DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1310: Void Devouring Flame acts

Xiao Yan, so many days has not seen, your strength progress are many, imagines compared with me must. I also think after you went to Hall of Souls, will be patted by a person palm of the hand of Hall of Souls, has not thought that also made contact with Hun Clan this line unexpectedly directly.” 萧炎,这么多天没见,你实力长进不少啊,比我想象的要强多了。我还以为你去了魂殿之后会被魂殿的人一巴掌拍死呢,没想到竟然还直接搭上了魂族这根线。” Xu Ran is also somewhat surprised, Xiao Yan this person of luck also is really good. However Xiao Yan in the original works is injured to meet the beautiful woman, hitting the transcription also all meets various outstandingly beautiful, goes to a place to meet some mysterious buried treasures casually to help him grow stronger. 徐然也是有些吃惊,萧炎这人的运气还真是不错。不过在原著里萧炎就是受伤必遇美女,打副本也全都是遇到各种绝色,随便去个地方都能遇到一些神奇的宝藏来帮助他变强。 Although Xu Ran is systematic, but does not depend on the system the words, he thought that oneself luck absolutely does not have Xiao Yan is so good. He can come across various big events is system little sister tells him the time place, can experience these person and the matter exactly. 虽然徐然有系统,但不靠系统的话,他觉得自己的运气绝对没有萧炎这么好。他能够遇到各种大事件都是系统小姐姐告诉他了时间地点,才能恰好遇到那些人和事。 Otherwise knows the plot of original works even, how possibly can exactly, when Yun Yun and Purple Crystal Winged Lion King duel does appear? 不然即使知道原著的剧情,怎么可能恰好能在云韵紫晶翼狮王决斗的时候出现? Therefore his luck may not have Xiao Yan their these pure leads to be good. Only can say that he knows the plot, can go to stay at a selected place these plots to be ahead of time ahead of time. 所以他的运气可没有萧炎他们这些纯粹的主角好。只能说他知道剧情,能够提前前去蹲点将那些剧情提前走了。 Passes through purely, cannot play the belt/bring system to pass through! 纯粹穿越的,玩不过带系统穿越的啊! This is equipment steamroll. 这是“装备”的碾压。 Sir Xu Ran. How did you come?” 徐然大人。您怎么来了?” Yun Shan hits to tremble, frightens heavily. 云山直打哆嗦,吓得不轻。 I have long known that you are not a good thing, but does not want to make Yun'er keep your life awkwardly.” Xu Ran looked at Yun Shan one, a finger/refers, the Yun Shan forehead was pierced a large cave/hole conveniently, even the soul was extinguished by the ocean in that moment. “我早就知道你不是个好东西,只是不想让韵儿为难才留你一命。”徐然看了云山一眼,随手一指,云山的额头就被洞穿了一個大洞,连灵魂都在那一刻被溟灭。 The Yun Shan form goes backward but actually, everyone is in the heart one cold. 云山的身影向后倒去,所有人都是心中一寒。 Yun Shan expensive/noble is cloud mist sect sovereign, Jia Ma Empire famous powerhouse, unexpectedly such relaxedness of death. 云山贵为云岚宗宗主,加玛帝国有名的强者,竟然死的如此轻松。 Xiao Yan is the pupil shrinks, even if obtained the strength to progress by leaps and bounds to be called entire mainland young one generation of first-class powerhouses with the help of Void Devouring Flame, but he could not understand Xu Ran's to act. 萧炎更是瞳孔一缩,即使在虚无吞炎的帮助下得到了实力突飞猛进称得上整个大陆年轻一代的一流强者,可是他还是看不懂徐然的出手。 Oneself are Dou Practitioner time cannot completely understand Xu Ran, but to the present, he discovered with amazement oneself with initially small and weak time same knows nothing about Xu Ran. 自己是斗者的时候看不透徐然,而到了现在,他骇然的发现自己还是和当初弱小的时候一样对徐然一无所知。 Xu Ran, I knew that I am not your opponent, but Sir Void Devouring Flame the strength is boundless, your time died.” Xiao Yan looked at Void Devouring Flame one, in the heart calm. 徐然,我自知我不是你的对手,不过虚无吞炎大人实力无边,你这次死定了。”萧炎看了虚无吞炎一眼,心中大定。 If others, some of his also worries. Void Devouring Flame is one of the present age strongest several people, moreover Heavenly Fire ranked the second. 如果是别人,他还会有些担心。