DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1316: Ancient Emperor Tuo She present

After the crisis relieves, terrified people delivered the one breath finally, the vision lifts, sees Xu Ran and Sect Master Yun Yun indistinctly, and Nalan Yanran few sect main buildings hug in the same place, showed strange and smile of worship. 危机解除后,惶恐不安的人们终于是送了一口气,目光抬起,隐约看见徐然云韵宗主,以及纳兰嫣然少宗主楼抱在一起,都是露出了怪异而又崇拜的笑容。 Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran are very high in the Jia Ma Empire popularity, only feared that anybody will want to marry them to be infatuated with their people to scold by these absolutely secretly. But, Xu Ran simultaneously had them, they are unable to say anything. 云韵纳兰嫣然加玛帝国的人气很高,只怕任何人想要娶走她们都绝对会被那些暗地里迷恋她们的人骂个遍。可偏偏,徐然同时拥有了她们两人,他们也是无法说什么。 Xu Ran today's performance deep inserting their heart, having made them only be have the worship awe to Xu Ran, but cannot have any malice. 徐然今日的表现已经深深的嵌入了他们的心底,令他们对徐然只能生出崇拜敬畏,而产生不出任何恶感来。 The combination of Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran, does not know that many people have had such dream. Although that idea is very dirty, but the normal person who also does not have such being unjust. 云韵纳兰嫣然的组合,不知道多少人都做过这样的梦。虽说那种想法很龌龊,可正常人谁又没有一个那样的冤枉呢。 Other person and Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran they naturally does not meet together in them comfortably. But Xu Ran actually unified their idea, anybody noticed that this can think Xu Ran and two females in together a perfect match are good combination, how also possibly to have the thoughts that anything blasphemed. 其他人和云韵,纳兰嫣然她们在一起他们自然会不舒服。可是徐然却是统一了他们的想法,任何人看到这一幕都会觉得徐然和两女在一起郎才女貌乃是天作之合,又怎么可能生出什么亵渎的心思来。 Naturally, on the scene only uncomfortable was Xiao Yan. 当然,在场唯一不爽的就是萧炎了。 Sees Xu Ran so not to pay attention to him, blatantly in his front and Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran is affectionate, how he possibly is not angry. He really cannot think through Xu Ran also to have what means to prevent these to go the Jia Nan Academy Hun Clan powerhouse. 徐然如此不把他放在眼里,公然在他面前和云韵,纳兰嫣然卿卿我我,他心里怎么可能不愤怒。他实在是想不通徐然还有什么办法阻止那些前去迦南学院魂族强者。 Besides Central Plains certain influences, who can block the attacks of these powerhouses? But now were imprisoned the action by Xu Ran, runs runs. 除了中州的某些势力之外,谁能挡住那些强者的攻击?而现在自己被徐然禁锢了行动,跑都跑不过。 How Xiao Yan may want to obtain, Jia Nan Academy there, absolutely is a very dangerous place. Only if were Hun Tiandi went personally, otherwise, others went also dead without the burial ground probably. 萧炎又怎么可能想得到,迦南学院那里,绝对是一個十分危险的地方。除非是魂天帝亲自去了,否则的话,其他人去了大概也是死无葬身之地的。 Only several Dou Saint, a Gu Yuena person can solve completely them. 区区几个斗圣,古月娜一个人就能将他们全部解决掉。 Truly, when Hun Clan several Dou Saint arrive the Jia Nan Academy preparation slaughters wantonly, entire Jia Nan Academy went haywire. Jia Nan Academy bases Black Horn Territory, in that place was good, but was apart from compared with the incoming messenger with the Central Plains big shot is too big. 确实,在魂族几位斗圣来到迦南学院准备大肆屠杀的时候,整个迦南学院都是陷入了混乱。迦南学院立足黑角域,在那片地方算是不错了,可是和中州的大佬们比起来差距太大。 Su Qian, Jia Nan Academy Great Elder, directly Dou Saint makes into the severe wound. 苏千,迦南学院大长老,直接被其中一位斗圣打成重伤。 But two Jia Nan Academy patron gods make a move, was defeated by two Dou Saint conveniently. 而两位迦南学院的守护神出手,也是被两位斗圣随手击败。 Also only had Xu Ran such anomaly casually to be oppressive Dou Saint. Normally, the powerhouse who each Dou Saint is not born, then can at will a destruction side strength. 