞炎才知道徐然身上的那种气息到底有多令他心悸。 Xu Ran went to the situation of giving up affectation, stands there, unexpectedly he is the control general feeling of this stretch of the world. 徐然已经达到了返璞归真的地步了,站在那里,竟是给人一种他便是这片天地的主宰一般的感觉。 " This type of aura...... " 「这种气息……」 It as if saw past Ancient Emperor Tuo She. 恍惚间,它仿佛看到了当年的陀舍古帝 " Now is impossible to present that and other powerhouses. Without Origin Qi , can only have the emperor boundary soul at most. " Void Devouring Flame is so thinking, is congealing the strange mark, has several tens of thousands of zhang (3.33 m) black great face to condense. 「现在不可能出现那等强者了。没有源气,顶多也只能拥有帝境灵魂而已。」虚无吞炎这般想着,凝结着诡异的印记,一张足足有着数万丈的黑色巨脸凝聚出来。 This face opens the giant mouth to want under Xu Ran and Xu Ran all lives unexpectedly swallows to go. 这张脸张开巨大的嘴巴竟是想要将徐然徐然下方的一切生灵都吞噬而去。 Intrepid swallowing strength, that strange flame, if falls, entire Jia Ma Empire will vanish from the northwest mainland, but in goes to the surrounding surrounding area to be innumerable, will face a giant disaster. 强悍的吞噬力量,还有那诡异的火焰,若是落下来,整个加玛帝国都将从西北大陆消失,而去周围方圆无数里,也将会面临一场巨大的灾难。 Heavenly Fire, in the community attack, has the natural advantage. 异火,在群体攻击上,拥有着天然的优势。 " What is this? " 「这是什么?」 Looks at this big mouth, below all lives felt trembling in soul, as if oneself must be swallowed by this big mouth. 看着这张血盆大口,下方的所有生灵都感受到了灵魂上的战栗,仿佛自己要被这张大嘴吞噬。 " Is this swallowing strength that you take advantage of? Too weak. " 「这就是你依仗的吞噬力量?太弱了。」 The Xu Ran's sound falls, strange energies spread toward the surroundings from Xu Ran, the world elementary force and periphery of that surging forward all as if static, even Void Devouring Flame definitely is unable to swallow. 徐然的声音落下,一道道奇异的能量从徐然身边朝着周围扩散,那汹涌澎湃的天地元力和周围的一切仿佛都静止下来,即使是虚无吞炎也完全无法吞噬。 " How possibly? You are stronger than general peak Dou Saint, possibly so to be how strong? " The Void Devouring Flame complexion changes. Its eyesight vigor naturally has, he discovered with amazement, around oneself all spaces changed to the Xu Ran's domain unexpectedly. 「怎么可能?你不过是比一般的巅峰斗圣强一些而已,怎么可能这么强?」虚无吞炎脸色微变。它的眼力劲自然是有的,他骇然的发现,自己周围的一切空间竟然都化作了徐然的领域。 In this domain, world energy are not even able to swallow the reassignment unexpectedly. 在这种领域里,连天地能量自己竟然都无法吞噬调动了。 The domain, after the strength of comprehension space is thorough, can turn the surroundings world into own domain. The enemies arrive in oneself domain to fight will be restrained everywhere. 领域,将空间之力领悟透彻之后,就能化周围天地为自己的领域。敌人来到自己的领域里战斗就会处处受制。 So long as is the Dou Saint powerhouse, can achieve. 只要是斗圣强者,都能做到。 But, the Xu Ran's domain also was too rather strong hundred million some. 可是,徐然的领域未免也太强了亿些。 The surrounding all as if can obey the Xu Ran command, oneself linked the surrounding dou qi energy not to swallow unexpectedly, was this how fearful? 周围的一切都仿佛能够听从徐然号令,自己竟然连周围的斗气能量都吞噬不到了,这是何其可怕? Moreover side, the surrounding area space within one meter also changed to the Xu Ran's domain. 而且就连自己身边,方圆一米内的空间也都化作了徐然的领域。 He is the Dou Saint nine star powerhouses, just gathered the potential is so long, even if the battle efficiency bumped into Hun Tiandi that and other Dou Saint peak powerhouses not to fear. 他可是斗圣九星强者,刚刚蓄势了那么久,战斗力即使是碰上了魂天帝那等斗圣巅峰强者也丝毫不惧。 