DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1173: Black Tortoise games vermilion bird

Two red glow shine in the shield surface, outward diffusion of a black halo under injection of golden power of faith. 两点红芒在盾牌表面亮起,一层黑色光晕在金色信仰之力的注入下向外扩散。 Nondescriptive heavy feeling appear in the midair, toward the blue luminous spot of Tang San gathering, quicker condensation has been coming suddenly immediately at an exceptional pace. 一种难以名状的厚重感骤然出现在半空之中,原本就一直在朝着唐三汇聚的蓝色光点,顿时以惊人的速度更快的凝聚而来。 Has four big God Beast in the legend, the projections of four big God Beast have possibility appear in any plane, respectively is the Azure Dragon, white tiger, Black Tortoise and vermilion bird. 在传说中有四大神兽,四大神兽的投影在任何一个位面都有可能出现,分别是青龙、白虎玄武、朱雀。 But above Falan Planet plane, the projection of Azure Dragon without doubt was the inheritance of Dragon Clan. Myriad Dragon Clan share the bloodlines of azure Dragon God beast. white tiger only has White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign this, but he is also not true white tiger. But vermilion bird representative naturally is phoenix lineage, is shared by all Phoenix Monster Race. But Black Tortoise, is one does not have. 而在法蓝星位面之上,青龙的投影无疑就是龙族的这份传承了。万千龙族共享青龙神兽的血脉。白虎只有白虎大妖皇这一位,但他还不是真正的白虎。而朱雀代表的自然就是凤凰一脉,由所有妖族共享。而玄武,却是一位都没有的。 However, different attributes that four big God Beast represent, is actually any plane needs. Therefore, had the Azure Dragon, white tiger and vermilion bird inheritance Falan Planet, how also possibly not to have the Black Tortoise strength. But this Black Tortoise strength passed through did not know many years stacks, finally mark above this Black Tortoise Shield. 但是,四大神兽所代表的不同属性,却是任何一个位面都需要的。所以,有了青龙、白虎、朱雀传承的法蓝星,又怎么可能没有玄武的力量呢。而这份玄武的力量就是经过了不知道多少年的堆积,最终烙印在了这面玄武盾之上。 Black Tortoise Lord earth and water double attribute. Is the turtle snake same body. At this moment, Tang San is relying on own Sea God's power, stimulated the Black Tortoise Shield water attribute thoroughly. For the Black Tortoise recovery. 玄武主土、水双属性。乃是龟蛇同体。此时此刻,唐三凭借着自己的海神之力,将玄武盾的水属性彻底激发了出来。是为玄武复苏。 The black that the Black Tortoise Shield surface sends out gradually turned into the dark blue, a that strange dark blue emerged ripple expands layer upon layer outward, two red glow of shield surface is a pair of snake pupil, the red light twinkle, the snake head expansion. 玄武盾表面散发出的黑色渐渐变成了暗蓝色,那奇异的暗蓝色呈现一层层波纹向外扩张,盾牌表面的两点红芒是一双蛇眸,红光闪烁,蛇头伸缩。 The giant carapace actually bloomed to burst out outward at this time, the shield in as if had changed into a diameter hundred meters giant turtle in an instant, covered above Tang San and Xiao Wu top of the head. 巨大的龟甲却在这个时候向外绽放迸发开来,盾牌在刹那间仿佛已经化为了一只直径百米的巨龟,遮挡在唐三小舞头顶上方。 Bang, bang, bang, bang and bang-” fierce thundering unceasingly crack. The prestige energy of each phoenix meteor is such terrifying. At that time, after first was pounded fell, when the Black Tortoise real recovery, again does not have the retreat half a point. “轰、轰、轰、轰、轰-”一声声剧烈的轰鸣不断炸响。每一枚凤凰流星的威能都是如此的恐怖。当时,除了第一下被砸落之后,当玄武真正复苏,却是再没有后退半分。 The brilliant phoenix flame meteor blasts out in the Black Tortoise Shield surface unceasingly, is similar to the brilliant fireworks to be generally splendid sight. The blazing ray is twisting in the sky, the light shadow of wave shape ripples unceasingly. Because of energy extremely in rupturing, therefore is divine consciousness is unable to investigate the clear situation even if. From, looked like Tang San and Xiao Wu figure is embezzled by that phoenix meteor shower completely generally. 绚烂的凤凰火焰流星在玄武盾表面不断炸开,就如同绚烂的烟花一般蔚为壮观。炽烈的光芒在天空中扭曲着,水波状的光影不断荡漾。因为能量太过于爆裂,所以哪怕是神识都无法探查清楚其中的情况。从下方看去,就像是唐三小舞的身形已经完全被那凤凰流星雨吞没了一般。 The Undying Great Monster Sovereign look has not changed, is staring at the Tang San direction, feels vast water attribute that shield is blooming, really blocked itself unexpectedly and Parasol Heavenly Fairy Sovereign strikes jointly. 