DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1301: 1 words frighten ignorant Hun Mie to live

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ New] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[新]https://最快更新!无广告! Depends on you?” Xu Ran chuckle. “就凭你吗?”徐然轻笑一声。 Hun Mie lives, this person he will be will not let off absolutely, such a perfect fight puppet, will happen to refine to give him Xu Sect to guard the door. 魂灭生,这个人他是绝对不会放过的,这么完美的一具战斗傀儡,正好炼制出来给他徐门看门。 Worked as so many day waving the arms about storekeepers, cannot really anything not do. 当了这么多天的甩手掌柜,总不能真的什么都不做。 The terrible business on management he does not like managing, but makes several powerhouses to give Xu Sect to celebrate. 管理上的麻烦事他不爱管,但弄几尊强者来给徐门庆祝一下还是可以的。 Thinks. 想想。 The name shakes the Central Plains executioner, once led Hall of Souls to destroy completely several watch-dog that Hun Mie production that powerhouse influence that has Dou Saint for his Hall of Souls, should be what kind of interest. 名震中州的刽子手,曾经带领魂殿灭掉数个拥有斗圣的强者势力的魂灭生成为他魂殿的看门狗,该是何等的有趣。 That only feared that Hun Clan will really go crazy. 那只怕魂族真的会发狂吧。 Although previous time he killed Hun Clan several powerhouses, but these people are only the Hall of Souls powerhouse's unvalued in Hun Clan, even the Hun Clan people are not. But Hun Mie lives differently, he is not only the Hun Clan person, but also has a big position in Hun Clan, was regarded as important deeply. 虽说上次他杀死了魂族的几位强者,但那些人只是魂殿的强者在魂族中并不受重视,甚至连魂族的人都算不上。但魂灭生不一样,他不仅仅是魂族的人,而且在魂族中有着不小的地位,深受看重。 If Hun Mie lived to fall in his hand, was to heavy losses of Hall of Souls. 要是魂灭生落到了他的手里,才是对魂殿的一次重创。 I am somewhat curious, were your strategy arrangement completed? Without arranging, killed you, to make Hun Clan spit blood greatly?” Xu Ran said with a smile. “不过我有些好奇,你们的阵法布置完成了吗?要是没有布置完的话,把你杀了,岂不是让魂族大吐血了?”徐然笑道。 In the Hun Clan surface collects the soul to confuse Gu Clan, in the back plans to bite spirit lives certainly. He naturally knows as the person who knowing the plot moves toward. Thing that the strategy, this another he is interested in very much. Remembers website m. 魂族表面上收集灵魂迷惑古族,背地里谋划噬灵绝生阵。作为知道剧情走向的人他自然知道。阵法,这又一种他很感兴趣的东西。记住网址m. Bites spirit lives certainly, the strategy includes entire Central Plains together unexpectedly. Although this is Hun Clan planned the millenniums in the mainland the thing, but was also fearful enough. 噬灵绝生阵,一道阵法竟是将整个中州囊括。虽然这是魂族在大陆上谋划千年了的东西,但也足够可怕了。 If he can study some strategies, can arrange protects sect Dazhen and so on thing. 如果他能够研究一些阵法的话,就可以布置一些护宗大阵之类的东西。 When the time comes even if are not, so long as stimulated to movement the strategy still to be cut off most enemies. 到时候就算是自己不在,只要催动阵法也能阻隔绝大多数敌人了。 However the energy of general stimulation of movement strategy should only need monster core enough, but Hun Tiandi that antiquity strategy actually took trillion lives as the sacrifice, achieves degree that even Dou Di can extinguish kills. 不过一般的催动阵法的能量应该只需要魔核就够了,可魂天帝的那种上古阵法却是以亿万生灵为祭,达到了连斗帝都能灭杀的程度。 „Will you know these? Do you know from big Heavenly Ancestor their mouths? No, is impossible, they are impossible to know.” “你怎么会知道这些?难道你是从大天尊他们的口中知道的?不,不可能,他们也不可能知道。” In the Hun Mie fresh pupil showed the frightened expression for the first time. 魂灭生的瞳孔里第一次露出了恐惧的表情。 Biting spirit lives certainly is the Hun Clan biggest card in a hand! 