DDCTGFD :: Volume #13

#1290: Moved heartstrings

„?” “啊?” „Are you taking me to crack a joke? I must be possible to miss compared with these people of your side with the flurry far.” The Han Yue low voice whisper said. If can have a liking for by Xu Ran, that is not considered as that the tiger's den, should be, yes, heaven? “您是在拿我开玩笑吗?我要和小雪可比您身边的那些人差远了。”韩月小声嘀咕道。要是能够被徐然看上,那也不算是虎穴吧,应该是,是,天堂? Who does not know, so long as follows Xu Ran, even if obtains some small rewarding to have the possibility to become the powerhouse. But had the woman of connection to turn into the super talent with Xu Ran because of Xu Ran all of a sudden. 谁不知道,只要跟着徐然,即使是得到一些小小的赏赐都有可能一跃成为强者。而和徐然有关联的女人更是因为徐然而一下子变成了超级天才。 This point, others do not know the circumstances of the matter, Han Yue and Xinlan are clear. 这一点,别人不知情,韩月欣蓝可是清楚的很。 If forces their is not Hong Family that fellow, but is the Xu Ran's words, even were forced, they should not oppose. 如果强迫她们的不是洪家的那个家伙,而是徐然的话,即使是被强迫,她们应该也不会反对吧。 Han Yue took a look at Xu Ran one, immediately the face becomes red. 韩月瞅了徐然一眼,顿时脸变得通红。 Even if not look regardless the Xu Ran strength, the Xu Ran outstanding appearance as before is very dazzling, body that warm aura makes one want to approach him . 即使抛开徐然实力不看,徐然俊逸的容貌依旧是十分耀眼,身上那股温暖的气息让人不禁想要靠近他。. Who said that I amn't interested? In the man who that matter isn't interested in?” Xu Ran teased. “谁说我就不感兴趣了?还有对那种事情不感兴趣的男人吗?”徐然打趣道。 But, is......” “可是,可是……” Han Yue stutter. She really does not understand that what meaning Xu Ran is? Difficult to be inadequate, Sir Xu Ran thinks...... 韩月结结巴巴的。她实在是不明白徐然是什么意思?难不成,徐然大人想…… That matter she has a dream cannot think. Can Xu Ran such character have a liking for her? Her plan does not dare to have. But now the Xu Ran's words bring back her certain thoughts. 那种事情她可是做梦都不敢想的。徐然这样的人物看得上她?她连这个打算都不敢有。但现在徐然的话又勾起了她的某些心思。 The so outstanding man before her, she does not move that is fake. 如此优秀的男人在她面前,她不动心那是假的。 Although Xu Ran woman were too many, however his these merits cover his shortcoming sufficiently. 虽说徐然身边的女人太多了,但是他的那些优点足以掩盖他的缺点。 Climbs up the relations to make an influence with Xu Ran such character rise instantaneously, let alone individual. 徐然这样的人物攀上关系可以让一座势力瞬间崛起,更别说个人了。 But what?” “可是什么?” Is difficult to be inadequate you not to want with me in the same place?” “难不成你不想和我在一起?” The Xu Ran finger is touching the collar bone flesh that the Han Yue nape of the neck and reveals slightly, the delicate flesh touch is extremely good. As the Xu Ran finger skids, then had been delimited by the Xu Ran finger the flesh has white Bianhong instantaneously. The Xu Ran's hand finger/refers looks like the paint brush to be the same, making Xu Ran play the heart to be big. 徐然手指抚摸着韩月脖颈和微微露出的锁骨肌肤,细嫩的肌肤触感极佳。而随着徐然手指滑动,那被徐然手指划过的肌肤瞬间有白变红。徐然的手指就像是画笔一样,让徐然玩心大起。 Sir Xu Ran......” 徐然大人……” Han Yue closes the eyes, even the words could not say. 韩月闭上双眼,连话都说不出来了。 Shivering that the whole body cannot stop, by the Xu Ran's hand finger/refers caressing very uncomfortable. But she does not dare to revolt against Xu Ran, can only close one's eyes, whatever Xu Ran acts in a self-serving manner. 全身止不住的颤抖,被徐然的手指抚的十分难受。可是她又不敢反抗徐然,只能闭着眼睛任由徐然为所欲为。 But at this time, she was clear, originally were not does not have the attraction to Xu Ran. 