DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1303: The ghost braves greatly, Hun Mie lives the crazy escape

Xu Ran was swallowed by Void Devouring Flame on own initiative, Hun Mie lives to be delighted beyond measure. 徐然主动被虚无吞炎吞噬,魂灭生喜不自胜。 Xu Ran pulled rank, otherwise if, he has not really dared to say oneself can kill Xu Ran. Xu Ran was too strange, bites continually spirit lives to know certainly, who knows some Xu Ran also how many secrets? 徐然太托大了,如若不然,他还真的不敢说自己能够杀死徐然徐然太诡异了,连噬灵绝生阵都知道,谁知道徐然到底还有多少秘密? Regarding this unknown enemy, he truly is very frightened. 对于这种未知的敌人,他确实是很恐惧。 Xu Ran.” 徐然。” Heavy that Queen Medusa and Yue Mei frighten, sees Xu Ran by that strange flame surrounding, looks deathly pale. 美杜莎女王月媚吓的不轻,见徐然被那种诡异的火焰包围,脸色惨白。 Told you, this was the Heavenly Fire list flame ranked the second, so long as were swallowed no one to escape by him.” Hun Mie lives to see two female worries the expressions, saying of being pleased with oneself. In Hall of Souls, the Hun Tiandi strength is without doubt more powerful than Void Devouring Flame, may always be Hun Tiandi also needs to avoid Void Devouring Flame the strength of swallowing. Was really swallowed by Void Devouring Flame, even if Hun Tiandi does not think oneself can have the big assurance to escape. If the same cultivation, Hun Tiandi is not the Void Devouring Flame opponent. “告诉你们吧,这可是异火榜排名第二的火焰,只要被他吞噬没有谁能够逃脱得了。”魂灭生见两女担心的表情,沾沾自喜的说道。在魂殿,魂天帝的实力无疑是比虚无吞炎强大的,可总是是魂天帝也需要回避虚无吞炎的吞噬之力。被虚无吞炎真的吞了,纵使是魂天帝也不认为自己能有多大的把握逃出来。若是同等修炼,魂天帝都不会是虚无吞炎的对手。 The Heavenly Fire list ranks second! 异火榜排名第二! Initially, but the Green Lotus Core Flame fire gave Queen Medusa to bring the huge threat, but the Heavenly Fire list's second...... some might multi- terrifying of existence was in the legend to have she is also very clear. 当初,只是青莲地心火火都给美杜莎女王带来了巨大的威胁,而异火榜第二……这种属于传说中才会出现的存在的威力到底有多恐怖她也是十分清楚。 The Heavenly Fire itself/Ben is the world magical things, let alone is powerful Heavenly Fire ranked the second? 异火本就是天地灵物,更何况是排名第二的强大异火 Right?” “是吗?” I have said that ate to support.” “我说过,吃多了可是会撑死的。” In that endless black flame, the Xu Ran's sound passes on. 在那无尽黑炎中,徐然的声音传出来。 Void Devouring Flame that black person surface becomes the incomparable distortion, the whole person surface is inflating by a condition of distortion, then the explosion, scatters everywhere loudly. 紧接着,虚无吞炎那黑色人面变得无比的扭曲,整个人面以一种扭曲的状态膨胀着,然后轰然爆炸,散落漫天。 The Void Devouring Flame child fire, will really support! Moreover is explodes shatter, does not have the vitality again. Even if Hun Mie lives not to relate the Void Devouring Flame child fire again. 虚无吞炎子火,真的将自己撑死了!而且是自己爆炸破碎,再无生机。即使是魂灭生也再也联系不到虚无吞炎子火。 Really is the strength of swallowing? This Void Devouring Flame also is really some meanings. Even if only the child fire, can perhaps unable to have in that Purifying Lotus Demon Flame battle efficiency.” “果然是吞噬之力吗?这虚无吞炎还真是有些意思。纵使只是子火,恐怕都能有不下于那净莲妖火的战斗力。” But that Heavenly Fire ranked the first, Ancient Emperor Tuo She proclaiming oneself emperor flame, has the strength of swallowing. 而那排名第一的异火,陀舍古帝号称帝炎,也是拥有吞噬之力的。 When the hearsay in Ancient Emperor Tuo She is born had some mutations, making its spirit wisdom also compare other flame to be higher. Other Heavenly Fire, the birth later will cultivate in the place of birth with concentration. Generally is born the place that their places are most suitable they to cultivate. But Ancient Emperor Tuo She has actually moved along the place bottom, included other Heavenly Fire in Void Devouring Flame to swallow the Heavenly Fire list. 