噬灵绝生阵是魂族最大的底牌! Hun Tiandi had said that even if really presented Dou Di, depends on this strategy Hun Clan still to fight one fight. 魂天帝曾经说过,即使是真的出现了斗帝,靠着这种阵法魂族也能斗一斗。 Since the ancient times, the energy that the stimulation of movement strategy needs to use is higher, the might of strategy is stronger. But bites spirit lives to swallow the innumerable lives certainly. entire Central Plains was bitten spirit lives to cover certainly. 自古以来,催动阵法需要用到的能量越高,阵法的威力就越强。而噬灵绝生阵则是要吞噬无数生灵。整个中州都被噬灵绝生阵笼罩在内。 Bites spirit lives few to know in Hun Clan certainly personally. 噬灵绝生阵在魂族内部都没有几个人知道。 The person who under Hall of Souls works, only knows that according to his request arranges, does not know this matter. 魂殿下面做事的人,只知道按照他的要求去布置,根本不知道这件事。 Even, he believes, except for his working person, Hun Tiandi will not have bitten spirit lives a secret to tell anybody certainly. Initially, Hun Tiandi needs to arrange to bite spirit lives certainly, will make him establish Hall of Souls. 甚至,他相信,除了他这个做事的人,魂天帝没有将噬灵绝生阵的秘密告诉任何人。当初,也正是魂天帝需要布置噬灵绝生阵,才会让他建立魂殿 This huge secret, has been buried by him at heart, even if he dies will not say. 这个巨大的秘密,一直被他埋藏在心里,他就算是死都不会说的。 Once this strategy exposes, Hun Clan will receive Central Plains all influences on rally together to attack! 这阵法一旦暴露出去,魂族将会受到中州所有势力群起而攻之! Even before big Heavenly Ancestor they again at the point of death, told Hall of Souls to handle some secret things in secret, will not guess that absolutely bit spirit lives in certainly. Biting spirit lives a itself/Ben certainly is the sure-kill method that a Hun Clan Dou Di powerhouse keeps. In the antiquity period, this strategy buried many Dou Di powerhouses. Even Gu Clan, should not know to the Hun Clan card in a hand is so thorough. 即使大天尊他们再临死之前告诉了魂殿在暗中做一些秘密的事情,也绝对不会猜测道噬灵绝生阵上。噬灵绝生阵本就是魂族一位斗帝强者留下来的绝杀手段。在上古时期,这阵法埋葬了许多斗帝强者。即使是古族,也不应该对魂族的底牌知道的那么透彻而已。 Hun Mie lives somewhat becomes angry out of shame. 魂灭生有些恼羞成怒。 These fellows of far Gu Family clan, even if not recognize to bite spirit lives certainly, but still eagle-eyed, if made them know this strategy, that arrived at Hun Clan has to lift full power and mainland for the enemy the time. 古家族的那些家伙,即使认不出噬灵绝生阵,但也是有眼力的,要是让他们知道了这个阵法,那就到了魂族不得不举全力与全大陆为敌的时候了。 Hun Mie lives in a terrified way, this is not his matter, but concerned the Hun Clan life and death. 魂灭生惶恐不已,这已经不是他一个人的事了,而是关乎到了魂族的生死存亡。 Hun Clan, is absolutely impossible all of a sudden and powerhouse in entire mainland is an enemy. 魂族,绝对不可能一下子与整个大陆的强者为敌。 Hun Clan has not been ready. 魂族还没有做好准备。 Was said by me? The expression on your face is very interesting.” Xu Ran teased. “被我说中了吗?你脸上的表情很有趣。”徐然打趣道。 A few words, frighten the Hall of Souls palace lord are sweating profusely. Later can also become a edifying anecdote in mainland. 一句话,把魂殿殿主吓得满头大汗。以后也能成为大陆上的一桩美谈了。 Even if Hun Mie lives, psychological quality not compared with other person of high many. 纵使是魂灭生,心理素质也没有比其他人高多少嘛。 Frightened, is mood that all lives can have. Even if these fierce and ambitiouses is no exception. 恐惧,是所有生灵都会出现的情绪。纵使是那些枭雄也不例外。 Also not strange Hun Mie lives to frighten this, if Hun Tiandi knows that bit spirit lives a matter to be known by the bystander certainly, regardless of he were regarded as important also to meet a palm of the hand to pat him again. 也不怪魂灭生吓成这样,如果魂天帝知道噬灵绝生阵的事情被外人知道了无论他再被看重也会一巴掌拍死他。 He has not known, except for Xu Ran, but also there are others to know this matter. 他还不知道,除了徐然,还有没有别人知道这件事。 „Is this Xu Ran? Quite fierce.” “这就是徐然吗?