DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1305: The crisis of cloud mist sect

, Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! " Hun Clan certainly! " 魂族绝矣!」 Hun Mie lives to know that Hun Clan these fellows are what ideas, particularly after Hun Tiandi currently has bit spirit lives this card in a hand, certainly the common powerhouse will not pay attention. 魂灭生知道魂族那些家伙是什么想法,尤其是魂天帝现在有了噬灵绝生阵这个底牌之后更是不会将一般强者放在眼里。 If we had known Xu Ran is Dou Di, they will submit to surely, but obviously this is not possible. Therefore Hun Clan is surely difficult to escape a tribulation. 要是早知道徐然斗帝,那他们必定会臣服,可显然这是不可能的。所以魂族必定难逃一劫。 As the Hall of Souls palace lord, he looks regarding the Hun Clan internal situation passed. 作为魂殿殿主,对于魂族内部的情况他看的太透了。 Dou Saint that Hun Clan these years train secretly were too many, even if died 78 Dou Saint not to love dearly, will only think that does not have the face. As for Hun Tiandi, that person may be crueler more and merciless than him, how can not attend to the Central Plains life caring about the loss of Hun Clan? 魂族这些年暗地培养出来的斗圣太多了,即使死去七八个斗圣也不会太心疼,只会觉得没有面子。至于魂天帝,那人可比他心狠手辣多了,能够不顾中州生灵又岂会在乎魂族的损失? " Since knew these, your also Damn it. " 「既然知道了这些,那你也该死了。」 Xu Ran Hun Mie lived the limit is unable to move, thought deeply about the moment, he decided only to aim at the Hun Mie fresh soul to begin. 徐然魂灭生限制的无法动弹,思索了片刻,他决定只针对魂灭生的灵魂动手。 Hun Mie lives is a complete person, naturally does not need directly with refining the method of puppet refines him. Only needed his soul and memory rewrites was good. 魂灭生是一个完整的人,自然不需要直接用炼制傀儡的方法炼制他。只需要将他的灵魂和记忆改写了就好了。 Xu Ran gets a sudden inspiration, the thought invades in the Hun Mie fresh soul directly. 徐然灵机一动,意念直接侵入魂灭生的灵魂中。 " ! " 「啊!」 Hun Mie lives unable to endure that fierce ache to call out pitifully sad and shrill. 魂灭生忍受不住那剧烈的疼痛凄厉的惨叫着。 The pain in soul truly lets suffering that person unobtainable withstands. 灵魂上的痛苦确实是让人难以承受的折磨。 However Xu Ran has not stopped, although Xu Ran does not have the exquisite method of that control person soul but to tamper with the Hun Mie fresh soul by his strength directly is actually not difficult, at the worst turns into loyally only in his fool. 不过徐然可没有停下,徐然虽然没有那种控制人灵魂的精妙手段但以他的实力直接篡改魂灭生的灵魂却是不难,大不了变成个只忠心于他的傻子。 " Master. " 「主人。」 After several minutes, the Hun Mie fresh sound becomes incomparably hoarse gloomy. 数分钟后,魂灭生的声音变得无比沙哑阴沉。 Xu Ran lives the beforehand memory to cancel Hun Mie, but got down the ban on his body. 徐然魂灭生之前的记忆抹去,而在他的身上下了禁制。 Later Hun Mie lives is only he does not have the loyal and devoted subordinate who the emotion did not remember , will only obey in him. 以后魂灭生也只是他手下没有情感没有记忆的忠心耿耿的下属,只会服从于他。 " You go to the Gama holy city to protect Miteer Family's also to have the imperial family now. The Hall of Souls person, does not remain. " The Xu Ran order said. The Hun Mie fresh strength was retained about the same, he can extinguish except for the five-star Dou Saint above powerhouse kills. 「你现在去加玛圣城去保护米特尔家族还有皇室。魂殿的人,一个不留。」徐然命令道。魂灭生的力量被保留了个七七八八,除了五星斗圣以上的强者他都能灭杀。 If Miteer Family's has an accident, even if Ya Fei does not blame him, he still meets the conscience to be anxious. 如果米特尔家族出了什么事,即使雅妃不怪罪他,他也会良心不安。 Jia Ma Empire imperial family. 还有加玛帝国皇室。 Said that Jia Ma Empire imperial family the beauty of that two princess's is good. Although cannot compare Yun Yun and Queen Medusa this was outstandingly beautiful, but could also be called is very good big beautiful woman. 说起来加玛帝国皇室的那两个公主的姿色还不错。虽然比不得云韵美杜莎女王这等绝色,但也称得上是十分不错的大美女了。 