DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1304: Losing hope, Xu Ran is Dou Di

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Hun Mie lives only felt oneself seemed like stranded in the basket, but this prisoner's cage covered this entire big desert unexpectedly. 魂灭生只觉得自己像是被困在了笼子里,而这囚笼竟是将这整个大沙漠都笼罩了起来。 Even if the first time were Hun Mie lives sees various types of repeated difficulties but also to come across such matter for a lifetime, cannot help but produced wiped the heroic desolate feeling. 哪怕是魂灭生一辈子见过了各种风风雨雨但也还是第一次遇到这样的事情,不由得产生了一抹英雄落寞之感。 Even if better than this grade of powerhouse, so long as meets to threaten existence of Sheng Ming truly, will reveal the alarmed and afraid sentiment that the average man can have. 哪怕是强如这等强者,只要遇到真正威胁到生命的存在,也会露出常人才会生出的惊惧之情。 His not clear this is what style, but Hun Mie lives them unable to achieve absolutely this degree. 他不清楚这是什么招式,但魂灭生他们也是绝对做不到这种程度的。 The strength of space comprehends this degree, a huge space will cover at will, even if his Dou Saint five-star Cultivation(Level) is unable to break open here bonds. 空间之力领悟到这种程度,随意将如此庞大的一片空间笼罩起来,纵使是他斗圣五星的修为都无法破开这壁障。 Is this powerful? 这是何等强悍? Even if the Dou Saint nine star peaks powerhouses cannot achieve by far this degree of? 纵使是斗圣九星巅峰的强者也是远远做不到这种程度的吗? Never expected that my Hun Mie lives really also has today.” Hun Mie lives the desperate forced smile, has not taken the effort to escape again. He knows that oneself cannot run away. “没想到我魂灭生竟然也有今天。”魂灭生绝望的苦笑着,没有再费力气逃跑了。他知道自己逃不走的。 Xu Ran has not appeared has made him have no alternative. 徐然还未出现就已经让他无可奈何。 Before Xu Ran, dares the time to escape to him has the absolute self-confidence to catch up with him. 徐然之前敢给他时间逃就是有绝对的自信能够追上他。 Oneself in the Xu Ran's eye only feared that seems like the toy to be the same, had not been paid attention to by Xu Ran. 自己在徐然的眼里只怕像是玩具一样,从来都没有被徐然放在眼里。 Even if must die, I must pass to the clan here news absolutely, Xu Ran knows that bites spirit lives a plan certainly, absolutely after is my Hall of Souls is unprecedented , the archenemy. Even if the Gu Clan risk does not have Xu Ran to be high.” Hun Mie lives to set firm resolve, the body black fog disseminates, prepares to give some messages with the mystique to Hun Clan. “不过即使要死,我也绝对要将这里的消息传到族里,徐然知道噬灵绝生阵的计划,绝对是我魂殿前所未有后之大敌。即使是古族的危险性都没有徐然高。”魂灭生下定决心,身上黑雾弥散,准备用秘法给魂族传递一些消息。 Hun Mie lives, don't waste your energy.” Xu Ran appears, Hun Mie lived dou qi that gushed out to contract instantaneously, 魂灭生,你还是别白费力气了。”徐然出现,魂灭生身上涌出的斗气瞬间收缩了回去, racing wells up dou qi subsides instantaneously. 奔涌的斗气更是瞬间平息起来。 Xu Ran, who are you?” 徐然,你到底是什么人?” Hun Mie lives, even if prepared dying, is seeing the Xu Ran's time, the ghost braves greatly. 魂灭生即使做好了死的准备,在看到徐然的时候,还是亡魂大冒。 Xu Ran takes to his fear even compared with Hun Tiandi. 徐然带给他的恐惧甚至比魂天帝更甚。 Who can know, on this day under actually conceals the powerhouse who such they are not knowing. 谁能知道,这天下却暗藏着这样一个他们所不知道的强者。 I? Who can I also be?” “我?我还能是什么人?” Xu Ran perplexed shrugging. 徐然不明所以的耸了耸肩。 Since I must die without doubt, can make me before know at the point of death your status is competent? Let me also die a happiness?” Hun Mie lives to look at Xu Ran, has the dead will. “既然我必死无疑,能不能让我在临死之前知道你的身份还有实力?让我也死个痛快?”魂灭生看着徐然,带着死志。 