Is this really emperor product Chudan? 这真的是帝品雏丹吗? Emperor product Chudan is the emperor compounded drug half-finished product that Ancient Emperor Tuo She had not refined to complete initially, even the half-finished product still glued on an emperor character, the compounded drug had Origin Qi, stayed so many years in the Ancient Emperor Tuo She cave mansion, besides was the extremely good tonic in other aspects and other lives has no too big difference. 帝品雏丹是当初陀舍古帝尚未炼制完成的帝品丹药半成品,即使是半成品也算是粘上了一个帝字,丹药拥有一丝源气,在陀舍古帝洞府待了这么多年,除了是极佳的补品之外在其他的方面和其他生灵没有什么太大的区别。 But after all is the compounded drug, the battle efficiency should only be equivalent to the strengths of two Dou Saint peak powerhouses. 但毕竟是丹药,战斗力应该只相当于两名斗圣巅峰强者的力量。 But has to melt pill god him of definitely should not to fear right of this fellow completely. 而拥有化丹神决的他应该是完全不惧这家伙的才对。 Without melting pill god decides, within burns a joss stick to bump God product Chudan, will still not lose. 即使没有化丹神决,一炷香之内自己碰上帝品雏丹,也应该不会输的。 But, at present, oneself really have to plant by the feeling of steamroll. 可是,眼下,自己竟然有种被碾压的感觉。 The opposite party have not as if acted officially...... 对方似乎还没有正式出手…… " What's all this about? " 「这是怎么回事?」 Jia Ma Empire, the innumerable powerhouses look at that black flame great face in sky with amazement, that fearful taboo strength is just about to fall all vitalities write off to go to the time actually suddenly stopped. 加玛帝国,无数强者都骇然的看着天空中的那张黑炎巨脸,那可怕禁忌般的力量正要落下来将一切生机抹杀而去的时候却是突然的停了下来。 Relaxing of everyone rejoices. 所有人庆幸的松了一口气。 Then just like end the world scene, routs anybody's heart sufficiently. 那宛若末世般的景象,足以击溃任何人的心。 Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran also opened the eyes of shutting tightly, the eyelash that shivers unceasingly is showing they at this moment not tranquil mood. They prepared dead, is thinking and boyfriend supports to go, even if died still the value. However...... 云韵纳兰嫣然也睁开了紧闭的双眼,不断颤抖的睫毛彰显着她们此刻不平静的心情。她们本来都做好了死去的准备了,想着和情郎相拥而去就算是死了也值了。不过…… " Don't I mean? He is not my opponent. Your men are very strong. Yun'er, you do not believe me, looked how a while finished fought I to punish you! " Xu Ran made an effort on Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran tender body pinched ruthlessly. 「我不是说了?他不是我的对手。你们男人可是很强的。韵儿,连你都不相信我,看等会儿结束了战斗我怎么惩罚你!」徐然用力在云韵纳兰嫣然的娇躯上狠狠的捏了一把。 " Xu Ran, is your strength really so unexpectedly strong? " 徐然,你的实力竟然真的这么强?」 Yun Yun pleasantly surprised looks at Xu Ran. 云韵惊喜的看着徐然 Below cloud mist sect Xu Ran at a time of fight also with leisurely and carefree and Yun Yun, the Nalan Yanran tender feeling, the fool can still realize anything even. 下方云岚宗将徐然在战斗之际还在和悠闲的和云韵,纳兰嫣然温情,就算是傻子也能意识到什么。 Sir Xu Ran, unexpectedly...... 徐然大人,竟然…… Everyone was clear, if that demon god strength falls, all of them are doomed. 谁都清楚,如果那魔神般的力量落下来,他们所有人都在劫难逃。 Although is impossible at their strength levels the method that understands Xu Ran to set out, but had a brand-new cognition regarding Xu Ran's powerful. 虽然以他们的力量层次不可能看懂徐然出动的手段,但对于徐然的强大却有了一個崭新的认知。 Their cloud mist sect actually has a powerful powerhouse!!! 他们云岚宗竟然有着一位如此强大的强者!!! Are they how lucky? 他们何其幸运? " Remote antiquity elder military might! Sir Xu Ran military might! " 「太上长老威武!