DD5ROTS :: Volume #12

#1169: divine soul backlashes, to calls back the soul of the deceased wickedly

Usually does not show one's self, always looks the smile Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, at this time showed own ominous prestige. His behind eye quantity has big dozens fully, in other words, in the past several hundred years, at least had Great Monster King and Great Fairy King of various big dozens clans to fall from the sky in his hands. 平时不显山不露水,总是面露笑容的摄魂天精皇,此时展现出了自己的凶威。他身后的眼睛数量足有大几十个,也就是说,在过去的数百年时间里,至少有大几十位各族的大妖王大精王陨落在他手中。 Arrived eleventh level this stage, expert will close up frequently, some close up inadequately, is unable to continue to promote cultivation base, naturally falls from the sky is also the normal condition. But missing eleventh level expert also has with no reason at all. Places for several hundred years, also has not caused Ancestral Court too pays attention. But at this moment, this one erupts own background at present, so many eleventh level the strength of divine soul centralized on him, if in the situation of eruption, ranks compared with he Sovereign near the top full power even, can be his opponent? This may be very difficult to say! 到了十一阶这个层次,强者们经常会闭关,有的闭关不成,无法继续提升修为,自然陨落也是正常情况。而无缘无故失踪的十一阶强者也有一些。放在数百年的时间里,也没有引起祖庭的太多关注。而此时此刻,眼前这位一下爆发出了自身的底蕴,这么多十一阶神魂之力集中在他身上,如果是在全力爆发的情况下,就算是排名比他更靠前的皇者们,能是他的对手么?这可很难说啊! Áng-” the low and deep dragon's roar sound gets up, but these actually does not resound from Tang San time, but came from Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign. “昂-”低沉的龙吟声响起,但这一次却不是从唐三身上响起的,而是来自于摄魂天精皇 Behind Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, a pair of giant eye pupil shines suddenly, next one flickers, a gigantic dragon shadow on also appear. 摄魂天精皇背后,一双巨大的眼瞳突然亮起,下一瞬,一条硕大的龙影就随之出现了。 That is an all over the body jet black big dragon, Dark Demon Dragon, moreover from the figure, has reached the eleventh level peak degree unexpectedly. The divine soul aura that although knowledge divine soul phantom, but in this moment, it blooms participated to occupy of war of sovereign on behalf of Dark Demon Dragon lineage/vein compared with it to have no time initially to let much. 那是一头通体漆黑的巨龙,暗黑魔龙,而且从身形上来看,竟是已经达到了十一阶巅峰的程度。虽然知识神魂虚影,但在这一刻,它所绽放出的神魂气息比之当初代表暗黑魔龙一脉参加占皇之战的那位都不遑多让。 This Dark Demon Dragon phantom hit the past toward the Tang San body directly, Dark Demon Dragon was good at corroding especially, in strength of divine soul was also same. 暗黑魔龙虚影直接就朝着唐三的身躯撞击了过去,暗黑魔龙尤其擅长腐蚀,在神魂之力方面也是一样。 In order to defeated the opponent, Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign cannot attend to exposing itself at this time. While controlling the body of Tang San, initiates immediately fatally struck. 为了能够击败对手,摄魂天精皇此时也顾不得暴露自身了。趁着掌控了唐三的身体,立刻发起了致命一击。 He not does not want the Tang San thorough control, even swallows its divine soul, but before Tang San , the strength that shows is too strong, Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign can cultivation today, controlled the souls of so many expert, relied on is a low key is steady, will not easily take risk. Therefore, he rather gives up this letting the soul of his mouth dripping with greed Sovereign, must erupt full power, first Tang San heavy losses. If after the heavy losses, has the opportunity to swallow its divine soul, acts again also with enough time. 他并不是不想将唐三彻底掌控,甚至是吞噬其神魂,但唐三之前展现出的实力太强,摄魂天精皇能够修炼到今天,掌控了这么多强者之魂,凭借的就是一个低调稳健,绝不会轻易冒险。所以,他宁可放弃这让他馋涎欲滴的皇者之魂,也要全力爆发,先将唐三重创。如果重创之后还有机会吞噬其神魂的话,再出手也来得及。 Really made him swallow the soul of Sovereign, then, Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign likely became most powerful Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, even was most powerful Sovereign. 真让他吞噬了皇者之魂,那么,摄魂天精皇就很可能一跃成为最强大的天精皇,甚至是最强大的皇者了。 Therefore, at this moment, his heart also becomes earnest. 所以,这一刻,他的心也不禁随之变得热切起来。 However, this earnest, turned into the delay in the next quarter. 但是,这份热切,在下一刻就变成了呆滞。 Tang San that turned into the purple double pupil, two purple-gold rays almost explode to shoot instantaneously. Because controlled the opponent, releases Dark Demon Dragon to prepare Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign that gives Tang San to strike fatally in this to flicker just slightly relaxes. 