DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1172: The phoenix roosts parasol tree

Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign or Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign, in two Great Emperor National capitals are top three Sovereign, but such Sovereign, actually so fell from the sky in the Tang San hand. 无论是摄魂天精皇还是裂天大妖皇,在两大帝国都是排名前三的皇者,而这样的皇者,却就是如此陨落在了唐三手中。 Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign also it can be said that receives to make a false counter- accusation against die, that Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign? Is positive/direct hard spells completely, moreover from the beginning, Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign was restrained by the opposite party completely, the strength, eruption and figure opponent all are not under him. Has the powerful skill that Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign does not have. Finally, extinguishes this ominous prestige illustrious Sovereign directly kills. 摄魂天精皇还可以说是受到反噬而死,那裂天大妖皇呢?完全是正面的硬拼,而且从一开始,裂天大妖皇就被对方完全克制了,对手的力量、爆发、身形全都不在他之下。更是有着裂天大妖皇所不具备的强大技巧。最终,将这位凶威赫赫的皇者直接灭杀。 Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign and Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign, this is the Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign firm supporter. Initially when Mei Gongzi debriefing projected existence of opposite ballot. 猛犸大妖皇裂天大妖皇,这都是天狐大妖皇坚定的支持者。当初在美公子述职的时候投出反对票的存在。 Once tent/account, today, Tang San 11 asks them to criticize. Such Sovereign, will not preserve in world. 曾经的帐,在今天,唐三一一找他们清算。这样的皇者,是绝不会留存于世的。 Ancestral Court Parliamentary Mountain slightly is far a point place, Xu Anyu is also looking at present these at this time. He is also not Sovereign, is only the would-be sovereign, the action has not received to tread the influence that the sovereign ascends to heaven, but at this moment, his soul is even trembling. 祖庭议会山略远一点的地方,徐安宇此时也同样在看着眼前这一幕幕。他还不是皇者,只是准皇,行动并没有受到踏皇登天的影响,但此时此刻,他的灵魂甚至都在颤栗着。 Jin Miaolin, no, should say is Tang San, competes to this way? 靳淼林,不,应该说是唐三,竞至如斯吗? Treads the sovereign to ascend to heaven, he is walking toward a higher sky step by step, but in these ordinary days is so powerful, Sovereign that so keeps aloof, has no footsteps that can stop him to go forward. 踏皇登天,他正在一步步向更高的天空走去,而这些平日里如此强大,如此高高在上的皇者,却没有任何一位能够阻拦他前进的脚步。 The form of Titan giant ape disappears gradually, the Tang San complexion is still tranquil, what as if extinguished a moment ago kills Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign is not he. His vision also fell to the following opponent. 泰坦巨猿的身影渐渐消失,唐三的脸色依旧平静,仿佛刚才灭杀裂天大妖皇的并不是他。他的目光也随之落向了接下来的对手。 Then, he is going to face was Undying Great Monster Sovereign and Parasol Heavenly Fairy Sovereign this roosts the parasol tree combination to the phoenix. 接下来,他将要面对的就是不死大妖皇梧桐天精皇这对凤栖梧桐木组合了。 Xiao Wu had arrived at side him at this time, stands with him shoulder to shoulder. 小舞此时已经来到了他身边,与他并肩而立。 " Undying Great Monster Sovereign, Parasol Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, two on please. " Tang San makes a hand signal of invitation. 不死大妖皇,梧桐天精皇,两位请上。」