DDCTGFD :: Volume #13

#1291: Has a dream 1 type of cultivation condition

Un? You face each other Lord speech?” Xu Ran selected the eyebrow. “嗯?你就是这么对门主说话的吗?”徐然挑了挑眉。 The appearance that originally Han Yue that threatens was depressed immediately. 本来韩月那气势汹汹的样子顿时消沉下去了。 Xu Ran is the Xu Sect gate lord, but she now is the Xu Sect disciple. And the status between Xu Ran regarding oneself she is very clear, but Han Yue that juicy eye very hidden bitterness looks at Xu Ran. 徐然徐门门主,而她现在是徐门弟子。对于自己和徐然之间的身份她还是很清楚的,不过韩月那水灵灵的眼睛还是很幽怨的看着徐然 What kind of? Also can consider?” “怎么样?还要考虑吗?” In any case, in any case how you want how. Your strength is so in any case strong, I cannot run away.” Han Yue lowers the head said low voice. “反正,反正你想怎么样就怎么样吧。反正你的实力那么强,我又逃不走。”韩月低着头小声说道。 If makes her comply with Xu Ran directly, really somewhat says with her proud tender personality, in situation that particularly in Xinlan looks in here. But Xu Ran actually gave her under a very good stair, if she does not seize the opportunity, that was her issue. 要是让她直接答应徐然,以她那傲娇的性格还真的有些说不出口,尤其是在欣蓝在这边看着的情况下。可是徐然却是给了她一个很好的台阶下,她要是不把握住机会,那就是她的问题了。 She is not silly, even if Xu Ran not her, when the wife regards, when even the sweetheart she will not want. 她不傻,即使徐然不把她当妻子看待,即使是当个情人她也不会不愿意。 Has own of flesh with Xu Ran, always marries a dirty disgusting waste to be better than later. 徐然有肌肤之亲,总比以后嫁给一个龌龊恶心的人渣好吧。 Moreover Xu Ran can also help her grow, if Xu Ran is willing to help her, she should also be able on breakthrough Dou Ancestor, she who not to fear quickly when the time comes. 而且徐然还能帮她成长,如果徐然愿意帮她,她应该也能很快就突破斗宗了,到时候她谁都不怕。 That side your younger sister, can you also take responsibility?” Xu Ran teased. “你妹妹那边,你也能做主吗?”徐然戏谑道。 Sure! For the family, she should comply in any case.” Han Yue nods. She is very clear to oneself younger sister that personality, grows up together, what man this she likes is the elder sister isn't clear? “当然可以!反正是为了家族,她应该会答应的。”韩月点了点头。对自己妹妹那个性格她很清楚,从小一起长大,她喜欢什么样的男人她这个做姐姐的还不清楚吗? You wash today are waiting for me in vain.” Xu Ran was attached to the ear of Han Yue to say low voice, the lip touched the earlobe of Han Yue. “那你今天洗白白等着我。”徐然小声附在韩月的耳边说,嘴唇碰了碰韩月的耳垂。 Han Yue the nervous wish rejection constantly, is just attracted by the thing that Xu Ran took. 韩月刚慌不迭的想要拒绝,就被徐然拿出来的东西吸引住了。 This delivers your compounded drug, has to wash the essence to cut down the effect of marrow, can the impurity in very good cleaning body, should be able to promote to be in the mainland first-class degree your cultivation talent. Other these assist the compounded drug of cultivation, a day ate one on the line.” “这是送你的丹药,有着洗精伐髓的功效,能够很好的洗净身体里的杂质,应该能够将你的修炼天赋提升到大陆一流的程度吧。其他的这些都是辅助修炼的丹药,一天吃一颗就行了。” Xu Ran takes big pile of compounded drugs from the space ring. 徐然从空间戒指里将一大堆丹药拿出来。 If truly, Xu Ran thinks, the crowd that even if the pile can not practice the talent one becomes the powerhouse. 确实,如果徐然想的话,就算是堆都能将一个没有修炼天赋的人堆成强者。 Also can promote the cultivation talent?” “还能提升修炼天赋?” Han Yue and Xinlan shock could not speak. 韩月欣蓝都震撼的说不出话来。 Especially Xinlan, came from the alchemist aristocratic family, even has some origins with Pill Tower some elders, properly speaking, she is the person of seeing the world. But regarding can promote the cultivation talent the compounded drug, she actually rarely hears. 尤其是欣蓝,出身炼药师世家,甚至和丹塔的一些长辈有一些渊源,按理来说,她是见过世面的人。可是对于能够提升修炼天赋的丹药,她却是很少听到。 