好厉害。” Several words, make this Hall of Souls powerhouse become this appearance alarmed and afraid.” “几句话,就让这位魂殿强者惊惧成这个样子。” Queen Medusa and Yue Mei worship looks at Xu Ran, was loves in the bone to great man simply. 美杜莎女王月媚崇拜的看着徐然,对身边的这个伟岸的男子简直是爱到了骨子里。 This is the Hall of Souls palace lord! Even if they have not gone to Central Plains, can guess correctly overbearing and terrifying of this powerhouse. 这可是魂殿殿主啊!纵使是她们没有去过中州,也能猜到这位强者的霸道和恐怖。 But even the powerhouse of this rank how? In front of Xu Ran's, where also has the fierce and ambitious appearance? If Xu Ran said several, feared that do not frighten to wet pants. 但即使是这种级别的强者又如何?在徐然的面前,哪里还有枭雄的样子?要是徐然多说几句,怕不是都要吓尿裤子了。 Queen Medusa and Yue Mei look that Hun Mie lives has the smile of taunt. Similarly is the unparalleled powerhouse, Hun Mie lives is not the Xu Ran's opponent then begins to Xu Ran person, does not have any powerhouse demeanor. Let alone now this appearance, even if Hun Mie lives them is not afraid this person again. 美杜莎女王月媚看着魂灭生都带着嘲讽的笑容。同样是无双强者,魂灭生不是徐然的对手转而对徐然身边的人动手,根本没有任何强者风度。更别说现在这幅模样了,即使是魂灭生再强她们也不会害怕这种人。 Naturally, what they do not know, Xu Ran comes time seized these Xiao Family people. 当然,她们所不知道的是,徐然来的时候就将那些萧家的人抓走了。 Xiao Yan is unkind, do not blame his non- righteousness. 萧炎不仁,就别怪他不义。 The Xiao Family person, has no sentiment with him in any case. 反正萧家人,和他又没有什么感情。 Xiao Zhan has long known that Xiao Yan was unjust, moreover knows that Xiao Ding and Xiao Li are the homicides. Xiao Zhan so will also be silly, will that imagine own son to be that devil maliciously? Just to protect the family, putting pride in pocket has sought perfection. Really a good father, to kill when the time comes, can oppressive wave of Xiao. 萧战早就知道萧炎是被冤枉的,而且更知道萧鼎萧厉是他杀的。萧战又怎么会那么傻,会那么恶意的想象自己的儿子会是那种恶魔呢?只不过为了保护家族,才一直忍辱求全。真是一个好父亲啊,到时候杀了,又能虐一波萧某。 He, more and more probably a villain. 他,越来越像是一个反派了。 The person who except that oneself care about, the lives of as if all lives he does not care. When turns into this appearance? The time of as if just passing through fortunately, perhaps after powerful, is this. 除了自己所在乎的人,似乎一切生灵的性命他都不在乎。是什么时候变成这个样子的呢?似乎刚刚穿越过来的时候还好,或许实力强大之后都是这样吧。 When you are the weak one, will stand in the standpoint ponder of weak one. But when you grown stronger, you will stand in the thought ponder of powerhouse. Even, the lives of these people, your gearing brain pondered that they do need to continue to exist to be disinclined to think. 当你是弱者的时候,会站在弱者的立场思考。但当你变强了,你会站在强者的思维思考。甚至,那些人的性命,你连动脑子思考一下他们需不需要继续存在都懒得去想。 No wonder Sir Void Devouring Flame will care about you, even also sees you personally, it seems like your really a little thing. However so long as you died, the Hun Clan secret will not leak out. Gives me dead!” “难怪虚无吞炎大人会那么在意你,甚至还亲自来见你,看来你果然有点东西。不过只要你死了,魂族的秘密就不会泄露出去。给我去死!” ten thousand soul worships!” “万魂朝拜!” The innumerable say/way soul sound wave condenses before the Hall of Souls palace Lord body, at once changes into the sound Poly arrow to kill together toward Xu Ran. 无数道灵魂音波在魂殿殿主身前凝聚,旋即化为一道音波利箭朝着徐然杀过去。 By this simultaneously, Hun Mie lives the palm to find out slowly, one group of strange black inflammations emerge suddenly, the black flame tumbles, is faint to gather a face, swallowing strength, then in surges from the mouth of face. 以此同时,魂灭生手掌缓缓探出,一团诡异的黑炎陡然涌现而出,黑炎翻滚,隐隐间汇聚成一张人脸,一股股吞噬之力,便是自人脸的嘴中暴涌而出。
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