DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1307: Seizes hate of wife

Wait......” “等等……” „Did Hun Mie live...... dies?” 魂灭生……死了?” Void Devouring Flame felt the Void Devouring Flame child fire is breaks the relation unexpectedly, in the heart startled greatly. 虚无吞炎感受到虚无吞炎子火竟是和自己断了联系,心中大骇。 Although its child fire, but by having the might comes is not weak in any other Heavenly Fire. In the Heavenly Fire ranking mystical Heavenly Fire has, but Void Devouring Flame has disdained and these Heavenly Fire coexistence in a list. 虽说是它的子火,但论起威力来却是不弱于其他任何异火异火排行榜上神异的异火有许多,但虚无吞炎已经不屑于和那些异火共存于一份榜单上。 In his opinion, only then Ancient Emperor Tuo She and Void Devouring Flame can be powerful Heavenly Fire. Other such as Purifying Lotus Demon Flame wants on weak many. 在他看来,只有陀舍古帝和自己虚无吞炎才算得上是强大的异火。其他的诸如净莲妖火都要弱上许多。 By the Hun Mie fresh strength, with his child fire, the strength is absolutely good. Used skillful words, even if Cultivation(Level) is higher than Hun Mie to live the powerhouses of two sequence orders still to die in the Hun Mie poor hand. 魂灭生的实力,用上他的子火,实力绝对不俗。用的巧的话,即使是修为高于魂灭生两个位次的强者也有可能死于魂灭生手中。 However now child fire, since had an accident, Hun Mie lives only feared that was also more unfortunate than fortunate. 不过现在子火既然出事了,魂灭生只怕也凶多吉少了。 It seems like is really he. However these female family members, are really his words, will not watch these women surely.” Void Devouring Flame despises secretly. If not the person who Xiao Yan is regards as important, his where will use this method. “看来真的是他。不过这些女眷,真是他的话,必定是不会将这些女人看在眼里的。”虚无吞炎暗自鄙夷。如果不是萧炎是自己看重的人的话,他哪里会用这种手段。 However Xiao Yan shames others female family members, he will practice moderation the status is will not do that absolutely. 不过萧炎去羞辱人家的女眷也就罢了,他自持身份是绝对不会这么做的。 Moreover regarding Dou Saint following cultivator, a worldly desire has not abated will therefore like the female sexual attractiveness. Powerful cultivator will only use the thoughts in own strength, even if there are woman, still only the price when the idle times will while away the time, will unable to take seriously. 而且对于斗圣以下的修炼者来说,一颗凡心并未消退所以才会喜好女色。强大的修炼者只会将心思用在自己的实力上,即使是有女人,也只会当个闲余时候消遣的物价罢了,当不得真。 If oneself really threaten him with this method, but also cannot be laughed dead? 如果自己真的用这种手段去威胁他,还不得被笑话死? Void Devouring Flame naturally cannot think that Xu Ran is an exception. On the other hand, cultivated the powerful degree, was very pale to the thoughts of female sexual attractiveness, even if lascivious, but wanted with the sentiment to deeply is not possible. As all can see, various big shot are one person suppress all, even if there is a female friend still small and weak period to form ties. 虚无吞炎自然想不到徐然是個例外。话说回来,修炼到了强大程度,对女色的心思都很淡,即使好色但想要用情至深是不可能的。君不见,各种大佬都是一人镇压一切,即使有红颜知己也都是弱小时期结缘的了。 The Xu Ran cultivation larger part by the system, where has practiced properly. Even, Xu Ran will not have focused on the cultivation getting up, will therefore have the innumerable mixed desires. 徐然修炼一大半都是靠系统,哪里正经修炼过。甚至,徐然都没有将心思放在修炼上过,所以才会有无数杂欲。 However even if Void Devouring Flame held Yun Yun they, still and is not affected much regarding Xu Ran. 不过即使虚无吞炎抓住了云韵她们,对于徐然来说也并无大碍。 By the Xu Ran present strength, displays the Dou Di pressure on be able to make Void Devouring Flame unable to move, some threats, to him are really laughable. 