DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1302: Void Devouring Flame child fire

Sound wave attack?” “音波攻击?” If the soul force not strong person, really has in the possibility facing your move the move. However this type attacks to me is invalid.” “若是灵魂力不强的人,面对你这招还真的有可能中招。不过这种攻击对我无效。” Xu Ran stands there proudly, whatever Hun Mie fresh ten thousand soul worships the impact on his body, is without turning a hair as before, has probably not received any injury to be the same. 徐然傲然站在那里,任由魂灭生的万魂朝拜冲击在他的身上,依旧面不改色,像是没有受到任何伤害一样。 Actually Queen Medusa and Yue Mei their complexion is very ugly, although Xu Ran will attack to help them keep off, but Hun Mie lives the stimulation of movement Heaven Class dou technique to cause the world look changes the magnificent scene to let them with amazement. 倒是美杜莎女王月媚她们脸色很难看,虽说徐然将攻击全都帮她们挡下来了,可是魂灭生催动的天级斗技引起天地色变的大场面还是让她们骇然不已。 In Jia Ma Empire, Queen Medusa five-star Dou Ancestor Cultivation(Level) is peak. 加玛帝国,美杜莎女王五星斗宗修为就已经是最顶尖的了。 But Dou Ancestor also just can use the strength of space, among the Dou Saint powerhouses that the fearful strength of turning the hand for the cloud turning over the palm for the rain feels to shock. 斗宗也只是刚刚能够用上空间之力,对于斗圣强者之间那种翻手为云覆手为雨的可怕力量感到震撼。 Also at this time, they understand oneself small and weakly to what kind of degree. 也正是这时候,她们才明白自己弱小到了何等程度。 If crossed Hun Mie to live just wanted to kill them, shortly can make them be killed violently. 如过魂灭生刚刚想要杀她们的话,顷刻间就能让她们毙命。 Entire Snake-People insufficient Hun Mie lives to kill. 整个蛇人族都不够魂灭生杀的。 Initially Hun Tiandi made Hun Mie live, when Central Plains established Hall of Souls, to deter the outstanding heroes, Hun Mie lived has the Dou Saint big influence on conquer by killing these strongly. Trivial Snake-People, Hun Mie lives naturally cannot pay attention. 当初魂天帝魂灭生在中州建立魂殿的时候,为了威慑群雄,魂灭生可是将那些拥有斗圣的大势力都强势的血洗了一番。区区蛇人族,魂灭生自然不会放在眼里。 In the past, Hun Mie fresh conquering by killing, caused afterward so-called one palace one tower two of Central Plains dissemination and so on influence Dou Saint is the thin stockout is even Dou Saint does not even have. 当年,也正是魂灭生的血洗,导致后来中州传播的所谓一殿一塔二宗之类的势力连个斗圣都是稀缺货甚至是连斗圣都没有。 Central Plains that influence, even if the far Gu Family clan of most trash can conquer by killing. 中州那点势力,就算最垃圾的远古家族都能血洗一番。 Snort.” “哼。” The Hun Mie fresh complexion is very ugly. 魂灭生的脸色很难看。 He does not have to think from the beginning own adept ten thousand soul worships to Xu Ran to have any tremendous impact. Hun Clan is good at attacking the soul, actually copes with alchemist to be very relaxed, but did not have that big might regarding soul force ten points of strong alchemist. 他一开始就没有想到自己拿手的万魂朝拜能够对徐然造成什么大影响。魂族擅长攻击灵魂,其实对付炼药师十分轻松,但对于灵魂力十分之强的炼药师就没有那么大的威力了。 But Xu Ran this cool appearance, is to make him shock. 可是徐然这幅面不改色的样子,却是让他心里震撼不已。 Even if Xu Ran is strong, cultivates reaching the pinnacle Heaven Class dou technique facing oneself, the influence has not caused this still some too to be as if exaggerating. 就算徐然再强,面对自己修炼到登峰造极的天级斗技,一点儿影响都没有造成这似乎也有些太夸大了。 Even four demon Saints, do not dare to receive five-star Dou Saint Heaven Class dou technique to be right absolutely at will. 就算是四魔圣,也绝对不敢随意接下一位五星斗圣天级斗技才对。 I do not believe you to be able strong.” “我就不相信你能有多强。” You died, my Hun Clan millenniums plans can not be affected.” “等你死了,我魂族千年的计划才能不受到影响。” Hun Mie lives an eye blood red. 魂灭生一双眼睛已经血红。 