DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1306: Void Devouring Flame ambition

Regret? What my this lifetime most does not regret is and Xiao Family breaks an engagement.” “后悔?我这辈子最不后悔的是就是和萧家退婚。” A Nalan Yanran pair of phoenix ridicule looks at Xiao Yan, wears the faint yellow long skirt, the skirt swayed dances in the breeze, in the hand takes a exquisite long sword, just like the sword immortal is ordinary. 纳兰嫣然一对凤目讥讽的看着萧炎,穿着淡黄色的长裙,裙摆飘舞,手上拿着一柄精巧的长剑,宛若是剑仙一般。 The people on the scene by Nalan Yanran the beautiful appearance and makings attract. 在场中人都是被纳兰嫣然的美貌和气质所吸引。 The Nalan Yanran strength is not weak, is next to Yun Shan and Yun Yun in this cloud mist sect, is real Dou Emperor. 纳兰嫣然的实力也不弱,在这云岚宗仅次于云山云韵,乃是一名货真价实的斗皇 In is acquainted after the Xu Ran dear friend, her strength has progressed by leaps and bounds, the speed that the cultivation rises has not stopped, almost will break through once in a while one time. 在和徐然相知相识之后,她的实力一直突飞猛进,修炼上涨的速度从来没有停下来过,几乎隔一段时间就会突破一次。 This thought Dou Spirit later boundary cultivation speed falling slowly, who knew the cultivation speed not only not to reduce instead seems like the breakthrough was quicker. 本以为到了斗灵以后的境界修炼速度会慢慢的降下来,可谁知修炼速度不仅没有降低反而像是突破的更快了。 All seem like the mere illusion happy and are not real, therefore Nalan Yanran has felt oneself live probably in the dream. 一切都像是水月镜花般美好而不真实,所以纳兰嫣然一直都觉得自己像是活在梦里。 All things were too happy, Xu Ran is in her heart is simply most perfect the most unique other half image. 所有的事情都太美好了,徐然简直是她心中最完美最独一无二的另一半形象。 Therefore, even Xiao Yan today we are no longer as we have been, comes cloud mist sect she not to fear anything by the potential of steamroll. Even the death, still wakes up from the dream, how many minutes/shares even if the dream does make it sublimer how? 所以,即使是萧炎今非昔比,以碾压之势来云岚宗她也不惧什么。即使是死,也不过是从梦中醒来,即使是梦就让它更壮美几分又如何? Xu Ran is grave to her friendship, she will not betray Xu Ran for a lifetime. 徐然对她情谊深重,她一辈子都不会背叛徐然 Nalan Yanran still remembers vaguely initially when Xu Ran first met the scene, rescued her time may take her advantage a lot. Now wants to come, the past morning and evening all became themselves to be most precious the most perfect recollection. 纳兰嫣然依稀还记得当初自己和徐然初次相遇时的场景,救她的时候可没少占她的便宜。现在想来,往日的朝朝暮暮全成了自己心里最珍贵最完美的回忆。 What did you say? Do you court death? Nalan Yanran? You think that I don't dare to kill you?” “你说什么?你找死吗?纳兰嫣然?你以为我不敢杀你?” The Xiao Yan fond dream fails, somewhat becomes angry out of shame. 萧炎美梦落空,有些恼羞成怒。 Although Nalan Yanran pretty, but oneself present is not initial Xiao Yan, can enjoy utmost various happy events by his present status. Even if cannot compare with Xu Ran, but the quality will not be bad. 纳兰嫣然虽然貌美,但自己现在已经不是当初的萧炎了,以他现在的身份可以享尽各种乐事。即使和徐然比不得,但质量也不会太差。 Truly what he cares is the view of Nalan Yanran, entire day the view of servants. 他真正在意的是纳兰嫣然的看法,全天下人的看法。 Are oneself really inferior to Xu Ran? 难道自己真的不如徐然 When this danger, Nalan Yanran also dares to shame him to continue unexpectedly to choose Xu Ran, this makes him very uncomfortable. 在这种危险的时候,纳兰嫣然竟然还敢这么羞辱他而继续选择徐然,这让他十分不爽。 All and Xu Ran related thing, makes him not be feeling well. 一切和徐然相关的东西,都让他不爽。 He will not acknowledge absolutely oneself are inferior to Xu Ran, certainly not! 他绝对不会承认自己不如徐然,绝不! Kills me? Do you dare?” “杀我?