徐然现在的实力,施展斗帝威压都能让虚无吞炎动弹不得,一些威胁,对他来说实在是可笑。 Xiao Yan still in unceasing going crazy, acts like a madman, the people who on strength extremely strong him the evil aura lets the entire cloud mist sect feel particularly uncomfortably. 萧炎还在不断的发狂,疯疯癫癫的,一身实力极强的他身上的邪恶气息让整个云岚宗的人都感到分外难受。 Nalan Yanran, you and Xu Ran harm today's this pitiful appearance me, actually has not known to repent, you and Xu Ran same Damn it!” 纳兰嫣然,你和徐然两人把我害成今日这幅凄惨的样子,竟然还不知悔改,你和徐然一样该死!” „When Yun Yun, your these people took advantage of me to be small and weak insulted me initially, now I take hundred times of report it!” “还有云韵,你们这些人一个个当初趁我弱小时欺辱我,现在我要百倍报之!” Xiao Yan looks below everyone, the hot palm brings the flaming roaring flame to divide together toward under. 萧炎看着下方的所有人,一道火掌带着熊熊烈焰朝着下方劈过去。 On below several hundred cloud mist sect elder and disciple burn the flaming black flame, in the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, merely is during several breath unexpectedly is by unravelling of direct firing. 下方数百云岚宗长老和弟子身上都燃烧起熊熊黑炎,在凄厉的惨叫声中,仅仅是数个呼吸之间竟是就被直接烧的灰飞烟灭。 All cloud mist sect disciple and elder eye of zi wants to crack, bitterly looks at Xiao Yan, dreads Xiao Yan to act very again. 所有的云岚宗弟子和长老都目眦欲裂,恨恨的看着萧炎,又十分畏惧萧炎再度出手。 Since you look down upon me, that lets me clean that you slaughter.” The Xiao Yan hatred clears off everyone's vision, suddenly laughs loudly. “既然你们都看不起我,那就让我把你们屠杀的一干二净。”萧炎怨毒将所有人的目光一扫而光,突然放声大笑起来。 He truly is a poor man, was harmed by despicable Xu Ran, currently not only has the family/home unable to return is loathed by everyone discredited. 他确实是个可怜人,被卑鄙的徐然所害,现在不仅仅有家不能回更是声名狼藉被所有人厌恶。 In cloud mist sect person, besides dreading him, the dislike of eyeground is unable to conceal. 云岚宗中人,除了畏惧他之外,眼底的厌恶更是无法掩饰。 Initially Xiao Yan shouldered the innumerable infamy in cloud mist sect, a waste also dares to have what relations with Nalan Yanran is big of slippery world checks simply. Moreover the Xiao Yan's strength trash, so many years is unable to break through Dou Practitioner, in all person eyes is a waste. 当初萧炎在云岚宗中就背负无数骂名,一个废物也敢和纳兰嫣然有什么关系简直是滑天下之大稽。而且萧炎的实力垃圾,那么多年都无法突破斗者,在所有人眼里就是一个废物。 At that time even if has not seen Xiao Yan, they loathed about Xiao Yan. 那时候即使没有见过萧炎,他们就对萧炎十分厌恶。 But now, Xiao Yan, although powerful arrived to threaten the situation of cloud mist sect sufficiently, but his behavior satanically was to let them hates. Miss Nalan Yanran had not married Xiao Yan fortunately initially, otherwise, falls into the hand of this devil extremely to be a pity. 而现在,萧炎虽然实力强大到了足以威胁到云岚宗的地步,可他恶魔般的行为更是让他们憎恶。还好当初纳兰嫣然小姐没有嫁给萧炎,不然的话,落入这种恶魔的手中岂不是太过可惜。 Xiao Yan your trash, even your strength got up is still a trash!” 萧炎你这个垃圾,即使你实力起来了也是个垃圾!” cloud mist sect disciple the mentality in this frightened shadow collapses finally, cursed to Xiao Yan air-splitting. Even Xiao Yan were powerful, he looks down upon Xiao Yan in the same old way. Xiao Yan cannot compare 1/1000 of Sir Xu Ran, where comparing favorably with legend will only threaten Sir Xu Ran in woman to be powerful? 有一位云岚宗弟子终于是在这种恐惧的阴影中心态崩溃,对萧炎破空大骂。即使萧炎强大了,他照样瞧不起萧炎萧炎徐然大人的千分之一都比不上,只会威胁女人哪里比得上传说中的徐然大人强大? Your Damn it!” “你该死!” The Xiao Yan sound is hoarse, the flame is hit together from the hand, that person immediately by clean that the flame burns. 