The Xu Ran miraculous glow flashes, sprouted at heart many ideas. 徐然灵光一闪,心里萌生出了许多想法。 " I now how more and more color? " Xu Ran chuckle. Although he just passed through before is also very lascivious, but is not so as if serious. Perhaps, was the mentality is different. Even if not treasure specially, even if a little idea, he does not want to make others bribe again. 「我现在怎么越来越色了?」徐然轻笑。虽说他以前刚刚穿越的时候也很好色,但似乎也没有这么严重。或许,是心态不一样了吧。即使不是特别珍爱,哪怕只是有一点儿想法,他也不想让别人再度染指。 By him in the Jia Ma Empire prestige, although Princess, the imperial family will also offer on own initiative. 以他在加玛帝国的威名,虽说是公主,皇室也会主动献上。 " Went to say one to them, then went to cloud mist sect. " 「去给她们说一声,然后再去云岚宗。」 The Xu Ran form flashes, the next breath appeared in Queen Medusa in front of them. This uniform velocity, cannot regard with the common sense. 徐然身影一闪,下一息就出现在了美杜莎女王她们面前。这等速度,已经不能用常理看待了。 " I need first to go to cloud mist sect now, you in clan I. Now here should not have the danger. " Hun Mie lived to send, came Void Devouring Flame, Hun Clan not possible to be used to aim at him all powerhouses. 「我现在需要先去云岚宗一趟,你们就在族里等我。现在这里应该没有危险了。」魂灭生都派过来了,又来了个虚无吞炎,魂族不可能将所有强者都用来针对他。 If not Void Devouring Flame this time is determined to come, only feared that Hun Clan will only send out Hun Mie to cope with him since birth. 如果不是虚无吞炎这次执意要来,只怕魂族又只会派出个魂灭生来对付他。 " You carefully. " 「你小心点。」 Both females are saying that worries about. 两女都是担忧的说道。 Their strengths are weak, cannot help Xu Ran side Xu Ran's, therefore has not made Xu Ran lead them to go together. 她们的实力弱,在徐然的身边也帮不到徐然,所以也没让徐然带着她们一同前去。 The strengths of these powerhouses have surpassed the situation that they can judge, they do not know that Xu Ran meets other to live a stronger powerhouse to be able compared with Hun Mie to have the danger, therefore some worries. 只是那些强者的实力已经超出了她们能够评判的地步,她们也不知道徐然遇到其他比魂灭生更强的强者会不会有危险,因此有些担心。 Since the opposite party acts to Hun Clan on own initiative certainly is some assurances. 既然对方主动对魂族出手一定是有些把握的。 " Relax, I will be all right. When I look for you. " Xu Ran sized up in Queen Medusa and Yue Mei charming moving physique, that and other attractive fluctuating curves let the person one's heart rushes toward one's destination sufficiently. 「放心,我会没事的。等我来找你们。」徐然美杜莎女王月媚娇媚动人的身姿上打量了一番,那等诱人的起伏曲线足以让人心驰神往。 " If you come back safely, wanting anything to depend on you, even if that felt ashamed...... is not. " Queen Medusa is clenching teeth lightly, although somewhat blushes bashfully, but is natural saying. 「要是你平安回来,想要什么都依你,即使是那等羞人的……也不是不可以。」美杜莎女王轻咬着牙,虽说有些羞赧但还是大大方方的说道。 " Said it and meant it. " Xu Ran by Queen Medusa 「一言为定。」徐然美杜莎女王 Provides for you «from Fighting Luo start who big god mu admires Captures the Goddess» quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神鞪慕的《从斗罗开始俘获女神》最快更新,! The crisis of Chapter 1305 cloud mist sect read free: https:// ! 第1305章云岚宗的危机免费阅读:https://,! , Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! The heart that the words make was fiery, wishes one could to handle Void Devouring Flame to understand clearly immediately looked for her afterward. 话弄的心头火热,恨不得立马搞定虚无吞炎了然后来找她。 What depends on him, he is very clear she to say these words is what meaning. 什么都依他,他可是很清楚她说出这句话是什么意思。 " Host Elder Brother, should walk. " System little sister reminded in the Xu Ran's mind at this time. 「宿主哥哥,该走了。」系统小姐姐这时候在徐然的脑海中提醒道。 Hears system little sister to remind, Xu Ran leaves hastily, the speed is extremely fast, toward goes toward cloud mist sect. 听到系统小姐姐提醒,徐然连忙动身,速度极快,朝着朝着云岚宗而去。 ...... …… cloud mist sect only has Xiao Yan and Void Devouring Flame two people . 