DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1171: Azure slow god claw

Do not look that his body has 500 meters high, but the eruption of this flash is actually quickly like the lightning, in the midair, as if five golden lightnings passed over gently and swiftly. Directly soars Tang San to go. 别看他的身体有五百米高,但这一瞬间的爆发却是快如闪电,半空之中,仿佛有五道金色闪电掠过。直奔唐三而去。 Void, Tang San has not dodged, but took forward one step. Treadons spatially, war trampling! 虚空中,唐三没有闪避,而是向前迈出了一步。一脚踏空,战争践踏 Bang-” in fierce bellow, the sky caves , the sharp claws of Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign were shaken unexpectedly. “轰-”剧烈的轰鸣声中,天空塌陷,裂天大妖皇的利爪竟然被震开了。 Meanwhile, around the Tang San body, an illusory light shadow melts obviously. That light shadow almost inflates instantaneously, changed into 500 meters high existence unexpectedly, that impressively is an appearance of giant ape, just like the mountain general majestic body, above has the golden-red light shadow to fill the air, without Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign that blazing blood energy, but in the strength feeling of instantaneously erupting, unexpectedly is slightly no longer under Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign. 与此同时,唐三身体周围,一层虚幻的光影显化出来。那光影几乎是瞬间膨胀,竟然也化为了五百米高的存在,那赫然是一头巨猿的模样,宛如山岳一般的雄壮身躯,上面有着一道道金红色的光影弥漫,没有裂天大妖皇那么炽烈的气血,但在瞬间爆发的力量感,竟是丝毫不再裂天大妖皇之下。 Titan giant ape! One of powerful soul ring Tang San previous life fuses, Titan giant ape is he and Xiao Wu good friend. At this time with the aid of the body of Titan giant ape, can see in that majestic light shadow body, Tang San assumes the center. 泰坦巨猿!唐三前世所融合的强大魂环之一,泰坦巨猿更是他和小舞的好友。此时借助泰坦巨猿的身躯,能够看到在那雄壮的光影身躯之内,唐三坐镇中央。 Titan giant ape in in the air runs out suddenly, an artillery fist rushes to the Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign bombardment to go. 泰坦巨猿在空中猛然冲出,一个炮拳就奔裂天大妖皇轰击而去。 Roar-” in the Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign mouth sends out angrily roars dreadfully, the sharp claws brandish, chop to the arm of Titan giant ape. “吼-”裂天大妖皇口中发出滔天怒吼,利爪挥舞,劈向泰坦巨猿的手臂。 The majestic figure of Titan giant ape in in the air, the sharp claws fails slightly. Before another sharp claws of Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign have not brandished, he in in the air actually accelerates suddenly. Before rushing to the Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign body outrageously, strong shoulder direct hit above the Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign chest. 泰坦巨猿的雄壮的身形在空中略微一顿,利爪落空。就在裂天大妖皇的另一只利爪还没有挥舞过来之前,他在空中却是陡然加速。悍然冲到了裂天大妖皇身前,强壮的肩膀直接撞击在裂天大妖皇胸膛之上。 Rumble-” in fierce bellow, Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign directly hit departed several kilometers. “轰隆隆-”剧烈的轰鸣声中,裂天大妖皇直接被撞击的飞出了数千米。 His that aggressive pupil a contraction, because of his clear feeling, the strength of this giant ape is actually not at itself under at this time. 他那凶悍的瞳孔此时也不禁一阵收缩,因为他清晰的感受到,这头巨猿的力量竟然不在自己之下。 Titan giant ape lifts the right hand, the taunt cancelled the index finger to him. 泰坦巨猿抬起右手,嘲讽的向他勾了勾食指。 Where Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign can bear this, explodes again drinks one, the body revolves, claw-blades storm erupts instantaneously. 裂天大妖皇哪里受得了这个,再次爆喝一声,身躯旋转,爪刃风暴瞬间爆发。 claw-blades storm that is put forth by this personally, absolutely it can be said that the pinnacle of this skill. Shortly, hundreds and thousands of space cracks appear in the midair, directly soar Titan giant ape to sweep across. 由这位亲自使出的爪刃风暴,绝对可以说是这个技能的极致。顷刻之间,成百上千道空间裂痕出现在半空之中,直奔泰坦巨猿席卷而来。 Titan giant ape has not tried to dodge, but is the both arms makes a joint holding movement before the body, after the left hand receives, before the right hand, pushes. 泰坦巨猿没有试图闪躲,而是双臂在身前做出一个合抱的动作,左手后收,右手前推。 But in within the body of its this huge light shadow, Tang San is also making the similar movement, without doubt, his condenses phantom that comes, in fact all during his control. 而在它这巨大光影的体内,唐三也正在做着同样的动作,无疑,他这凝聚而来的虚影,实际上全都是在他的掌控之中的。 A strong force of traction immediately appear in Titan giant ape hand. 一股强大的牵引力顿时出现在泰坦巨猿手中。 