Although he handles matters for the clan in also has the selfishness, but to the family is actually very loyal. Since Xu Ran knows their plan cannot make Xu Ran go on living absolutely. 虽说他为族里办事也有私心,但对家族却是十分忠诚。既然徐然知道了他们的计划就绝对不能让徐然活下去。 Made me use Void Devouring Flame to swallow you!” “就让我用虚无吞炎吞了你吧!” Hun Mie lives crazily floods into dou qi on jet black flame, the person surface that flame changes to becomes more and more greatly. 魂灭生疯狂的将斗气涌入到手上的漆黑火焰中,那火焰化作的人面变得越来越大。 Heavenly Fire, has the strange attribute flame. 异火,都是拥有奇异属性的火焰。 Especially got up the Heavenly Fire list first five these flame, each has very strong ability. 尤其是上了异火榜前五的那些火焰,各个都有很强大的能力。 Void Devouring Flame expensive/noble is Heavenly Fire list's second, is next to Ancient Emperor Tuo She naturally also to have own card in a hand, that then swallows. 虚无吞炎贵为异火榜第二位,仅次于陀舍古帝自然也有着自己的底牌,那便是吞噬。 Void Devouring Flame was born in the nihility, does not have to seek, invisible may grasp, is quite strange existence, was known as that swallows day to bite the thing of place, has is swallowing the energy of myriad things, in the world, only has the few life, just now can contend with that swallowing energy. 虚无吞炎生于虚无之中,无相可寻,无形可抓,是一种相当奇异的存在,号称吞天噬地之物,拥有着吞噬万物之能,天地之间,唯有寥寥可数的生灵,方才能够抗衡那种吞噬之能。 Escapes after Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, it then unceasing the swallowing soul with the help of Hun Clan attacks the emperor boundary soul. 古帝洞府逃出来之后,它便是在魂族的帮助下不断的吞噬灵魂来冲击帝境灵魂。 Depends on strength cultivation that swallows, by the Void Devouring Flame skill, it dares no wonder with Hun Tiandi such person cooperation. So long as gives it some time, its fearful degree must absolutely strong in Hun Tiandi. 靠着吞噬的力量修炼,以虚无吞炎的本事,也难怪它敢和魂天帝那样的人合作。只要给它一些时间,它可怕的程度绝对是要强于魂天帝的。 Initially, escaped from Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, Gu Yuan, Hun Tiandi, Zhu Kun is nine star Dou Saint peaks, but Void Devouring Flame also in dreadful growth , can therefore display they were weaker than Hun Tiandi. 当初,从古帝洞府逃出来的时候,古元,魂天帝,烛坤都已经是九星斗圣巅峰了,而虚无吞炎还在猥琐发育中所以才会表现的比魂天帝他们弱了许多。 Waited for the Void Devouring Flame real achievement the emperor boundary soul, only feared that first swallowed Hun Tiandi. These two people cooperate have had own axe to grind. 虚无吞炎真的成就了帝境灵魂,只怕第一个就是把魂天帝吞噬了。这两个人合作一直都是各怀鬼胎。 However the Void Devouring Flame swallowing ability truly is fearful. After Hun Tiandi becomes Dou Di, wants to swallow Void Devouring Flame not its grinding, instead was struck by the Void Devouring Flame treachery. Has it that swallows the ability, not possible easily to be swallowed by others. 不过虚无吞炎的吞噬能力确实是可怕。魂天帝斗帝之后想要吞噬虚无吞炎都没有将其磨死,反而被虚无吞炎倒戈一击。拥有吞噬能力的它,不可能被其他人轻易吞噬。 Void Devouring Flame in the Xu Ran's eye, is the growth potential not under the Ancient Emperor Tuo She fellow. But other Heavenly Fire and they planned compared with the incoming messenger incessantly. 虚无吞炎徐然的眼里,是成长性不下于陀舍古帝的家伙。而其他的异火和它们比起来差了不止一筹。 But the ability that swallows, Xu Ran is also naturally interested. 而吞噬的能力,徐然自然也十分感兴趣。 Does not know the lead who many knight-errant immortal hero fantasy articles depends on one to swallow the deep meaning galloping world. 不知道多少武侠仙侠玄幻文的主角就是靠着一手吞噬奥义驰骋天下的。 Haha. Feared? Although this is only the child fire but wants to cope with you to be enough.” Hun Mie lives to see Xu Ran not to speak for a very long time, instead is in a daze there, immediately is excited. “哈哈。怕了吧?虽然这只是子火但想来对付你已经足够。”魂灭生见徐然久久没有说话,反而在那里发呆,顿时激动不已。 