云岚宗这边只有萧炎虚无吞炎两人。.. Xiao Yan today we are no longer as we have been, has him of Void Devouring Flame child fire to just like one now not under first five Heavenly Fire, Cultivation(Level) progresses by leaps and bounds. Has the help of Void Devouring Flame main body, Xiao Yan is very intrepid the child fires and other Heavenly Fire fusion strengths. 萧炎现在今非昔比,拥有虚无吞炎子火的他犹如得到了一株不下于前五的异火,修为突飞猛进。有着虚无吞炎本体的帮助,萧炎将子火和其他的异火融合实力十分强悍。 Even general Dou Venerate does not dare with it to be an enemy. 即使是一般的斗尊都是不敢与之为敌。 Even Xiao Yan's Cultivation(Level) is not too high, but the Void Devouring Flame child fire is not jokes, even if Dou Saint stains unobtainable to get rid. 即使萧炎的修为还不算太高,可是虚无吞炎子火可不是闹着玩的,即使是斗圣沾上都难以摆脱。 Now, depends on the powerful strength, he does not pay attention to cloud mist sect. 现在,靠着自己强悍的实力,他更是不将云岚宗放在眼里。 " Is this Sect Master Yun Yun strength? As if not much. " 「这就是云韵宗主的实力吗?似乎不怎么样。」 Xiao Yan disdains, just he only put forth a move to defeat Yun Yun. Although Yun Yun is also four star Dou Ancestor degrees now, with obtaining Xiao Yan of Void Devouring Flame training is apart from compared with the incoming messenger is too big. 萧炎十分不屑,刚刚他只使出一招就将云韵击败。云韵虽然现在也达到了四星斗宗的程度,和得到虚无吞炎培养的萧炎比起来差距太大。 The Yun Yun complexion is ugly, but the Nalan Yanran complexion is the incomparable ugliness. 云韵脸色难看,而纳兰嫣然的脸色更是无比的难看。 The person of cloud mist sect is fears to Xiao Yan. 云岚宗的人更是对萧炎十分惧怕。 Initially, because Xiao Yan this waste and angel Nalan Yanran had the engagement, therefore was individual knows Xiao Yan this person in cloud mist sect. Everyone knows that Xiao Yan is a waste, cannot be joined to Xiao Yan. 当初,因为萧炎这个废物和天仙般的纳兰嫣然有婚约,所以在云岚宗是个人都知道萧炎这个人。谁都知道萧炎是个废物,配不上萧炎 In Nalan Yanran and Xu Ran, everyone is disdains to Xiao Yan together. Was Xu Ran the present age rare talent, what Xiao Yan was considered as? 纳兰嫣然徐然在一起之后,所有人更是对萧炎十分不屑。徐然乃是当世奇才,萧炎又算得了什么? Has not thought, now Xiao Yan has grown to this situation unexpectedly. This power and influence, is ordinary like the devil. 可没想到,现在萧炎竟然已经成长到这种地步了。这种威势,如同恶魔一般。 Everyone's both legs are trembling. 所有人的双腿都在打颤。 Sect Master Yun Yun breaks through Dou Ancestor, becomes the Jia Ma Empire top powerhouse, but actually arrives at Xiao Yan one move. 云韵宗主突破斗宗,成为加玛帝国顶尖强者,可是却抵不过萧炎一招。 If Xiao Yan wants to revenge, slaughters the entire cloud mist sect, all of them will die. 如果萧炎想要报仇的话,屠杀整个云岚宗,他们所有人都会死。 Initially Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan renounced the engagement, meant that cloud mist sect has become the mortal enemy with Xiao Yan. 当初纳兰嫣然萧炎解除婚约,意味云岚宗已经和萧炎结为死敌。 " Xiao Yan, never expected that you have grown unexpectedly this situation. " The Nalan Yanran look is complex. She has not really thought that Xiao Yan this waste also has becomes so powerful one day. The Xiao Yan shameless generation, was the God the eye is blind? 萧炎,没想到你竟然已经成长到了这种地步。」纳兰嫣然眼神复杂。她实在是没有想到萧炎这个废物还有变得如此强大的一天。萧炎无耻之辈,老天爷是眼睛瞎了吗? " Nalan Yanran, how? Did you regret? " The Xiao Yan ridicule said, brings several points of pleased, has several points to anticipate. If Nalan Yanran is willing to return his side, he may relinquish difference. 纳兰嫣然,怎么了?你后悔了吗?」萧炎讥讽道,带着几分快意,又有着几分期待。如果纳兰嫣然愿意重新回到他的身边,他或许会不计前嫌。 Provides for you «from Fighting Luo start who big god mu admires Captures the Goddess» quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神鞪慕的《从斗罗开始俘获女神》最快更新,! The crisis of Chapter 1305 cloud mist sect read free: https:// ! 第1305章云岚宗的危机免费阅读:https://,!
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