传闻在陀舍古帝诞生之际产生了些许异变,让它的灵智也比其他的火焰高一些。其他的异火,诞生之后都会在诞生之地潜心修炼。一般诞生它们的地方都是最适合它们修炼的地方。而陀舍古帝却是一直沿着地底移动,将异火榜包括虚无吞炎之内的其他异火都吞噬了。 Swallowed these flame, Ancient Emperor Tuo She was born, then soon after broke through Dou Di. 吞噬了这些火焰,陀舍古帝才出世,然后不久之后就突破斗帝 Xu Ran suspected, Ancient Emperor Tuo She this fellow is the Void Devouring Flame variation. 徐然都怀疑,陀舍古帝这家伙是不是虚无吞炎变异的了。 Void Devouring Flame can also swallow other Heavenly Fire, wants to make Void Devouring Flame even up these Heavenly Fire in this time basically is not not possible all of a sudden. 虚无吞炎也能吞噬其他异火,不过在这个时代想让虚无吞炎一下子找齐那些异火也基本不可能了。 Coming out how you possibly escape?” “你怎么可能逃的出来?” Moreover a little injury?” “而且一点儿伤势都没有?” Hun Mie lives the ghost to brave greatly, now his where hasn't known? Xu Ran also wants the powerful person compared with four demon Saints, perhaps only has Void Devouring Flame and Hun Tiandi in Hall of Souls can overpower Xu Ran. 魂灭生亡魂大冒,现在他哪里还不知道?徐然是比四魔圣还要强大的人,在魂殿恐怕只有虚无吞炎魂天帝才能制服徐然 The recombination Void Devouring Flame this time is assuming personal command personally, did this not obvious Xu Ran's strength achieve let the level that Void Devouring Flame must seriously treat? 再结合着虚无吞炎这次亲自坐镇,这不明摆着徐然的实力达到了让虚无吞炎都得认真对待的层次了吗? I know that Xu Ran will be all right.” “我就知道徐然会没事的。” „The Xu Ran's strength is so strong, how is this shameless fellow possibly victorious Xu Ran?” 徐然的实力那么强,这种无耻的家伙怎么可能打得过徐然?” Sees the Xu Ran broken fire, but also extinguishes that strange flame direct ocean, Queen Medusa and Yue Mei are excited being unable to restrain oneself, the face on that worried about the tears that hastily, but flows cancel. 看到徐然破火而出,还将那诡异的火焰直接溟灭,美杜莎女王月媚都是激动的不能自已,连忙将脸上那担忧而流下来的泪水抹去。 That belt/bring the beautiful eye pupils of some tears are actually annoying the person to love tenderly. 只是那带着些许泪光的美丽眼眸却是更惹人怜爱。 „Don't I mean? Your men I am strongest, on this day under can deal with my person not to live! Looked that my move catches him.” Xu Ran said with a smile. “我不是说了吗?你们的男人我是最强的,这天下能对付我的人还没生!看我一招将他擒住。”徐然笑道。 You are still boasting, others ran run!” The Medusa beautiful eye circulation, brings to act like a spoiled brat the meaning charmingly angry say/way. Charming of that sycophancy as if made by Heaven dares to reveal, crisp Xu Ran's bone, even the soul is trembles faintly. “你还在吹牛,人家跑都跑了!”美杜莎美目流转,带着撒娇般意味娇嗔道。那媚骨天成的妩媚敢流露出来,酥了徐然的骨头,连灵魂都是隐隐为之一颤。 Related with the snake, is the evildoer/monstrous talent!!! Inborn can the expert who the person attracts. 和蛇有关的,都是妖孽!!!天生就是能够将人魅惑的好手。 Queen Medusa and Yue Mei look that Xu Ran that must install an appearance of air/Qi of wave of Overlord before them, is somewhat funny. This fellow is so obviously strong, mentions the words to work, is to make the person feeling very intimate, looks like an inborn bad embryo to be the same. 美杜莎女王月媚看着徐然那股非要在她们面前装一波王霸之气的样子,都是有些好笑。这家伙明明那么强,说起话做起事来,却是让人感觉很亲近,就像是一个天生的坏胚一样。 But this also makes them want with Xu Ran to be intimate with. All day is gloomy a lover of face, can tease their happy spouses with one, naturally chooses the latter. The former only suits unrequited loves, is not suitable to live together. Let alone Queen Medusa they because originally is swayed by personal gains and losses with the vast gap of Xu Ran strength, Xu Ran also pulls closer the distance with them intentionally, so as to avoid they indulge in flights of fancy. 