你敢吗?” „Did your despicable villain have the skill really to kill me? Do not think that I do not know, you want to use us to threaten Elder Brother Xu Ran. Hehe, your disgusting villain, even if comes ten not to compare Elder Brother Xu Ran.” “你这种卑鄙小人有本事就真的杀了我?别以为我不知道,你就是想利用我们来威胁徐然哥哥。呵呵,你这种恶心的小人就算是来十个都比不上徐然哥哥。” Nalan Yanran continues to ridicule. 纳兰嫣然继续讥讽道。 Her unceasing stimulation Xiao Yan, she really wants to let Xiao Yan excitedly and killed her directly. 她不断的刺激萧炎,她是真的想让萧炎被激动而直接杀了她。 She rather dies does not want to become Xu Ran's to implicate. 她宁愿死都不想成为徐然的拖累。 If makes Xu Ran be restrained because of her in Xiao Yan, even in very danger, this is she does not want. If Elder Brother Xu Ran were forced when the time comes does not care about her life, this is she is afraid sees. 如果因为她而让徐然受制于萧炎,甚至处于十分危险的境地,这是她不愿意的。如果徐然哥哥到时候被逼无奈不顾及她的性命,这更是她害怕看到的。 She, in Elder Brother Xu Ran really is so at heart important? 她,在徐然哥哥的心里真的有那么重要吗? Xu Ran is very gentle, when she is very good, once become the Xu Ran's burden, can...... 徐然很温柔,待她很好,可是一旦自己成为徐然的包袱,会不会…… Nalan Yanran cannot think toward that aspect, she of big influence family background saw that matter, but she believes that Xu Ran was not that person. 纳兰嫣然不敢往那方面想,大势力出身的她见惯了那种事情,但她相信徐然不是那种人。 But, in any event, she does not hope oneself live is falling into Xiao Yan's. In Xiao Yan and that dirty method, oneself will be subject to absolutely suffers. 可,无论如何,她都不希望自己活着落入萧炎的手里。以萧炎和那龌龊的手段,自己绝对会备受折磨。 Ha. I acknowledged that I am inferior to Xu Ran. The Xu Ran's strength truly is not I can compare. But what's the big deal?” “哈哈哈。我承认我不如徐然徐然的实力确实不是我能比的。可是那又如何?” You only said that your family Xu Ran is an honorable gentleman, how to know that he is in the back dirty. My these methods and Xu Ran compare to feel dwarfed simply, insignificant. Xu Ran only thinks that my brain is not good only to be able, no matter what he does play tricks on? Then, my these methods to his saluting!” “你只道你家徐然是正人君子,怎么会知道他背地里有多么龌龊。我这些手段和徐然比起来简直是小巫见大巫,不足道也。徐然只以为我脑子不好只能任他戏弄吗?说起来,我的这些手段还是对他的致敬呢!” Xiao Yan just like the insanity is the same, hearing Nalan Yanran will compare with is the devil, but compared with Xu Ran is a gentleman, he was furious. 萧炎宛如是疯魔了一样,听到纳兰嫣然将自己比作是恶魔,而将徐然比作是君子,他更是怒不可遏。 His Xiao Yan is not the honorable gentleman, but Xu Ran is also a from head to tail villain. 萧炎不是什么正人君子,可徐然也是一个彻头彻尾的小人。 Xiao Yan has hair dishevelled, the body sends out Hun Clan is being that sinister and ruthless aura that the powerhouse is in sole possession, furthermore Void Devouring Flame gives his child fire black flame, that just like the appearance that the mad dog goes crazy generally is to truly let the person is unable the gentleman with it to contact, present Xiao Yan truly seems like a devil. 萧炎披头散发,身上散发着魂族系强者独有的那种阴毒的气息,再加之虚无吞炎给他的子火黑炎,那犹如疯狗一般发狂的样子确实是让人无法将君子与之联系起来,现在的萧炎确实像是一個恶魔。 Previously was suffered by Xu Ran, aroused in the Xiao Yan heart the endless wickedness, but now after obtaining the strength, evil thought unceasing enlargement. Present Xiao Yan has not been in the original works that courteous appearance. 先前被徐然折磨,激起了萧炎心中无尽的恶,而现在得到了实力之后恶念不断的放大。现在的萧炎早已不是原著里那种谦恭的样子了。 The elder disciple of Yuan mist sect by the going crazy appearance that Xiao Yan has hair dishevelled exciting heavily , for fear that a Xiao Yan this big demon word does not kill people trembling at earliest convenience. 