DDCTGFD :: Volume #13

#1292: alchemist legend

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ New] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[新]https://最快更新!无广告! These of Xu Ran description to having a dream to be the same. 徐然描述的那些就跟做梦一样。 Before cultivated too has not progressed greatly the time, they also often had this impractical dream. 以前修炼没有太大进展的时候,她们也经常做这种不切实际的梦。 If others to them promised that they will certainly disregard directly. In the world where has such good deed? Is fiercer than Jia Nan Academy Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, moreover does not need to find the way to complete various tasks to obtain the fire to select. 如果是其他人给她们许诺她们一定会直接无视。天底下哪有这样的好事?比迦南学院天焚炼气塔还要厉害,而且还不需要想办法去完成各种任务获得火能点。 In Jia Nan Academy, even if they are the inner courtyard strong list disciple are not every day can cultivation in Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower. 迦南学院,即使她们是内院强榜弟子也不是每天都能在天焚炼气塔修炼的。 The Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower fire can the system force them to find the way to make the fire to be able most of the time to select, remaining times can keep the fire to select. 天焚炼气塔的火能制度逼迫她们在大多数的时候都在想办法挣火能点,剩下的时候才能留在火能点。 You?” “你?” This moment Xinlan had been shocked completely by the great scenery of Xu Ran description. If oneself can also cultivation like this, one year of cultivation achievement could go against quietly work hard for ten years. That place, really confirmed anything to be called to lie down again can grow stronger. 此刻欣蓝已经完全被徐然描述的宏景震撼到了。要是自己也能这样修炼,一年的修炼成果顶得上自己埋头苦干十年了。再那种地方,真的验证了什么叫做躺着都能变强。 At this time they understand rapidness that such why Hu Jia they can cultivation, did not gather the common sense simply. 这时候她们才明白为什么琥嘉她们能修炼的这么快,简直是不合常理。 But if all these that Xu Ran said are the facts, they cultivation quickly also fairly. Can cultivation the slow words under this condition, that is really unreasonable is right. 可如果徐然说的这一切都是事实,那她们修炼快也合情合理啊。在这种条件下都能修炼缓慢的话,那才是真的不合理才对。 Is high-spirited.” “昂昂。” Gate lord, wū wū, I now was also the Xu Sect person, was your person. Do you want to see somebody in danger and do nothing? Or you also received me, I will also warm the bed.” Xinlan hopes for looks at Xu Ran, bold saying. Remembers website m. “门主,呜呜,我现在也是徐门的人了,也算是您的人了。难道你就要见死不救吗?要不您把我也收了吧,我也会暖床的。”欣蓝希冀的看着徐然,大胆的说道。记住网址m. Who can imagine, talent double female alchemist Xinlan of inner courtyard aloof arrogance, will really have such side. 谁能想象到,内院那么高冷傲气的天才双女炼药师欣蓝,竟然会有这样的一面。 Is this that arrogant Xinlan? 这还是那个高傲的欣蓝吗? Xinlan has decided to abandon something as beyond redemption in any case. 欣蓝反正已经决定破罐子破摔了。 Opportunity such, missed missed. 机会就这么一个,错过了就是错过了。 Can see Xu Ran, absolutely was in her life the biggest spell of good or bad fortune, if this opportunity were not even occupied by me, later also counted on does not have prospects? 能够见到徐然,绝对是她人生中最大的际遇了,如果连这个机会都把我不住,以后还指望有什么出息? Naturally , Xinlan has most importantly been saving the thoughts of admiration to Xu Ran. 当然,最重要的,欣蓝徐然一直都存着仰慕的心思。 In without seeing the Xu Ran's surface, but hears these hearsay, makes Xinlan have the meaning of worship about this divine alchemist sufficiently. After seeing Xu Ran, Xu Ran so young, is to make her worship slowly toward special feelings extends. 在没有见到徐然的面,只是听说那些传闻,就足以让欣蓝对这位神一样的炼药师心生崇拜之意。