不死大妖皇的眼神始终没有变化,凝视着唐三的方向,感受着那盾牌绽放出的浩瀚水属性,竟是真的挡住了自己与梧桐天精皇的联手一击。 But his attack has not stopped, Tang San had experienced so many fights, even divine tool in his time hand is powerful enough, but he must by the unceasing consumption. Consumes continually, can he shoulder? 但他的攻击并没有停止,唐三已经经历了那么多场战斗,就算他此时手中的神器足够强大,但他还是要被不断的消耗。持续消耗下去,他能一直扛得住吗? Therefore, phoenix meteor shower not only has not weakened, instead gets stronger and stronger, unceasing sponsor madness impact one after another. 所以,凤凰流星雨不但没有减弱,反而是愈演愈烈,一轮又一轮的不断发起者疯狂冲击。 Tang San is holding the hand of Xiao Wu, equally does not worry. The Black Tortoise Shield ability he too understood. That is the God Beast Black Tortoise strength. If this shield does not have his appear, then, the strength wants to recover, after needs to wait till when Falan Planet evolves to God Realm, it is stimulated.... 唐三牵着小舞的手,也同样不着急。玄武盾的能力他太了解了。那可是神兽玄武的力量。这面盾牌如果没有他的出现,那么,力量想要复苏的话,就需要等到什么时候法蓝星进化到神界之后,它才会被激发。… But now, Tang San is relying on own god position only Black Tortoise Shield inspiring, this stimulated the shield ahead of time cannot, thus makes Black Tortoise Shield bloom truly own brilliance. 而现在,唐三凭借着自己的神祇之位将玄武盾引动,这本身就是提前激发了盾牌的未能,从而让玄武盾真正绽放出属于自己的光辉。 Without this shield, wants to defeat Undying Great Monster Sovereign and Parasol Heavenly Fairy Sovereign collaborates, but also is really not easy thing, even if by him and Xiao Wu present strength, needs pay is good. After all, they just returned to God Rank, is not God King. 如果没有这面盾牌的话,想要战胜不死大妖皇梧桐天精皇联手,还真不是一件容易的事情,哪怕是以他和小舞现在的实力,也必须要有所付出才行。毕竟,他们才刚刚回到神级,还不是神王 But the Black Tortoise Shield attribute, regarding the phoenix of vermilion bird inheritance, inborn has the restraint of certain extent. Under this restraint, dealing of Tang San can be much calmer. 玄武盾的属性,对于朱雀传承的凤凰来说,天生就有着一定程度的克制。在这份克制之下,唐三的应对就能从容得多了。 As for the consumption, that has certainly, after continuing so many fights, Tang San consumption is quite big. However, the method that he restores is other Sovereign does not have. Why comes up he to open Sea God god position only to absorb power of faith? In order to restores itself well, particularly restoration in divine consciousness level. But the restoration of body bloodline power, and restoration of previous life ability, that naturally came from the tower of blue Domus Aurea life. 至于消耗,那当然是有的,经过持续这么多场战斗,唐三本身的消耗相当不小。但是,他恢复的方法却是其他皇者所不具备的。为什么一上来他就开启海神神祇之位来吸收信仰之力?就是为了能够更好地恢复自身,尤其是在神识层面上的恢复。而身体血脉之力的恢复,以及前世能力的恢复,那自然就来自于蓝金宫生命之塔了。 Tang San will not always do not studiously, he builds the blue Domus Aurea and life tower, to want, when this key uses. 唐三从来都不会做无用功,他之所以建立蓝金宫和生命之塔,就是为了要在这关键的时候动用。 Therefore, in blue Domus Aurea throughout relation on him, even if crossing tribulation had completed, he is also absorbing immortal spiritual energy of that simplified version to supplement itself through Heart of Nature as before quietly. 因此,蓝金宫中始终有一丝联系在他身上,哪怕是已经渡劫完成了,他也依旧在通过自然之心悄悄地吸收着那简化版的仙灵之气补充自身。 But all Sovereign had not discovered, what is also Tang San desirably in cover, each process fight, his strength actually noiselessly improvement point. This promotion, came from bloodline power. 而所有皇者都没发现,也是唐三刻意在掩盖的是,每经过一场战斗,他的实力其实就会悄无声息的提升一分。这份提升,正是来自于血脉之力的。 From the beginning, Tang San when cultivates Xuantian Gong to absorb bloodline's mark to strengthen itself, his bloodline's mark wants to promote not to practice to achieve through oneself, must draw support from the external force to be good. Second-level rises the third-level time, needs to look for third-level expert of same bloodlines to absorb bloodline's mark of opposite party, thus promotes own evolution. 从一开始,唐三在修炼玄天宫来吸收血脉烙印强化自身的时候,他的血脉烙印想要提升就不是通过自己修炼能够做到的,必须要借助外力才行。二级升三级的时候,需要找个同样血脉的三级强者来吸收对方的血脉烙印,从而促进自己的进化。 Therefore, even if he has become Sovereign now, oneself also restored God Rank stage cultivation base, his these bloodline's mark, even includes super bloodline, eleventh level degree. 