DDCTGFD :: Volume #13

#1294: Came the system task?

Han Yue and Xinlan suddenly and Xu Ran approaches, as if there is very close relations, the Xu Ran's name spreads in the entire inner courtyard, entire Jia Nan Academy knew the Xu Ran's name quickly. 韩月欣蓝突然和徐然走近,似乎有着十分亲密的关系,徐然的名字在整个内院流传,整个迦南学院都是很快知道了徐然的名字。 Some well-informed inner courtyard talents also gradually knew from the mouth of elders about the Xu Ran's news, even knows that Xu Sect is the influence that Xu Ran founds. 一些消息灵通的内院天才也渐渐的从长老们的口中知道了一些关于徐然的消息,甚至知道徐门就是徐然所创建的势力。 Xu Ran becomes Jia Nan Academy most mystical existence. Moreover they also understand that gradually recently repeatedly in the school presented relates in the outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman and Xu Ran's who is not simple. 徐然成为迦南学院最神秘的存在。而且他们也渐渐明白最近频频在学院内出现的绝色美女和徐然的关系都不简单。 Host Elder Brother. Hall of Souls has started to leave.” Wears a pink long skirt, system little sister arrives at side Xu Ran's slowly. Her body brings differently with the average man special fragrant sufficiently all people who smell this fragrance are not oneself. “宿主哥哥。魂殿已经开始动身了呢。”穿着一身粉色长裙,系统小姐姐缓缓来到徐然的身边。她的身上带来与常人不同的特殊芬芳足以将所有嗅到这股香气的人神魂颠倒。 Moreover there is Xiao Yan to supply ideas, they might very much make a move Oh. to Snake-People and Jia Ma Empire “而且有萧炎出谋划策,他们很有可能会对蛇人族加玛帝国出手哦。 Ding, asking the host to complete the task: Annihilates Hall of Souls all enemies, rescues by cloud mist sect and Snake-People tribe of Hall of Souls attack.” “叮,请宿主完成任务:歼灭魂殿所有敌人,救下被魂殿袭击的云岚宗和蛇人族部落。” Duty reward: Emperor product Danyao inherits.” “任务奖励:帝品丹药传承。” In the Xu Ran's mind broadcasts very long had not heard the delightful sound suddenly. That sound is simply of pleasant to hear than Xiao Wu Xun'er their pretty sounds in the Xu Ran's ear. 徐然的脑海中突然传来了一阵很久没有听到过的悦耳声音。那声音在徐然的耳朵里简直比小舞薰儿她们的娇滴滴的声音更加好听。 System can little sister arrange the duty?” Xu Ran swallows the saliva. “系统小姐姐又能安排任务了?”徐然吞了吞口水。 Without the help of system little sister, fair promotion strength, cannot say that own strength has not been increased completely, was only the strength to his situation, did not open words him who hung to cultivate the speed quick increase first-level possibly to need several years of even dozens years even again. 没有了系统小姐姐的帮助,中规中矩的提升实力,也不能说自己的实力完全没有提升,只是实力到了他这种地步,不开挂的话即使他修炼速度再快提升一级都可能要好几年甚至好几十年。 This is opens hangs with the difference that does not open hangs. 这就是开挂和不开挂的区别。 Yes. Hee hee. My previous evolution was completed is OK. After the host Elder Brother needs oneself all abilities are increased to highest level, to be able better goes to other different world to open hangs.” System little sister sweet saying. “是啊。嘻嘻。我上次进化完成就可以了。宿主哥哥需要将自己所有的能力都提升到最顶级之后才能更好的去其他的异世界开挂呢。”系统小姐姐甜甜的说道。 Since the host Elder Brother is so powerful, she does not think the host Elder Brother went to other world became too weak. 既然宿主哥哥已经这么强大了,她可不想宿主哥哥去了其他的世界就变得太弱。 Even later went to other world, the host Elder Brother can still certainly open fiercest hanging. 即使以后去了其他的世界,宿主哥哥也一定能开最猛的挂。 Although Xu Ran is Dou Di, but hermetic art and so on thing, has not reached the top. 徐然虽然已经是斗帝,但炼丹术之类的东西,并没有达到顶级。 Closes right up against itself to ponder over, can refine the emperor compounded drug in the short time? Eh, this compared with external also external. Even Xu Ran, after becoming nine chief ministers of state alchemist, was slow on the promotion. 