If can have the compounded drug of this effect, what grade, auctions to auction the sky-high price. 如果能够有这种功效的丹药,无论是什么品级,去拍卖都能拍卖出天价。 Moreover promotes to arrive at the mainland first-class degree the talent! 而且将天赋提升到大陆一流的程度! The mainland first-class degree that Xu Ran said that analogies according to the standards of mainland these top talents absolutely. In other words, so long as ate up this compounded drug, even later did not depend upon Xu Ran, can still cultivation the Dou Venerate degree? 徐然所说的大陆一流的程度,绝对是按照大陆那些顶尖天才的标准来类比的。也就是说,只要吃下了这颗丹药,即使是以后不依靠徐然了,也能修炼到斗尊的程度? Is this terrifying how? 这是何其的恐怖? At this time Xinlan had some understanding of the Xu Ran's alchemist status. The Xu Ran's hermetic art is absolutely different in the world other hermetic arts. 这时候欣蓝才对徐然的炼药师身份有一些了解。徐然的炼丹术绝对不同于世界上其他的炼丹术。 It is said that the senior in Pill Tower had bought tier seven pill in the auction market, the ingredient of inside compounded drug is very simple, but the drug efficacy of compounded drug is actually very astonishing. 据说,丹塔里的前辈曾经在拍卖场买到过一颗七品丹药,里面丹药的成分十分简单,可是丹药的药效却是十分惊人。 Even if Xu Ran has not gone to Central Plains, Pill Tower has actually vibrated. Also therefore, Ye Family knows Xu Ran, then knows that Xinlan and Xu Ran make Xinlan win over Xu Ran in Jia Nan Academy with every effort. 即使徐然没有去中州,丹塔却是已经为之震动了。也正是因此,叶家才知道徐然,而后知道欣蓝徐然都在迦南学院才让欣蓝尽力拉拢徐然 Good fierce compounded drug.” The Han Yue deep swallowing saliva, eyes covetously to her compounded drug Xinlan, the compounded drug in the hand all received ring hastily. “好厉害的丹药。”韩月深深的吞了吞口水,将欣蓝对她的丹药虎视眈眈,连忙将手中丹药全都受到纳戒中去。 Compounded drug of Xu Ran refinement, if passes on, others do not know, if made Jia Nan Academy these high levels know met the high price to buy the compounded drug in her hand absolutely. 徐然炼制的丹药,要是传出去,别人不知道,如果让迦南学院的那些高层知道了绝对会高价来买她手里的丹药的。 But drug efficacy so astonishing compounded drug, moreover Xu Ran gives to her, to her is no different than the presenting a gift faith token common thing, she will naturally treasure well. 可是药效如此惊人的丹药,而且还是徐然送给她的,对她来说无异于定情信物一般的东西,她自然会好好珍惜的。 Took the Xu Ran's thing, Han Yue looked for her brain of matter also completely throwing after tonight that Xu Ran said. Is only thinking after took that compounded drug, will have anything to change. 拿了徐然的东西,韩月对于徐然说的今晚去找她的事情也完全抛之脑后。只想着等自己服用那丹药之后会是有什么变化。 Relax, has me, one month can only guarantee you to break through Dou King!” Xu Ran said proudly. Han Yue now is Dou Spirit Cultivation(Level), without the Xu Ran help, Han Yue wants to break through Dou King at least to take over two years. “放心吧,有我在,一个月只能担保你突破斗王!”徐然傲然道。韩月现在是斗灵修为,如果没有徐然帮忙的话,韩月想要突破斗王至少需要两年以上。 Provides for you «from Fighting Luo start who big god mu admires Captures the Goddess» quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神鞪慕的《从斗罗开始俘获女神》最快更新,! Chapter 1291 第1291章 Has a dream the same cultivation condition to read free: 做梦一样的修炼条件免费阅读:,! 『』 『』 , Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! The normal people, do not open external, this is the Jia Nan Academy inner courtyard disciple cultivates the speed very much normally. 正常人,不开外挂,这就是迦南学院内院弟子很正常的修炼速度。 „A month.” “一个月。” Han Yue and Xinlan are ruthlessly was shocked. 韩月欣蓝又是狠狠的被震撼了一把。 However Hu Jia was one month breaks through Dou Spirit from Dou Grandmaster, because of the Xu Ran help. 不过琥嘉就是一个月从大斗师突破到了斗灵,就是因为徐然帮忙了。 Therefore, if Xu Ran helps Han Yue, one month broke through a big stage is not says casually. 