DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1309: The villains die of the words are many

cloud the sovereign big ritual I am naturally satisfied. However I looked that Sect Master Yun Yun and Yanran are not glad.” Xiao Yan is smiling evilly, was said by Yun Shan somewhat one's blood bubbles up to the brim. “云老宗主的这份大礼我自然满意。不过我看云韵宗主嫣然不太乐意啊。”萧炎邪笑着,被云山说的有些热血沸腾。 Nalan Yanran is his fiancee, was only afterward by Xu Ran this son of a bitch fan mental. 纳兰嫣然本来就是他的未婚妻,只是后来被徐然这个狗日的迷了心智。 Xu Ran's is quick-witted he has experienced, is virtually impossible to guard against, although Nalan Yanran broke an engagement may , if not have the Xu Ran's words is Nalan Yanran will not break an engagement. 徐然的机智他可是见识过的,根本防不胜防,所以虽然纳兰嫣然退婚了可如果没有徐然的话是不是纳兰嫣然就不会退婚。 Although Nalan Yanran makes the huge mistake, but if not only obtains Nalan Yanran, but also obtained Yun Yun this certainly for the beautiful person, that absolute gaining in a big way. 虽说纳兰嫣然犯下大错,可如果不仅仅重新得到纳兰嫣然,还得到了云韵这位绝代玉人,那绝对的赚大了。 Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran glower to Xiao Yan and Yun Shan, the cheek that fine vulture jade carves had not only damaged their original pretty in the vitality/angry, instead can arouse the will of the people bottom evil. Good two outstandingly beautiful beautiful women. 云韵纳兰嫣然萧炎云山怒目而视,那精雕玉琢的脸蛋在生气的时候不仅仅没有损了她们原有的貌美,反而更能激起人心底的邪恶。好两位绝色美人。 Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran beautiful appearance in Jia Ma Empire, but the fine reputation broadcasts, even Xiao Yan still little sees the so pretty beautiful woman in Hun Clan extremely. 云韵纳兰嫣然的美貌在加玛帝国可是芳名远播的,即使萧炎魂族的时候也极少看到这般楚楚动人的美女。 I naturally can persuade them to agree. Yun'er is my disciple my words of he will listen. As for Nalan Yanran, snort/hum, this matter may be beyond control she.” The Yun Shan eyeground is glittering the gloomy and cold color, does not pay attention while everyone, is acts toward Nalan Yanran unexpectedly directly. “我自然能够说动她们同意。韵儿是我的弟子我的话他都会听的。至于纳兰嫣然,哼,这种事可由不得她。”云山眼底闪烁着阴冷之色,趁着所有人不注意,竟是直接朝着纳兰嫣然出手。 Yun Shan wants to indicate as soon as possible own attitude, won the Xiao Yan's favorable impression. 云山想尽快表明自己的态度,赢得萧炎的好感。 Since arrived this step, own reputation will ruin the extreme surely. Such being the case, he does not need scruples the face. 既然走到了这一步,自己的名声必定会败坏到极点。既然如此,他更是不需要顾忌脸面了。 If Xiao Yan is impatient oneself to act, the opportunity that oneself give loyalty to may not have. 若是萧炎不耐烦了自己出手,那自己效忠的机会可就没有了。 Shameless. If we had known you are this person, initially should make Elder Brother Xu Ran kill you.” Nalan Yanran hates to clench teeth. “无耻。早知道你是这种人,当初就应该让徐然哥哥把你杀了。”纳兰嫣然恨得咬牙。 Xu Ran? Even Xu Ran not possibly came to be stronger than Sir Xiao Yan. What thing is Xu Ran? You think that he can be victorious Hall of Souls? Xu Ran a soft body hair cannot compare Sir Xiao Yan.” Xiao Yan that a Yun Shan horse buttocks pats enjoys very much. 徐然?就算徐然来了也不可能比萧炎大人还强。徐然算什么东西?你以为他能够打得过魂殿吗?徐然萧炎大人一根毫毛都比不上。”云山一顿马屁拍的萧炎很是享受。 He loves to the present plot very much. 他对现在的剧情很喜闻乐见。 Yun Shan is Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran elder, has him to act, oneself can easily obtain Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran. Moreover the life of parents, the matchmaker's word, Yun Shan is old sovereign, Yun Shan the words in sect gate is the Saint command, Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran , if not comply with betrays sect gate. 