DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1170: white tiger Heaven Splitting

Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign divine consciousness sea starts the rapid breakage under the impacts of these divine soul, the unceasing appear breakage trace gradually expands, many divine soul impacts are also following. During that pitiful yell, divine soul unceasing shatter, is erupting the peak Sovereign stage aura unceasingly, but passed through does not have any significance in this time actually oneself. 摄魂天精皇神识之海在这些神魂的冲击下开始迅速的破损,不断出现的破损痕迹逐步扩大,更多的神魂冲击也随之而来。在那声声惨叫之中,神魂不断的破碎,不断的爆发着巅峰皇者层次的气息,但在这个时候却都己经没有任何意义了。 , Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign starts the seven orifices hemorrhage gradually, own aura also becomes more and more weak. Unceasing distortion of body in midair. As if has anything to from his within the body clash. 渐渐地,摄魂天精皇开始七窍出血,自身的气息也变得越来越微弱。身体在半空之中不断的扭曲起来。仿佛有什么东西要从他体内冲出来似的。 Finally, when his flash of body completely solidification, next quarter, his head already " bang " blasts out. divine consciousness sea radical rupturing. 终于,当他的身体完全凝固的一瞬间,下一刻,他的头颅已经「砰」的一声炸开。神识之海彻底爆裂。 The sky turned into the blood-color again, the blood rain heavy rain, but divine soul that broke open Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign divine consciousness sea numerously bathes under the Tang San sacred light dissipates gradually. In the process of dissipation, they also made the movement of kneeling down and bow respect with both hands clasped toward Tang San. 天空再次变成了血色,血雨瓢泼,而那众多撑破了摄魂天精皇神识之海神魂则是沐浴在唐三的神圣之光下渐渐消散。在消散的过程中,它们还都朝着唐三做出了下拜的动作。 The following Sovereign complexions become even more ugly, because not only the Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign death made them have the fearful and apprehensive feeling. Also because of the wickedness of Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, lets their no sympathies at the same time, deep hatred. 下面的皇者们一个个脸色变得越发难看起来,不只是因为摄魂天精皇的死让他们有了心惊胆战的感觉。同时也是因为摄魂天精皇的恶,让他们毫无同情的同时,又深深的憎恶。 However, numerous Sovereign the heart is heavy at this time, three, this is third Sovereign that today died. 但是,众位皇者此时心头都沉甸甸的,三位了,这已经是今天死去的第三位皇者了。 If wanted become a Sovereign also to need to occupy the position of sovereign before, the throne that then, empties now actually seemed like oneself to pass through some to be too much. 如果说之前想要成皇还需要占皇之位,那么,现在空出来的皇位却似乎己经有些过多了。 Falling from the sky of consecutively three Sovereign, in addition beforehand Dark Demon Great Monster Sovereign and Diamond Heavenly Fairy Sovereign. Oneself after having falling from the sky of five Sovereign are concerned with this human at present. Without a doubt, this oneself after being able be said as the Ancestral Court in history biggest disaster. But all these are still continuing, had not finished! 连续三位皇者的陨落,再加上之前的暗魔大妖皇金刚天精皇。己经有五位皇者的陨落与眼前这个人类有关。毫无疑问,这己经可以说是祖庭有史以来最大的灾难。而这一切还在继续,还没有结束啊! Tang San shifts to, shifts to the Great Monster Sovereign direction, " White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign, on please. " 唐三转向下方,转向大妖皇的方向,「白虎大妖皇,请上。」 Yes, according to the order, this/should must be one's turn White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign. 是的,按照顺序,该要轮到白虎大妖皇了。 White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign look complex looks at in the air Tang San, the next quarter, he has soared, arrived at Tang San front not far away. The back pair of giant wing opens, in an instant, murderous intention is ordinary just like hiding the sky and covering the earth, changes into endless slaughters the domain and Tang San covers. 白虎大妖皇眼神复杂的看着空中的唐三,下一刻,他已是腾空而起,来到了唐三前方不远处。背后一双巨大的翅膀张开,刹那间,杀机宛如遮天蔽日一般,化为无尽的杀戮领域将自身和唐三笼罩其中。 The Tang San to praise sighed: " Grandfather very powerful murderous aura of! " Under slaughtering covering of domain, below Sovereign cannot hear their sounds. 唐三不禁赞叹道:「外公好强的杀气啊!」在杀戮领域的笼罩下,下方的皇者根本听不到他们的声音。 " How many prepared to kill to finish? " The White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign sinking sound asked. 「准备杀多少才结束?」白虎大妖皇沉声问道。 