所以,徐然如果帮韩月的话,一个月突破一个大阶段并不是随便说说而已。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” Han Yue said low voice. 韩月小声说道。 Xu Ran is good to her so, she does not know how should do to repay Xu Ran. As the woman, she also can only let the Xu Ran comfortable point in that aspect as far as possible. 徐然对她这么好,她都不知道该怎么做才能报答徐然了。作为女人,她也只能在那方面尽可能让徐然舒服一点了。 What thanked to thank? You gave yourself me, but also the younger sister will also give to me secretly, this was you earns.” Xu Ran smiles. “谢什么谢?你都把自己送给我了,还将妹妹也偷偷送给我了,这都是你应得的。”徐然一笑。 You.” “你啊。” Han Yue ill-humored white Xu Ran was the same, originally felt that had the mood of burden to change for the better very much immediately much. She is very obviously affected, but Xu Ran superficial several sabotaged that type of atmosphere. 韩月没好气的白了徐然一样,本来感到很有负担的心情顿时好转了不少。明明她十分感动,可是徐然轻描淡写几句就把那种气氛破坏掉了。 She knows, Xu Ran does not think she shoulders the too heavy pressure. 她知道,徐然只是不想她背负太重的压力而已。 Starting from tomorrow, you they cultivates with Xun'er. Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower did not use. That place that even the Qi Refining Tower dou qi energy most concise place and I create missed far. That place was used the mystiques to be concise by me, the world energy liquefied, even if you soak every day in that energy pond have not related.” “从明天开始,你就和薰儿她们一起修炼吧。天焚炼气塔就不用去了。就算是炼气塔斗气能量最凝练的地方和我创造的那个地方都差远了。那地方被我用秘法凝练,天地能量都液化了,就算你每天泡在那能量池里都没有关系。” That place by a Xu Ran two degrees transformation, had been turned into an ultra-large bathing pool. But who in the bathing pools is not, but is the liquid world energy. In inside, even the falling asleep take a bath, can still have the rise of very big strength. 那个地方被徐然二度改造,已经变成了一个超大型的浴池。而浴池里面不是谁,而是液态的天地能量。在里面,即使是睡着泡澡,也能有着很大的实力的提升。 But this is also Xu Ran looked that every day Xun'er they cultivation one of the benefits enjoying. 而这也是徐然每天看薰儿她们修炼享受的福利之一。 Even if wears the clothes to get down, soaks in inside, soaked time is still very attractive, even said that was more attractive. 即使是穿着衣服下去,泡在里面,湿透了的时候也很好看,甚至说更好看了。 Han Yue and Xinlan were numb. 韩月欣蓝都麻木了。 With world energy take a bath? Liquid world energy? Their very clear what is this? 用天地能量泡澡?液态的天地能量?她们很清楚这是什么意思? But they have most seen only the fog general world energy, that is the energy was extremely in their eyes concise, cultivates ten thousand li in a day in that. As for pure liquid, moreover can gather in the full big pool...... 可是她们最多只见过雾一般的天地能量,那在她们眼里已经是能量极其凝练了,在那里面修炼一日千里。至于纯粹的液态,而且还能聚集满满一大池子…… This scene has only appeared in the dream. 这种景象只在梦里出现过。 If really has this place, even if not cultivation, lives is the world energies in inside every day breathing, gradually, the body can still obtain the enormous transformation! 要是真有这种地方,那即使不修炼,住在里面每日呼吸的都是天地能量,久而久之,身体也能得到极大的改造吧! That simply is the fairyland! 那简直是仙境! Gate Lord Sir, I, I?” Seeing Han Yue can go to that place cultivation, Xinlan cannot sit still again. “门主大人,那我呢,那我呢?”见韩月能去那种地方修炼,欣蓝再也坐不住了。 If can also same have that condition with Han Yue, even if makes her kneel to handle the unchaste matter to Xu Ran, she will not reject. 如果也能和韩月一样有那种条件的话,那即使是让她给徐然跪下来做无节操的事情,她也不会拒绝。 Provides for you «from Fighting Luo start who big god mu admires Captures the Goddess» quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神鞪慕的《从斗罗开始俘获女神》最快更新,!
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