DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1311: You made enough

Elder Brother Xu Ran, or you walk quickly, should be able to run away by your strength. " 徐然哥哥,要不你快走吧,以你的实力应该可以跑掉的。」 Nalan Yanran was held by Xu Ran in the bosom, somewhat burning with impatience saying. 纳兰嫣然徐然抱在怀里,有些心急如焚的说道。 She thinks that Xiao Yan is comes cloud mist sect to seek revenge, never expected that behind Xiao Yan's also has such a peerless powerhouse. 她本以为萧炎便是来云岚宗寻仇的,没想到萧炎的背后还有这样一位绝世强者。 This powerhouse, hears something never heard of before simply. At least in Jia Ma Empire this place, their this lifetime several several thousand years not necessarily has even presented the powerhouse of this rank upward. 这种强者,简直是闻所未闻。至少在加玛帝国这个地方,他们这辈子甚至是往上数几千年都不一定出现过这种级别的强者。 Even the number of times in Central Plains, that peerless powerhouse making a move few. 即使是在中州,那种绝世强者出手的次数都少的很。 " Who said that I can't be victorious his? Can your girl to oneself husband a little confidence? The long others spirit extinguishes the power and prestige, should punish! " Xu Ran's hand ruthlessly, in Nalan Yanran curled upwards very on the tender buttocks to pinch. 「谁说我打不过他的?你这妮子能不能对自己老公有点信心?长他人志气灭自己威风,该罚!」徐然的手狠狠的在纳兰嫣然翘挺的娇臀上捏了一把。 The young girls now become is getting more and more juicy, does not need any attractive posture, merely normal is standing, that scope is very proud. Although compared also to miss a crucial moment with Yun Yun, but of difference what were more was the disparity on makings and flavor, this was requires the time to make up. 少女现在出落的越来越水灵,不需要什么诱人的姿势,仅仅是正常的站着,那种幅度都是十分傲人。虽说和云韵比起来还差了点火候,但差的更多的是气质和韵味上的差距,这是需要时间来弥补的。 Appearance of Yun Yun that mature practicing moderation, but also after really lets the person saw her , unable to move to the eye. 云韵那成熟自持的样子,还真是让人看到了她之后就移不开眼睛。 Actually to their ranks, the beautiful appearance disparity was not quite basically big. What the disparity is big is their status, the makings, that unique feeling. 其实到了她们这个级别,美貌基本上差距都不太大。差距大的是她们的身份,气质,还有那独一无二的感觉。 Xu Ran these years has seen the beautiful woman does not know to have many, in cultivation is attractive, although rare, but is not too deficient. But can attract Xu Ran's, what are more is their status. 徐然这些年见过的美女不知道有多少,在修炼界漂亮虽说稀有但并不算太贫乏。而能够吸引徐然的,更多的是她们的身份。 For example what princess, Empress, sovereign and so on status. 比如什么公主,皇后,宗主之类的身份。 Even the similar appearance, with them in the same place, can still by oneself be felt happier. 即使是同样的容貌,和她们在一起,也能让自己感到更开心一些。 Furthermore with original works concerned these characters, so long as thinks the the spell of good or bad fortune of status and lead in original works were actually and he in can always make them together charming. 再者就是与原著有关的那些人物了,只要一想到她们在原著中的身份和主角的际遇却是和他在一起了就总能让她们变得更迷人一点。 " Elder Brother Xu Ran, what do you make? Here so many bystanders. " Nalan Yanran face bashful red, the bashful belt/bring is angry looks at Xu Ran. For a long time without met with Xu Ran, but was bumped by Xu Ran gently, the happy body did not have the strength. 徐然哥哥,你做什么呢?这里这么多外人。」纳兰嫣然一张脸臊的通红,含羞带嗔的看着徐然。许久没有和徐然相见,只是被徐然轻轻一碰,美好的身子就是没有了力气。 In legend, girl, so long as ran into own son of heaven, so long as were bumped by his finger, will have the huge response. 传说中,女孩子只要遇到了自己的真命天子,只要被他的手指一碰,就会产生巨大的反应。 " Haha. Relax, no one sees. Saw also indifferently, in any case you are my woman. " 「哈哈。放心吧,没人看见的。看见了也无所谓,反正你是我的女人。」 