因此,哪怕是现在他已经成为了皇者,自身也恢复了神级层次修为,他的那些血脉烙印,甚至是包括超级血脉,也都还是十一阶的程度。 However, in the battle, through contacts with these Sovereign, Tang San bloodline's mark after absorbing their bloodline aura, naturally evolved from eleventh level to twelfth level. And, most obvious after is two fights of Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign and Mammoth Great Monster Sovereign, the golden mist transformation direct transformation is twelfth level, this is the super bloodline strength. twelfth level super bloodline, had dominated above this plane. 但是,在战斗中,通过与这些位皇者的接触,唐三血脉烙印在吸收了他们的血脉气息之后,自然而然的就从十一阶进化到十二阶了。其中,最明显的就是与裂天大妖皇猛犸大妖皇的两场战斗之后,金蒙变直接蜕变为十二阶,这可是超级血脉的力量。十二阶超级血脉,本来就已经凌驾于这个位面之上了。 Therefore, Tang San after each fight, although consumes big, but his strength influencing subtly is actually promoting. Even if Heavenly Fox Great Monster Sovereign has not discovered this point. Why this was also Tang San must conduct to tread the reason that the sovereign ascended to heaven at this time. Not only to weaken Ancestral Court, to promote oneself. 所以,唐三在每场战斗之后,虽然消耗不小,但他的实力却都在潜移默化的提升着。哪怕是天狐大妖皇都没有发现这一点。这也是为什么唐三要在这个时候进行踏皇登天的原因。不只是为了削弱祖庭,也是为了提升自身。 At this time, facing Undying Great Monster Sovereign is also so, his phoenix bloodlines also need to promote! 此时,面对不死大妖皇也是如此,他的凤凰血脉也同样需要提升啊! But Xiao Wu instead does not have his these issues, after following own cultivation base promotes to Sovereign stage, the strength directly promotes to twelfth level. 小舞反而没有他这些问题,伴随着自身修为提升到皇者层次之后,实力直接就晋升到十二阶了。 Tang San basically used the previous life ability with the fight of Sovereign a moment ago, was bloodline's mark great majority that because this life cultivated has not been the twelfth level degree. 唐三刚才与皇者们的战斗基本上都是使用前世的能力,也是因为这一世所修炼的血脉烙印大多数都还没有达到十二阶的程度。 Therefore, the competition consumption, he does not fear, instead in the process of resistance phoenix bolide, absorption of unceasing noiselessly the phoenix aura in meteor. Moreover, not only also bloodline aura of undying fire phoenix lineage/vein, this time also doped dryondra fine lineage/vein aura. The phoenix roosts the parasol tree phoenix attribute to be possible compared with originally complete many. In some sense, this is also two Sovereign to combine in super bloodline that produces together, their each one is unable to cultivate super bloodline, but can actually fuse to erupt to compare favorably with the attack of super bloodline. 所以,比拼消耗,他并不惧怕,反而是在对抗凤凰火流星的过程中,不断的悄无声息的吸收着流星之中的凤凰气息。而且,还不只是原本不死火凤一脉的血脉气息,这次还掺杂了梧桐树精一脉的气息。凤栖梧桐木的凤凰属性可要比原本圆满的多。从某种意义上来说,这也是两位皇者结合在一起所产生的超级血脉,他们各自无法修炼超级血脉,但却可以融合爆发出媲美超级血脉的攻击。 Even if Tang San does not have Black Tortoise Shield, relies on golden mist transformation that promotes still to resist, but will such resist will be more difficult. Has no way bloodline's mark that swallows the bloodlines to promote also to have the means as for his present. So long as Primal Chaos' Blue-Silver Emperor completes the promotion, that all are not the issues, incited the billows other bloodline's mark to promote sufficiently together. 唐三就算是没有玄武盾,凭借着已经晋升的金蒙变也是能够抵挡的,只不过那样抵挡会更困难一些。至于他那些现在没法吞噬血脉来提升的血脉烙印也同样有办法。只要混沌蓝银皇完成晋升,那一切都不是问题,足以滋澜着其他血脉烙印共同晋升了。 The bombardment of phoenix bolide continued for dozen minutes, the entire sky seems to become burnt/anxious reckless, but Black Tortoise Shield actually stands one's ground steadfastly as before. 凤凰火流星的轰击足足持续了十几分钟的时间,整个天空都仿佛已经变得焦胡了,可玄武盾却依旧岿然不动。 When Undying Great Monster Sovereign has to withdraw the phoenix bolide by oneself catch one's breath, that giant Black Tortoise Shield surface, had turned into the dark-red, the surrounding ray emerged wave shape ripples as before, it can be imagined, under this sustained attack, the prestige that the phoenix meteor shower erupted can be terrorist. 不死大妖皇不得不撤去凤凰火流星让自己缓口气的时候,那巨大的玄武盾表面,也已经变成了暗红色,周围的光线依旧呈现水波状荡漾,可想而知,在这持续攻击之下,凤凰流星雨爆发的威能有多么恐怖了。
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