而这时候,她才明白,原来自己不是对徐然没有吸引力。 Body strange touch, but also chuckling in having a mind and interwines excitedly, making her close one's eyes unexpectedly is gently snort/hum made noise. 身上奇异的触感,还有心里的窃喜和激动交织在一起,令她闭着眼睛竟是轻轻的哼出声来。 Xinlan has looked to stay, she knows the Xu Ran's loose deeds actually. But she had not been worried Xu Ran will act to her, if the Xu Ran's words even such she will not really reject. 欣蓝早就看呆了,她倒是知道徐然的风流事迹的。但她从来没有担心过徐然是不是会对她出手,如果是徐然的话即使是真的那样了她也不会拒绝的。 The Xu Ran's hermetic art surpassed her by far, if can with her in the same place, she believe that the family will also be glad very much. 徐然的炼丹术远远的超过了她,如果能够和她在一起的话,她相信家族也会很乐意的。 She wants to let the crisis that Xu Ran helps her change the family, but Xu Ran after all is a bystander, was not family's person, the hermetic art cannot change desolate of family excellent. But if Xu Ran is her husband, that was different. Therefore her original intention wants to make Xu Ran disguise her fiance. 她想让徐然帮她改变家族的危机,可徐然毕竟是外人,不是自己家族的人,炼丹术高超也改变不了家族的落寞。可如果徐然是她的丈夫,那就不一样了。所以她本意是想让徐然假装她的未婚夫。 But if...... 可如果…… Xinlan looks at frivolous action of Xu Ran on Han Yue, covered to begin to close the eye. However although is very ashamed, but she cannot bear by the finger/refers seam looks at Xu Ran and Han Yue. 欣蓝看着徐然韩月身上轻佻的举动,捂着手闭上了眼睛。不过虽然很羞耻,但她还是忍不住透过指缝看着徐然韩月 Body that the Xu Ran's hand finger/refers delimits in Han Yue, is lets some Xinlan also shall be gratefuls as a personal favor, incarnation steam Ji. 徐然的手指划在韩月的身上,却是让欣蓝也有些感同身受,化身蒸汽姬。 Sir Xu Ran, no, is not good.” Han Yue has soaked, the whole body was soaked by the sweat. 徐然大人,不,不行。”韩月早就湿透了,全身被汗水湿透。 This short several minutes, to her cultivating one are more tired than all day. Especially kicks to jump is not good at heart. 这短短的几分钟时间,对她来说比修炼一整天还要累。尤其是心里扑腾扑腾跳个不行。 She does not know before, originally, is this such tired matter? 她以前怎么不知道,原来,这是这么累的事情? Xu Ran anything has not done obviously, even has not kissed her, she sprouted the idea that wanted to make a getaway. 明明徐然什么都没有做,甚至都还没有吻她,她都萌生出想要逃之夭夭的想法了。 What isn't good?” Xu Ran funny looks at Han Yue. “什么不行?”徐然好笑的看着韩月 Han Yue two hand tight pinching on the arm rest of chair, make an effort, some finger blanches. 韩月两只手紧紧的捏在椅子的扶手上,用力起来,手指都有些发白了。 Han Yue or the virgin, are usually well-mannered, wants to come not to experience this type the provoked situation, naturally somewhat cannot bear. 韩月还是处子,平时规规矩矩的,想来也没有经历过这种被人撩拨的情况,自然有些受不了。 Now also outside, if some people noticed that is not good.” Han Yue shivers was saying, she is not shutting tightly the eyes, in the brain a blank. “现在还在外面,要是有人看到就不好了。”韩月颤抖着说道,她不还是紧闭着双眼,脑子里一空白。 Provides for you «from Fighting Luo start who big god mu admires Captures the Goddess» quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神鞪慕的《从斗罗开始俘获女神》最快更新,! Chapter 1290 第1290章 The moved heartstrings read free: 撩动的心弦免费阅读:,! 『』 『』 , Renews the latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新最新章节! If Xu Ran now...... 如果徐然现在就…… She is incapable of resisting radically, is she does not want such. 她根本无力抵抗,可是她不想那样。 Even if Xu Ran really wants anything, must go to the room to be good. 即使徐然真的想要什么,也总得去房间才行吧。 „?” “哦?” Originally Han Yue was worried that he plays a dirty trick to her here. 