唐三那变成了紫色的双眸之中,两道紫金色的光芒几乎是瞬间爆射而出。而因为掌控了对手,又释放出暗黑魔龙准备给予唐三致命一击的摄魂天精皇在这一瞬刚好略有放松。 Tang San behind, huge golden light shadow almost appears simultaneously, power of faith madness that the in the air gathering comes accelerates, converges to that golden light shadow. 唐三身后,一道巨大的金色光影几乎是同时显现而出,空气中汇聚而来的信仰之力疯狂加速,向那金色光影汇入。 The hit was almost will change into the black smoke to vanish in in the air to Tang San the strength of Dark Demon Dragon divine soul shortly. Meanwhile, Tang San that sprayed to have zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang purple-gold divine light also to shine above Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign divine consciousness fully. 撞击向唐三暗黑魔龙神魂之力几乎是顷刻之间就在空气中化为黑烟消失了。与此同时,唐三那足足喷射出足有丈许长的紫金色神光也是照耀在了摄魂天精皇神识之上。 „-” A pitiful yell resounds from the Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign mouth. “啊-”一声惨叫从摄魂天精皇口中响起。 His body is almost instantaneously attacked flying upside down backward, in the eyes is the blood light bursts out, a pair of eyeball explodes unexpectedly instantaneously. 他的身体几乎是瞬间就被冲击的向后倒飞而出,双眼内更是血光迸发,一双眼珠竟是瞬间爆裂。 This sudden counter-attack, let alone is Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign, even if following numerous Sovereign looked dull. 这突如其来的反击,别说是摄魂天精皇自己,就算是下面的众位皇者们都看呆了。 Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign erupts so many divine soul suddenly, the enhancement calling back the soul of the deceased technique cannot, launch the domineering attack again. How to see that should at least get the winning side, has not actually thought that instead was actually killed by Tang San suddenly. 摄魂天精皇突然爆发出那么多神魂,增强摄魂术的未能,再发起强势攻击。怎么看都应该至少占据上风,却没想到却被唐三突然反杀。 purple-gold ray that in that eye pupil projects, even made below Sovereign feel among divine consciousness appear instantaneous absent-minded. Although they do not know that what strength that is, but without a doubt is the eruption of divine consciousness. Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign has promoted Sovereign peak stage divine consciousness unable to resist unexpectedly, was broken through the defense line directly. 那眼瞳之中射出的紫金色光芒,甚至让下方的皇者们都感觉到神识之间出现了瞬间的恍惚。虽然他们也不知道那是什么样的力量,但毫无疑问是神识的爆发。摄魂天精皇已经提升到了皇者巅峰层次神识竟然没能抵挡得住,直接就被攻破了防线。 The pitiful yell sound is sad and shrill, but in Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign is reappearing behind that eye is instantaneous appear the turbulence. 惨叫声凄厉,而在摄魂天精皇身后浮现着的那一只只眼睛更是瞬间出现了动荡。 Also at this moment, the eyes had restored pure brightness Tang San, raised sacred dragon spear/gun in hand. An orange golden color ray ripples, the sacred light shines. 也就在这时,双眼已经恢复了清明的唐三,举起了手中的神圣龙枪。一圈橙金色光芒荡漾而出,神圣之光普照。 Under that sacred ray covers, Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign behind that only represented the eye of divine soul is looking like lives generally, sad and shrill divine soul angrily roared, these eyes all changed into phantom unexpectedly, madness threw to Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign. The impact of madness his body and his divine consciousness, are worrying all that can destroy. 在那神圣的光芒笼罩之下,摄魂天精皇身后的那一只只代表着神魂的眼睛就像是活过来了一般,一声声凄厉的神魂怒吼中,那些眼睛竟是全都化为了一道道虚影,疯狂的向摄魂天精皇扑了过去。疯狂的冲击着他的身体、他的神识,撕咬着所能破坏的一切。 In these light shadow, there is Dragon Clan, to have Phoenix Monster Race, even Heavenly Fox Clan has. Also not deficient Fairy Race, Flaming Sunflower Fairy Clan, Nether Moonflower Fairy Clan, Diamond Fairy Clan and colored glaze fine clan numerous first rank bloodline races have almost appear. As if this Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign has the fondness of collection to be the same, overwhelming majority powerful bloodlines, appear in these divine soul phantom. 在那些光影之中,有龙族、有妖族,甚至连天狐族都有。也不缺乏精怪族,烈阳花精族冥月花精族金刚精族、琉璃精族众多一级血脉的种族几乎都有出现。仿佛是这摄魂天精皇本身就有收藏的癖好一般,绝大多数强大的血脉,都出现在了这些神魂虚影之中。 This looks below numerous Sovereign complexions to be pale. Originally own clansman, had been poached by this fellow unexpectedly. 这一幕看得下方的众位皇者们都不禁脸色铁青。原来自己的族人,竟然都被这家伙偷猎过。 Said Dark Demon Great Monster Sovereign to be evil, but compared with this, has several points of feeling dwarfed flavor at present. 都说暗魔大妖皇邪恶,但和眼前这位相比,却有着几分小巫见大巫的味道。 