DDCTGFD :: Volume #13

#1293: Shock of Han Yue and Xinlan

Less than one year, six refine the pill of immortality masters, this is anomaly how! 不满一年,六品炼丹师,这是何其的变态! Was the refine the pill of immortality, so simple? 炼丹,难道都这么简单了吗? The research compounded drug, does not require the time? 研究丹药,难道不需要时间的吗? Xinlan and Han Yue expressed that did not understand. Even if not alchemist, Han Yue still knows that the refinement compounded drug has many are not easy, controls the fire, to so many medicinal herbs property understanding, but also needs to memorize the pill prescription wait/etc. 欣蓝韩月都表示不理解。即使不是炼药师,韩月也知道炼制丹药有多不容易,控火,对那么多药草药性的了解,还需要熟记丹方等等。 Such the female of evildoer/monstrous talent unexpectedly is oneself Senior Sister, bah, Teacher's wife, not......, if she in the future and Xu Ran in the same place, should call her elder sister? Therefore when the time comes, how should she call her? 这样妖孽的女性竟然是自己的师姐,呸,师娘,不……如果她未来和徐然在一起了的话,是不是该叫她姐姐?所以到时候,她该怎么称呼她呢? Immediately you can understand, when you obtain my alchemist inheritance, will not compare her to be bad many. Closes the eye, holds the breath with rapt attention.” Xu Ran looks to Xinlan. “马上你就能明白了,等你得到我的炼药师传承,不会比她差多少的。闭上眼睛,屏息凝神。”徐然看向欣蓝 The Xinlan associative compound, according to Xu Ran said hastily will adjust the optimum condition. 欣蓝会意,连忙按照徐然所说将自己调整到了最佳状态。 A huge information transmits in the Xinlan mind from Xu Ran's hand. So many compounded drug knowledge, almost included in the mainland few all compounded drugs home remedies, compounded drug that many Xu Ran study. Actually the compounded drug of Xu Ran research, then studies according to the characteristics of compounded drug, similarly the compounded drug of use, Xu Ran research compounded drug pill prescription and mainland winning side general has very big difference. 紧接着,一股庞大的信息从徐然的手中传递到欣蓝的脑海里。那么多丹药知识,几乎囊括了大陆上鲜有的所有丹药的丹方,还有许多徐然自己研究的丹药。其实徐然研究的丹药,都是根据丹药的特性然后自己研究出来的,同样用途的丹药,徐然研究的丹药的丹方和大陆上风通用的都有着很大的区别。 Moreover, the knowledge of compounded drug, is Xinlan they have not understood. 而且很多,丹药的知识,都是欣蓝他们都没有了解过的。 Four alchemist, only need to refine tier four pill to be able in Alchemist's Guild through inspecting to become four alchemist. Although Xinlan is four alchemist, the tier four pill type that but she can refine are not many, basically is on the main road the general these compounded drugs. But Xu Ran taught to her pill prescription are too many. 四品炼药师,只需要能够炼制出一颗四品丹药就能在炼药师工会通过考核成为四品炼药师欣蓝虽然是四品炼药师,但她能够炼制的四品丹药的种类并不多,基本上都是大路上通用的那些丹药。而徐然传授给她的丹方就太多了。 Moreover Xu Ran teaches to her one completely, in the future can research and develop passing through of compounded drug thoroughly. 而且徐然传授给她一条完整的,未来可以自己深入研发丹药的途经。 After the characteristics of various types of compounded drugs completely grasp, can act according to the characteristics of medicinal herbs from the research pill prescription. 对各种丹药的特性完全掌握之后,就能根据药草的特性来自研丹方了。 In mainland many compounded drugs, is innumerable alchemist after many attempts tries, the people who sometimes invent this/should compounded drug are not clear, why in addition these taste medicinal herbs will only have that response, was tries in any case. 大陆上很多丹药,都是无数炼药师经过很多次尝试后试出来的,有时候连发明该丹药的人都不明白,加了那些味药材只会为什么会产生那种反应,反正就是试出来了。 