在见到徐然之后,徐然如此年轻,更是让她心里那种崇拜慢慢的朝着一种特殊的情愫延伸。 Therefore, Xinlan can display so bold. 所以,欣蓝才会表现的如此的大胆。 Right?” Xu Ran touches the chin, looks puts on Xinlan of alchemist long gown at present. “是吗?”徐然摸了摸下巴,看着眼前穿着炼药师长袍的欣蓝 The Xinlan alchemist talent is also very strong, if trains well, in the future can also become good alchemist. 欣蓝炼药师天赋也是很强的,如果好好培养一下,未来也能成为一名不错的炼药师 The most important thing is, the Xu Sect outdoor shop shop is now big, Xu Ran wants to be the waving the arms about storekeeper also to be able although to provide some compounded drugs. Moreover the auction market also needs to maintain the competitiveness with the high-quality compounded drug. 最重要的是,现在徐门的摊子铺大了,徐然尽管想做甩手掌柜也能提供些丹药吧。而且拍卖场也需要用高级丹药维持竞争力。 If trains talent alchemist Xinlan, as if really can help his busy. 要是将欣蓝培养成一位天才炼药师的话,似乎真的能够帮到他的忙。 Waits for Xinlan to achieve Dou King Cultivation(Level), should be able to refine tier five pill, even tier six pill. 欣蓝达到斗王修为,应该就能炼制出五品丹药,甚至六品丹药了。 However slow Xiangyao refines tier seven pill, needed Dou Ancestor Cultivation(Level) to be good by the talent estimate of Xinlan. 不过徐想要炼制出七品丹药,以欣蓝的天赋估计需要斗宗修为才行了。 No?” “不行吗?” Xinlan sees Xu Ran not to reply for a very long time, surges at heart an intermittent bitter feeling. Do oneself really compare Han Yue? Han Yue is open, should receive the man to like. 欣蓝徐然久久没有回答,心里涌起一阵阵酸涩的感觉。难道自己真的比不过韩月吗?韩月性格开朗,应该更受男人喜欢吧。 Can yes. I can also teach you hermetic art, later you give the Xu Sect refinement compounded drug.” Xu Ran said. “可以是可以。我还可以教你炼丹术,以后你就给徐门炼制丹药吧。”徐然说道。 What? Do you want to teach me the refine the pill of immortality?” Xinlan is wild with joy. “什么?您要教我炼丹?”欣蓝欣喜若狂。 Xu Ran teaches pill technique, this teaches her pill technique also to make her compared with eight alchemist happy. 徐然传授丹技,这比一位八品炼药师传授她丹技还要令她开心。 Xinlan has seen the master.” Xinlan stands hastily, hurries to kneel on the ground, salutes to Xu Ran, for fear that Xu Ran reneges on a promise. 欣蓝见过师父。”欣蓝连忙站起来,又赶紧跪在地上,给徐然行礼,生怕徐然反悔。 I also had not said that must receive you for the disciple. However, such being the case, that considers as finished. I had accepted an apprentice before, you now are my second disciple. Later you must cultivation well, strive soon to become mainland well-known alchemist.” Xu Ran wants to teach the alchemist knowledge to Xinlan directly. Never expected that Xinlan acknowledged as teacher unexpectedly excitedly. “我又没说要收你为徒。不过,既然如此,那算了。我之前收过一个徒弟,你现在算是我的第二个弟子。以后你要好好修炼,争取早日成为大陆闻名的炼药师。”徐然本来是想直接将炼药师知识传授给欣蓝的。没想到欣蓝竟然这么激动的拜师了。 To him, receives the people not to matter, he also passes to them the knowledge of backup in any case. 对他来说,收不收徒都无所谓,反正他也只是将备份的知识传给她们而已。 However is the words of own apprentice, will need to press the bottom these deep meanings to teach many. 不过是自己的徒弟的话,就需要多将自己压箱底的那些奥义都传授出去。 „Do I have the Senior Sister?” Xinlan is very surprised, but feels very reasonable. Xu Ran that profound hermetic art, if lacks successors that to be a pity. “我已经有师姐了吗?”欣蓝十分惊讶,但又觉得很合理。徐然那么高深的炼丹术,要是后继无人的话那才可惜。 Un. She is not only your Senior Sister, is your teacher's wife.” Xu Ran coughs lightly. This relations, seem somewhat chaotic. “嗯。她不仅仅是你的师姐,也是你的师娘。”徐然轻咳一声。这关系,似乎是有些乱啊。 „?” “啊?” Xinlan and Han Yue are suddenly enlighted. Before them the information, Xu Ran and his female as if have very close relations. But Xinlan is also this moment swallows the saliva, since Senior Sister, oneself...... 