Revolving erupted claw-blades storm Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign velocity of whirl to be quick, but when he was close to Titan giant ape, only thought that a force of traction was following, did not resist his revolving, but made his revolving accelerate again. 旋转爆发着爪刃风暴裂天大妖皇本身的旋转速度就已经很快了,但当他接近泰坦巨猿的时候,只觉得一股牵引力随之而来,并不是对抗他的旋转,而是令他的旋转再次加速。 Suddenly suddenly increases over a time speed, even if by the Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign controlling force, in this flickered somewhat could not control, the figure that accelerated to revolve rotated the past toward the flank immediately, simply has not run upon Titan giant ape. 骤然暴增了一倍以上的速度,哪怕是以裂天大妖皇的控制力,在这一瞬也有些控制不住了,加速旋转的身形顿时朝着侧方转动了过去,根本没有撞上泰坦巨猿。 Tang Sect secret art, Controlling Crane Catching Dragon! 唐门绝学,控鹤擒龙 Controlling Crane Catching Dragon that is used by Titan giant ape, the huge strength of produces without a doubt is extremely powerful. 由泰坦巨猿用出的控鹤擒龙,所产生的庞大力量毫无疑问是极其强悍的。 But also at this moment, Titan giant ape raises the day to angrily roar, the right arm suddenly becomes sturdy, the terrifying strength swiftly condenses, huge oppression power made surrounding space extruded shatter in abundance. 而也就在这时,泰坦巨猿扬天怒吼,右臂骤然变得粗壮起来,恐怖的力量迅速凝聚,巨大的压迫力令周围的空间都被挤压的纷纷破碎。 Controlled own figure to finish the claw-blades storm instance in Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign reluctantly, Titan giant ape has flushed the fist vigorously, a fist rumbled. 就在裂天大妖皇勉强控制着自己的身形结束爪刃风暴的瞬间,泰坦巨猿已经一个健步冲拳,一拳轰了出去。 In an instant, the fist of Titan giant ape just like the heavy artillery to erupt generally, the entire sky in this flickers the sharp shake. 刹那间,泰坦巨猿的拳头犹如重炮一般爆发,整个天空在这一瞬都剧烈的震荡起来。 The Titan vault of heaven broken! 泰坦苍穹破! Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign only reverses the body with enough time, lets itself facing on this fist, the both arms intersect before own. Resists forcefully. 裂天大妖皇只来得及扭转身体,让自己正面对上这一拳,双臂交叉在自己身前。强行去抵挡。 Bang-” this time, the body of Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign just like the shell to be rumbled to fly generally. Departed over ten thousand meters directly. That terrifying explosive power, even made its sturdy arm make the skeleton shatter sound. “轰-”这一次,裂天大妖皇的身体犹如炮弹一般被轰飞而出。直接飞出了上万米。那恐怖的爆发力,甚至令它粗壮的手臂都发出了骨骼破碎的声音。 Although by the behemoth giant beast strong resilience, such injury is not anything, but a fist can break open the defense of Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign, obviously this attack was wild. 虽然以比蒙巨兽强大的恢复能力,这样的伤势不算什么,但一拳能够破开裂天大妖皇的防御,就可见这攻击有多么狂暴了。 Titan giant ape has not stopped, the huge body in in the air also just like the shell to erupt generally suddenly, directly soars Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign to pursue. 泰坦巨猿没有停顿,庞大的身躯在空中也犹如炮弹一般骤然爆发,直奔裂天大妖皇追了过去。 Below Sovereign have looked stupidly, meets the tough head-on with toughness with Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign directly, compared with strength and ratio close combat. What is this giant ape exists? How he also has such strength! 下方的皇者们都已经看傻了,和裂天大妖皇正面硬碰硬,比力量、比近战。这巨猿是什么存在?怎么他还有这样的力量啊! Tang San displays naturally is not the true Titan giant ape. In the body of this Titan giant ape, the basic on strength came from golden mist transformation. 唐三所施展的当然不是真正的泰坦巨猿。在这泰坦巨猿的身体里,根本上的力量是来自于金蒙变 golden mist transformation is super bloodline, ascends a height to get a broad view Sovereign along with Tang San and Xiao Wu, golden mist transformation naturally also changes under the control of Crystal Great Monster Sovereign. Tang San gets up golden mist transformation and previous life Titan giant ape soul skill to combine. Then had such close combat ability, in addition Tang Sect secret art. The giant ape meets the martial arts, no one can block. 金蒙变乃是超级血脉,伴随着唐三小舞登临皇者,金蒙变水晶大妖皇的掌控下自然也随之变化。唐三金蒙变前世的泰坦巨猿魂技结合起来。这才拥有了这样的近战能力,再加上唐门绝学。正所谓,巨猿会武术,谁也挡不住。 Rushes to the Titan giant ape before Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign body not to have half a point gaudy swinging the fist to pound. Once this close combat had the advantage, that is the violent storm general offensive erupts. 冲到裂天大妖皇身前的泰坦巨猿没有半分花哨的抡拳就砸。这种近战一旦占据了优势,那就是狂风暴雨一般的攻势爆发。 Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign can only be being tired out from the press is resisting, but in the situation in the strength not getting the advantage, his pair can rip open dragon scale the sharp claws instead to become the burden. By the Titan giant ape personal output, to the meat, hammer Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign was roared sincerely actually from the sky retreats in defeat again and again and again, an exuberant incomparable blood energy unexpectedly oppressed unceasing eruption. Even if he wants to burn own bloodline's mark by Titan giant ape thump is unable to achieve. Does not give it the time of exhaust fumes. 裂天大妖皇只能是疲于奔命的在抵挡,但在力量上不占优势的情况下,他那一双能够撕开龙鳞的利爪反而成了累赘。被泰坦巨猿贴身一阵输出,拳拳到肉,锤击的裂天大妖皇怒吼连连却是在空中节节败退,一身旺盛无比的气血竟然被压迫的不断爆发。哪怕是他想要燃烧自己的血脉烙印都被泰坦巨猿捶的无法做到。根本就不给它回气的时间。 Controlling Crane Catching Dragon under the utilization of Titan giant ape, erupted the enormous role, can always lead away the claw blade one side. Falls own fist on the Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign joint place. 控鹤擒龙在泰坦巨猿的运用下,爆发出了极大的作用,总能将爪刃引开到一旁。将自己的拳头落在裂天大妖皇的关节处。 Bang-” the double fist wild bombardment of Titan giant ape conducts the back in Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign again, even if the Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign such tyrannical body and spirit, at this moment also the blood spurts crazily. “轰-”泰坦巨猿的双拳再次狂暴的轰击在裂天大妖皇背上,哪怕是裂天大妖皇这么强横的体魄,这一刻也不禁鲜血狂喷而出。 Titan giant ape right hand finds out suddenly, in this flickers, his arm turned into green-blue suddenly, gigantic scales drill from the skin, front palm turned into the sharp claws suddenly. 泰坦巨猿右手骤然探出,在这一瞬,他的手臂突然变成了青碧色,一块块硕大的鳞片从皮肤下钻出,前端的手掌骤然变成了利爪。 At this time, by Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign of continuous attack, oneself behemoth giant beast strong defensive power was almost broken by the fist of Titan giant ape, the bone did not know many roots. 此时,被连续攻击的裂天大妖皇,自身比蒙巨兽强大的防御力几乎都被泰坦巨猿的拳头破掉了,骨头都不知道断了多少根。 When Tang San this claw grasps, immediately, before Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign originally , the figure that throws suddenly becomes slow, looked like changed into slow motion in the midair. But the sharp claws of that green-blue truly grasp suddenly into from its sturdy nape. 唐三这一爪抓出的时候,顿时,裂天大妖皇原本前扑的身形突然变得迟缓起来,就像是在半空之中化为了慢动作似的。而那青碧色的利爪确实从它粗壮的后颈骤然抓入。 The sharp claws punctured the golden hair, punctured the skin, grasped into the Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign nape of the neck directly. In an instant blood light collapse present. 利爪刺破了金色的毛发,刺破了皮肤,直接抓入了裂天大妖皇的脖颈之内。刹那间血光崩现。 Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign madness wants to struggle, but, the central nervous system was held, even if Sovereign is impossible to struggle in this moment. 裂天大妖皇疯狂的想要挣扎,但是,中枢神经被抓住,哪怕是皇者在这一刻也不可能挣扎的了。 This was to combine the azure slow god claw of time ring. Comes from Tang San previous life another strong soul ring ability, the day Dawn Mills brand python. 这是结合时光指环的天青迟钝神爪。来自于唐三前世另一个强大的魂环能力,天青牛蟒。 Titan giant ape is proposing the Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign huge body, next one flickers, the terrifying claw glow has stirred to break to pieces the Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign central nervous system, is as for its divine consciousness sea. 泰坦巨猿提着裂天大妖皇庞大的身躯,下一瞬,恐怖的爪芒已经搅碎了裂天大妖皇的中枢神经,乃至于它的神识之海 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” In the sky, blood-color thunder fill the air, blood rain again pouring, compared with it previous, wants violent many. But that 500 meters high Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign actually gradually contracts in Titan giant ape hand, finally contracts to about 25 meters altitude, soft thump on Titan giant ape. This is the Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign genuine main body. 天空中,一道道血色雷霆弥漫,血雨再次倾盆而下,比之先前,更要猛烈的多。而那五百米高的裂天大妖皇却在泰坦巨猿手中逐渐收缩,最终收缩到二十五米左右的高度,软软的捶在泰坦巨猿手上。这才是裂天大妖皇真正的本体。 Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign, falls! 裂天大妖皇,陨! Below Sovereign have been completely silent, by this time, they seemed to have lost the ability of speech. 下方的皇者们早已是鸦雀无声,到了这个时候,他们似乎连说话的能力都已经丧失了。 Before what if their in the heart were more is angry, then, now more fears. 如果说,之前他们心中更多的是愤怒,那么,现在更多的就已经是恐惧了。
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