But these Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign powerful background, totally have actually become his curse in this moment. Attack of madness Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign. 而这些摄魂天精皇的强大底蕴,在这一刻却已经完全成为了他的催命符。疯狂的攻击着摄魂天精皇 It that divine soul suffered the heavy losses, in mouth unceasing exudes to shout, desperate reassignment own divine consciousness' power resists the strength that these backlash. 本就神魂受到重创的它,口中不断的发出一声声嘶吼,拼命的调动自己的神识之力去对抗这些反噬的力量。 But this is not two backlash, but was these is imprisoned by him does not know that many years divine soul backlashed together. These detained divine soul backlashes fierce so. 但这不是一个两个的反噬,而是那些被他禁锢了不知道多少年的神魂一起反噬。这些被拘禁的神魂反噬起来是如此的凶猛。 Before even if were resisted Tang San the time, he also used golden mammoth and Dark Demon Dragon these two types does not have Sovereign first rank bloodline divine soul, for did not trigger other Sovereign angers. But Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign has not actually thought that own cautious actually all affected at this time on oneself. 之前哪怕是对抗唐三的时候,他也只是使用了黄金猛犸暗黑魔龙这两种已经没有了皇者一级血脉神魂,为的就是不引起其他皇者的愤怒。但摄魂天精皇却没想到,自己的小心翼翼在这个时候却全都作用在了自己身上。 Looks at his time pitiful condition, even if the Tang San complexion became dignified several points. 看着他此时的惨状,就算是唐三的脸色都变得凝重了几分。 Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign has eventually dread, what dreaded is other Sovereign, otherwise , he if comes up to erupt completely the strength of these divine soul, does not hesitate all launches the attack to oneself, just restored God Rank really somewhat to be troublesome. 摄魂天精皇终究还是有所忌惮的,忌惮的是其他皇者,否则的话,他如果一上来就将这些神魂之力全部爆发出来,不惜一切的向自己发起攻击,才刚刚恢复神级的自己还真有些麻烦。 The strength of so numerous divine soul also erupt, can the boundary promotion of Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign to Great Monster Sovereign above, touch the peak in this world absolutely, even exceeds. Such although will bring in engaging in factional strife of plane, but in can actually erupt extremely terrifying divine consciousness' power instantaneously. Tang San can resist even, must pay a big price to be good. 如此众多的神魂之力同时爆发,绝对能够将摄魂天精皇的境界提升到大妖皇之上,触摸到这个世界的顶端,甚至是超越。那样虽然会引来位面的倾轧,但在瞬间却能爆发出极其恐怖的神识之力唐三就算能对抗,也要付出不小的代价才行。 As once a generation of God King, when Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign releases these are detaining the eye of strength of divine soul, Tang San had understood his calling back the soul of the deceased technique what's the matter. 身为曾经的一代神王,在摄魂天精皇释放出那些拘禁着神魂之力的眼睛时,唐三就已经明白了他这摄魂术是怎么回事了。 Therefore, he first pretended to be controlled by the opposite party, little enticed Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign to launch the attack, simultaneously oneself are also compressing and continuing divine consciousness' power. 所以,他第一时间就装作是被对方掌控了,一点点的勾引着摄魂天精皇发起攻击,同时自己也在压缩和继续神识之力 When Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign control him two times, Tang San divine consciousness had actually saved the sufficient strength, seeks flash that the opposite party exposes weaknesses, Purple Demon Eyes eruption. 摄魂天精皇二次掌控他的时候,唐三神识其实已经积蓄了足够的力量,寻找对方露出破绽的一瞬间,紫极魔瞳爆发。 On the divine consciousness intensity, Tang San is the True God, his divine consciousness is, therefore, even if Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign that the has god position institute only supports erupts all detention the strength of divine soul , can only has the impact of divine consciousness level to Tang San, actually not possible the Tang San control. The original function of calling back the soul of the deceased technique is unable to produce. 神识强度,唐三已经是真神,他的神识是有神祇之位所支持的,所以,哪怕是摄魂天精皇将所有拘禁的神魂之力爆发出来,对唐三也只能是产生神识层面的冲击,却不可能将唐三控制。摄魂术的本来作用是无法产生的。 But at this moment, under the powerful offensive of Purple Demon Eyes, his divine consciousness sea was broken open a giant slit directly, Tang San seized the chance to stimulate these detained divine soul by the sacred strength. Backlash of these divine soul madness, naturally becomes Soul Absorption Heavenly Fairy Sovereign the soul of dying. 而此时此刻,在紫极魔瞳的强大攻击下,他的神识之海直接就被破开了一道巨大的缝隙,唐三趁机以神圣之力激发那些被拘禁的神魂。这些神魂疯狂的反噬,也自然就成为了摄魂天精皇的绝命之魂。
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