欣蓝韩月都恍然大悟。根据她们之前掌握的信息,徐然和他身边的女子似乎都有很亲密的关系。而欣蓝也是这一刻吞了吞口水,既然师姐也可以的话,那自己岂不是…… She does not believe Xu Ran really not to move to oneself! 她就不信徐然就真的对自己不动心! Side Xu Ran's some so many people, if only and Xu Ran is only the simple masters and disciples relations, that explained own charm did miss the extreme? Although she usually the aloof, may be possible to rush to speak in front of Xu Ran's. 徐然的身边都有那么多人了,要是唯独自己一个人和徐然只是简单的师徒关系,那岂不是说明自己的魅力差到了极点?虽说她平时高冷了点,可在徐然的面前可都是抢着说话的。 She called Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor), now should be five or tier six alchemist. Her age should be similar to you.” Xu Ran knows, Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) Cultivation(Level) promotes ten thousand li in a day now. The Poison Calamity Body disease had been relieved by him, the Poison Calamity Body potential by the greatest development, the cultivation speed quickly is the affirmation. “她叫小医仙,现在应该是五品或者六品炼药师了吧。她的年纪应该和你们差不多。”徐然知道,小医仙现在修为提升起来一日千里。厄难毒体的弊病早就被他解除了,厄难毒体的潜力被最大程度的开发出来了,修炼速度快是肯定的。 But Xu Ran leaves Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) these alchemist knowledge only to need, when Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) achieves appropriate Cultivation(Level) to be able the direct unlocking. So long as Cultivation(Level) achieves Dou King, Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) can refine tier six pill. 徐然留给小医仙的那些炼药师知识只需要等到小医仙达到合适的修为就能够直接解锁。只要修为达到斗王,小医仙就能炼制六品丹药了。 For serveral days, Xu Ran also obtained the Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) news, Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) now in Jia Ma Empire, but reputation big chirp, suppressed Pill King Gu He by the fame ruthlessly. Although Gu He can also refine five six compounded drugs, may discuss the compounded drug efficacy, Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) refines actually in many times compared with Gu He compounded drug. 这些天,徐然也得到了小医仙的消息,小医仙现在在加玛帝国可是名声大噪,论名气将丹王古河都狠狠的压制了下去。虽然古河也能炼制出五品六品的丹药,可论丹药的药力,小医仙炼制出来的却是要比古河的丹药强上许多倍。 Same tier five pill, Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) refines, sometimes even can auction the tier six pill price. 同样的一颗五品丹药,小医仙炼制出来的,有时候甚至能够拍卖出六品丹药的价钱。 In this world, the rich man are many. 这个世界上,有钱人还是多。 Quite fierce.” Han Yue and Xinlan heartfelt saying. Xinlan now is four alchemist, in Jia Nan Academy is the top talent. tier six alchemist, worked as an elder in Jia Nan Academy sufficiently. “好厉害。”韩月欣蓝都由衷的说道。欣蓝现在是四品炼药师,在迦南学院就已经算是顶尖的天才了。六品炼药师,足以在迦南学院当个长老了。 Moreover she from just started to contact the refine the pill of immortality, by the present less than one year of Oh. at this moment, even Xu Ran somewhat was floating. No wonder some people blow the child, blows the apprentice time somewhat will be floating. The disciples are flamboyant, was not explaining are oneself flamboyant? “而且她从刚开始接触炼丹,到现在还不满一年哦。”这一刻,连徐然都有些飘飘然了。难怪有些人吹自己孩子,吹自己徒弟的时候都会有些飘。弟子牛逼,不就正说明自己牛逼吗? It can be said that Xu Ran changed the Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) destiny. In the future Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) can become in the future one of the Douqi Continent alchemist legends absolutely. 可以说,徐然改变了小医仙的命运。未来小医仙绝对能够成为未来斗气大陆炼药师界的传奇之一。
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