唐三做出一个请的手势。 Fetters the regular strength on two Sovereign also vanishes, Undying Great Monster Sovereign and Parasol Heavenly Fairy Sovereign jump simultaneously, in flying shoots towards midair. 束缚在两位皇者身上的规则之力随之消失,不死大妖皇梧桐天精皇同时腾身而起,飞射向半空之中。 Two pairs two, each other relative. 二对二,彼此相对。 The Undying Great Monster Sovereign vision has not gone to look at Tang San, but falls on Xiao Wu, " initially, you recognized me for the grandfather, was the goal to gain the bloodlines of my Phoenix Monster Race? " 不死大妖皇的目光没有去看唐三,而是落在小舞身上,「当初,你认我为祖父,目的就是为了获取我妖族的血脉吧?」 Xiao Wu shakes the head, " is not such. Initially, thought of gratefully father's bloodline inheritance, is willing to accept the phoenix bloodlines. 小舞摇摇头,「并非如此。当初,是感念父亲的血脉传承,才愿意接受凤凰血脉的。 I have also never thought must with Phoenix Monster Race be the enemy. So long as you do not feel embarrassed human, you forever are my doing grandfather. " 我也从未想过要与妖族为敌。只要您不为难人类,您永远都是我的干爷爷。」 Undying Great Monster Sovereign deeply inspires, the vision shifts to Tang San, " the present is we not with human awkward thing? But is your husband must extinguish kills us all. " 不死大妖皇深吸口气,目光转向唐三,「现在是我们不与人类为难的事情吗?而是你这位丈夫要灭杀我们全体吧。」 Tang San also shakes the head similarly, " you and Chinese parasol tree Your Excellency is not at my must kill above the list. Just like little Mei said that so long as you will not feel embarrassed human in the future, your as before Sovereign. In fact, phoenix bloodlines that little Mei obtains to her help limited. Because of your master grandson friendship, I will not kill you today. Should be you are benefitted from association with she light being right. " 唐三也同样摇了摇头,「您和梧桐冕下都不在我的必杀名单之上。正如小美所说,只要您未来不为难人类,您依旧还是皇者。实际上,小美获得的凤凰血脉对她的帮助是有限度的。但因为你们的这份爷孙情谊,我今日不会杀你。应该是你沾了她的光才对。」 " Hahahaha, good I to be benefitted from association with she light. If I amn't willing to benefit from this? " The Undying Great Monster Sovereign look becomes concentrates to be solid instantaneously. The blazing flame erupts from him suddenly, giant Phoenix phantom appeared baseless, blocked the blood rain in sky, fire phoenix hiding the sky and covering the earth of that terrifying was ordinary, Ancestral Court exaggerated the roaring flame world sky over. 「哈哈哈哈,好一个我沾了她的光。那我要是不愿意沾这份光呢?」不死大妖皇的眼神瞬间就变得凝实起来。炽烈的火焰骤然从他身上爆发而出,巨大的虚影凭空浮现,挡住了天空中的血雨,那恐怖的火凤凰遮天蔽日一般,将祖庭上空渲染成了烈焰的世界。 " Does not want, dies! " Tang San tranquil saying. 「不愿意,就死!」唐三平静的说道。 Looks in the eyes, why does not know, Undying Great Monster Sovereign actually feels a tiny feeling, is his tiny, but this time Tang San, competes in his eyes has to plant the incomparably palatial feeling. 四目相对,不知道为什么,不死大妖皇却感受到一种渺小的感觉,是他自身的渺小,而此时的唐三,在他眼中竞是有种无比巍峨的感觉。 " Is good and good, good, I to must have a look, how you make us die. The Chinese parasol tree , helping me burn the day! " 「好、好,好,我到要看看,你如何让我们死。梧桐,助我焚天!」 Eternally Burning Heavens Undying Great Monster Sovereign, in addition burning the Heaven and boiling the Earth Parasol Heavenly Fairy Sovereign. On two big Sovereign, the blazing flame also erupts. Entire sky, shortly burnt twists fiercely. 永世焚天不死大妖皇,加上焚天煮地梧桐天精皇。两大皇者身上,炽烈的火焰同时爆发。整个天空,顷刻间就被燃烧的剧烈扭曲起来。 