Void Devouring Flame was known as that can swallow the world myriad things actually unable to swallow me. I feared that it ate too to support oneself.” Xu Ran teased. In his hand also gushed out the endless fearful flame. 虚无吞炎号称能吞噬天下万物可是却吞不下我。我怕它吃太多把自己撑死了。”徐然戏谑道。他的手上也是涌出了无尽可怕的火焰。 That and other flame presented time, this desert the temperature of burning hot rose several degrees unexpectedly. 那等火焰出现的时候,这片沙漠本就炙热的温度竟是又上升了好几度。 He is self-confident, own emperor fire is not inferior in the world any Heavenly Fire, even Ancient Emperor Tuo She is still the same, from the energy level, the emperor fire must be higher than Void Devouring Flame is too many. 他自信,自己的帝火不逊色于天下任何异火,即使是陀舍古帝也一样,从能量层次上,帝火要高出虚无吞炎太多。 However Void Devouring Flame the strength of swallowing truly makes him be interested. 不过虚无吞炎的吞噬之力确实让他感兴趣的。 Void Devouring Flame, depends on swallows to grow stronger. 虚无吞炎,就是靠着吞噬来变强的。 Swallows massive souls to be able the achievement emperor boundary soul, gives it to select Origin Qi to swallow, achievement Dou Di wants to come is very relaxed. 吞噬大量灵魂就能成就帝境灵魂,给它点源气吞噬,成就斗帝想来也十分轻松。 If had this ability, in the future will cultivate meets ten thousand li in a day surely, even does not depend on the system cultivation, the effect is still very considerable. 要是拥有了这种能力,日后修炼必定会一日千里,即使不靠系统修炼,效果也十分可观。 Good strange flame, is this Heavenly Fire?” “好诡异的火焰,这是异火?” Hun Mie lives looks on Xu Ran who dreads the strange flame, he has not seen Heavenly Fire of this appearance. Void Devouring Flame is the mainland flame ranked the second, walks upward may be the millenniums ago that Dou Di that. 魂灭生忌惮的看着徐然手上奇怪的火焰,他还从来没有见过这种样子的异火虚无吞炎是大陆排名第二的火焰,在往上走可就是千年前的那位斗帝了啊。 Swallowed it to me!” “给我吞了它!” So long as swallowed it, perhaps the child fire in my hand can also evolve, when the time comes even child fire not under any other flame.” “只要吞噬了它,说不定我手中的这株子火也能进化,到时候即使是子火也不下于其他任何火焰。” The Hun Mie fresh thoughts graze, had the greedy desire at heart. 魂灭生心思飞掠间,心里更是生出了贪婪的欲望。 The resources of which powerhouse are not snatch, even if in Hun Clan he can arrive at today also the road that snatches from the hand of clansman. Although Xu Ran is strong, but swallowed the Xu Ran's strength, perhaps oneself can go a step further, achieves four demon Saints the situations. 哪个强者的资源不是抢出来的,哪怕是在魂族他能走到今天也是从族人的手里抢出来的路。徐然虽强,但是吞噬了徐然的力量,说不定自己就能更进一步,达到四魔圣的地步。 Before Hun Mie lives the body, this person of surface BlackRock opened the giant blood-stained mouth, directly Emperor Xu Ran's fire swallowing. 魂灭生身前这人面黑岩张开了巨大的血口,直接将徐然的帝火一口给吞了进去。 The child fire is also intelligent, can see the flame in Xu Ran hand to have the huge strength, swallows the instinct makes its unscrupulous is swallowing all, even was the Xu Ran's body is even wrapped by this child fire. 子火也是有灵性的,能够看出徐然手中的火焰拥有多庞大的力量,吞噬本能让它肆无忌惮的吞噬着一切,甚至是连徐然的身体都被这子火包裹住了。 Haha. Was swallowed by Void Devouring Flame, is impossible also to have the possibility of returning alive.” Hun Mie lives to see Xu Ran to hide does not hide, whatever Void Devouring Flame swallows, cannot bear laughs loudly. “哈哈。被虚无吞炎吞噬,不可能还有生还的可能。”魂灭生见徐然躲都不躲,任由虚无吞炎吞噬,忍不住放声大笑。 Even these super powerhouses, to the strength of this secretive swallowing dreaded. 即使是那些超级强者,都对这种诡秘的吞噬之力十分忌惮。 Even four demon Saints, fought with him initially, under the general idea/careless by the flame of this child fire was swallowed to dissolve an arm instantaneously. 即使是四魔圣,当初和他交手,大意之下都被这株子火的火焰瞬间吞噬溶解了一条手臂。
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