But now, most alchemist are refines the compounded drug according to the pill prescription then. Regarding its principle, has a smattering of knowledge radically. 而现在,大多数炼药师更是只是根据丹方炼制出丹药即可。对于其原理,根本就是一知半解。 „The alchemist knowledge of quite comprehensive, good system.” “好全面,好系统的炼药师知识。” Xinlan came from the alchemist aristocratic family, although Ye Family was separated from Pill Tower but also in other alchemist families compared with the mainland to want fierce many. But is well below Xu Ran instruction 1% in the alchemist inheritance of Ye Family in her opinion, even 1/1000. 欣蓝出身炼药师世家,尽管叶家脱离了丹塔但也比大陆上其他炼药师家族要厉害的多。可是在叶家炼药师传承在她看来远远不及徐然传授的百分之一,甚至千分之一都不到。 But explaining in detail and pertinent analyses of Xu Ran to these compounded drugs, can make her understand why must refine, rather than inflexible according to the learn/study of unilateral step mechanical type. 徐然对那些丹药的详解和一针见血的剖析,更是能够让她明白为什么要这么炼制,而不是死板的照着单方的步骤机械式的学习。 On this point, wins world all alchemist. 就这一点,完胜天下所有炼药师 Now Xinlan believes, Xu Ran absolutely is in the mainland the fiercest refine the pill of immortality master, is stronger than Pill Tower that several. Even Pill Tower these alchemist, absolutely do not have thoroughly so to the cognition of refine the pill of immortality. 现在欣蓝相信,徐然绝对是大陆上最厉害的炼丹师,比丹塔的那几位还要强。即使是丹塔的那些炼药师,对炼丹的认知也绝对没有如此的透彻。 Let alone, the inheritance technique of this type of compounded drug, like letting her contacts the Xu Ran's brain personally, making her know Xu Ran to compounded drug thinks to think. 更别说,这种丹药的传承术,如同让她亲自的接触到徐然的大脑,让她知道徐然对丹药的所思所想。 This was really great! 这实在是太伟大了! She has the self-confidence very much, gives her several months, she can completely grasp the compounded drugs of four refine the pill of immortality, then attacks five refine the pill of immortality masters! 她很有自信,给她几个月的时间,她就能完全掌握四品炼丹师的丹药,然后冲击五品炼丹师! Thanks the master to help.” “谢谢师父成全。” Xinlan kneels on the ground again, grateful saying. 欣蓝再度跪在地上,感激的说道。 Xinlan is not silly, this alchemist inheritance, if appears in the world, that will make existence that eight nine chief ministers of state alchemist can raid. This is the true most complete alchemist inheritance. 欣蓝不傻,这种炼药师传承,要是出现在世界上,那是会令八品九品炼药师都会哄抢的存在。这是真正的最强最完整的炼药师传承。 Xu Ran gave her the inheritance of this rank unexpectedly! 徐然竟然将这种级别的传承都给她了! Now she only thinks that Xu Ran wants her life even, she can still absolutely giving Xu Ran without hesitation. Xu Ran gave her thing is too precious, precious she does not know how should return Xu Ran. 现在她只觉得徐然就算是要她的命,她也绝对会毫不犹豫的交给徐然徐然给她的东西太珍贵了,珍贵的她都不知道该如何回报徐然了。 If Xu Ran likes her body, she will not have any resistance. 如果徐然喜欢她的身体,她也不会有任何的抵抗。 Heavy that Han Yue earnest and venerates the expression that shakes by Xinlan that wants to come is also Xinlan obtained the astonishing advantage on Xu Ran's, otherwise Xinlan will not show this look absolutely. The alchemist aristocratic family family background, Xinlan is also the person of seeing the world. 韩月欣蓝那股认真和尊崇的表情震的不轻,想来也是欣蓝徐然的身上得到了惊人的好处,不然欣蓝绝对不会露出这种神色。炼药师世家出身,欣蓝也是见过世面的人。 Regarding this, she is also very happy. For these days and after Xinlan knew, she and Xinlan relations also became very good. Xinlan can also Xu Ran's regard as important, in the future they can also frequent in the same place, is the Jia Nan Academy family background, in the future can also have to take care. 