Tang San said: " Should kill killed, finished. I kill, is hostile to human or is Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign this extremely wicked generation. he, died in oneself hand, was not I wants to kill him. " 唐三道:「把应该杀的都杀了,就结束了。我杀的,都是敌视人类或者是摄魂天精皇这种极恶之辈。刚才的他,是死在自己手中,并不是我想杀他。」 White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign was silent. 白虎大妖皇沉默了。 Tang San has not spoken, he understands, this is some like grieve for like. 唐三没有吭声,他明白,这位是有些兔死狐悲的。 " Oh 11 " White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign heaved a deep sigh, " did Tang San, know? Initially you said for the first time must bring I left this plane the time, I have not actually believed. But on you shows mysterious truly makes me surprised, for little Mei, I am willing to shelter in you. Actually without thinking, after the so short time, you have taken to me such big surprised. Come, since you must tread the sovereign to ascend to heaven, I must representative Sovereign whole-heartedly fight. The matter of today, can you have confidence? " 「唉一一」白虎大妖皇长叹一声,「唐三,知道吗?当初你第一次说要带我离开这个位面的时候,我其实是没那么相信的。但你身上所展现出的神奇确实让我惊讶,为了小美,我愿意庇护于你。却没想到,在如此短暂的时间之后,你就已经带给我如此之大的一场惊讶。来吧,既然你要踏皇登天,我总要全力以赴的代表皇者而战。今日之事,你可有把握?」 " Has, the grandfather felt relieved. " Tang San smiles was saying. 「有的,外公放心。」唐三微笑着说道。 White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign gravely said: " In any event, cannot implicate little Mei. Undying Great Monster Sovereign I found that he not possible attitude like me to you, later he and Parasol Heavenly Fairy Sovereign collaboration, as well as Celestial Sun and Earthly Yin two Heavenly Fairy Sovereign jointly is you biggest difficulty. Must be extremely careful. " 白虎大妖皇沉声道:「无论如何,不能连累小美不死大妖皇我了解的,他不可能像我这样的态度对你,稍后他与梧桐天精皇的联手,以及天阳地阴两位天精皇的联手将会是你们最大的难关。一定要慎之又慎。」 " I understand. Grandfather, please 11 " Tang San make a hand signal of invitation to White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign. 「我明白。外公,请一一」唐三白虎大妖皇做出一个请的手势。 The White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign eyes narrow the eyes, the next quarter, oneself have erupted the startled day the imposing manner. Powerful murderous intention sets out in in the air, swooped toward Tang San instantaneously. 白虎大妖皇双眼微眯,下一刻,自身已经爆发出惊天的气势。强盛的杀机空气中进发,瞬间就朝着唐三飞扑了过去。 White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign has not used any divine tool, according to rule that treading the sovereign ascends to heaven, all Sovereign of meeting head-on must whole-heartedly, but had not actually stipulated whether draws support from the external object, he does not have. His offensive is seemingly fierce, truly was whole-heartedly, but, the fighting will was actually not true. But battle style of his lineage/vein, the fighting will is actually especially important. 白虎大妖皇没有动用任何神器,按照踏皇登天的规则,所有迎战的皇者必须要全力以赴,但却没有规定是否借助外物,他没有。他的攻势看上去凶猛无比,确实是全力以赴了,但是,战斗意志却并非如此。而他这一脉的战斗方式,战斗意志却是尤为重要。 This war , to continue 这一战,足足持续 Ten minutes, front the time that every conducts must be longer. Finally, when White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign a Tang San fist bang returns to the ground, he spouts a blood, " I lost! " 了十分钟之久,比前面的每一场进行的时间都要更长。最终,当白虎大妖皇唐三一拳轰回地面时,他喷出一口鲜血,「我输了!」 Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign vision ice-cold looks to White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign, coldly said: " Are you delaying the time for him? Let time that he has to restore? " 裂天大妖皇目光冰冷的看向白虎大妖皇,冷冷的道:「你在为他拖延时间?让他有恢复的工夫?」 White Tiger Great Monster Sovereign was also looked at his one eyes that coldly, these two ranking close Sovereign, itself related is not harmonious. 白虎大妖皇也是冷冷的看了他一眼,这两位排名相近的皇者,本身关系就不怎么和睦。 " Your group of you come! " Spoke these words, no longer pays attention to the opposite party, sits cross-legged is sitting down same place, closes eyes meditation therapy. 「你行你来!」说完这句话,就不再理会对方,盘膝在原地坐下,闭目冥想疗伤。 Airborne Tang San, seems like with beforehand and does not have any difference, his vision also fell on Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign. 空中的唐三,看起来和之前并没有什么区别,他的目光随之落在了裂天大妖皇身上。 " According to sorting, this/should you. Since you questioned him, that made numerous Sovereign have a look, how you were fight with me. " 「按照排序,该你了。你既然质疑他,那就让众位皇者看看,你是如何与我战斗的。」 