Xu Ran's conceals too many riddle points, if not clarify him dead with injustice unredressed absolutely. 徐然的身上藏着太多的谜点,如果不弄清楚他绝对会死不瞑目。 Moreover, he can guess faintly, the Xu Ran's strength is absolutely uncommon. 而且,他隐隐能够猜测到,徐然的实力绝对不凡。 By the Xu Ran's strength, if knows their Hun Clan is arranging to bite secretly spirit lives certainly, why will also sit waiting for death? Bites spirit lives certainly, once arrange/cloth good, the Dou Saint peak powerhouse must die even without doubt. 徐然的实力,如果知道了他们魂族在暗地里布置噬灵绝生阵,为什么还会坐以待毙?噬灵绝生阵一旦布好,就算是斗圣巅峰强者也必死无疑。 But, to side obviously knows that these have no movement slightly, this is one of the places in his heart most having doubts. Bites difficultly inadequately spirit lives to be tampered by Xu Ran certainly secretly? 可是,对方明明知道这些却丝毫没有什么动作,这是他心中最疑惑的地方之一。难不成噬灵绝生阵被徐然暗地里动了手脚? Biting spirit lives certainly, although the might is enormous, but I do not fear this strategy.” Xu Ran said lightly. Bites spirit lives certainly, can kill that type to enter existence of Dou Di initially, to him does not have any threat. “噬灵绝生阵虽然威力极大,但我可不怕这阵法。”徐然淡淡说道。噬灵绝生阵,也就能杀杀那种初入斗帝的存在而已,对于他来说没有任何威胁。 Your excellency may really be arrogant.” Hun Mie lives the ridicule to say. He looks forward to Xu Ran to be arrogant, has been arrogant, quite makes Hun Tiandi they some day guarantee the enmity for him. “阁下可真是自大啊。”魂灭生讥讽道。他巴不得徐然自大,一直自大下去,好让魂天帝他们有朝一日为他保仇。 Bites spirit lives a legend he to be very clear certainly, Hun Clan that can once cut to kill Dou Di with this strategy greatly. 噬灵绝生阵的传说他十分清楚,魂族的那位大能可是用这阵法将斗帝都曾斩杀过。 Xu Ran is strong, not possible to be always stronger than Dou Di. 徐然再强,总不可能比斗帝还强吧。 However now bites spirit lives to be been similar certainly . Moreover the position of eye he arranges, only then he knows Xu Ran not to destroy. If Xu Ran wants to make war with Hun Clan, even if Hun Tiandi nothing but will bite to live a might to display the pinnacle spirit certainly, but offers sacrifices Sheng Ming of less than half Central Plains life, even if did not have the Dou Di prestige to be still similar, he does not believe that Xu Ran can also not die. 不过现在噬灵绝生阵已经被他布置的差不多了,而且阵眼的位置只有他知晓徐然也别想破坏。如果徐然想和魂族开战,即使是魂天帝无非将噬灵绝生阵的威力施展到极致,但献祭小半个中州生灵的生命即使没有斗帝威能也差不多了,他不相信徐然还能不死。 „The first issue replied you, that present answers the second issue.” “第一个问题回答你了,那现在就回答第二个问题吧。” Hun Mie lives immediately the complexion dignifiedly looks at Xu Ran. He does not hope that Xu Ran is too strong, otherwise can be the Hun Clan archenemy. But he somewhat hopes that Xu Ran is more powerful, dies also calculates dead with no regrets in a peerless powerhouse hand. 魂灭生顿时脸色凝重的看着徐然。他不希望徐然太强,不然会是魂族大敌。可他又有些希望徐然强大一些,死在一位绝世强者手中也算死而无憾。 As for my status, was unable to tell you temporarily. However my strength......” “至于我的身份,暂时还不能告诉你。不过我的实力嘛……” Dou Di.” 斗帝。” Xu Ran teased. He extremely few has oneself real strength to humanity. Before they said to Xun'er, when only I am cracking a joke. The mainland knows his Dou Di strength also only has Zi Yan and Zhu Kun. 徐然戏谑道。他极少对人道出自己的真实实力。之前给薰儿她们说,都只当我是在开玩笑。全大陆知道他斗帝实力的也只有紫妍烛坤而已。 What?” “什么?” Is impossible!” “不可能!” On this day under possibly also has Dou Di to exist? Are you Ancient Emperor Tuo She?” “这天底下怎么可能还有斗帝存在?难道你就是陀舍古帝?” Hun Mie lives to be glassy-eyed, the Xu Ran's words shock him in the extreme. 