靠着自己琢磨,就能在短时间能炼制帝品丹药?额,这比外挂还外挂。即使是徐然,成为九品炼药师之后就提升缓慢了。 Xu Ran closes right up against itself most foundation the understanding of deep meaning in various world, can therefore create some compounded drugs fast. This is the property of Xu Ran basis most foundation creates some compounded drugs, does not need the pill prescription to achieve. 徐然靠着自己对各种天地间最基础的奥义的理解,所以能够快速的创造出一些丹药。这是徐然根据最基础的药性来创造一些丹药,不需要丹方就能做到。 The Xu Ran itself/Ben is Dou Di, under the thing regarding Dou Di boundary understood that is very relaxed. 徐然本就是斗帝,对于斗帝境界之下的东西理解起来很轻松。 But if wants to become emperor alchemist, was very troublesome. Refines emperor product Danyao these foundation medicinal herbs is world is most precious the most mystical thing, Xu Ran cannot understand completely their characteristics, want to refine the emperor compounded drug is not not possible. 可是如果想要成为帝品炼药师的话,就很麻烦了。炼制帝品丹药的那些基础药材都是世间最珍贵最神秘的东西,徐然也不能完全明白它们的特性,想要炼制帝品丹药就根本不可能。 Moreover there is a puppet technique and so on, Xu Ran are also most can refine the Dou Saint puppet. 而且还有傀儡术之类的,徐然也最多能够炼制斗圣的傀儡。 However if has system little sister, he regarding this class familiarity can absolutely the quickest achieving top. 不过如果有系统小姐姐在,他对于此类的精通绝对能够最快的达到顶级。 Really crisp.” Xu Ran licked the lip. “真爽啊。”徐然舔了舔嘴唇。 He is familiar with open by system little sister hangs. 他还是习惯靠系统小姐姐开挂。 What depends on itself to cultivate the comprehension and so on, that was also too slow. As a lazy dog, oneself compel painstakingly the cultivation that studies anything are not his personality. 什么靠自己修炼领悟之类的,那也太慢了。作为一个懒狗,自己苦逼的修炼学习什么的不是他的性格。 In any case, the system little sister soft food, he was eats. 反正,系统小姐姐的软饭,他是吃定了。 „The psychological activity of host Elder Brother also is really rich.” System little sister completely understood the Xu Ran's idea, shames angry white Xu Ran. In the past, she is looked that the host Elder Brother has had the idea of harem to select him. “宿主哥哥的心理活动还真是丰富呢。”系统小姐姐看透了徐然的想法,羞恼的白了徐然一眼。当年,她就是看宿主哥哥一直有开后宫的想法才选中了他。 Why I was Dou Di, can you also completely understand my idea? Difficult to be inadequate true ideas in other will of the people, can you also know?” Xu Ran awkward one batch. Lives by pimping anything, oneself shouted that the slogan as if can also a little hot blooded feeling, was known that by others is embarrassed one batch. “为什么我都是斗帝了,你还能看透我的想法?难不成其他人心里的真实想法,你也能知道?”徐然尴尬的一批。吃软饭什么的,自己喊喊口号似乎还能有点热血的感觉,被别人知晓那就是尬的一批了。 Moreover system little sister really fierce. Xu Ran felt that the system is the thing of independence outside the whole world, therefore does not exist to have anybody to rout the system little sister possibility. 而且系统小姐姐是真的厉害啊。徐然感觉系统是独立于整个世界之外的东西,所以也根本不存在有任何人能够击溃系统小姐姐的可能性。 Because the host Elder Brother and my heart are connected in the same place. Therefore, blames host Elder Brother teacher to think some not good thing, therefore passed to me these things, before making me, different.” “因为宿主哥哥和我的心是相连在一起的。所以,都怪宿主哥哥老师想些不好的东西,所以就将那些东西传给我了,让我都变得和以前不一样了呢。” System little sister blinked a big eye. 系统小姐姐眨巴了一下大眼睛。 Un? Is this?” In the Xu Ran look full is the look of suspicion. “嗯?是这样吗?”徐然眼神里满是怀疑的神色。 How he felt that system little sister has all kinds idea to him from the beginning. 