可这也让她们很想和徐然亲近。整天阴沉着一张脸的爱人,和一个能逗她们开心的爱人,自然是选后者。前者只适合暗恋,不适合一起生活。何况美杜莎女王她们本就因为和徐然实力的巨大差距而患得患失,徐然也是故意和她们拉近距离免得她们胡思乱想。 Tittered. Ok. Sir Xu Ran, that fellow real running of did not have the shadow.” Yue Mei is also smiles to make noise tenderly. By the Hun Mie fresh strength, escapes full power, such long time enough he ran to be very long. “噗嗤。好了。徐然大人,那个家伙真的跑的没影了。”月媚也是娇笑出声。以魂灭生的实力,全力逃跑,这么长的时间足够他跑出很久了。 Generally, only needs to this powerhouse one second, is enough their they to escape, Xu Ran gave Hun Mie to live let alone the most minute. 一般情况下,只需要给这种强者一秒钟的时间,就足以他们他们逃命,更何况徐然给了魂灭生大半分钟的时间。 Hun Mie lived to burst out the complete strength to escape at this time rapidly, but the little while time of Xu Ran speech has run away to the desert border. 魂灭生这时候早就迸发出全部力量飞速逃跑,只是徐然说话的这会儿功夫已经逃到沙漠的边境了。 The Dou Saint powerhouse, is on the run full power, reckless escape, the speed is truly scary. 斗圣强者,全力奔命,不顾一切的逃亡,速度确实是骇人的。 What a pity, what he meets is Xu Ran. 可惜,他遇到的是徐然 He cannot escape.” Xu Ran self-confident saying, the form disappears in Queen Medusa their line of sight. “他逃不掉的。”徐然自信的说道,紧接着身影消失在美杜莎女王她们的视线。 Fortunately fortunately. Xu Ran lasciviously but is actually not the misdemeanor.” “还好还好。徐然好色倒也不是坏事。” Hun Mie lives is almost the escape of combustion Sheng Ming, sees Xu Ran not to pursue, he of aura dispirited relaxes. 魂灭生几乎是燃烧生命似的逃命,见徐然没有追过来,气息萎靡的他松了一口气。 Of Xu Ran, in his eyes sufficiently and Hun Tiandi compared favorably. 徐然之强,在他眼里足以和魂天帝媲美了。 Just if were not Xu Ran they flirts with one another for show off and Queen Medusa, he was self-confident does not dare to say oneself can escape from Xu Ran's hand. 刚刚如果不是徐然为了装逼美杜莎女王她们打情骂俏,他再自信也不敢说自己能够从徐然的手中逃脱出来。 This short less than one minute of time, oneself had run out of the distance of thousand li (500 km). So long as try harder cloud mist sect round Void Devouring Flame to be safe and sound again. 这短短的一分钟不到的时间,自己已经冲出了千里的距离。只要自己再加把劲去云岚宗回合虚无吞炎就能安然无恙。 Hun Mie lives is so thinking, the next quarter was actually collision ruthlessly on a transparent air wall. 魂灭生如此想着,下一刻却是狠狠的撞在了一块透明的空气墙壁上。 Bang! 砰! Flight Hun Mie lives hit hardly in air rapidly on, Hun Mie lived cannot bear wail. The speed is faster, the strength of hitting is also bigger. 急速飞行的魂灭生撞在了坚硬的“空气”上,魂灭生也是忍不住哀嚎了一声。速度越快,撞上去的力道也就越大。 Stimulates to movement Hun Mie of emperor blood to live, direct half-length covered with blood. 催动帝血的魂灭生,直接半身血肉模糊。 Damn it, this is anything!” 该死的,这是什么东西!” Hun Mie lives frightened looks at present the hard barrier, oneself can also see outside scene obviously, but looked like the external force to lock in the space that oneself were was same, oneself in any event. 魂灭生恐惧的看着眼前坚硬的屏障,明明自己还能看到外面的景象,可是就像是外力将自己所处在的这片空间锁住了一样,自己无论如何都是冲不出去了。 Hun Mie lived to use own Heaven Class dou technique unable to break unexpectedly this space barrier. 魂灭生即使用上自己的天级斗技竟是都破碎不了这空间壁垒。 Hun Mie that does not believe in evil doctrines lives following this space wall is flying unceasingly, he does not believe that some people can control such big space all of a sudden. This type of energy wall has certainly the end, certainly is! 不信邪的魂灭生顺着这空间壁不断的飞行着,他不相信有人能够一下子控制住这么大的空间。这种能量壁一定是有尽头的,一定是! Hun Tiandi cannot achieve this thing absolutely! 就连魂天帝也绝对做不到这种事!
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