Xiao Wu and Tang San stand shoulder to shoulder, in the temperature madness facing blazing that selects for promotion, Tang San seems like has not actually seen general, but turns head to look to the wife. Xiao Wu to his faintly smiled, told him with own facial expression, oneself will support his all decisions. 小舞唐三并肩而立,面对温度中疯狂拔升的炽热,唐三却像是没看到一般,而是扭头看向妻子。小舞向他微微一笑,用自己的神情告诉他,自己会支持他的一切决定。 The sacred dragon spear/gun in Tang San hand shakes gently, immediately, the strong golden ray sets out from the dragon spear/gun suddenly. The sacred dragon spear/gun starts 唐三手中的神圣龙枪轻轻一抖,顿时,浓烈的金色光芒骤然从龙枪之上进发。神圣龙枪开始 The twist deformation of noiselessly, changed into the golden trident appearance, in that golden trident center, the gigantic sky blue rhombus gem blooms the gentle blue halo, covers in which him and Xiao Wu. 悄无声息的扭曲变形,化为了金色的三叉戟模样,在那金色三叉戟的正中,硕大的天蓝色菱形宝石绽放出柔和的蓝色光晕,将他和小舞笼罩其中。 Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud! Sea God innate ability. 瀚海乾坤罩海神天赋能力 All blazing, were cut off instantaneously outside. As Sea God, when he feared overdone. 所有的炽热,都在瞬间被阻隔在外。身为海神,他什么时候怕过火了。 The Undying Great Monster Sovereign complexion is dignified, both hands in body previous, huge fire phoenix send out an sharp phoenix cry, next one flickers, inundates the skyfire rain to drop from the clouds, changes into giant flame meteors, directly soars Tang San and Xiao Wu bombardment goes. 不死大妖皇脸色凝重,双手在身前一圈,巨大的火凤凰发出一声尖锐的凤鸣,下一瞬,漫天火雨从天而降,化为一颗颗巨大的火焰流星,直奔唐三小舞轰击而去。 Parasol Heavenly Fairy Sovereign had arrived at Undying Great Monster Sovereign at this time behind, grasped his body from the rear area, two forms in this flicker as if oneself to pass through the superposition are one. The body of Parasol Heavenly Fairy Sovereign vanished, but the under foot of that giant phoenix in the midair, were many a giant dryondra, dryondra each trunk and branches is sending out the glittering and translucent carving red, blazing phoenix flame after its appear, oneself after changing into dark-red. 梧桐天精皇此时已经来到了不死大妖皇身后,从后方抱住了他的身体,两道身影在这一瞬仿佛己经重合为一。梧桐天精皇的身体消失了,但在半空中那巨大凤凰的脚下,却多了一株巨大的梧桐树,梧桐树每一根枝干都散发着晶莹剔透的红色,炽烈的凤凰火焰在它出现之后,也己经化为了暗红色。 dark-red flame meteor, concentrated fire under. That as if has that leans a day of disaster, even if below Celestial Sun and Earthly Yin two Heavenly Fairy Sovereign looks is also the look twinkle. 暗红色的火焰流星,攒射而下。那仿佛是有倾天之灾的一幕,哪怕是下方的天阳地阴两位天精皇看着也是眼神闪烁。 Similarly is fire attribute expert, Undying Great Monster Sovereign in blazing phoenix flame that Parasol Heavenly Fairy Sovereign auxiliary under erupts, even Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign the strength of Celestial Sun may be unable to block. 同样是火属性强者,不死大妖皇梧桐天精皇辅助下所爆发出的炽烈凤凰火焰,就算是天阳天精皇天阳之力也不一定能够挡得住。 That dark-red flame meteors, have the power and influence in destruction world but outrageously. Two big Sovereign is not one plus one was equal to jointly two are so simple. The phoenix roosts complementing one another of parasol tree, increase, it can be said that Ancestral Court. 那一颗颗暗红色的火焰流星,带着毁灭天地的威势悍然而至。两大皇者的联手可不是一加一等于二那么简单。凤栖梧桐木的相辅相成,增幅之强,可以说是祖庭之最。 