虚无吞炎乃是当世最强的几个人之一,而且还是排名第二的异火 Xiao Yan, you are really and Heavenly Fire are also predestined friends.” Xu Ran selected the eyebrow, Xiao Yan in original works arrived at a place to obtain some Heavenly Fire news every time, simply was certainly, finally obtained the approval of Ancient Emperor Tuo She, Void Devouring Flame is also willing to obey his command. 萧炎,你还真的是和异火有缘啊。”徐然挑了挑眉,原著里的萧炎每走到一个地方就能得到一些异火的消息,简直是绝了,最后更是得到了陀舍古帝的认可,虚无吞炎也是愿意听从他的号令。 Xiao Yan also really...... becomes a buddhist get to know with the fire since childhood. 萧炎还真……从小就与火结缘。 Void Devouring Flame...... may be insufficient!” Xu Ran looks at the black robe powerhouse to not far away. That person of whole body black flame winds around, the whole body is densely covered strange black rune/symbol writing, a pair of eye pupil, is common just like the black hole, fills strength of the terrifying swallowing, the whole body is lending extreme ancient and strange aura. “不过虚无吞炎……可还不够啊!”徐然看向不远处的黑袍强者。那人身上浑身黑炎缭绕,全身密布着一道道诡异的黑色符文,一对眼瞳,宛如黑洞一般,弥漫着一种恐怖的吞噬之力,浑身散发着一股极端古老与诡异的气息。 Even looks at his one eyes, as if must meet strength of the powerful swallowing to swallow. 即使是看他一眼,就仿佛要会一股强悍的吞噬之力吞噬进去。 Void Devouring Flame may swallow the myriad things, pouring is also some skills. 虚无吞炎可吞万物,倒也是有些本事。 Except for Ancient Emperor Tuo She, only then Void Devouring Flame can make him be interested. 除了陀舍古帝,也只有虚无吞炎能够让他感兴趣了。 Even he wants to swallow now Void Devouring Flame. So long as he gives enough Dou Di source to swallow to Void Devouring Flame, that Void Devouring Flame thinks that can fast Emperor to become, then be swallowed by him can achieve the best effect. 甚至他现在都想要将虚无吞炎吞噬掉了。只要他给予足够的斗帝本源给虚无吞炎吞噬,那虚无吞炎想必能够快速成帝,然后被他吞噬就能达到最好的效果。 Even if he now is Dou Di, swallows some Void Devouring Flame to him still extremely numerous advantage. 即使他现在是斗帝,吞噬掉虚无吞炎对他来说也有极多好处。 Although Flame Mantra is exquisite, but that aims at the flame the merit law. He wants does not have the limited swallowing method. But Void Devouring Flame can take to him exactly these abilities. 焚决虽说精妙,可那只是针对火焰的功法。他想要的是没有局限性的吞噬手段。而虚无吞炎恰好能够带给他这些能力。 „Aren't you he? But who are you? Did you change the aura intentionally?” “你不是他?可是你又是谁?难道你故意改变了气息?” Void Devouring Flame that moment of Xiao Yan presenting starts to think. Initially he, Purifying Lotus Demon Flame, emperor product Chudan in the Ancient Emperor Tuo She cave mansion, was familiar with the emperor product Chudan aura. 虚无吞炎萧炎出现的那一刻开始就开始思索了。当初他,净莲妖火,还有帝品雏丹都在陀舍古帝的洞府里,对于帝品雏丹的气息再熟悉不过了。 Snort. It is not he is better, even he, I do not fear you!” “哼。不是他更好,就算是他,我也不怕你!” Although Void Devouring Flame nine star Dou Saint initial period Cultivation(Level), but acts full power, will not actually compare the current these extremely powerhouse to miss many. Moreover he confessed that is very familiar with emperor product Chudan, even it contaminates an emperor character, but in the final analysis is still only compounded drug! 虚无吞炎虽说是九星斗圣初期修为,可是全力出手,却不会比当下的那些绝顶强者差多少。而且他自认对帝品雏丹很熟悉,就算它沾染一个帝字,可归根究底也只是一枚丹药! A Void Devouring Flame anger, the trim sky this time is gloomy. 虚无吞炎一怒,整片天空都在这时候暗淡下来。 The terrifying pressure covers entire Jia Ma Empire even periphery Snake-People, made the surrounding innumerable lives is alarmed and afraid. 恐怖的威压将整个加玛帝国甚至周围蛇人族都笼罩起来,令周围无数生灵都是惊惧不已。 Strange rune/symbol writing is densely covered the whole body, Void Devouring Flame has not been pulling rank, he has prepared completely safe. What if really meets is emperor product Chudan he also somewhat grasps it swallows. 一道道诡异的符文密布着全身,虚无吞炎并没有托大,他早就做好了万全的准备。如果真的遇到的是帝品雏丹他也有几分把握将其吞噬。 So long as with melting pill god changes to the seal to become compounded drug it definitely, the emperor product Chudan big skill display does not come out, can only , whatever it swallows. 只要用化丹神决将其化作封印成一颗丹药,那帝品雏丹再大的本事也发挥不出来了,只能任由它吞噬。 