元岚宗的长老弟子被萧炎披头散发的发疯样子刺激的不轻,战战兢兢地,生怕萧炎这个大魔头一言不合就杀人。 Nalan Yanran they are perhaps valuable to Xiao Yan, but their these ordinary disciples may not have that high value. 纳兰嫣然她们或许对萧炎还有价值,可他们这些普通弟子可没有那么高的价值。 Does not know why Xiao Yan will be compelled this appearance by this Xu Ran. Really interesting. The powerhouse of that rank was difficult to be inadequate cannot achieve aloofly free and easy, never forgets to the female sexual attractiveness as before, is likes snatching others' woman?” “不知道萧炎为什么会被这个徐然逼成这个样子。真是有意思。那种级别的强者了难不成也做不到超然洒脱,依旧对女色念念不忘,更是喜欢抢别人的女人?” Void Devouring Flame strange looks at Xiao Yan. Initially his surprise Xiao Yan can fuse Heavenly Fire mutually, has appreciated to Xiao Yan. It is very clear, initial Ancient Emperor Tuo She will also swallow all Heavenly Fire to exceed Dou Di aloofly. But it is also thinking swallows Heavenly Fire, is not difficult to seek for the Heavenly Fire difficulty to its Void Devouring Flame to be very high. Xiao Yan's Flame Mantra actually also swallows Heavenly Fire, without it and Ancient Emperor Tuo She that swallowing ability, can actually cultivation this merit law thus to achieve similar effect on make its heart be startled secretly. 虚无吞炎怪异的看着萧炎。当初他意外发现萧炎能够将异火相互融合,才对萧炎有所欣赏。它很清楚,当初的陀舍古帝也是吞噬了所有异火才会超然一举突破斗帝。而它也想着吞噬异火,对它虚无吞炎来说并不难只是寻找异火难度很高而已。萧炎的焚决其实也是吞噬异火,没有它和陀舍古帝那种吞噬的能力,却能修炼这种功法从而达到类似的效果让它都是暗自心惊。 It is very clear, if Xiao Yan lived before the Flood, cultivated successful him to have very big opportunity to break through Dou Di this merit law. 它很清楚,如果萧炎生在上古时代,将这种功法修炼成功的他有很大机会突破斗帝 But, is that person, really emperor product Chudan?” “不过,那个人,真的是帝品雏丹吗?” Void Devouring Flame muttered, in the look is glittering the offense color. 虚无吞炎喃喃自语,眼神中闪烁着戾色。 The character, the mainland, whom he is so true now cannot find out also to have ability so. In the mainland all powerhouses he understood, Xu Ran actually jumps suddenly, only then possibly came from Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion that fellow. 如此人物,当今大陆,他属实是想不出还有谁能有这般能力了。大陆上所有强者他都了解,徐然却是突然蹦出来的,只有可能来自古帝洞府的那个家伙了。 As for lascivious, emperor product Chudan by the compounded drug, is not really the person, therefore who knows that actually it is what temper? It is not clear. 至于好色,帝品雏丹由丹药所化,并不是真的人,所以谁知道它究竟是个什么性子?它也不清楚。 Suppressed in the cave mansion anxiously, therefore after coming out, handled some merry things to while away the time lonely is also as if normal. 在洞府憋急了,所以出来之后做些快活的事情来消遣寂寞似乎也算正常。 Its this time comes to verify own suspicion, even if has to melt single Shenjue should not be the emperor product Chudan opponent. However if is really it, oneself operate, when the time comes swallowed it...... 它这次来只是为了印证自己的猜想,即使有着化单神决自己应该也不是帝品雏丹的对手。不过如果真的是它,那自己运作一番,到时候将它吞了…… Dou Di? My Void Devouring Flame is not not possible to achieve that step.” Void Devouring Flame often remembered past Ancient Emperor Tuo She, was very at heart uncomfortable. Oneself as Void Devouring Flame, were swallowed by Ancient Emperor Tuo She unexpectedly. If oneself Emperor to become, compares certainly it to be stronger. 斗帝吗?我虚无吞炎也不是不可能达成那一步。”虚无吞炎每每想起当年的陀舍古帝,心里就很不爽。自己作为虚无吞炎,竟然被陀舍古帝吞了。若是自己成帝,一定比它更强。
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