他怎么感觉系统小姐姐一开始就对他有色色的想法。 System does not have the emotion, because I and host Elder Brother related one , can therefore realize the host elder brother's joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness.” System little sister answered. “系统本身是没有情感的,只是因为我和宿主哥哥联系到了一起所以就能体会到宿主哥哥的喜怒哀乐。”系统小姐姐解释道。 Oh. Xu Ran nods. 哦。徐然点了点头。 System little sister felt the emotion from Xu Ran's, had own mood, will love Xu Ran. Although in most situations must endure the host to others loves, thus becomes very uncomfortable, but this cannot change her even to the Xu Ran's love. 系统小姐姐徐然的身上感受到了情感,有了自己的情绪,才会那么爱徐然。虽然大多数情况下都要忍受宿主对其他人的爱从而变得很难受,可即使这样也不能改变她对徐然的爱。 In some sense, system little sister most loves the Xu Ran's person, selflessly is offering own all. 从某种意义上,系统小姐姐是最爱徐然的人,无私的奉献着自己的一切。 Right, Xiao Yan now how?” “对了,萧炎现在怎么样了?” Xu Ran is somewhat curious, initially Xiao Yan left, so many days he did not have to pay attention to Xiao Yan, does not know that Xiao Yan went to Hun Clan to be killed by Hun Tiandi. 徐然有些好奇,当初萧炎离开,这么多天他都没有去关注萧炎了,也不知道萧炎去了魂族是不是被魂天帝杀了。 On Xiao Yan's has the Ancient Emperor Tuo She jade, Hun Tiandi will unable to recognize. 萧炎的身上可是有陀舍古帝玉,魂天帝不会认不出来。 Xiao Yan is regarded as important in Hun Clan now very much, originally the Hall of Souls palace Lord must kill him directly, but never expected that he actually obtained the approval of Void Devouring Flame, was approved by Void Devouring Flame, raises the Dou Venerate degree his strength unexpectedly all of a sudden.” System little sister said. 萧炎现在在魂族很被看重哦,本来魂殿殿主是要直接杀了他的,可是没想到他竟然得到了虚无吞炎的认可,被虚无吞炎认可,竟是一下子将他的实力提升到了斗尊的程度。”系统小姐姐说道。 Void Devouring Flame?” 虚无吞炎?” Xu Ran thinks that this by the important personage who he almost forgets. In original works, is because Void Devouring Flame defected to help Xiao Yan defeat Hun Tiandi from the Hun Tiandi side suddenly all of a sudden. 徐然才想起来这个被他差点遗忘的重要人物。原著里,也是因为虚无吞炎突然从魂天帝的身边反水帮助萧炎才一下子击败了魂天帝 Without Void Devouring Flame this Heavenly Fire list Heavenly Fire help ranked the second, Xiao Yan final that kills the might that incurs the sharp decline to be many greatly, at that time may not defeat Hun Tiandi. 如果没有虚无吞炎异火榜排名第二的异火帮忙,萧炎最后的那个大杀招的威力将会锐减很多,那时候也不一定能够击败魂天帝了。 Moreover......” system little sister strange looks at Xu Ran. “而且……”系统小姐姐怪异的看着徐然 And what?” “而且什么?” Hall of Souls that side person as if treated as emperor product Chudan you, plans to catch you with what method.” System little sister grinning saying. 魂殿那边的人似乎将你当做了帝品雏丹,计划着用什么手段来捕捉你呢。”系统小姐姐笑嘻嘻的说道。 Emperor product Chudan? Their imaginations also are really rich. How however does Void Devouring Flame remember emperor product Chudan? Difficult to be inadequate is the day of Xiao Yan the child's of life influence?” The Xu Ran corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out. Xiao Yan also is really the luck bursting, if even his steamroll all existences, will certainly come Hun Tiandi sufficiently even again are still suppressed by Xiao Yan. The luck is not good, drinks water sticks between the teeth, the luck is good to walk to pick money to become the millionaire. “帝品雏丹?他们的想象力还真是丰富。不过虚无吞炎是怎么记得帝品雏丹的?难不成又是萧炎这天命之子的影响?”徐然嘴角抽了抽。萧炎还真的是运气爆棚呢,即使如果他这个足以碾压一切的存在的话,就算再来一个魂天帝也铁定是会被萧炎镇压的。运气不好,喝水都塞牙,运气好走路捡钱都能成为百万富翁。
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