That side Fairy Race, Parasol Heavenly Fairy Sovereign had bound with Undying Great Monster Sovereign, but Undying Great Monster Sovereign above Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign ranking. Therefore, although Monster Race Sovereign had just gone to battle, but next actually here Sovereign. 精怪族那边,梧桐天精皇已经和不死大妖皇绑定了,而不死大妖皇又在裂天大妖皇排名之上。所以,虽然妖怪族刚刚有一位皇者出战过了,但下一位却还是这边的皇者 Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign coldly snorted, " junior, makes you die without the burial ground today. " 裂天大妖皇冷哼一声,「小辈,今日就让你死无葬身之地。」 At the same time saying, him has not been soaring, is in same place, the body actually rises suddenly suddenly. The golden hair drilled from the skin, broke open the clothes, the big and tall figure unceasingly became more grandiose. The terrifying aura also erupts. 一边说着,他没有腾空而起,身在原地,身躯却是骤然暴涨。金色的毛发从皮肤下钻出,撑破了衣服,魁伟的身形不断变得更加壮硕。恐怖的气息也随之爆发而出。 Dragon, wind and ratio ignorant/veiled. Monster Race three big strong clans. Even can also be said as the three big strong clans on Monster-Fairy Continent. As most expert of behemoth giant beast lineage/vein, only Sovereign, the Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign strength is extremely powerful. Has to attack the first, land invincible name. 龙、风、比蒙。妖怪族三大强族。甚至也可以说是妖精大陆上的三大强族。作为比蒙巨兽一脉的最强者,唯一的皇者,裂天大妖皇的实力是极其强悍的。有攻击第一、陆地无敌之称。 Wild bloodline aura madness surges, in an instant, height on oneself after selecting for promotion over about 500 meters. The huge figure, has incomparably intense blood energy fluctuation, day after day in the air the blood rain by transpiration to become blood fog in in the air is still scattered in lightly is having instantaneously. 狂暴的血脉气息疯狂涌动,转眼间,身高就己经拔升到了超过五百米开外。巨大的身形,带着无比强烈的气血波动,连天空中还在淅淅沥沥下着的血雨都在瞬间被蒸腾成血雾在空气中飘散。 Until at this moment, its huge body soars, in the Tang San oppression toward sky goes. blood energy fluctuation that one erupt, just like the flaming volcano is ordinary, before a pair of sturdy incomparable arm, springs the giant claw blade. Even if has not wielded, the place visited, in the air also left behind space shatter fissures. 直到此刻,它那庞大的身躯才腾空而起,朝着天空中的唐三压迫而去。自身爆发出的气血波动,犹如熊熊火山一般,一双粗壮无比的手臂前端,弹出巨大的爪刃。哪怕还没有挥动,所过之处,空中也留下了一道道空间破碎的裂痕。 Very powerful! 好强! In the Tang San heart nearly did not acclaim. 唐三心中也不近赞叹。 Beforehand Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign divine consciousness is no doubt powerful, at present this theory divine consciousness has definitely been inferior, but Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign blood energy was really exuberant, at least current Dragon Clan cannot in comparison. 之前的摄魂天精皇固然神识强大,眼前这位论神识肯定是有所不如的,但裂天大妖皇气血实在是太旺盛了,至少目前的龙族都没有能够与之相比的。 So strong and exuberant blood energy, Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign releases these divine soul perhaps is very difficult even nearly his body, under such exuberant blood energy protection, Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign wants to control him to estimate that can achieve reluctantly, but is unable to be lasting absolutely. 如此浓烈而旺盛的气血,摄魂天精皇就算是释放出那些神魂恐怕都很难近他的身,在这样旺盛的气血守护之下,摄魂天精皇想要掌控他估计勉强能够做到,但绝对无法持久。 But in controlling his process, can break opens this defense? behemoth giant beast, an attack and defense body, the land did not say invincibly. 而在掌控他的过程中,能够破的开这位的防御吗?比蒙巨兽,攻防一体,陆地无敌可不是说说的。 No wonder Solar Empire was being suppressed by Heavenly Universal Empire throughout. Even if did not have Crystal Great Monster Sovereign such existence, relied on heavenly fox, not dead lives in the Solar Empire aspect that Heaven Splitting these three Great Monster Sovereign can also shock. 难怪日辰帝国始终都被天宇帝国压制着。哪怕是没有了水晶大妖皇这样的存在,凭借着天狐、不死、裂天这三位大妖皇也能震慑的住日辰帝国方面了。 " Junior, come. " Splitting the Heavens Great Monster Sovereign explodes drinks one, next one flickers, oneself burst out golden-red light fog, that is his power of blood energy, blood energy passes the body, has the embodiment effect directly. Meanwhile, right claw oneself after wields like lightning, directly soars Tang San to strike to go. 「小辈,来吧。」裂天大妖皇爆喝一声,下一瞬,自身就迸发出一层金红色的光雾,那是他的气血之力,气血透体而出,直接有着具象化的效果。与此同时,右爪己经闪电般挥出,直奔唐三拍击而去。
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