对此,她也很开心。这几天和欣蓝认识之后,她和欣蓝的关系也变得很不错。欣蓝也能够得到徐然的看重,未来她们也能经常的在一起,同是迦南学院出身,未来也能有个照应。 Then was you. My some dou technique, you should be able to use on.” Regarding Han Yue, Xu Ran does not have any to teach her actually, can only oneself occasionally the senseless time some dou technique that studies give her. “接下来就是你了。我这里有一些斗技,你应该能够用的上。”对于韩月,徐然倒是没有什么好教她的,只能将自己偶尔无趣的时候研究的一些斗技给她。 However even so, Han Yue is also likes. 不过即使如此,韩月也是欢喜不已。 These dou technique, are all demonstrating in her mind together with the details of various cultivation. Only needs itself to train, quick can completely grasp it. 这些斗技,连同着各种修炼的细节全都展示到了她的脑海里。只需要自己多训练,很快就能将其完全掌握。 If you go to Jia Nan Academy teaching, will be very certainly popular.” Han Yue expression strange saying. “要是你去迦南学院授课的话,一定会十分受欢迎的。”韩月表情怪异的说道。 She does not know how Xu Ran achieves, but Xu Ran's this approach can enable cultivator to master a vast amount of knowledge instantaneously, reduced too much study schedules. Moreover grasps, but also basically is the correct principles. 她也不知道徐然是怎么做到的,但是徐然的这种做法瞬间就能让修炼者掌握到大量的知识,减少了太多的学习时间。而且掌握的,还基本都是正理。 Forget it. Teaches also needs to pay some prices to your things to me, even I cannot teach intemperately.” The advantage gave, naturally must sell wave of miserable, further obtained their hearts. “得了吧。传授给你们这些东西对我来说也是需要付出一些代价的,即使是我也不能无节制的传授。”好处都给出去了,自然要卖一波惨,进一步得到她们的心。 This?” “这样吗?” Han Yue and Xinlan elegant face changed the color instantaneously, somewhat guilty and tender looks at Xu Ran. 韩月欣蓝俏脸瞬间变了颜色,有些愧疚和怜惜的看着徐然 Also yes, such mysterious matter, was Xu Ran spends certainly very big price to be successful. Otherwise, Xu Ran was in the world everywhere the talent? 也是,这样神奇的事情,一定是徐然费了很大的代价才成功的。不然的话,岂不是徐然天底下到处都是天才了? Your body now how? Doesn't have the issue?” “你身体现在怎么样?没有问题吗?” Both females are tense. 两女都是紧张起来。 Do not worry, I somewhat was tired, making me rest a while to be good.” Xu Ran had under the yawn, lay down on the leg of Han Yue rested satisfied, a pair of hand walked randomly on the body of Han Yue, made Han Yue has bit the silver tooth for fear that to exude any strange sound. “别担心,我只是有些累,让我睡一会儿就好了。”徐然打了下哈欠,又躺在韩月的腿上惬意的睡了起来,一双手更是在韩月的身上游走,弄的韩月一直咬着银牙生怕发出什么怪声来。 Obtained from Xu Ran's was so good, she was also complete immersing in Xu Ran's gentle. Therefore regarding the Xu Ran's petty action, although is shy, but many feeling are happy cheerful. 徐然的身上得到了这么好,她也是完全的沉醉在徐然的温柔中。所以对于徐然的小动作,虽然害羞,但更多的感受是幸福的欢快。 Can be loved tenderly by Xu Ran, to her, is a luck. 能够被徐然怜爱,对她来说,是一种幸运。 World wants to have numerous number with the female who Xu Ran climbs up the relations, because she had this opportunity in Jia Nan Academy exactly, therefore she treasures very much. Whatever the Xu Ran's hand finger/refers drills her to tacitly consent like the earthworm. 世间想要和徐然攀上关系的女子多不胜数,只是因为她恰好在迦南学院才得到了这个机会,所以她很珍惜。任由徐然的手指像蚯蚓一样钻来钻去她都是默许的。 Xinlan rubs to pinch the body to Xu Ran, while is also the strange resistance the attack of Xu Ran nimble and resourceful tip of the toe. 欣蓝一边给徐然揉捏着身体,一边也是怪异的抵御着徐然灵动的脚尖的袭击。
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