原来韩月是担心他在这里对她使坏啊。 Truly, he just truly was sprouted this idea, but the quick that evil idea was suppressed. 确实,他刚刚确实是萌生出了这种想法,不过很快那种邪恶的想法就被压制下来了。 Even he can guarantee that others cannot pay attention completely here, but Han Yue their bearing capacities at heart are limited. Xu Ran does not want to cast what shadow to them and so on. 即使他能保证其他人完全注意不到这边,可韩月她们的心里承受能力有限。徐然可不想给她们心里留下什么阴影之类的。 What did the Han Yue study elder sister you say? How can't I understand?” Xu Ran stopped the movement on hand. Delicious, must tasting slowly be good, cannot eat the sapodilla plum like the zhubajie. Eats too quickly, after finishing up, even what flavor forgot. 韩月学姐你说什么呢?我怎么听不懂?”徐然停止了手上的动作。好吃的,得慢慢的品尝才行,不能像猪八戒吃人参果一样。吃得太快,完事之后连什么味道都忘记了。 You!” “你!” As on Xu Ran the movement stops, Han Yue also quickly restored. Sees Xu Ran to pretend that pure appearance, Han Yue is bashful and angry. Just was misunderstood? 随着徐然手上动作停下来,韩月也很快恢复了。见徐然假装纯洁的样子,韩月又羞又恼。难道刚刚是自己误会了? Because ashamed, Han Yue unexpectedly suffering has to cry. 因为羞耻,韩月竟是委屈的有想要哭出来。 If were just misunderstood the Xu Ran's meaning, oneself really lost face. 如果刚刚是自己误会了徐然的意思,那自己真的是丢死人了。 Do not cry. At the worst I looked for your general headquarters in the evening.” Xu Ran most must not exposed to the woman cry. Saw Han Yue to cry, Xu Ran realized that own joke seemed like overdone. Han Yue they and Xun'er they are different, after all the latter frequently and Xu Ran creates a disturbance, thinks little regarding Xu Ran's many jokes. But Han Yue they were different, a oneself casual a few words movement likely causes their anxieties. “别哭啊。大不了我晚上去找你总行了吧。”徐然最见不得女人哭了。见韩月哭了,徐然才意识到自己的玩笑似乎是过了火。韩月她们和薰儿她们不一样,毕竟后者经常和徐然打闹,对于徐然的很多玩笑话都不以为意。但韩月她们就不一样了,自己随便一句话一个动作都可能引起她们的不安。 Who wanted you to look for me?” “谁要你找我了?” Probably I scurry to ask you to resemble!” “好像我上赶着求你似的!” Han Yue by Xu Ran this shameless words funny ecstasy. 韩月徐然这句无耻的话逗的心花怒放。 However she has not thought, Xu Ran actually said. 不过她没想到,徐然竟然是说真的。 Not? Without me? Who can save you, your family?” Xu Ran languid saying, quite somewhat impudent and shameless feeling. “难道不是吗?如果没有我?谁能救你,还有你的家族?”徐然懒洋洋的说道,颇有些厚颜无耻的感觉。 Xinlan could not tolerate. Can Sir Xu Ran who oneself respect the worship how be so shameless? Threatens the girl while this opportunity unexpectedly? But looks that Xu Ran and Han Yue two people flirt with one another, she is somewhat uncomfortable. 欣蓝也是看不过去了。自己尊敬崇拜的徐然大人怎么能够这么无耻?竟然趁着这个机会威胁女孩子?可是看着徐然韩月两人打情骂俏,她心里有些不是滋味。 You, shameless!!!” Han Yue is blushing scolds lightly. She has not thought, Xu Ran really also has such shameless side. Although she knows that Xu Ran is cracking a joke, but Xu Ran this supercilious appearance and his powerful invincible image are completely different. “你,无耻!!!”韩月红着脸轻骂道。她也没想到,徐然竟然也有这么无耻的一面。虽然她知道徐然是在开玩笑,但徐然这幅玩世不恭的样子和他那强大无敌的形象完全不一样。 No wonder some so many people follow whole-heartedly he, person who powerful and has the appeal, who can not like? Xu Ran is an also very interesting person. 难怪有那么多人死心塌地的跟着他,强大而又有情趣的人,谁能不喜欢呢?徐然本身就是一个也很有趣的人呢。 Provides for you «from Fighting Luo start who big god mu admires Captures the Goddess» quickest renewal ! 为您提供大神鞪慕的《从斗罗开始俘获女神》最快更新,!
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