萧炎声音沙哑,一道火焰从手中弹过去,那人顿时被火焰烧的一干二净。 Xiao Yan you had the skill to kill us, Sir Xu Ran will revenge for us.” 萧炎你有本事就把我们杀了,徐然大人会为我们报仇的。” Xiao Yan, the person's back of your despicable and shameless disciple for a lifetime unforgettable Sir Xu Ran.” 萧炎,你这种卑鄙无耻之徒一辈子都难忘徐然大人之项背。” The sounds of innumerable denouncing from pass on all directions. 无数声讨的声音从四面八方传出来。 Originally to the Xiao Yan frightened incomparable cloud mist sect disciple knew at this moment was difficult to escape dies instead does not fear Xiao Yan, cursed to Xiao Yan air-splitting. The past waste is tyrannical today, this made them to the Xiao Yan's hatred thicker. 本来对萧炎恐惧无比的云岚宗弟子此刻自知难逃一死反而不怕萧炎了,对萧炎破空大骂。往日的废物今日强横起来了,这让他们对萧炎的恨意更浓了。 Since is the waste must make the waste for a lifetime, why can rise? 既然是废物就要一辈子做废物,为什么要崛起? Silence!” “肃静!” cloud mist sect deep place long howl periphery all reviles the sound to suppress. 云岚宗深处一道长啸声将周围的所有唾骂声镇压下来。 „Below cloud mist sect taking office sovereign Yun Shan, pays a visit Sir Xiao Yan.” Yun Shan worships on bended knees on the ground, respectful salutes to Xiao Yan. “在下云岚宗上任宗主云山,拜见萧炎大人。”云山跪拜在地上,恭敬的对萧炎行礼。 „? Takes office sovereign?” Xiao Yan disdains looks at Yun Shan. “哦?上任宗主?”萧炎不屑的看着云山 „. If Sir Xiao Yan is willing to forgive in the next dog's life, after cloud mist sect, is an Sir.” Yun Shan was frightened heavily by the Xiao Yan's momentum. He sees the so terrifying powerhouse for the first time, is powerful compared with Xu Ran. “正是。如果萧炎大人愿意饶了在下一条狗命,云岚宗以后就是大人的了。”云山萧炎的声势吓得不轻。他还是第一次见到如此恐怖的强者,比起徐然还要强大。 In his opinion, Xiao Yan has grown to compared with the Xu Ran also fierce degree. 在他看来,萧炎已经成长到比徐然还厉害的程度了。 Xu Ran fiercest is the refine the pill of immortality, but Xiao Yan that mean strength can actually want his life. 徐然最厉害的不过是炼丹,可是萧炎那种阴狠的实力却是能要他的命。 „Is trivial cloud mist sect, what trash?” “区区云岚宗,算什么垃圾?” Xiao Yan now is the Hun Clan person, is the person who Void Devouring Flame regards as important , the position does not miss many compared with the Hun Clan elder. cloud mist sect in the Xiao Yan's eyesight is a trash. 萧炎现在是魂族的人,是虚无吞炎十分看重的人,地位比起魂族长老来说也不差多少。云岚宗在萧炎的眼力就是个垃圾。 Yun Shan sees Xiao Yan to spurn cloud mist sect the degree somewhat to despair, but next quarter he then thought of anything. 云山萧炎将云岚宗唾弃到如此程度有些绝望,不过下一刻他便想到了什么。 Yun Yun is my cloud mist ancestor's first beautiful woman, is my disciple, teacher for a day father for a lifetime, if the Sir wants me Yun Yun to betroth to you.” Yun Shan thinks of gratitude and grudges between Xiao Yan and Xu Ran, immediately respectful saying. 云韵是我云岚宗第一美人,更是我的弟子,一日为师终生为父,如果大人想要我可以将云韵许配给您。”云山想到萧炎徐然之间的恩怨,立刻恭敬的说道。 Haha? I have not thought that also has this relations? Ha. Master Yun Yun's? Interesting!” Xiao Yan excited hearty laughter. “哈哈?我怎么没想到还有这层关系?哈哈哈。云韵的师父吗?有意思!”萧炎激动的放声大笑。 If married Yun Yun, can report Xu Ran to seize hate of wife initially. Xu Ran seized Nalan Yanran initially, that he can win Yun Yun now. Moreover Yun Shan is the Yun Yun's teacher, had the Yun Shan notarization, the world does not dare to say anything. 如果将云韵娶了,也能报当初徐然夺妻之恨。徐然当初夺走纳兰嫣然,那现在他可以夺走云韵。而且云山云韵的师尊,有云山公证,世人也不敢说什么。
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