徐然大人威武!」 Has the elder of cloud mist sect to know that Xu Ran was kept cloud mist sect to be the enrolling remote antiquity elder by Yun Yun, immediately ignores the status yells. If cloud mist sect can pass this disaster, which sect Mengan from now on the entire northwest mainland will have to have the idea of cloud mist sect? 有云岚宗的长老知道徐然云韵留在云岚宗做了个挂名太上长老,顿时不顾身份的喊叫起来。如果云岚宗能够度过这次灾难,今后整个西北大陆又有哪个宗门敢打云岚宗的主意? Even, cloud mist sect has the opportunity to become the leader in northwest mainland directly. 甚至,云岚宗有机会直接成为西北大陆的领军者。 From northwest mainland third-class sect gate, rapidly grows into most powerful sect gate, in the cloud mist sect short time the unexpectedly progressive such rapidness. 从西北大陆三流的宗门,迅速成长为最强大的宗门,云岚宗短短时间里竟然进步的如此之快。 At this time other cloud mist sect disciples also lagged behind understood Xu Ran regarding the significance of cloud mist sect, excited whooper. 云岚宗其他弟子这时候也后知后觉的明白了徐然对于云岚宗的意义,激动的呐喊者。 Originally Xu Ran in Jia Ma Empire is the legendary character, but Xu Ran, in Jia Ma Empire acts extremely few, therefore seems like the legend general formidable some suspicions. But now they see the Xu Ran incarnation patron god protection personally in cloud mist sect and Jia Ma Empire front. 本来徐然加玛帝国就是传奇般的人物,但徐然加玛帝国出手极少所以像是传说一般让人敬畏中又有些怀疑。但现在他们亲手看到徐然化身守护神般保护在云岚宗和加玛帝国的面前。 The cheers of blotting out the sky surge like surging tides. 铺天盖地的欢呼声如潮水般涌动。 After the experience despaired met the hope, that being survivor of disaster emotion erupted in this moment. Innumerable person this whole life on the scene feared that unobtainable forgets this scene. 在经历绝望之后又遇到了希望,那种劫后余生的情感在这一刻爆发出来。在场无数人这辈子怕是都难以忘记这幅景象。 " Makes you experience my strength. " 「就让你见识一下我的力量吧。」 The sound spreads, the surrounding area several thousand li (0.5 km) can hear the Xu Ran's sound, but on that moment that the Xu Ran sound falls, all lives no longer feel frightened, as if warmed sunlight covers is the same, even if the scene in sky no longer made them dread again terrifyingly. 声音传出,方圆数千里都能听到徐然的声音,而在徐然声音落下来的那一刻,所有生灵都不再感受到恐惧,仿佛被温暖的阳光所笼罩一样,即使天空中的景象再恐怖都不再令他们畏惧了。 In that moment that the sound drops completely, the sword air/Qi wields together from the Xu Ran's fingertip. 在声音完全落下的那一刻,一道剑气从徐然的指尖挥出。 That wipes the sword light to appear, because originally the Void Devouring Flame huge black flame covered to become the gloomy sky to restore luminously. 那一抹剑光出现,本来因为虚无吞炎庞大黑炎所笼罩而变得阴暗的天空又重新恢复了光亮。 That sword, as if can die out the myriad things, as if grows continually to have the thought that the myriad things thrive. Resembling is bright, resembles is dark...... the different people the thing that can unable to see from that sword. 那一剑,仿佛能够将万物寂灭,又仿佛生生不息有着万物勃发的意念。似是光明,又似是黑暗……不同的人都能够从那一剑中看到不懂的东西。 That was Xu Ran united Divine Realm all different attribute strengths sword technique that but came out jumbled. 那是徐然凝聚了神界所有各种不同属性的力量而冗杂出来的剑术。 Provides for you «from Fighting Luo start who big god mu admires Captures the Goddess» quickest renewal, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神鞪慕的《从斗罗开始俘获女神》最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! Chapter 1312 第1312章 A sword read free. 一剑免费阅读.
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