Xu Ran smiles heroically, the warm fragrant soft jade in the bosom, really can make the battle efficiency of man rise dramatically. 徐然豪迈一笑,温香软玉在怀,真的能让男人的战斗力飙升。 No wonder, various sporting events of previous generation will have various types of wear attractive clothing to dance Yoshimiko of secondary attack. 难怪,前世的各种运动竞技都会有各种穿着诱人服装跳舞助攻的美子。 The hormone, can make the male gender erupt compared at any time more intrepid ominous. 荷尔蒙,能让雄性爆发出比任何时候更加强悍的凶性。 " Elder Brother Xu Ran, you are really! " Nalan Yanran charmingly angry white Xu Ran. 徐然哥哥,你真是!」纳兰嫣然娇嗔的白了徐然一眼。 " Elder Brother Xu Ran, you really had confidence that deals? Losing blames our strength being too weak, without the means helps you. " Nalan Yanran was somewhat worried, Void Devouring Flame that and other imposing manners really somewhat surpass her understanding. Regarding thing that surpassing oneself understands, anybody can the psychology be anxious. 徐然哥哥,你真的有把握应对吗?丢怪我们实力太弱,没办法帮到你。」纳兰嫣然还是有些担心,虚无吞炎的那等气势实在是有些超出她的理解。对于超出自己理解的东西,任何人都会心理不安的。 " Believes me. " 「相信我。」 " Who said that you can't help me? If you kiss my, can perhaps make my battle efficiency rise dramatically, when the time comes dealt with this fellow to have the percentage hundred assurances. " Xu Ran shows a teasing smile. 「不过谁说你们不能帮我了?如果你亲吻我一下,说不定就能让我战斗力飙升,到时候对付这個家伙就能有百分百的把握了。」徐然露出一副调笑的笑容。 " Are you sure? " 真的吗?」 " Naturally real. " 「当然是真的。」 The Nalan Yanran whole face does not believe that she knows certainly that Xu Ran is sexually harassing itself intentionally. Although oneself the wholeheartedly belongs to Xu Ran, but whenever intimate is will be embarrassed with Xu Ran. 纳兰嫣然满脸不信,她当然知道徐然是故意在调戏自己。虽说自己早已全身心属于徐然,可每当和徐然亲热还是会不好意思。 Nalan Yanran is blushing offers the kiss on own initiative, where Xu Ran is willing to let off, holds her head affectionate light to kiss directly. 纳兰嫣然红着脸主动献吻,徐然哪肯放过,直接抱着她的头深情的轻吻起来。 " Hateful! " 「可恨!」 " This is my fiancee! " 「这可是我的未婚妻!」 Red that a Xiao Yan face rises. Never expected that Xu Ran also had the thoughts carry out this deep love between man and woman and so on matter at this kind of time. Cursed Xu Ran with the most vicious language at heart. 萧炎一张脸涨的通红。没想到徐然在这种时候了还有心思搞这种儿女情长之类的事情。心里更是用最凶狠的语言咒骂徐然 Now Nalan Yanran and he had not related, but once she was also oneself fiancee. The engagement destroyed even, but he and Nalan Yanran once related cannot change. 现在纳兰嫣然和他没关系了,可曾经她也是自己的未婚妻。婚约即使是毁了,但他和纳兰嫣然曾经的关系是变不了的。 Between Xu Ran and Nalan Yanran are happier, his hat wears more will be positive. 徐然纳兰嫣然之间越幸福,他这帽子戴的就会越正。 These were seen this by cloud mist ancestor of being scared, the faces of blanches are also very strange, thinking Xiao Yan is really a green turtle, oneself fiancee was snatched still to kiss actually under the numerous last of the ten Heavenly Stems last of the ten Heavenly Stems one not to dare to put. 那些被吓傻的云岚宗人看到这一幕,一张张发白的脸也是十分怪异,心想萧炎真是个绿头龟,自己的未婚妻被人抢了还在众目癸癸之下接吻却一个屁都不敢放。 However was worried that Xiao Yan sticks out suddenly kills people they to suppress smiling forcefully. 不过担心萧炎暴起杀人他们都强行憋着笑。 It seems like Nalan Yanran was robbed by Sir Xu Ran also can only blame Xiao Yan. Some skills go all out with Sir Xu Ran, turtle egg! 看来纳兰嫣然徐然大人抢走也只能怪萧炎自己。有本事就跟徐然大人拼命啊,龟蛋儿! " Scoundrel. Xu Ran you court death. " Xiao Yan is becoming flushed a face, the look is red wants to kill people. 「混账。徐然你找死。」萧炎涨红着一张脸,眼神更是红的想杀人。 " You, although grown stronger, but is weakness as always. Also, that you found copes with my fellow strength is also no more than so. However...... " Xu Ran saw on Xiao Yan's to have a type of different aura. 「你虽然变强了,但还是一如既往的弱。还有,你找到的这个对付我的家伙实力也不过如此。不过……」徐然看出了萧炎的身上有种不一样的气息。 Why before Void Devouring Flame can have suddenly, in the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion aura? Xu Ran has known the reason. 为什么虚无吞炎突然又能拥有以前在古帝洞府的气息了?徐然已经知晓原因。 Xu Ran froze the Xiao Yan surrounding space to make Xiao Yan unable to move at will the hands and feet, then also held Yun Yun. 徐然随意冻结萧炎周围的空间让萧炎连手脚都动不了,然后将云韵也抱了过来。 Is surrounded by beautiful women, the injury doubles. 左拥右抱,伤害加倍。 " What method are you? " Xiao Yan frightened is almost frightened out of one's wits. Has not thought that powerful he so cannot withstand in front of Xu Ran's unexpectedly. Laughable he also presumptuously thinks to hold Nalan Yanran they to force Xu Ran. 「你这是什么手段?」萧炎恐惧的几乎魂飞魄散。没想到强大的他竟是在徐然的面前如此不堪。可笑的他还妄想抓住纳兰嫣然她们来胁迫徐然 " Your strength was too weak, is not naturally able to understand. However, you are really the fellow of good luck, worthily is the lead. " The Xu Ran's pupil is glittering the ray of difference, is somewhat excited. 「你的实力太弱了,自然无法理解。不过嘛,你真是个好运的家伙,不愧是主角。」徐然的眸子闪烁着异样的光芒,有些兴奋。 Said the time, Void Devouring Flame to oneself usefully, but has not let the degree that Xu Ran is wild with joy. Finishes by his present strength, the common thing is actually not able to let his heart movement. 说时候,虚无吞炎对自己有用,但也没有让徐然欣喜若狂的程度。毕以他现在的实力,一般的东西却是无法让他心动了。 But, something were different. 可是,有些东西就不一样了。 It seems like that he really provoked it. 看来,他真的把它招惹过来了。 However...... 不过…… Xu Ran looked at the horizon, the Void Devouring Flame aura also in unceasing increasing, the surroundings hundred li (0.5 km) world energy unceasing was swallowed by Void Devouring Flame. 徐然又看了看天际,虚无吞炎的气息还在不断的攀升,周围百里的天地能量都不断的被虚无吞炎吞噬。 He, waited for the Void Devouring Flame aura to achieve the pinnacle, then strokes defeats it. 他在等,等虚无吞炎的气息达到极致,然后一击打败它。 So, can let Xiao Yan and Void Devouring Flame knows that anything is desperate. 如此,才能让萧炎虚无吞炎知道什么是绝望。 " Hasn't acted unexpectedly? " 「竟然还不出手?」 The Void Devouring Flame look narrows the eyes. He does not understand why Xu Ran will not have acted. Xu Ran does not know, as it gathers the potential longer, after waiting for it the surrounding dou qi energy swallows, to act, strength by far under compared with conventional condition?. 虚无吞炎眼神微眯。他不明白徐然为什么会还不出手。难道徐然不知道随着它蓄势越久,等它将周围的斗气能量都吞噬之后再出手,实力将会远远比常规状态下的自己强吗?. By that time, even if met Hun Tiandi they, he does not fear. 到了那时候,即使是遇到了魂天帝他们,他也是丝毫不惧的。 " Did you make enough? " 「你弄够了吗?」 Feels Void Devouring Flame aura no longer to grow, Xu Ran hugs two females one step to tread, arrives at the Void Devouring Flame front. Under Dou Di, regardless of how powerful style, collapses at the first blow. Disparity between Dou Di and Dou Saint, is bigger than the god and Titled Douluo disparity. 感受到虚无吞炎身上的气息不再增长,徐然抱着两女才一步踏出,来到虚无吞炎的面前。斗帝之下,无论多么强大的招式,都不堪一击。斗帝斗圣之间的差距,比神和封号斗罗的差距都要大。 Provides for you «from Fighting Luo start who big god mu admires Captures the Goddess» quickest renewal, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神鞪慕的《从斗罗开始俘获女神》最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! Chapter 1311 第1311章 You made enough free reading. 你弄够了吗免费阅读.
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