魂灭生目光呆滞,徐然的话将他震撼的无以复加。 Dou Di, this is a how fearful boundary! The innumerable powerhouses yearn for it, but almost all people can only cherish hatred finally. 斗帝,这是一个何其可怕的境界啊!无数强者都向往之,可几乎所有人最终都只能饮恨。 So long as can cultivation Dou Saint is startled Yanyan's rare talent, then Dou Di is unattainable existence? 只要能够修炼到斗圣就已经是惊才艳艳的不世之材了,那么斗帝又是何等高不可攀的存在? Ancient Emperor Tuo She? I and he have not related. Made you experience the Dou Di strength at the point of death before.” Now if surrendered Hun Mie to live, making him unable to give birth to the heart of slight resistance, oneself refined the puppet also to be able him more relaxed. 陀舍古帝?我和他没有关系。也罢,临死之前让你见识一下斗帝的力量吧。”现在若是降服了魂灭生,让他生不出丝毫的抵御之心,那自己将他炼制成傀儡的话也能更加轻松。 On Xu Ran's, by the Xu Ran continuously seal the Dou Di source divulges, Dou Di that boundless boundless strength this side world cage, but on Xu Ran's were also many share dignified and sacred aura, even Xu Ran is an amiable person, appears under this type of aura has to plant does not get angry from the feeling of prestige. 徐然的身上,被徐然一直封印着的斗帝本源宣泄而出,斗帝那磅礴无边的力量将此方天地笼,而徐然的身上也多了份威严而神圣的气息,即使徐然是个再随和的人,在这种气息下都显得有种不怒自威的感觉。 The world changed the color in this moment, the world myriad things as if control in Xu Ran's hand, life and death all in Xu Ran in an instant. 天地在这一刻都变了颜色,天地万物仿佛都掌控在徐然的手中,生死全在徐然一念之间。 Hun Mie lives only felt oneself seem like in the world the tiny ephemeral fly, in the face of this absolute strength small and weak is ordinary like the ants. No wonder, Xu Ran clearly knows that they are making that preparation actually not to prevent. Xu Ran does not care about them, even if their noisy again big, looking like the ant is the same, who will care about the ant to fight to hit ominous? 魂灭生只觉得自己像是天地间渺小的蜉蝣,在这种绝对的力量面前弱小的如同蝼蚁一般。难怪,徐然明知道他们在做那种准备却丝毫不阻止。徐然根本不在乎他们,哪怕他们闹的再大,就像是蚂蚁一样,谁会在乎蚂蚁打架打的多凶呢? In the face of the absolute strength, all plan are fabricated. 在绝对的力量面前,一切谋划都是虚妄。 If Xu Ran really wants to act, even if started bit spirit lives unable to do to Xu Ran certainly absolutely. 如果徐然真的想出手,即使是发动了噬灵绝生阵也绝对奈何不了徐然 Dou Di! On this day under had has so powerful existence unexpectedly, what Hun Clan these movements was considered as? 斗帝啊!这天下有竟是有如此强大的存在,魂族的那些动作算得了什么呢? Hun Mie lives the both eyes delay to be atheistic, an unruly heart was routed by Xu Ran's in this moment completely powerful. Without the absolute powerhouse's heart, is not thinking to this grade of terrifying boundless strength after the experience positive enterprisingly and negative desperate will only lose hope even. 魂灭生双目呆滞无神,一颗桀骜的心在这一刻完全被徐然的强大击溃。如果没有绝对的强者之心,在见识到这等恐怖无边的力量之后不会想着积极进取而只会消极绝望甚至于心死。 But now the heart of Hun Mie god has then died. He has even imagined has the Hun Clan future. Hun Clan, only feared that equally will be more pitiful than past Xiao Clan. Offended Dou Di, will not have the means of livelihood. 而现在魂灭神的心便已经死了。他甚至已经想象出魂族的未来了。魂族,只怕会比当年萧族一样悲惨。得罪了斗帝,不会有活路的。 But, he does not have the means to tell Hun Tiandi this news them. He can only in underground look that Hun Tiandi they offend Xu Ran step by step, was treated as the toy the same as play greasily massacring by Xu Ran. 可是,他已经没有办法将这个消息告诉魂天帝他们了。他只能在地下看着魂天帝他们一步步得罪徐然,然后被徐然当做玩具一样玩腻了杀掉。
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