也只有徐然这样的怪胎才会随随便便将斗圣虐了。正常情况下,每一位斗圣都是不出世的强者,随意便可以覆灭一方实力。 Actually, without the Xu Ran's words, Hun Clan only needs to set out 1-2 quite strong Dou Venerate to be able the Jia Nan Academy destruction. May because of Xu Ran, Hun Clan actually send out several Dou Saint, this could have a liking for Hun Clan to attach great importance to Xu Ran's sufficiently. 其实,如果没有徐然的话,魂族只需要出动1-2实力不错的斗尊都可以将迦南学院覆灭。可因为徐然,魂族却是派出了几位斗圣,这足以看得上魂族徐然的重视了。 Originally Jia Nan Academy when most dangerous, Gu Yuena acted, that several Dou Saint extinguishes less than the time of burning a joss stick completely kills. 本来迦南学院就在最危险的时候,古月娜就出手了,不足一炷香的时间就将那几位斗圣全部灭杀。 Gu Yuena goes to this mainland, in the short time, strove the Big Dipper Dou Saint stage unexpectedly directly, the battle efficiency was also be higher than on several stages Cultivation(Level). But originally they arrive at this piece of mainland Cultivation(Level) to only have Dou Ancestor, broke through Dou Venerate in this short time unexpectedly instantaneously. 古月娜来到这片大陆,短短时间里,竟是直接精进到了七星斗圣的阶段,战斗力更是还要比修为高上几个阶段。而本来她们来到这片大陆本来修为只有斗宗的,竟然是在这短短时间里瞬间突破到了斗尊 Regarding this, Xu Ran is also very surprised. 对此,徐然也是十分吃惊。 However before they in Divine Realm, because the limit therefore strength of Divine Realm upper limit moves slowly, but the accumulation of their within the body energy has not actually stopped. After this upper limit unseals, looked like river water to be controlled forcefully was then actually bursting a dike, naturally irresistible fast breakthrough. 不过以前她们在神界的时候因为神界上限的限制所以实力进展缓慢,但她们体内能量的积累却是从来没有停下。这个上限解封之后,就像是一江水被强行控制着然后却决堤了,自然会势不可挡的快速突破。 Gu Yuena after waving to destroy completely that several Hun Clan Dou Saint, was revered by the frantic fan for the goddess. Does not know that won the hearts of many young men. In desperate, suddenly arrived at an outstandingly beautiful goddess to intend to rescue. The aloof is simple and beautiful, keeping aloof Gu Yuena is to make the innumerable person mind fall into enemy hands. However Gu Yuena has not exposed in the Xu Ran's harem camp, therefore these people have not known that Gu Yuena is the Xu Ran's chamberpot, even if otherwise Xu Ran could not block the complaints of these fellows again flamboyant. 古月娜在挥手灭掉那几位魂族斗圣之后,就被狂热的粉丝尊为了女神。不知道赢得了多少少男的心。在绝望的时候,突然来到了一位绝色神女出手相救。高冷清丽,高高在上的古月娜更是让无数人心神失守。不过古月娜还从来没有在徐然的后宫阵营中暴露过,所以那些人还不知道古月娜就是徐然的马子,不然的话即使徐然再牛逼都挡不住那些家伙的怨念了。 By Gu Yuena their appearances, it is estimated that spoke several words casually, can one group to work oneself to death for them. That really achieved the causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman rank. 古月娜她们的容貌,估计随便说几句话,都能让一群人为她们卖命。那是真的达到了倾国倾城级别的。 Although Xu Ran in Jia Ma Empire , has listened to and Gu Yuena their relation learned of the Jia Nan Academy news. Xu Ran and Qiu'er are auspicious beast, has some special relations, even the great distance can still have the mutual relation. Therefore, Qiu'er first told him the Jia Nan Academy news. 徐然虽然远在加玛帝国,也是听过和古月娜她们的联系得知了迦南学院的消息。徐然秋儿都是瑞兽,又有着一些特殊的联系,即使相隔很远也都是能够有相互的联系的。所以,秋儿第一个就告诉了他迦南学院的消息。 It is said that a Gu Yuena person blocked the females, oneself have acted fully the fight addiction, but makes other person of complaints full. 据说,古月娜一个人挡住了众女,自己一个人出手过足了战斗瘾,可是让其他人怨念满满呢。 Why can Xu Ran always be so crisp? I actually......” “为什么徐然总能这么爽?