Even if collaboration of Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign and Earthly Yin Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, that is also another type union, really must also end probably have Undying Great Monster Sovereign they is so strong by the increase. But extreme yin and yang is more opposeless. 哪怕是天阳天精皇地阴天精皇的联手,那也是另一个类型的联合,真要论增幅还末必有不死大妖皇他们这么强。只不过至阴至阳更难抵抗罢了。 Facing the flame meteor that this drops from the clouds, Tang San is holding the hand of Xiao Wu as before, forehead, black enlarges rapidly, condenses become formed before him. He is occupying the sovereign fought to use Profound Tortoise Shield impressively, or yes, Black Tortoise Shield! 面对这从天而降的火焰流星,唐三依旧牵着小舞的手,眉心处,一点黑色迅速放大,在他面前凝聚成型。赫然正是他在占皇之战上曾经使用过的玄龟盾,或者说是,玄武盾 The shield rises suddenly against the wind, Tang San and Xiao Wu protection in rear area. 盾牌迎风暴涨,将唐三小舞守护在后方。 In the Tang San double pupil the golden light blooms, just condensed Sea God power of faith that comes to rush forth to Black Tortoise Shield before body to go rapidly. 唐三双眸之中金光绽放,刚刚凝聚而来的海神信仰之力迅速向身前的玄武盾之中奔涌而去。 " Black Tortoise, recovery! " The Tang San sinking sound shouted. 玄武,复苏!」唐三沉声喝道。 Front gigantic Black Tortoise Shield covered a golden halo instantaneously. At this moment, the first flame meteor has arrived. 面前硕大的玄武盾瞬间蒙上了一层金色的光晕。就在这时,第一颗火焰流星已经到了。 " H11 " radical thundering explosion, making the entire sky be exaggerated the dark-red. Ate the high temperature lets the distortion of sky completely emerged water leakage undulation. 「轰11」剧烈的轰鸣爆炸,让整个天空都被渲染成了暗红色。吃了的高温让天空完全呈现出水波状的扭曲。 Is this, Tang San and Xiao Wu and Black Tortoise Shield shelled drop hundred meters, blazing flame regarding around Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud, madness burning. 仅仅是这一下,唐三小舞玄武盾就被轰击的下降百米,炽烈的火焰围绕在瀚海乾坤罩周围,疯狂灼烧着。 Peak Sovereign stage Undying Great Monster Sovereign, is not beforehand these Sovereign can compare, let alone he now also Parasol Heavenly Fairy Sovereign as auxiliary, attack power of that terrifying, looks under the Sovereign corner of the eye is a beat. 巅峰皇者层次不死大妖皇,绝不是之前那些皇者所能比拟的,更何况他现在还有一位梧桐天精皇作为辅助,那恐怖的攻击力,看得下方皇者们眼角都是一阵跳动。 Eye pupil of Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign slightly bright several points, he and Undying Great Monster Sovereign knows for many years, most understands this strength. In the one-to-one situation, can contend with Celestial Sun Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, only had Undying Great Monster Sovereign one in entire Heavenly Universal Empire. At this moment, obviously this Undying Great Monster Sovereign moved the real anger very much, full power eruption of one generation of Phoenix Lord, seems like, even Tang San such evildoer/monstrous talent somewhat cannot resist. 天狐大妖皇的眼眸微微明亮了几分,他和不死大妖皇认识多年,最了解这位的实力。一对一的情况下,能够与天阳天精皇抗衡的,在整个天宇帝国之中也就只有不死大妖皇一位了。此时此刻,很明显这位不死大妖皇是动了真怒,一代凤主的全力爆发,看上去,就算是唐三这样的妖孽也有些抵挡不住。 The bolide produced such results, behind is following bolide far more than a lot of? 颗火流星就产生了这样的效果,后面跟随着的火流星何止千百? However, while the figure was pounded falls, protected body in Tang San and that black shield also oneself before Xiao Wu after starting to change. 但是,就在身形被砸落的同时,护在唐三小舞身前的那面黑色盾牌也己经开始发生了变化。 Free reading 免费阅读
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