I have not swallowed the thing of this rank, but also is really some anticipations.” In the scarlet pupil full is greedy, if emperor product Chudan will swallow, oneself can surely achievement Dou Di. “我还没有吞噬过这种级别的东西,还真是有些期待。”猩红的眸子里满是贪婪,如果将帝品雏丹吞噬,自己必定能成就斗帝 Very powerful strength!” “好强的实力!” What monster is this?” “这是什么怪物?” „Is this...... the demon god?” “这是……魔神吗?” Is densely covered the terrifying strange demon mark, waves the world look changes, the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) to be covered by the scary pressure, all lives in being frightened out of one's wits that this moment frightens. 密布着恐怖诡异的魔纹,挥手将天地色变,方圆百里都被骇人的威压笼罩,所有生灵都在这一刻吓的魂飞魄散。 Who knows, the monster of what rank this is? 谁知道,这是什么级别的怪物? Let alone was cloud mist sect, entire Jia Ma Empire all the people of influence received this aura to affect, complexion big change, even some small and weak cultivator and average people frightened to faint in this moment. 别说是云岚宗了,整个加玛帝国所有势力的人都受到了这股气息影响,脸色大变,甚至一些弱小的修炼者和普通人都在这一刻吓晕了过去。 As the top powerhouse, the Void Devouring Flame aura truly is very scary. In Central Plains, in this powerhouse barren place, Dou Venerate can sweep here all powerhouses, let alone is Void Devouring Flame this and other peerless ominous thing. 作为顶尖强者,虚无吞炎的气息确实是十分吓人。在中州也就罢了,在这种强者贫瘠的地方,一位斗尊都能将这里所有强者扫荡,更何况是虚无吞炎这等绝世凶物。 Even Hun Tiandi, with it is still only the cooperation, does not dare to give birth to the heart of subduing. 即使是魂天帝,和它也只是合作关系,不敢生出收服之心。 Xu Ran, what to do?” 徐然,怎么办?” A Nalan Yanran elegant face is also frightens loses color. 纳兰嫣然一张俏脸也是吓得面无血色。 Although beforehand Xiao Yan is strong, but also is only in physics. May see with own eyes that front powerhouse is common like the god demon, waves to block the sky, makes them such as cause heavy losses in a flash. 之前的萧炎虽然强,但也只是物理上的强。可眼见面前的强者如同神魔一般,挥手间遮天蔽日,一瞬间让她们如遭重创。 The momentum of this rank really exceeded their imagination by far. 这种级别的声势实在是远远的超出了她们的想象。 Even if Yun Yun, as the present Jia Ma Empire first powerhouse, is far from seeing so the scene. 哪怕是云韵,作为现在加玛帝国第一强者,也远远没有见到过这般景象。 In their eyes, this is not the level that the manpower can reach. 在她们眼里,这已经不是人力能够达到的水平了。 Also cannot blame them, after all Douqi Continent the cultivator rank each greatly first-level between disparity is very huge. But Void Devouring Flame Cultivation(Level) is equivalent to Yun Yun them, is almost equivalent to the Dou Ancestor powerhouse in Dou Practitioner. 也不能怪她们,毕竟斗气大陆修炼者等级每大一级之间的差距都十分巨大。而虚无吞炎修为相当于云韵她们来说,几乎相当于斗宗强者之于斗者 In this moment, sees this scene, the confidence of even fighting did not have. 在这一刻,看到这种景象,连战斗的信心都没有了。 This powerhouse appearance, truly is desperate. 这种强者出现,确实是让人绝望。 Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran they are good, they have the inexplicable confidence to Xu Ran surely, feels relieved side Xu Ran's. But other cloud mist sect disciples were the Jia Ma Empire powerhouse do not even think. 云韵纳兰嫣然她们还好,必定她们对徐然还有着莫名的信心,在徐然的身边就觉得安心。可其他的云岚宗弟子甚至是加玛帝国强者就不这么认为了。 Because various issue addresses change to invite everyone collect the new address to avoid becoming lost 由于各种问题地址更改为请大家收藏新地址避免迷路 The homepage version chapter content is slow, please download to like reading app to read the newest content 网页版章节内容慢,请下载爱阅app阅读最新内容 Please withdraw transfers the code page, please download to like reading app 请退出转码页面,请下载爱阅app Reading latest chapter. 阅读最新章节。 Newly for you provide quickly from fighting Luo start captures the goddess to renew, Chapter 1310 新为你提供最快的从斗罗开始俘获女神更新,第1310章 Void Devouring Flame makes a move to read free. 虚无吞炎出手免费阅读。
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