我却……” My is Xiao Yan doomed is a waste?” “难道我萧炎注定是个废物吗?” If who can help me defeat Xu Ran, my anything price is willing to pay.” “若是有谁能帮助我打败徐然,我什么代价都愿意付出。” Xiao Yan hatred looks at Xu Ran. Void Devouring Flame wasn't the Xu Ran's opponent, which level the Xu Ran's strength was? Xiao Yan has actually guessed, Xu Ran only feared that has touched the boundary in that legend. 萧炎怨毒的看着徐然。连虚无吞炎都不是徐然的对手,徐然的实力到底达到了哪个层次?萧炎其实已经猜测到了,徐然只怕是已经触及到了那个传说中的境界。 Only then achieved that boundary to have the possibility...... 只有达到了那个境界才有可能…… Can oneself also with the Xu Ran fight? Only if there is a Dou Di help, otherwise how possible? 自己还能和徐然斗吗?除非有斗帝帮忙,不然的话怎么可能? Right? Do you want to defeat Xu Ran?” “是吗?你想打败徐然吗?” In the Xiao Yan's mind has an old and distant sound passes on suddenly from the mind. Meanwhile, in the Xiao Yan's mind blasted out to make Xiao Yan feel the severe pain probably the same as be incomparable, waits for Xiao Yan to respond the time, actually discovered that in own mind presented an old man unexpectedly. 萧炎的脑海中有着一个苍老而悠远的声音从脑海中突然传出来。与此同时,萧炎的脑海中像是炸开了一样让萧炎感到剧痛无比,等萧炎反应过来的时候,却发现自己的脑海里竟然出现了一个老者。 The old person wears the dark-colored clothes robe, the appearance has no special place, if disregards his gorgeous hair, he has almost no too big difference from these common old men. 老人身着深色衣袍,面目并没有什么特殊的地方,若是将其那一头绚丽多彩的头发无视掉的话,他几乎与那些寻常老者没什么太大的区别。 But under his body, the strange flame condenses the giant flame flower bud, flower bud blooming slowly opens, wears the old form of dark-colored clothes robe together, appeared in the Xiao Yan's vision. 而他的身下,奇异的火焰凝聚成朵巨大的火焰花苞,花苞徐徐的绽放而开,一道身着深色衣袍的苍老身影,出现在了萧炎的目光之中。 Old person at this moment, is sitting cross-legged in the flower bud, the old face, has the inexplicable happy expression is staring at Xiao Yan. 此刻的老人,正盘坐在花苞之中,苍老的脸庞,带着一点莫名笑意的盯着萧炎 Xiao Yan only thought that the present old man is fiercer than Void Devouring Flame. 萧炎只觉得眼前的老者比虚无吞炎还要厉害。 But this, reminding him of initial Yao Lao. Difficult to be inadequate, did oneself gold/metal finger grandfather turn into this grandfather from Yao Lao? 而这一幕,让他想起了当初的药老。难不成,自己的金手指老爷爷从药老变成了这个老爷爷? „Are you?” Xiao Yan asked hastily. “您是?”萧炎连忙问道。 You should call me for now, Ancient Emperor Tuo She!” Ancient Emperor Tuo She shows a faint smile, looks at Xiao Yan, more looks is more satisfied. On Xiao Yan's has a tenacious unyielding thought that moreover Xiao Yan also cultivates Flame Mantra. Initially he also cultivated Flame Mantra to swallow so many Heavenly Fire to become the emperor air-splitting. “你们现在应该都称呼我为,陀舍古帝!”陀舍古帝微微一笑,看着萧炎,越看越满意。萧炎的身上有着一种坚韧不屈的意念,而且萧炎同样修炼焚决。当初他也是修炼焚决才吞噬了那么多异火破空成帝的。 Ancient Emperor Tuo She?” Xiao Yan with amazement. He is not strange regarding this name, after all oneself once also had a fragment of piece of Ancient Emperor Tuo She jade. But now at present unexpectedly are living Ancient Emperor Tuo She!!! 陀舍古帝?”萧炎骇然。对于这个名字他不陌生,毕竟自己曾经还拥有一块陀舍古帝玉的碎片。而现在自己眼前竟然是活生生的陀舍古帝!!! This is the millennium ago Dou Di powerhouses! 这可是千年前的斗帝强者啊! Because various issue addresses change to invite everyone collect the new address to avoid becoming lost 由于各种问题地址更改为请大家收藏新地址避免迷路 The homepage version chapter content is slow, please download to like reading app to read the newest content 网页版章节内容慢,请下载爱阅app阅读最新内容 Please withdraw transfers the code page, please download to like reading app 请退出转码页面,请下载爱阅app Reading latest chapter. 阅读最新章节。 Newly for you provide quickly from fighting Luo start captures the goddess to renew, Chapter 1316 新为你提供最快的从斗罗开始俘获女神更新,第1316章 Ancient Emperor Tuo She reads presently free. 陀舍古帝现免费阅读。
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