云山云韵纳兰嫣然的长辈,有他出面,自己能够轻易得到云韵纳兰嫣然。而且父母之命,媒妁之言,云山是老宗主,在宗门中云山的话便是圣令,云韵纳兰嫣然如果不遵从的话就是背叛宗门。 „. If Elder Brother Xu Ran, looked here you do dare to speak this words.” Nalan Yanran makes an effort to stamp the feet, dou qi wings. However under such near distance, Nalan Yanran wants to get rid of Yun Shan this Dou Ancestor powerhouse difficulty is not general big. “呵。如果徐然哥哥在这里的话,看你敢不敢说这种话。”纳兰嫣然用力跺了跺脚,身后斗气化翼。不过在这么近的距离下,纳兰嫣然想要摆脱云山这位斗宗强者难度可不是一般的大。 Heard the Xu Ran's name, Yun Shan stares, in the bone had several points of chill in the air. 听到徐然的名字,云山还是愣了一下,骨子里生出了几分寒意。 Xiao Yan copes with Xu Ran with this dirty method, obviously Xiao Yan is not the Xu Ran's opponent. However so long as are hiding well, how Xu Ran can he? 萧炎用这种龌龊的手段对付徐然,可见萧炎都不是徐然的对手。不过只要自己好好躲着,徐然又能把他怎样? Cannot be victorious, couldn't oneself run away? 打不过,难道自己还跑不掉吗? Also, the Xiao Yan back influence was so huge, not necessarily could not protect him. 再说,萧炎背后的势力如此庞大,未必护不了他。 Xu Ran? There is the skill you called him. So long as you called him, you won't encounter this danger?” Yun Shan is saying, the speed becomes quickly, uses the strength of several points of space. 徐然?有本事你把他叫过来啊。只要你把他叫过来,你们不就不会遇到这种危险了吗?”云山说着,速度变得更快,更是用上了几分空间之力。 Xiao Yan also feels funny. He likes this standing looking at the appearances of other person of painful choices in the angle of view of God very much, this feeling reminded him of Xu Ran to cope with him initially, only feared that Xu Ran was also this feeling. 萧炎也感到好笑。他很喜欢这种站在上帝的视角看其他人痛苦抉择的样子,这种感觉让他想起了当初徐然对付他,只怕徐然也是这种感觉。 Yun Shan, do you dare to begin to Yanran?” Yun Yun saw that Yun Shan unexpectedly while she is in trance to Nalan Yanran, rushes over toward Yun Shan directly, that cold Bingbing expression and tone have not treated as own teacher Yun Shan completely, but was own enemy. 云山,你敢对嫣然动手?”云韵看到云山竟然趁着她神情恍惚的时候对纳兰嫣然,直接朝着云山冲了过去,那副冷冰冰的表情和语气已经完全不将云山当做自己的师尊,而是自己的敌人了。 Sect Master Yun Yun do not meddle. Otherwise I am not forgiving. Perhaps some day we must get married, my style is vicious, if injures your attractive cheek is not good.” Yun Yun that peerless looks, under long skirt plentiful lush stature, making Xiao Yan unable to bear swallow the saliva. 云韵宗主还是不要插手了。不然的话我就不留情了。说不定有朝一日我们可是要成婚的,我的招式狠毒,要是伤到了你那漂亮的脸蛋就不好了。”云韵那绝世姿容,长裙下丰腴肥美的身材,让萧炎都忍不住吞了吞口水。 The Yun Yun's stature may be better than Nalan Yanran on many, the character and style of that mature female is not Nalan Yanran can compare. 云韵的身材可比纳兰嫣然要好上不少,那种成熟女子的风情也不是纳兰嫣然能比的。 If some day and Nalan Yanran same place...... 若是有朝一日和纳兰嫣然一起…… The Yun Yun's strength is stronger than Yun Shan, sees Yun Yun to be blocked by Xiao Yan, Yun Shan also relaxes. 云韵的实力比云山强,见云韵萧炎拦住,云山也是松了一口气。 Nalan Yanran sees that pinches the hand of sword to shiver. If really she rather died to the critical moment is not willing to be insulted. 纳兰嫣然见状,捏着剑的手都在颤抖。如果真的到了紧要关头她宁愿死都不愿意受辱。 When Nalan Yanran prepares to find the opportunity clenches teeth to commit suicide, in her mind suddenly broadcasts a sound that could not be more familiar, on the face immediately erupted certainly Li's smile. 就在纳兰嫣然准备找机会咬牙自尽的时候,她的脑海里突然传来了一阵熟悉得不能再熟悉的声音,脸上顿时爆发出绝丽的笑容。 She knows, he will catch up. 她就知道,他会赶过来的。 But now, is the time. Otherwise, they know that Yun Shan is the shameless villain of this sickness brute? 而现在,正是时候。不然的话,她们怎么会知道云山是这种病人面兽心的无耻小人呢? Nalan Yanran, what do you smile? Difficult to be inadequate you really to think that Xu Ran can save you?” Nalan Yanran is very beautiful, smiling more beautiful indignantly, made originally desperate were many several points of sunlight, Nalan Yanran the smile in the eye of Yun Shan seemed infiltrates the person very much. 纳兰嫣然,你笑什么?难不成你真以为徐然会来救你?”纳兰嫣然很美,笑起来更美,让本来绝望的气愤都多了几分阳光,不过在云山的眼里纳兰嫣然的笑容就显得很渗人了。 Present Nalan Yanran should cry should desperate to be right, is difficult to be inadequate...... 现在的纳兰嫣然应该哭应该绝望才对,难不成…… Yun Shan has an ominous premonition. 云山有种不祥的预感。 Forgot. The villains die of the words are many.” The Yun Shan back words let Xiao Yan are behind one cool. He was familiar with previous generation that axiom. “忘了。反派死于话多。”云山背后的话让萧炎都是背后一凉。对于前世那句至理名言他再熟悉不过了。 But as villain time, to vent with merrily, likes enjoying that type to insult others 's pleasant sensation, where really that agile conclusion? Therefore, even Xiao Yan still takes as a model to these words, after entering cloud mist sect faced the past hatred also to become some is not sane. 只不过作为反派的时候,为了发泄和快活,都喜欢享受那种欺辱他人的快感,哪会真的那么利落的结束?所以,即使萧炎对这句话也奉为圭臬,在进入云岚宗之后面对往日的仇恨也变得有些不理智起来了。 Originally is thinking quick solution all, somewhat let success go to the head.” The Xiao Yan complexion changes. Acts hastily fast, prepares to seize Yun Yun, as threatens the Xu Ran's tool when the time comes. “本来想着快速解决一切的,有些得意忘形了。”萧炎脸色微变。连忙快速出手,准备将云韵擒下,作为到时候威胁徐然的工具。 Grumble, seized to say Nalan Yanran again.” The Xiao Yan impatient direction said. “不要磨叽,将纳兰嫣然捉下来再说。”萧炎不耐烦的指挥道。 Now he wished one could to kill Yun Shan. 现在他恨不得把云山杀了。 If not Yun Shan, he just already seized Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran. Yun Shan makes such a, lets his delighted at the same time, missed some times. 如果不是云山的话,他刚刚早就把云韵纳兰嫣然捉来了。云山闹这么一出,让他喜出望外的同时,也错过了一些时机。 He also planned that with Nalan Yanran and Yun Yun is to coerce, making the Xu Ran autonomy even kneel down anything to him. 他还打算用纳兰嫣然云韵为要挟,让徐然自残甚至是给他下跪什么的。 If Xiao Yan does not comply, he removes Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran clothes, how looking at Xu Ran can take him. 如果萧炎不照做的话,他就剥掉云韵纳兰嫣然的衣服,看徐然能拿他怎么样。 Has Void Devouring Flame to protect him, he did not fear that Xu Ran can use the strength steamroll again he. 虚无吞炎护着他,他不怕徐然能够再用实力碾压他。 Even if Xu Ran is really the peerless powerhouse, has Void Devouring Flame to resist, he can still in behind shame Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran recklessly. So, was the big enmity must report. 即使徐然真的是绝世强者,有虚无吞炎抵挡,他也可以在后面肆意的羞辱云韵纳兰嫣然。如此,便算是大仇得报了。 Old codger, with turning to me? Waited to tidy up Xu Ran, I then killed your son of a bitch.” Xiao Yan air/Qi immediately clenches teeth, wishes one could Yun Shan this fellow who lost his time kills. Now, even he has an ominous premonition. “老不死的,也配投靠我?等收拾了徐然,我便杀了你这狗日的。”萧炎气得咬牙,恨不得立刻将云山这个耽误了他时间的家伙杀死。现在,连他都有种不祥的预感。 Because various issue addresses change to invite everyone collect the new address to avoid becoming lost 由于各种问题地址更改为请大家收藏新地址避免迷路 The homepage version chapter content is slow, please download to like reading app to read the newest content 网页版章节内容慢,请下载爱阅app阅读最新内容 Please withdraw transfers the code page, please download to like reading app 请退出转码页面,请下载爱阅app Reading latest chapter. 阅读最新章节。 Newly for you provide quickly from fighting Luo start captures the goddess to renew, Chapter 1309 新为你提供最快的从斗罗开始俘获女神更新,第1309章 The villains die of words free reading. 反派死于话多免费阅读。
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